Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt shrugged at the decline. "Well, if you're not." And he took another hefty swig, leaving somewhat less than a quarter of the bottle left.

When Penny offered healing, he blinked. "Oh, it's not so bad. Just busted a rib on those bloody Mer back there - it'll knit in a coupla days. If you're wanting to practice, though, feel fucking free." He paused for a moment, then asked "Is it likely to hurt? If so, I'll want to numb the bastard a bit." He waved a hand at another pocket, indicating the bottle in it, and drained the current anaesthetic supply before swapping the bottles over.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The spider had reached where she thought that the jackal had been last, but seeing no sign of her yet, and hearing that Witt was clearly up to something that he shouldn't be doing, that took precedence. While maybe she should have minded her own business, she did have some common sense, and both a bit of morals and principles in her. And someone acting like that became everyone's business when they were bunched in together as they were.
   Somehow I doubt that would even help, came a quick flash of hand gestures as Sal entered the room, eight eyes looking hard at Witt from within her frowning face. She didn't really care if he caught the words. Who is going to pay for that? Have you thought of where it might be needed? she let her hands flash, before she stepped over to the hedgehog, bent down, and with an iron grip yanked the bottle from him.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt let the bottle go without resistance, and blinked at the spider woman, before retorting "Me."

He pulled out another bottle, which was promptly confiscated as well. "And of course I thought of where it was bloody needed."

A third bottle appeared, and another, much longer arm - with much larger claws - appeared from under her coat to extract that from his grasp as well. "I bloody needed it."

Yet another bottle appeared and was removed. "After all that fucking stress back there, I damn well needed to relax."

A fifth bottle appeared from a pocket, only to be confiscated by a large claw. "I would have thought at least someone would bloody well understand that."

Still another bottle appeared, and was confiscated. "Besides, if you'd wanted a fucking drink, all you had to do was ask."

A seventh bottle appeared, the top was removed, and he clinked it against one of the random bottles floating in front of him. "Cheers."

And with that, he took another drink.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The spider scowled, and almost dropped a bottle in the urgency to convey her irritation. When she realized that all her hands were full though, she looked around and toward the cabinets stacked against the wall. Gathering up the clinking bottles, she stuffed them in the nearest one she could find, then smacked the doors shut, and rummaged into her clothes. In a moment, her right hand - the one actually in a sleeve -  came back out with a thread of thick silk, and grabbing that, she quickly spun the doors closed. Then she turned back to Witt, planting her hands on her hips and just glaring down at him for a good while, before she signed something anew.
   I don't believe that you could pay that bottle, even, the way you look, she flashed. And if you think this is the right time... She paused, thought for a second, and then snatched the bottle he was holding from his grasp, taking a hefty swig herself. Then she smacked it down on top of one of the cupboards. I think I've deserved that more than you have, the way you act. Now, if you are going to keep making a bother of yourself, I think it might be a better idea to knock you out. Just to keep you from troubling us others.
   The spider glowered, all eight eyes hard and outnumbering Witt's lone two. She looked very much like she meant what she'd just 'said'.

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny had just held out her hand to try the healing spell on Witt's ribs when an angry spider stormed in and took the hedgehog's bottle away from him. She took a step back, deciding to hold off on the healing until the commotion was over.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt straightened up, his eyes flashing, and waved Penny off for a moment, superfluously, before responding angrily to the spider.

"Of course I can pay for my drinks. Do you think I want a knife in my back?" He seemed unaware of the change in his language - and spoke surprisingly clearly for someone so drunk. "As for the right time - We're now in the air, right? At this point, there's nothing I can do to assist, other than providing ballast, or jumping overboard, and our 'fearless leaders' appear to have slunk off, without providing us any further orders." He looked around. "I don't see anything that particularly needs my assistance right now. If someone does, I'd be happy to oblige. If not, this is as much out of the way as anywhere else on-board, despite the apparently high volume of traffic." He glanced at the others standing around, and shrugged. "I might as well stand here as anywhere else. And I'm pretty sure that if someone needs me to jump overboard, being sober isn't going to help."

