Hospital Refuses to let dying womans partner and children see her.

Started by thegayhare, February 22, 2008, 02:19:14 PM

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normaly I try to keep my political stuff out of this forum but this just pissed me right the hell off

Dying Lesbian's Partner Denied Access To Her
by Newscenter Staff

Posted: February 22, 2008 - 1:00 pm ET

(Miami, Florida) Janice Langbehn and Lisa Pond had planned to take their three children on a family cruise. The Olympia, Washington couple had been together 18 years and with their children were looking forward to the holiday.

But just as they were about to depart on the cruise from Miami, Florida. Pond, a healthy 39-year-old, suddenly collapsed. She was rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami with Langbehn and the children following close behind.

But once Langbehn and the children arrived at the hospital the hospital refused to accept information from her about Ponds's medical history.

Langbehn says she was informed that she was in an antigay city and state, and she could expect to receive no information or acknowledgment as family.

A doctor finally spoke with Janice telling her that there was no chance of recovery.

Other than one five minute visit, which was orchestrated by a Catholic priest at Langbehn's request to perform last rites, and despite the doctor's acknowledgement that no medical reason existed to prevent visitation, neither she nor her children were allowed to see Pond until nearly eight hours after their arrival.

Soon after Pond''s death, Langbehn tried to get her death certificate in order to get life insurance and Social Security benefits for their children. She was denied both by the State of Florida and the Dade County Medical Examiner.

With the help of Lambda Legal Langbehn has notified Jackson Memorial Hospital that she intends to file a lawsuit.

"There is nothing that can make up for what my children and I endured that day," Langbehn says of the day Pond died. "We only want the hospital to take responsibility for how they treated us and ensure that it doesn't happen to another family."

In accordance with Florida law, Lambda Legal is waiting for the hospital to respond to the notice of intent to sue before formally filing a complaint with the court.

"The treatment that Janice and her children received was unethical and discriminatory," said Beth Littrell, Staff Attorney for Lambda Legal.

"This letter puts them on notice that we are advocating for justice for Janice and her children."

Ryudo Lee

That's downright shameful.  The doctors and nurses there should have their licenses revoked for that.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on February 22, 2008, 03:40:18 PM
That's downright shameful.  The doctors and nurses there should have their licenses revoked for that.

I think a better solution would be a nice media scandal.  Nothing like being put all over national television to make sure you don't do whatever the hell it is you did, ever again. 

Ryudo Lee

I suppose that works too.  Public humiliation is a great deterrent.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I just don't understand why some people have so much hatred.  There was no reason to make a difficult situation even worse.  The hospital staff should be ashamed of themselves.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


In all honesty I can live with, heck even accept, people who are 'uncomfortable' around people of other sexualities. I mean if their uncomfortable with something they don't truly understand that's fine. Bringing it out in the open in a verbally abusive way, that's taking it a way that's not cool.

However this. This is complete and utter BULLSHIT. The fucking woman was dying! Who the hell denies a dying woman the ability to see her goddam family. I don't give a damn what your fucking views are, who you are, or what diety you think is out there. You. Do. Not. Ruin someone's last moments on this plane just because their sexual choices bother you.

I'm with Ryudo, revoke their goddam licenses. I don't care if losing the ability to engage in the only career you're trained for ruins your life. Ruining the end of someone else's revokes your right to squat.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


This happened in my fucking state. This... this baffles me. How the FUCK can somebody justify restricting a dying woman from seeing her family? I feel fucking ashamed to live here now. And fucking ashamed to be a human being.

I am pissed off. Seriously. This is just fucking bullshit. I'm with Ryudo and especially Netrogo. I hope their licenses are revoked and I hope they're turned into laughingstocks. I hope no hospital accepts them on their staff, no matter how unrealistic a wish that is.

Just... augh. I feel angry now.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


I hate to say it but there is alot that goes on in Florida lately thats been pissing me off.

This is the worst one I've heard of definitlythough.  It just boggles the mind that some one would do this


Quote from: thegayhare on February 23, 2008, 11:14:36 AM
I hate to say it but there is alot that goes on in Florida lately thats been pissing me off.

