Method of transportation? (Yay intellectual-sounding titles!)

Started by sabs, December 31, 2007, 02:02:26 AM

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Hi, hello there!
I'm new. : D

Besides being a complete newbie (not to the series, though -has been reading it for a good couple of years-), I have a question. That might sound noobish, buuut...

What's the main method of transport in DMFA? For the average Being?

See, I'm writing a fanfiction that involves Jyrras having to pick up remodeling supplies for Lost Lake in some-out-of-town-city-I'm-making-up-sadly, but I can't figure out how in the world he's going to get there. Are there cars? (o___o goodness, I'm assuming not), or is he going to have to walk all the way there? Teleportation, maybe? (Which would be really boring, actually, considering Jy-Jy is going with someone -insert tape to cover her spoilerific mouth-)

I'm sure Jyrras could probably invent and build some giant airship-spoof that'd take him and this other person to said made-up city, but, really, I'd rather go with some sort of conventional means somehow buried underneath the craziness of DMFA.


I seem to recall a random flying being/creature getting hit by a jet airplane. :P


Punchmobiles. They're like cars, except they're fuelled by how hard you punch the passenger.

Oh dear.


Jyrras does have his Gryph-Mechs. They're pretty handy for getting around, but I imagine landing in a parking lot is a real bugger.
There are also carts pulled by the four-legged gryphons. Most of them have actually made a huge business about it (and yes, they HATE cars, to them it's taking away their jobs. In fact, I think it's because of the four-legged gryphons that cars aren't common at all)

In fact, it seems that a quite a bit of the transportation in Furrae is gryphon-based.


by Silverfoxr! Thank you!


Quote from: rabid_fox on December 31, 2007, 03:07:06 AM
Punchmobiles. They're like cars, except they're fuelled by how hard you punch the passenger.

I want one *drools*
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 31, 2007, 04:39:35 AM
Jyrras does have his Gryph-Mechs. They're pretty handy for getting around, but I imagine landing in a parking lot is a real bugger.
There are also carts pulled by the four-legged gryphons. Most of them have actually made a huge business about it (and yes, they HATE cars, to them it's taking away their jobs. In fact, I think it's because of the four-legged gryphons that cars aren't common at all)

In fact, it seems that a quite a bit of the transportation in Furrae is gryphon-based.

Gryphon- based as seen here



Quote from: AndersW on December 31, 2007, 10:05:30 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 31, 2007, 04:39:35 AM
Jyrras does have his Gryph-Mechs. They're pretty handy for getting around, but I imagine landing in a parking lot is a real bugger.
There are also carts pulled by the four-legged gryphons. Most of them have actually made a huge business about it (and yes, they HATE cars, to them it's taking away their jobs. In fact, I think it's because of the four-legged gryphons that cars aren't common at all)

In fact, it seems that a quite a bit of the transportation in Furrae is gryphon-based.

Gryphon- based as seen here

Ah yes, I see now!

Thank you tres muchly for the answer!~ :3


Actually, I'm pretty sure that Amber's mentioned that technology varies greatly by area, so it stands to reason that methods of transport do as well. So there's not really a right answer kicking around.
It's not inconceivable that Jyrras has some crazy moon-buggy already made that can get him from place to place, though. Go with something fun! Giant spindly legs operated by two levers and a panel of buttons! Or a domed dune-buggy! Personally, I'd play with it a bunch, but I'm a kinda a dork for weirdo machines.
/kicks the internet over


offhand, i'd say the most common mode of transportation is feet.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on December 31, 2007, 04:39:35 AM
Jyrras does have his Gryph-Mechs. They're pretty handy for getting around, but I imagine landing in a parking lot is a real bugger.
There are also carts pulled by the four-legged gryphons. Most of them have actually made a huge business about it (and yes, they HATE cars, to them it's taking away their jobs. In fact, I think it's because of the four-legged gryphons that cars aren't common at all)

In fact, it seems that a quite a bit of the transportation in Furrae is gryphon-based.