He considered. "At least, sobriety won't help me much. It might help them..."

Finally, he glanced up at the bottle, and opened his other hand. On it lay the cap. "You seem to have forgotten to close that, as well. If we make any more evasive manoeuvres, it'll fall over and spill."

He flipped the cap, spinning, into the air.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Without blinking, the spider whipped her hand out. Witt caught just a quick glimpse of the white thread as it latched on to the cap like a frog's tongue onto an insect, and brought it back to her hand with a flick of her wrist. It was hard to tell if she had been looking at the thing with any of her eyes, but even if she had been, it was an impressive feat. Slapping the cap onto the top of the bottle, she straightened.
   Whether we need your assistance or not, she signed, there is no excuse for this, and no use in it. Just stop. That's assistance enough.
   Having said what she wanted, she turned away and began walking off to seek out Keaton, as she had intended from the start. It seemed that the spider was like other women in that way at least; always the last word, and if Witt should try and say something to defend himself next, that meant he was starting another argument.



For a Cubi like Cross, the absolute elation present in the room was glaringly obvious, and was clearly radiating from the pilot's throne. From where she was seated, Pandora was grinning with such an amount of happiness it almost seemed insane, her large hands grasping a metal apparatus in front of her. Judging by the way the thing was structured, with the two twisted bars of metal she was using as handles, it sufficed as some form of steering wheel. Being as fixated as she was on the sky in front of her and simply marveling in the fact they had finally lifted off, Pandora hadn't detected Cross's appearance.

The woodpecker reacted quite predictably when Cross unexpectedly made his presence known, despite the gentleness of his voice. Letting out an indignant squawk, she slammed her heels into the floor and jerked her throne around, swiveling the entire chair on a small, piston-like contraption keeping it nailed to the floor. Axiyne's expression was less graphic - really only affected by the exaggerated outburst of his companion. One look at Cross and Pandora's defensive countenance faded in favor of pseudo-pleasantry - she hadn't forgotten their discussion earlier. Seemed that she was having unnecessarily bad luck with members of infamous mob divisions. First one of Sabanethei's scorned concubines, most likely, and now Daryil's... whatever. Probably an enforcer. Either way, Pandora wasn't too keen on the idea of her soul being stolen, so she recovered quickly enough.

"Oh, uh... 'ey there," she chuckled nervously, attempting to grin. "It's, uh, you. Right. Whaddya need?"

Whatever false, saccharine-facade Pandora had forged faded as Cross stated his concerns. Her expression faded, and she looked almost pensive for a moment, before she answered, "It's like this, see. We're gonna fly above th' clouds," she gestured out the dome, toward the diaphanous halos of midnight-hued fog dissipating against the spear-like nose of the flying machine. Against the backdrop of black, the clouds were just barely visible; the only evidence of their existence being the vaguely-translucent outlines of the blanketing clouds. A quickly-vanishing, soft gold light radiating from afar indicated the sinking sun. "That way we c'n avoid th' Mer's weather magic. When y'r outta their range, they can't do shi'."

Pandora leaned back and sighed. "Other n' tha', I've go' nothin'. Y'guys showed up 'fore I could pull somethin' outta my ass."



(Miss, my head hurts.)

(Spins! The room spins!)

All of you SHUT THE HELL UP.

The long-absent jackal was currently limping, with a great deal of exhaustion to her normally sinewy, practiced stride, down one of the hallways of the Perihelion, her downcast head cradled in her hands. Her appearance was quite obviously disheveled, with her hair askew in messy, tangled tendrils and her fur bedraggled - and if her face was visible, it would have been, quite clearly, a very sickly shade of green. Given her state of mind and condition, Keaton didn't recuperate from the Perihelion's liftoff as effectively as the others in the party. In fact, with each step she took and each bump she made as she swerved drunkenly against a wall, she was keenly aware of each microscopic shudder that quaked imperceptibly through the mechanical body of the Perihelion, which only continued to disorient and dismay her. After feeling the forth, unnatural pulse ripple through the machine as it lurched in her head, she started to wonder if she actually was feeling the Perihelion move and if it wasn't just her sick, sick head coming up with this shit.

