
Started by Lineaus Wolf, March 12, 2008, 09:20:05 PM

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Lineaus Wolf

I am truly sorry but I'm new to the form and am looking to rp in one of the games, I understand that to get a character into one I need to PM the GM.  The reason I'm posting this is does anyone have a general idea of how the character sheet/concept should look.  If anyone has any specific format that is.  I'm truly sorry if this has already been posted before and if it has could someone please direct me to the thread?
Thank you.   


I think each GM has a different idea of what they would like to see.  My advice would be to work up a character concept, send it to the GM of the game you're interested in, and ask them for anything they would like to see improved.

They're usually willing to work with new players.  If they're not, well... you just let ME know, so that I can have a chat with them.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Actually, all you have to do is go to the Haunted Ballroom, look at the currently active RPs, and check the beginning of the OOC thread. It always has a basic layout of what the RP is like, and almost all GMs put up their own char skeleton they would like you to use. Once you have those, you can go about making an appropriate cahracter. You don't always have to use the provided skeleton, though. And somethimes they don't even put up a skeleton at all, in which case you're free to make it how you want.
Ususally, the main things you want are:

Name (who (s)he is)
Race/Species (what (s)he is)
Appeareance (what (s)he looks like)
History (where (s)he came from)
Strengths (what (s)he can do)
Weaknesses(what (s)he can't so)

Add other categories where applicable, such as Gender, Abilities, etc.. Once you've read the intro post to an OOC thread, it's pretty much self-explanatory from there.
And one other thing; you rarely have to PM your profile to a GM personally, unless you have a very specific reason to. All you have to do is make the char and post it directly in the OOC thread. The GM will then either approve or reject it, or ask for a revision.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Note also that the OOC threads will tag "open" or "closed" - those that are closed will usually decline anyone, as the RP is not in a position to work anyone in just at present - everyone is in a closed dungeon, or a secure room, or some such, and as such, anyone who wanders in will be considered a target...

Some of them are more relaxed about this than others.

If the one you wish to enter -is- closed, you will have to wait until it opens again - according to the rules, they must open up every couple of months, so it shouldn't take too long, relatively speaking; although the odd one or two has so many people playing that the GM simply cannot handle any more, in which case they have a special exemption. Sort of.

Does that help?
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Lineaus Wolf

Thank you very much.  You've all bee very helpful with you suggestions and/or comments.  This seems to be a friendly group to Role Play with and i look forward to gaming in one of the threads, thank you again for all of your suggestions.