This doesn't quite make sense when there are valid uses of cars (as refrigeration vessels, makeshift housing, etc.) that a simple rickshaw doesn't allow for. Like hourly car rental vs car ownership here, it's possible for the two to coexist, but I don't see there being none-at-all.


Quote from: Jigsaw Forte on January 01, 2008, 09:53:10 AM
This doesn't quite make sense when there are valid uses of cars (as refrigeration vessels, makeshift housing, etc.) that a simple rickshaw doesn't allow for. Like hourly car rental vs car ownership here, it's possible for the two to coexist, but I don't see there being none-at-all.

Indeed.  A gryphon rickshaw isn't going to get you between two continents, to a remote island somewhere, or from one end of a continent to the other in a sensible space of time.  Gryphons can easily have the local transport business sewn up, but long-distance travel is going to take something else.
Also, if you need something delivered ASAP, that's not exactly up their street either.  A good horse can gallop somewhere around 40-50mph (and gryphons - even the creaky rail system in the UK can make at least 100.  Looking at the portrait in the demonology they don't really seem to be built for speed (although they are described as 'fast').  Might be magic?

Note also that Creatures can often teleport...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Neh, that's true: Gryphon richshaws probably aren't going to allow steady travel to a severely out-of-town area. At the most, the travel time between Lost Lake and Rosto (aka made-up-city-I-conveniently-created) should be three hours.

Still, I'd say that method of transportation is more liable than cars, though I wouldn't know. I might have to ask Amber about this, though for now Eib's response seems the most steady.

I'm still rather stuck, but I think for the moment I can use the gryphon rickshaw method.

And teleportation would be too boring for what I'm going for. I'm planning on revolving at least half a chapter on the three-hour ride -- character conflict included. <3

Silver Pomeranian Genji

Quote from: sabs on January 01, 2008, 11:57:36 AM
Neh, that's true: Gryphon richshaws probably aren't going to allow steady travel to a severely out-of-town area. At the most, the travel time between Lost Lake and Rosto (aka made-up-city-I-conveniently-created) should be three hours.

Still, I'd say that method of transportation is more liable than cars, though I wouldn't know. I might have to ask Amber about this, though for now Eib's response seems the most steady.

I'm still rather stuck, but I think for the moment I can use the gryphon rickshaw method.

And teleportation would be too boring for what I'm going for. I'm planning on revolving at least half a chapter on the three-hour ride -- character conflict included. <3

That reminds me: is there a real form of government in Furrae? I mean besides the Councils and such. Like are there any mayors, governors, police officers or Presidents, anything like that. Someone had to slap Albanion with a restraining order, right?
Mah Boi, this peace is what all true lawyers strive for. Anybody know Moira Gianna's number?


Quote from: Turnsky on January 01, 2008, 06:11:11 AM
offhand, i'd say the most common mode of transportation is feet.  >:3

You sir are the most intelligent person in this thread.


Quote from: AnizInDisguise on January 08, 2008, 09:58:15 PM
Quote from: Turnsky on January 01, 2008, 06:11:11 AM
offhand, i'd say the most common mode of transportation is feet.  >:3

You sir are the most intelligent person in this thread.

And you my friend... are the most disguised :)


Quote from: Rambon on January 08, 2008, 11:06:12 PM
Quote from: AnizInDisguise on January 08, 2008, 09:58:15 PM
Quote from: Turnsky on January 01, 2008, 06:11:11 AM
offhand, i'd say the most common mode of transportation is feet.  >:3

You sir are the most intelligent person in this thread.

And you my friend... are the most disguised :)
No, the best disguised person would be so well disguised that nobody would realize that he's (or she's)  disguised.  In fact, if the disguise was good enough, you wouldn't even realize that the person was participating in the forum.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


One possibility for transportation could be money.  Think about India for a bit: most people walk or use rickshaws, but the rich can use cars.  Now Furrae doesn't seem to have a notable rich/poor dichotomy but still is food for thought.

Personal preference, as others have said before, probably plays a large role.

I also imagine that with the Fae bangles not many Creatures are going to want to get near him...