This is the worst one I've heard of definitlythough.  It just boggles the mind that some one would do this

Bleh, I don't blame you. From what I've heard Florida's terrible when it comes to this "anti-gay" shit. I like living in Florida - if only because I'm slightly biased since I've grown up here and have had minimal experience elsewhere in the States - but bloody hell this news makes me depressed and ashamed to live here. So stupid...

Though like you said, this is the worst Florida-related incident I've heard of. This was an outrage.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Faerie Alex

Quote from: Ryudo Lee on February 22, 2008, 03:40:18 PM
That's downright shameful.  The doctors and nurses there should have their licenses revoked for that.
I would think that it's the higher-ups at the hospital, not the doctors themselves. They should be the ones being court-martialed (or whatever the equivalent is for them).

But I agree with ya'll for the rest of it. There is NO EXCUSE for that. JUST. PLAIN. SAD.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Florida's a pretty underrated state when it comes down to sheer awful. Still doesn't beat Mississippi, though.


Quote from: thegayhare on February 23, 2008, 11:14:36 AM
I hate to say it but there is alot that goes on in Florida lately thats been pissing me off.

This is the worst one I've heard of definitlythough.  It just boggles the mind that some one would do this

That's kinda expected since it's the only state with a Fark tag to itself
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


 :< And some place like this will hopefully be my future work area. Reminds me how the Hypocritic Hippocratic oath is optional for graduating med students nowadays.

I think modelincard has a valid point, it could very well have been a hospital policy that the doctor's job might be in jeopardy for violating. Even then, were I the doctor in question I'd still probably take that as a nice opportunity to stick a fork in the rules, and the doctors and nurses aren't completely guiltless even if they were just following orders.
Yap by Silver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

... it's optional? You wot?

"If you haven't taken the hippocratic oath, you can just take your filthy dirty hands off my child, thankyou."

... insert expletives where they'll take the most effect...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Huh, that couple lives where I live. I'm surprised I haven't heard about this sooner, especially considering the way Olympians get up in arms over anything remotely discriminatory.
Not that this wouldn't deserve it. How can those doctors live with themselves? =/

Ryudo Lee

Their lawyers must be having strokes... unless the lawyers are the same way.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on February 25, 2008, 04:56:17 PM
Their lawyers must be having strokes... unless the lawyers are the same way.
They probably are. The same way, I mean.


Whether they're the same way or not is irrelevant. Even the most pig-headed and stubborn of lawyers can see a disaster coming a mile away.



Quote from: BillBuckner on February 26, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
Massive power outage hits Florida.

Karma  :U

Actually by now if it was Karma, Florida would have been wiped off the map....
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Valynth on February 26, 2008, 06:51:48 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on February 26, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
Massive power outage hits Florida.

Karma  :U

Actually by now if it was Karma, Florida would have been wiped off the map....

Hey, while I'm all for Karma, don't you think you should give me an opportunity to move to someplace nicer and less homophobic before Karma wipes out Florida? :<

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Netrogo on February 22, 2008, 07:21:15 PM
In all honesty I can live with, heck even accept, people who are 'uncomfortable' around people of other sexualities. I mean if their uncomfortable with something they don't truly understand that's fine. Bringing it out in the open in a verbally abusive way, that's taking it a way that's not cool.

However this. This is complete and utter BULLSHIT. The fucking woman was dying! Who the hell denies a dying woman the ability to see her goddam family. I don't give a damn what your fucking views are, who you are, or what diety you think is out there. You. Do. Not. Ruin someone's last moments on this plane just because their sexual choices bother you.

I'm with Ryudo, revoke their goddam licenses. I don't care if losing the ability to engage in the only career you're trained for ruins your life. Ruining the end of someone else's revokes your right to squat.

See, this is where I disagree.  Yes, something should be done.  No, we should not punish the general public in the process.

Yes, let's have them all thrown out, and leave the city hospital grossly understaffed for lord knows how long.  That's a great idea. 

Sorry, Mr and Mrs Thompson,  your son will have to wait an extra two hours before his broken arm can be looked at, because half of our staff got fired for being bigots. 

