Started by Alucard_The_Great, May 30, 2006, 07:00:36 PM

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Yeah, Sorry I haven't been here in awhile, but I've been very busy ANYWAY the Question is below

Can I use CVRPG charactors in a PSP-MMORPG project? If so, I will take no credit your name and e-mail will be provided as the TRUE contributer if you want that.

Here's the link to the Forum of wich this is happening..... If you find it neccesary to see whats going on.

Thank you for your time,


Xuzaf D

So your asking if Darkmoon will just hand over his charactors to you for some random homebrew of undetermined legitimacy?



1. It's not homebrew

2. Undetermind legitimacy!? What the hell are you talking about! I thinks it's QUITE legitimate! How is is it illegitimate? Please do tell.

3. Jorge D. Fuentes 'Just handed them over'. Did he ask for money? Well not that I know of, but I highly doubt it! And besides the best I could do (besides money) is give him, and Jorge for making them, ALL the credit.

4. I didn't ask you "Dalmunda" so STFU unless your his speaker. Ilpalazzo speak freely. :D

Destina Faroda

Why do I get the feeling this man would have the answer?
Sig coming...whenever...


LOL HAHAHA! Good one. I understand though I don't require them to live or anything. But I respect you and Illy P, So I will obey. Enough is a enough.


Why does no one read the disclaimer I have on the site?

It says there, plain as day, if you would like to use any of the sprites on the page, feel free. You are allowed to edit and recolor them at your leisure.

You are not, however, allowed to use the five original characters (Darkmoon, Alec, Katrina, Princess, Angel) in anything other than as cameos. You may however edit them (a great deal) for use in the project.

And yes, do give credit.

In other territory, I hate that "stfu" bs.

Jorge D. Fuentes

Quote from: Alucard_The_Great on May 30, 2006, 11:58:42 PM
3. Jorge D. Fuentes 'Just handed them over'

Ah, so you're the guy in the E-Mail.
FYI, I thought you meant the characters that were Belmont Sprites, etc.
CVRPG characters are not my property, even if I draw them.  They're D'moon's and company.


Yeah, Jorge does have the rights to the designs of original characters, just like the rest of the creators for the comic, but only the non-original characters (Belmonts, Dracul and Co, etc) are open to the public to be used and abused at leisure.