Keaton's only instinct was to find Cog, or somebody. It was impossible to navigate the Perihelion on her own when she was feeling so sick. She shouldn't have decided to explore after she entered this contraption... now she was far away from all the others.

My head hurts. That buzzing isn't coming back. Why is the floor moving?

...Who am I talking to?

With an exaggerated pivot, Keaton swaggered past a sign she only barely acknowledged and around a corner, after which her eyesight began to fluctuate. Amidst the blackness she stumbled blindly, until she felt her nose collide with something hard and flat. Almost immediately, her eyesight blinked back to clarity. Keaton was staring right at a door.

A closet. Sounds like a lovely place to throw up in... Keaton thought as she violently resisted the urge to regurgitate her last meal.

She gracelessly fumbled for the doorknob until she finally felt her hand clench around the cool steel. Once she seized it, she twisted the doorknob and wrenched the door open –

-and stared with something akin to absolute shock on her features as she stared down at the gray wolf huddled in the closet. Cogidubnus was brandishing a sharp medical syringe worthy of being the instrument of a scientific madman, pushing its slender needle into his skin and steadily injecting himself with its glowing, golden-orange contents. One look at the wolf and the syringe and its ambiguous contents was enough confirmation for Keaton. Any and all nausea she experienced shriveled up into a tiny, cancerous knot and simply disappeared like acrid smoke, as though it was devoured by the sheer rage swelling in her chest. There was absolutely no opportunity for her to think rationally. Her body moved on its own. She lunged into the closet with an obscene growl and slammed the closet door behind her with a thunderous BANG.

Those closest to the closet – the members of the party assembled in the galley – were able to hear the piercing shriek of horror.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Once the airship's lurching had settled down, Fal'taq had kept himself occupied by investigating the rest of the rooms along the hallway. The only one of any real interest was furnished as a bedroom, or possibly a boudoir, decorated in more shades of pink than the mole could stand. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, though, at the pile of rope and fluffy pink restraints on the floor.

As he approached the end of the hallway, he came to a stairway leading up. It was hard to tell over the noise of the engines, but Fal'taq thought he could hear voices up there. He climbed up and found himself in the control cabin. The mole stared in slightly horrified fascination at the view through the large front windows. The ground was so far away...
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


"His confidant," Cross said, answering Pandora's unspoken question about his relationship with Daryil.  To anyone else it would make little sense.

"Flying high is a precaution that will do for now," agreed Cross, "Indeed, I'm curious to know what your ship's ceiling is.  But we can't remain aloft forever.  At some stage we'll need to work out some more permanent plan for when we have to make land."

"Oh, yes.  And the junk-monster is aboard.  Tinkering with the power systems, I believe.  He seems to know you so I hope that's okay.  If not... well, something regrettable may have to happen-"

There was a scream.  Cross' fur stood on end.  If he had not been in Being form, his wings would have fluffed out and probably hit the gryphon.

"Holy shit," he said.  "That sounded like Keaton.  Excuse me..."  He ran.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt raised an eyebrow at the spiders back, shrugged, licked his lips, and started patting down his pockets, looking for another bottle.

At about that point, the scream resonated through the room.

"Oh. Sounds like the bat-winged brush wolf found the canine candy consumer midway through his latest dose." He could have been observing the time, his voice that flat. "Pity. He was fun to taunt." His hands paused in their searching through his pockets; removed his helmet, scratched his head, put the helmet back, and continued their search, until he came up with the iron wave he'd pulled from the corpse of the Mer.