I vaguely remember a comic about dragons in Furrae, not a complimentory one, that mentioned cars. A dragon landed on one, and told the owner he did him a favor

would look it up, but in Heroic Bot XD


Quote from: Feroluce on January 09, 2008, 10:40:29 PM
I vaguely remember a comic about dragons in Furrae, not a complimentory one, that mentioned cars. A dragon landed on one, and told the owner he did him a favor

would look it up, but in Heroic Bot XD
Here's the one with the jet plane and here's the one about the dragon and the Pinto.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


I'd imagine with the tech level Jyrras is presenting, he'd have some sort of teleportation device. Also, there might be a magic "Gate" like system in participating locations. For anyone who's been on Furc, they know there's portals and dreams all over the place. For long distance, I'd go with the Gating system.

Short distance would logically vary from township to township, might be horses, gryphons, cars, entirely pedestrian, or traditional rickshaws, maybe some Venetian-like areas. I also suspect that the "reason why winged furres don't fly" was just for fun, or why they don't fly HIGH. It's rather easy to imagine furres flying to and fro not but 8-20 feet off the ground, which would be quite fast in a downglide.

Hell, might be some place with moving sidewalks, all depends.
<3 Abel


Actually, some magical form of moving sidewalks might not be unreasonable.  They could not only transport people from place to place, they could also provide protection against the various monsters out there.  Given all the demons and mythos out there, traveling long distances might be very dangerous.  Other options might be the Puppeteer "stepping disks" from the Ringworld series by Niven.  (You step on a disk and it will teleport you to another disk near your destination.)

Also, think about how dogs will chase bicycles and  cars.  Can you imagine what might chase cars in Furrae?  Being chased by a pack of vicious mythos every time you start the car might take the fun out of a weekend drive.


I'm also thinking about Russell Means's response to people complaining about historical accuracy in the Disney version of Pocahontas:  "Look, folks, it's just a story".
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Quote from: Naldru on January 11, 2008, 10:13:36 PM
Also, think about how dogs will chase bicycles and  cars.  Can you imagine what might chase cars in Furrae?  Being chased by a pack of vicious mythos every time you start the car might take the fun out of a weekend drive.
Or it might make the weekend drive that much more interesting >:3


Quote from: Feroluce on January 09, 2008, 10:40:29 PM
I vaguely remember a comic about dragons in Furrae, not a complimentory one, that mentioned cars. A dragon landed on one, and told the owner he did him a favor

would look it up, but in Heroic Bot XD

Try studying for a civics mid-term while also reading DMFA and posting on the forum, all the while in the middle of the fight with Illidan, and you're the main healer.  :)


I know how that goes. ._. 70 Holy Pally, Duskwood. Been on hiatus, and we weren't in BT just yet, but yeah, that gets pretty hectic. xD
<3 Abel



These are all very useful and thoughtful replies, and though I don't have anything clear to reply with for all the distinct ideas, erm, thank you. <3

Though I'm still iffy on the method of transportation, I think the whole 'teleportation disk' idea has presented me with a decent handle on things. I think the fanfiction would also be much more interesting with a method of transportation not quite found in the DMFA comics, but plausible.

So who knows?


   8) Type ( a ) Gryphons are commonly used as rickshaw drivers, for creature or being alike.   (  Remember how Lorenda went home after the shopping incident ... ) For creatures,  well, they can venture into the magical transportation, with bodily transformation, and if hard up , teleportation or telekenisis ... 
8) Just Hanging Around ...


Knowing Amber, it could be anything.  I'd imagine if there are cars, they'd use magic as an energy source, kinda like the flubber engine...  I'm curious if there are any hoverboards though around though.   :mowtongue


Quote from: Fresnor on January 13, 2008, 08:47:12 PM
Knowing Amber, it could be anything.  I'd imagine if there are cars, they'd use magic as an energy source, kinda like the flubber engine...  I'm curious if there are any hoverboards though around though.   :mowtongue

   8) As Jyrras found out in the land of the Fae, the laws of physics do not hold true in all situations ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...