The semi-triumphant return of . . . ^^

Started by Forestcat, January 11, 2008, 10:24:14 AM

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Wha? :D

Obviously, ze Forestkitty of DOOM has been absent from the boards for far too long to count! Why?

~ My job has been understaffed for at least the last YEAR and I've been working my arse off x.x Thus I'm tired when I get home and rather don't have the spunk to do much online 'sides what I have to.
~ I became addicted to a particular forum rpg . . . and when the owner/admin turned into a huge ARSEface, I left his game and started my OWN. Which I do a TON of work on and I'll link here so you all know just how odd I truly, truly am: :P (It's wolves)
~ I got married this last October. ;) You know the guy I brought to AC 07? Yes, him. :D NOW HE IS MY PROPERTEH< FOOLS! *evil laughter*  So, yeah, even though we *both* spend a lot of time on the computer, we both agree to cut it short time to time to actually interact. lol.
~ One of my furry children was sick this recent November/December and I spent a lot of time giving her lots of tlc and getting medical care, including driving to a referral hospital to get her better. She honestly is doing well now, with only a few odd snags.
~ I honestly just forgot to check this forum for long enough that I well, forgot. :P

So, there you be. :D Of course, no one may have noticed/cared and now I just typed that all so's you can snickers at me. ;) BUT I DON'T CARE.


lucas marcone

welcome back! you sound pooped. pull up a chair and rest your bones!


Quote from: Forestcat on January 11, 2008, 10:24:14 AM
~ My job has been understaffed for at least the last YEAR and I've been working my arse off x.x Thus I'm tired when I get home and rather don't have the spunk to do much online 'sides what I have to.

Ugh, I know how you feel.  I had that problem a couple of years ago when both our tech support staff left in quick succession, and I had to carry the can until we could replace them.

Quote~ I got married this last October. ;) You know the guy I brought to AC 07? Yes, him. :D NOW HE IS MY PROPERTEH< FOOLS! *evil laughter*  So, yeah, even though we *both* spend a lot of time on the computer, we both agree to cut it short time to time to actually interact. lol.
As I said in the AC thread, Congratulations  :3

Quote~ One of my furry children was sick this recent November/December and I spent a lot of time giving her lots of tlc and getting medical care, including driving to a referral hospital to get her better. She honestly is doing well now, with only a few odd snags.
That's always good to hear.  Is this a cat or a dog (or indeed something else entirely)?  I was guessing 'cat', but for someone running what seems to be a wolf RPG, it gets hard to tell...

QuoteSo, there you be. :D Of course, no one may have noticed/cared and now I just typed that all so's you can snickers at me. ;) BUT I DON'T CARE.
I thought it had been a while since I saw you around...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Welcome back, Forestcat! We missed you!

... ok, ok. So -I'm- the only one who missed you. So what? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*snuggles the box* YAY llearch missed me! ^^ annnnd your signature image is hypnotizing O.o

Yup, I own three cats; and the sick one is the "favorite" 'cause she's way ultra cute.

I run a wolf rpg 'cause for some reason rping wolves is super sexay :D

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Forestcat on January 11, 2008, 12:05:04 PM
*snuggles the box* YAY llearch missed me! ^^ annnnd your signature image is hypnotizing O.o

... which one? It's on a random rotation... Hit the credits link to find out...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Welcome back.

And congrats on your marriage.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Just remember to bring your pet's leash again if you come to AC. X3 He's a cool guy, not surprised that you two are together like that. Hope you're on more often and evil as ever. ^.^



Hello WB Congradulations and all that jazz


Hey, I remember you! :O  Er,  I remember your signature, anyway... :.
Regardless, welcome back!


I'm not sure if this should be funny or sad, but when you said "furry children," my mind went not to "pet" but to "furry human person that you have adopted as your own."  I obviously spend way to much time on the forum.  It's even sadder since I have three cats of my own, and they're my babies.

Congratulations on getting married, and welcome back!

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

Given the number of folks on the forum who behave like children... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Welcome back, oldie! :D

And congratulations!
/kicks the internet over


Hehe :D YES the leash comes too ^^ Even if technically we can't "use" it ... silly AC rules that we weren't following anyhow. *whistles innocently* ^^

Thansk for the grats y'all. :D

Damaris - that's a strange, strange mind you've got there :D And we both share the three cat plauge I see ^^