Faerie Alex

I heard that the hospitals in Florida were running off emergency generators, anyway.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Time to play devil's advocate You people do realize it is a law all over America that if someone is in critical condition, only family can see them. Seeing as the city didn't recongize the marriage they wheren't consider family and are fully legal to do so. I'm not saying it's right so don't be coming after me about being a bigot or that crap. I have several friends who are gay. I'm just saying if this was between a straight man and woman it wouldn't be as big a deal. Hate me all you want for saying it but it's the truth. It's being made such a big deal cause they where lesbians. I know I'm gonna be Public Enemy Number 1 for saying it but it's true. Yes I know the hospital is in the wrong for doing it. If you want to get mad about anything get mad about the city not recongizeing the marriage. Don't start dumping on the hospital.

I've said my peace and probobaly alienated myself from most if not all of the forum. More than likely anger an Admin. Remember I'm not being a bigot here, I'm just pointing out the facts that people seem to ignore.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Faerie Alex

No, I grant that you're likely right here. I know that there are some limits on who can visit a person in the hospital, although I am not familiar with the specifics. I don't see that you're being a bigot. There is a problem, I think we can all agree on that. If you try to deny that, then you're a bigot. Anyway, we'll see what happens.

With this, I now direct a few expletives. Fuck Florida and its idiotic & backwards laws. (Although not our Floridian forumites & some others, as they generally seem distant from the laws of the aforementioned state.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Quote from: Daimien on February 26, 2008, 11:16:38 PM
Time to play devil's advocate You people do realize it is a law all over America that if someone is in critical condition, only family can see them. Seeing as the city didn't recongize the marriage they wheren't consider family and are fully legal to do so. I'm not saying it's right so don't be coming after me about being a bigot or that crap. I have several friends who are gay. I'm just saying if this was between a straight man and woman it wouldn't be as big a deal. Hate me all you want for saying it but it's the truth. It's being made such a big deal cause they where lesbians. I know I'm gonna be Public Enemy Number 1 for saying it but it's true. Yes I know the hospital is in the wrong for doing it.If you want to get mad about anything get mad about the city not recongizeing the marriage. Don't start dumping on the hospital.

I've said my peace and probobaly alienated myself from most if not all of the forum. More than likely anger an Admin. Remember I'm not being a bigot here, I'm just pointing out the facts that people seem to ignore.

Out of interest, I went through that and bolded every portion of it that was excessively apologetic. ;) I doubt anyone minded you pointing that out! It's an excellent point. Blame ought to be given to those who deserve it!

Although I'd like to say that the reason it wouldn't be a big deal if it happened to a straight man and woman is that it wouldn't happen to a straight man and woman! As you stated, heterosexual marriages are recognized in Florida and so the partner would be recognized as family!
/kicks the internet over


Mark my words, we're going to have a gay rights movement just like the black rights movement. There's no way it won't happen. I mean it's so stupid wha people are doing. I mean like how "God hates gay people!" Tell me, if we have a fair, just, loving God then why would he send people to hell over something they can't control? People who go into how it ruins the sanctity of marriage, marriage is only as sacred as you make it. I mean you can go t Las Vegas and get a drive through marriage with somebody you just met. If you ask me the world isn't going to hell in a handbasket, it's already there.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Rakala, I believe the argument behind the sending of gay people to hell is not over what they can't control, but over what they can.

Ah.. that's not exactly clear, so I'll try and rephrase. The argument goes, God doesn't send gay people to hell for being gay. God sends gay people to hell for -acting- on the desires, and being sexually active.

Of course, this implies that God sends anyone to hell who has sex outside of marriage, hetero or otherwise. Which strikes me as a little bit overkill for a kind, loving God. But that's a totally other argument, and I don't really want to get into it.

I'm -mildly- surprised that the hospital refused to let the children in - after all, "that's my child, out of wedlock" type thing should be acceptable, even if "that's my wife" isn't... but then, I stopped being majorly surprised at how stupid people can be years ago...
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I don't believe it's necessarily sex outside of marriage. I think it's sex without love that's what God meant. But still, what would be wrong with having sex with someone I love? Gay or not? I guess it's impossible to fathom the will of God, but I'm sticking strong with my beliefs that it's not wrong. I don't mean to be bigoted myself but ore often than not I've noticed that homosexual people sleep around more.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Sex without love?

Where's the reference for that, please? I'd be fascinated to read up on it...

As for "what's wrong?", I have no idea. I don't claim that a God even exists, let alone that I have any idea what he or she really thinks. I was merely explaining what certain enthusiasts think he thinks. Or, at least, I think so. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears