at the risk of sounding angtsy and stupid

Started by GabrielsThoughts, May 14, 2008, 11:50:06 PM

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exactly what is the limit on the number of project threds one can have open at a given time?

This quetion reltes to the tower of art as well as outer fortress. why is it a dilemma to have redundant treads or opening more than one news gathering and information thread  or having individual projects?

Related Complaint:   For instance three of my treads in the tower of art were amalgomised because they were giving Z-cat a headache, even though Santa VS The Chiplets ( a comic, game design project, and now movie)  was a separate project that was  independent from "a grim tragedy" which will become it's own flash animation project. as for the other thread that was amalgomised, Had I known five weeks earlier that I was  going to incorporated it it into NIO I might not have forgotten about it. people rarely comment on my art threads anyway so I really didn't see it as an issue.   
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


I merged all the threads because you had FIVE art threads on the main page, two of which were just one picture.  I kept one of the project threads separate, since you were still updating it on a regular basis. I had no idea if "Santa VS The Chiplets"  was an ongoing project or not, and there was no indication that "A Grim Tragedy" was an ongoing project or not.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 14, 2008, 11:50:06 PM
Had I known five weeks earlier that I was  going to incorporated it it into NIO I might not have forgotten about it.
But you did forget about it. It isn't the moderators job to remind you to update your project, it is your own.

Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on May 14, 2008, 11:50:06 PM
people rarely comment on my art threads anyway so I really didn't see it as an issue.   
The issue was that you kept starting new art threads for misc. pictures, as opposed to keeping it all in one art thread. Like I said, you had five art threads on the main art page. I merged four of them. Two were random pictures that did not need their own thread. One was a script with absolutely no indication that it was an ongoing project, at least not as far as I could see. Correct me if I'm wrong. It doesn't really matter, since you just admitted you had forgotten about it. I merged the Chiplet's thread because I didn't know if it was completed or not. If you want it separated, I can do that.

As for a limit, there really isn't one, as long as you consistently update your project threads. Tapewolf, for example, has several threads for his projects, but he updates them on a regular basis. This is acceptable. Starting a new thread because you found an old piece of artwork is not.

Finally, if you have a complaint, you could try PMing a moderator or admin. You would most likely gotten a polite response. If you had just PMed me and asked me to separate one of your projects, I would have done this. 


As opposed to now, where you have actually managed to gain the ire of the admins, for at least a little while.

Merging your threads was not an act of spite. Just because rules are being enforced doesn't mean we're out to get you.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Was there a rule broken, though? Unless you're going to call it a violation of Rule IV (spam) or a Rule VI (idiocy), I've missed something.
/kicks the internet over


We've actually included a new rule, but that was after I merged Gabrielthought's threads.
Honestly, there was never a rule before because we figured it would just be common sense not to start a new art thread for each new piece of artwork or writing you have and just keep it all to one thread.


Even without being a new rule, there are rules that allow us a certain amount of leeway, as well as the fact that we state, clearly, that even with the rules written down, there are instances where the "existing" rules won't cover certain situations.

We, however, didn't warn him for doing it (not that I, personally think it's really a warnable offense in most situations), so it's not as if he was really punished. He was simply... clarified.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Eibbor_N on May 15, 2008, 01:12:30 AM
Was there a rule broken, though? Unless you're going to call it a violation of Rule IV (spam) or a Rule VI (idiocy), I've missed something.
this isn't really a "rule violation", given that he's not being punished for it, unless you call merging threads a punishment. of course, if someone breaks it now, they're liable to get warned, since, you know, the rule is actually there now.