He glanced over at Penny, and dangled the thing in her direction. "What'd'ya make of this, anyway? Hell of a thing to be carrying around. I wonder what it is..."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 As Epyon opened the rather spare-looking metal door, the interior of the room inside lit up brightly, showing one bright-white ceramic sink and toilet bolted onto metallic walls and floors, with a unframed mirror suspended with four more screws into the metal wall. It seemed to be fairly cool in there, and there was a lock on the door to, if the zombie required privacy. There was, however, a disconcerting, airy sound coming from the direction of the toilet.

* * *

Ahh, that's the stuff...

Pandora's Specials were an inventive little concoction that, unsurprisingly, Pandora herself had cooked up one day, when she was in-between salvaging parts and trying not to starve to death. It was made of a variety of substances, mostly painkillers and a few muscle relaxants and a few other odds and ends, and although it wasn't really a hallucinogen as much as a simple depressant, it was like squirting pure joy into his veins. Getting it in there had been tricky, of course, but he'd wrapped an old mop string around his arms to make the veins stand out, and then he was golden. He felt the various wounds he'd suffered fade softly away, and felt his muscles slack, and the soft, soft feeling of drug-induced bliss begin to seep into his brain. He was only about halfway through this one, too, and he had three more to go. His headache was fading too, the glass-and-alcohol feeling washed away in a chemical tide...
Cog sighed just a little bit to himself, leaning back on a thrumming piece of machinery. Maybe they'd just leave him alone in here, and he could just rest, rest until they landed, if they could even find him then.
He closed his eyes.


Cog's eyes, almost fluttered close, snapped open, exposing every bloodshot vein in those yellow-irised orbs. He was almost done with this entire needle, and someone had to...
Cog's drug-addled brain caught up. Someone's here. Oh. Oh shit. Is...

Cog's head whipped around, blindingly fast, and when his eyes focused again the wolf's entire body attempted to go taut like a bowstring - had the muscle relaxants not been in effect, the wolf would have tensed down to his very toes. In the circumstances, the lupine simply screamed. Loudly. The needle clattered to the floor, sticking in his arm for only a moment as the wolf began to move backwards, tripping as his own jelley-like legs betrayed him, and tumbling back to the floor. He began to crawl backwards, the wolf quickly reaching the outer limit of the small, enclosed space that was so comforting before. He crawled, all the way to the corner.
"Oh god Keaton I...please, no, no no, don't..." the wolf's voice nearly choked, Cog taking a ragged breath. "You don't understand!" he yelled, neatly curling up and into the far corner of the room. "It''s not....I can't, alright! I fucking can't!"

Tears were on the edge of the wolf's voice, and already beginning to well in his eyes. Keaton's face was a masque of rage, her hands clenched into fists, and her footsteps were heavy with the sound of boots.

* * *
Cross neatly ran into the large dinosaur from before, both of them meeting neatly in the middle of the second-level corridor. Big as he was, Ty somewhat blocked a bit of the path, and the Cubi didn't see any immediate sign of the jackal or the other wolf. Behind Ty lead two paths, one to the right, and the other straight back to where they entered the ship.

* * *

As Fal'Taq admired the view, it occurred to him that part of the large, dome-shaped canopy was built to be walked upon - the bubble went out some distance, and a little ways out from where it connected with the floor, the glass was flat and even with the metal, extending outwards until it would gently curve up and over the viewer, encasing them in sky.

* * *

Outside the ship, the evening sun began to set low, and the flaming clouds floated far beneath the Perihelion, the ship sailing over the sparkling ocean and the sky. It would be dark soon.

Aisha deCabre

Abso-friggin'-lutely incredible.

Aisha's mind wandered along with the land below the airship's belly; as it seemed to rise higher and higher, the ground rolled faster and faster, and painted an intricate mural of a grid before the hazy mist of clouds got in the way.  The demoness still stood on a platform near one of the windows on the higher levels, which rose into a conclave of glass over her head.

Clouds.  We're in clouds.  Never thought that'd be possible; unless you count the idiot daredevils who want to test their wings and got altitude sickness.  There was a small indiscernible smirk on the black jaguar's face; hard to tell exactly what she was thinking, truly, but nevertheless, amazement outweighed amusement.

It was about then that she heard footsteps; one of the other smaller members of the group walked in to observe the windows as well.  What was his name?  Fal'Taq?  Meh, I never made an effort to remember names.  The calm assassin payed no mind to whomever walked by anyway, though she did wonder why the heck it was so quiet...maybe people were finding places to settle.  After all it looked to be getting dark.

Just then, her ears seemed to wrinkle back to her skull along with one of her eyes shutting tight.  If anyone had normal hearing, they probably wouldn't have gotten the disturbance.  But Aisha was a demon.  She could only tell that it was a scream; somewhat high-pitched, mid-range, leaning towards male, but hard exactly to guess.  Somewhere far down.  "Who else heard that?" she hummed, looking around.

"Por amor de dios" (For the love of god), she then murmured, eyes rolling briefly.  But nevertheless, the feline's curiosity was piqued.  If they had an attacking stowaway, then it ought to swiftly be dealt with.  As she made way for the stairs, no doubt, there were others who heard it too; there was the sound of trampling feet in other areas.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


A rest room. Epyon thought as he opened the packaged meat. well it's not like that made any difference to him. as he looked around he caught sight of his face in the mirror. he looked almost normal. there was a look of hunger in his eyes and his forehead seems wrinkled but there was very little to say he wasn't a normal winged being so long as his eyes remain closed. then he say his eyes again. there was a golden glow coming form them again and the look of hunger intensified as he could smell the meat  form his nearly opened package of meat. it was likely meant to be a roast but now it would serve to curb his hunger. he turned away for the mirror not wanting to seem himself eat.

It's funny how things worked.  he  had worked to hard to control signs of undeath. to hide his mythos heritage. he was even worked hard to stay healed and practicing  the reactions that he'd held in lift to injury that he could barely detect anymore but some things alive or dead still affected him the same way. one of them was sound. Blood dripping from his chin he was taking a second or was it third bite from his pilfered meal when he heard the scream and choked.. "it scared him and made him worry for the safety of his companions and then for himself. as he worked to cough up the meat in his throat before he remembered he no longer needed to breath and calmed down.  opening his mouth he simply reached into his throat ad pull out the offending morsel.  before re chewing it.  he shivered. if any being had seen him do that they'd lynch him for being and undead freak.  still his mini crisis handle he needed to assess this scream and see if it required his attention and if he'd have to literally jump ship.

turning to leave he saw himself in the mirror again. his eyes had stopped glowing but he had blood dripping from his chin. he'd have to tend to that before anyone else saw. "he chuckled. good thing he was in the right room as the turned the handle on the faucet intending to wash his hands and face.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny was reaching out her hand to attempt the healing again when Witt produced a small metal object on a cord from his pocket and asked her opinion. Quickly switching gears to art appraisal mode she carefully looked over the small ornament. "Mer art can be valuable, if only from how seldom any surfaces on dry land. This unfortunately appears of fairly recent manufacture and simplistic style, limiting it's value to collectors. Iron is an odd choice for mer art considering the rust issue, which does increase it's interest a bit."

Penny didn't have much magical skill but she had carefully honed an ability to read enchantments. She never knew when objects she found had been trapped and this pendant seemed to have the feel of magic about it. "Hmmm... what do you have to say for yourself little thing?" It took her a moment to read the pattern, she hadn't dealt with mer magic often. "It is a breathing charm. It allows you to keep breathing no matter what is around you. I'll hazard that the mer wasn't one of the land adapted type. It should work in reverse for you."

