Furry news.

Started by Tapewolf, May 19, 2008, 01:58:16 PM

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I'm not demanding respect, I'm requesting you dont write a full page rant about how "OMG he is troll!1! lets flame him!!11!elventyone." I don't want to get banned because people flamed me for trying to flee the battle with a little dignity intact. I'm not going out of my way to make you look like a complete arse hat, and I wish you could do the same. Also, your priorities may be sewed when you research exact numbers on a trivial matter that in the big picture doesn't matter. This is my last post in this thread bacause, as afformentioned, I dont want to get banned for creating a flame war.


Straight up buddy, the problem is you gave out a statistic that you apparently just pulled out of your ass, and then went on to tell people not to correct you. If you're going to enter a debate, it might behoove you to get your facts straight beforehand, instead of just throwing a number out there. Especially if it's something, as Valynth just proved, that can easily be found via the interwebs.
Also, gotta point out that if you don't want to be involved in a flame war, you should avoid being the first one to throw out personal insults. :>




Quote from: shadowterm on May 26, 2008, 12:34:17 AM
I'm not demanding respect
Quote from: shadowterm on May 25, 2008, 11:33:27 PM
(Not verified, not going to be verified, so don't post with a correction, ESPECIALLY if your just going to ridicule me.)

You ORDERED me to not do something.  I only obey the orders of those I respect.  Therefore you demanded my respect.  You're simply not going to get it that way.

The mods have EARNED my respect by knowing when to involve their powers, when to chastise, and when to kick back and let the flames of war burn while drinking a beverage of their choice.  They're very good at what they do.

Certain members of this forum have EARNED my respect by at least researching to some degree about what they're talking about or just talking about what is available in the linked article and speculating on that.

You on the other hand, got throughly bent out of shape over nothing, threw out a statistic on something that had no relation to the thread, never explained HOW it related to the thread, and demanded that I obey your will thus showing respect for you.

Needless to say, I will not respect you.  And now I'll probably NEVER respect you.

Quote from: shadowterm on May 26, 2008, 12:34:17 AM
I'm requesting you dont write a full page rant about how "OMG he is troll!1! lets flame him!!11!elventyone." I

"Don't do this"  isn't a request, it's a demand.

Quote from: shadowterm on May 26, 2008, 12:34:17 AM
I don't want to get banned because people flamed me for trying to flee the battle with a little dignity intact.

I don't think they've banned for being flamed...  Excessive flaming on the other hand...

Also, belting out ammunition for your case is hardly a retreat.  Retreating would be the option called "Do not post."

I could go on, but you've already been chastised by a mod so I'll leave at that before I receive my own condamnation.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Hmmm...the .01% animal is within the egg shell/membrane, right? What does that information control? Being the coating of the egg, does it involve eggs/reproduction? Maybe it would simply change hair length/color? Would it screw up something vital? Would it remove/introduce limiters(see ligers and tigon sizes)? All this assumes that it would be possible for it to develop. And while .01% doesn't sound like alot, the body has so many little things working together ya can't help but wonder if it would reconstruct your processes.
Hooray ellipsis!

Victoire Épique

This thread suddenly became a whole lot more fun while I was offline. :>
Maybe I should log off more often.