Penny suddenly had a strong sensation that she should check the item again, much more carefully. Bending closer to Witt's hand she gave it a much more intent look. Abruptly she straightened up. "It's a tracking device.  The mer have a tracking spell on it."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt straightened. "Tracking? That's not good. Can you remove it? Failing that, can you tell how strong it is, whether it responds on request or is permanently signalling our location, and how far away they could locate us from?"

He thought a moment, then grinned evilly. "Should we slip this into a pocket on that trenchcoated wolf, or not?"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ty, after only a little poking around, had decided to rest near one of the windows. The sky looked nice from up here, you could see sides to the clouds that they never revealed to the public eye. The various colors created by the light catching on them, the wafting shapes, it was all simply breathtaking. He did so hope this manner of transportation caught on. The mythos' brows furrowed momentarily; the Mer made their livelyhood on transportation, they most certainly wouldn't enjoy that. Then again, perhaps a deal could be made with them that would allow the incorporation of such devices into their craft so that everyone got their fair piece. After all, people were Reasonable.
Failing that, I could always offer my services in bludgeoning them until they allow these- gah, Tyrannus, former scourge of Verdele, shook his head and smiled ruefully. Twelve years, and I still think in such ways sometimes. The addiction to ones own strength has a withdrawal of a lifetime. However, if I'm half as strong as I think I am I'm most certainly strong enough to resit urges like THAT He strode off down the hallway again. I wonder what the others have gotten up to...?


He arrived in the galley just in time for the discussion of the tracking device. "Hrm?" The saurian leaned over Penny's shoulder silently to take a closer look at the trinket. "I have a method for such devices; most enchantments stop working when the object is too badly damaged. If I may?" He held out one hand the size of the average being's face, the other hand politely tucked behind his back.

Paladin Sheppard

Paige relaxed from the doorway after takeoff and stood just behind the throne.

"Its pretty up here." She said to no one in particular, after Jakob had left.


Are any of these people fucking sane?!
   Not many moments after the closet had slammed shut, the door was again ripped open, and before either Cog or Keaton could react, both were roughly expelled from the dark space, Keaton being grabbed by the neck from behind and swung into the air, Cog being pulled along just by the speed of the movement. Shaken up, they were flung out on the floor outside the galley, finding themselves immediately and uncomfortably under the glare of eight red eyes. The spider's steps clacked a little against the floor as she shifted her stance, and her gaze, between them, glaring daggers at them both.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt looked up at the big saur. "If it's all the same to you, I was hoping to have the main enchantment still active, and merely remove the tracking. If that isn't possible, then yes, destroying both would be the way to go."

He considered. "Of course, that would also remove any value from the piece, at which point we might just as well throw it out a window." He looked around. "Seen any opening windows around here?"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"All right, what's going..."  Cross faltered at the sight of Keaton and Cog strewn over the floor while the strange spider-creature loomed over them.  This was not good.

Cross had been content only to hint at his heritage up to this point.  In light of the Dragon Wars this was only sensible as 'Cubi who went about in the open tended to end up ex-'Cubi.

Nonetheless, it had to be done.  Keaton was all-important and in any case the idiot junkie had blurted it out in front of all and sundry.  A gap formed in the back of his leather coat, from which the wings and their attendant tentacles extended.  His head was likewise crowned with feathers and his eyes were glowing solid amber.

"Let them go," he said, his voice cutting like a knife.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny began by answering Witt's questions. "I don't have the skills to remove it and while I could measure the strength and direction would take me more time than it's worth. Perhaps one of the herd of cubi would be able to rework the spell."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Epyon arrived to a less then pleasant vision of things. one wolf with tentacles coming out of his back. the two leaders looking thrown the the ground. the spider mythos  standing off with the tentacled wolf. what was going on? did he even want to know? he looked between the spider mythos and the wolf and decided that he didn't. he turned to leave wondering if he'd have to deal with choosing sides in a mutiny. he'd hope not but then he was not about to step into a power battle of unknown variables with out cause either. maybe he'd go finish his meat. thong not that the grip of the hunger had lessened that ideal seemed less and less pleasant.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The spider didn't know what had started the fight in the first place, though she could guess, and she thought she deserved an explanation. When Jakob stepped in though, she became quite a bit confused. What the hell did that one have to do with...?
   The shock hit the spider head on, causing all her eight eyes to snap wide open, and then narrow with loathing. An Incubus. A filthy, soul-sucking bloody shapeshifter! Suddenly, she didn't care what his deal was. The fingers of her right hand flickering briefly, the spider hunched together just the slightest bit, broadening her stance. Something moved under her coat, almost imperceptibly...


Knife, hmm? Cross thought and hardened his skin as a precaution.

"Now, now," he said.  "No-one has to get hurt.  But if anyone sabotages the mission by killing the jackal, they'll die too.  So just let them go, okay?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

It wasn't too hard for Aisha, following her ears to the source of the noise.  Of course, there was only one scream, and whatever struggle was going on if any would have been too muffled even for the demoness.  But she did follow the trail of the passerby, whose footfalls were none too discreet in echoing down the ship.

The panthress had doubts that there was really an intruder; with this bunch, it was easier to figure that one of them had just gotten into trouble.  If that's all it is... she grimaced and kept running until she had reached the room where there were voices.  She had come in just a few moments after the dark gray wolf.

"Alright, what's...?"  Aisha began.  With a skid on the floor as she braked in front of the doorway, Aisha was braced...for nothing, as it was suddenly apparent.  The strange spider-woman was holding herself over Keaton and Cogidubnus, both of whom looked somewhat ragged.  Not only that, there seemed to be a confrontation.  Jakob had two sets of wings out.  The demon had suspected that there may have been more than a couple of 'Cubi in the group.  But just how many were there?

"Nice..." she muttered.  Aisha took her hand away from the handle of her boomerang, eyebrow quirked, and leaned against the wall...she didn't know whether or not to step in or to just watch and see what happened.  Usually the assassin kept to her own business, but if there was dissonance between party members already...

Juust wait.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


For a few long, hard moments, the spider merely stared at Cross, her gaze scathing. Was he serious? What did he think he could do? Now moments like these were the ones when she really wished that she could voice her opinion on matters, but...
   Slowly, the spider straightened and took a step back from Keaton and Cog where they lay on the floor. Fine. They could kick each other in the head all they wanted. She didn't have to give a damn, and she sure as hell was not going to try and help anyone there again if all she got in return were threats.


Fal'taq blinked and glanced briefly from the windows to Paige as she made her comment. The greenish tinge to his face couldn't be seen under his fur, fortunately. He couldn't believe the wolf had calmly admired the view, as if there was nothing wrong with being so high in the air: the woman was obviously dangerously insane.

After a short time the mole finally managed to tear his gaze away from the window and looked around the room. Some people were missing — wait, hadn't he seen them rush out? "That jaguar, and the wolf... Pettersohn, I think. Did anyone see where they went?"
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


"Thank you," said Cross.  "That's much better."
His eyes had stopped glowing and he was smiling.  It looked for all the world as if he had been forced to discipline a wicked child and was now pleasantly surprised that they had apparently learned their lesson.

He kept the gap in the back of his coat open in case the creature had a sudden change of mind, but every other aspect of his 'Cubi form began to subside.

"Now," he said, addressing Keaton and Cog, "are you two okay?"

Jesus, he thought.  What a dysfunctional party we make...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Epyon had not gone far. in fact he he was just out of of the corridor eating the last of his uncooked roast. He was not happy about this Crew he'd gotten tangles up with but he'd make do. he was a survivor and with the exception of that on trip in the cave looking for a fountain of life he'd survived everything thrown at him. "if was possible he'd survive this. if not well he was already dead or at least mostly dead." thought  guardedly imagines an image of his home land form before the wars started. 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey