Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

Left alone in the galley Penny peeked around the doorway to see what the noise was, even as she muttered something about curiosity killing the stupid fisher. When she saw the cause of the panic and the now missing section of wall she quickly pulled her nose back into the galley and reached for her crossbow and another one of her special bolts.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Epyon watched the spider Bite the wolf "poison" he thought  imidetly his voice echoing his thoughts. but would  it work on the beast? it seems more a magical juggernaut then a flesh being. it had a soul so that was a step in the right direction. but could poison stop it. he didn't know but he had to give it time to work. holding his pole on his arm he aimed and extend it harsley. he hoped to clip the beast in the back of the head and knock it senseless  with out hitting one of the numrous threads that were littering the corridor. he might have thanks the spider if not the the fact that he wasn't sure whats she was planning or why she was even here. well that and the web made and over hand swing impossible.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey



Keaton remained where she was, against the wall, for some time. She felt she had no other option, petrified in mind-numbing fear and inaction. Only when Cogidubnus, motivated by bloodlust or some equally atrocious instinct, barreled after Cross, did Keaton finally feel her limbs jerk back into animation, making her slump down the wall's surface until she felt herself land unceremoniously on the floor. From where she was, she could clearly hear the results of Cogidubnus's rampage; the sounds petering away as the two sources trailed further and further from Keaton. It made a suitable barometer to determine when it was safe to move.

At the moment, Keaton didn't have any time to be disgusted with her (to her) cowardly behavior. She had to formulate a plan to get Cog to revert back to his ordinary body. The last time she encountered his werewolf form, she had barely escaped with her life after he had the misfortune of attacking her collar, involuntarily liberating her from the artifact's grip. Over the hundreds of years Keaton had been forced to wear that degrading, humiliating accessory, she could never remove it - the thing was nigh impenetrable. Only Cog's fangs and murderous intent had succeeded where she had failed. Under any other circumstances, if Keaton wasn't wearing that accursed collar, Keaton imagined her throat would have been crushed.

Keaton shakily stood up, and picked up Catastrophe. Right now, she had to find Cross, carrying the hope that he hadn't been eviscerated. With the mace in hand, Keaton started to trudge hesitantly down the hallway, until she finally burst into a full sprint in the direction of where she heard the sounds of Cog and Cross's skirmish originate.


...Pandora and Axiyne:

Pandora, meanwhile, was utterly unaware of the events occurring deep within the airship. Axiyne, however, with his decidedly superior hearing, started to detect the distant cacophony of Cross's approaching footsteps. At first he thought nothing of it. After all, he had no idea there was an emergency - not until Cross, having adopted a feral wolf form, teleported into the chamber in an unexpected flash. Pandora thrust her heels into the floor and jerked her chair around just enough, hands slapping the top of the dashboard. Her feathers were individually standing on end, quite similar to Axiyne's horrified state, as he cowered behind his throne.

"Wha' th' FUCK?!" Pandora exclaimed, shocked. At the moment she was rather shocked by Cross's current form, not being able to recognize the Cubi until the moment he collapsed. Her reaction was somewhat delayed by stunned shock, as well as the impact of Cross's message. Behind her, she could hear Fal'Taq continuously ruminating over the ominous message Cross had imparted them before he passed out, which made her increasingly worried as well.

Pandora stared down at one of the wolf's tentacles. Normal wolves didn't have tentacles. And unless she had smuggled aboard a strange breed of Mythos without realizing it, this was a Cubi in a somewhat different body. Regardless, Pandora couldn't dwell on the wolf's identity at the moment. If there was truth to his words, then she had to deal with that, first.

"I - I..." Pandora seemed rather bereft of her limited vocabulary, or at the very least at a loss as to how to respond to Fal'taq's words. She craned her body around to stare at the elder mole, her crest bristling. Finally, she shakily turned her head toward a petrified Axiyne, and pointed to him. "A-Ax," she said, "Keep th' shi' runnin'. Take care o' th' wolf."

Axiyne nodded hesitantly, and quickly activated the autopilot on the airship's settings. He walked to Cross's body and started to tend to his injuries.

Pandora turned back to Fal'taq and addressed him summarily. She seemed to have regained some sense of fatalistic calm to her features, at least because she was restoring her confidence. "You... I might need some backup."

Resting her hands on the ground, Pandora helped herself to her feet, swaying erratically but recollecting her balance in short order. She walked past Fal'taq and over to a heavily armored cabinet resting over the table holding her ashtray and cigar collection. The cabinet was labeled with a gaudy, striped band which read, in big, bold, red letters: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, BREAK PADLOCK. Pandora seized the padlock strapped onto the front of the cabinet and wrenched it once, rattling the length of chains looped around the cabinet, and then, after fishing through her pocket, brought out a key and unlocked it. She reached inside of the now-open cabinet and removed a sizable weapon: an antique long rifle, characterized by its enormously long barrel. In comparison to Pandora's earlier weapons, the rifle was decidedly primitive due to its flintlock mechanism, but was augmented with a number of parts and apparatuses built into the rifle's structure. Carved into the rifle's side was a small, stylized bird.

Pandora retrieved a box of ammunition from within the cabinet and prepared her rifle, then lowered the obscene-looking weapon to the ground. Another attribute to the rifle was that it, apparently, had a rather large ammo capacity, as opposed to antiquated weapons of its ilk. She gathered two other weapons: a pair of flintlock pistols, and quickly hung them from their appropriate holsters on her cumbersome neon-pink belt. Breathing deeply, Pandora shuddered, rubbed her thumb over her forehead, and then gestured to Fal'taq, heading for the door. "C'mon, old timer. Y' c'n cast magic, right? I'll be needin' some 'elp."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


 Snarling, and nearly trapped by the broken webs and metal paneling, the wolf encountered the first defense of all small spiny creatures when confronted with a larger one. Spines longer than the wolf's face pierced it's mouth and muzzle, in some cases all the way through, leaving the spines poking out of the top of it's mouth like a bloody marsh-stick. More than a dozen needles sank into the wolf's flesh.
The true horror of the werewolf was not it's size, or it's strength, or its sheer unnaturalness, but rather the sense of hopelessness that the beast's tenacity could inspire. Pain did not stop it - wounding it, did not stop it - it knew not fear, and it knew not care. It let the blades of it's enemies sink all the way through, and drank their heart's blood anyway.

Not even yelping, the wolf twisted violently on the hedgehog's spines, hoping to break them into pieces.

Then, a dozen enemies descended upon it.

A dozen more strands of silk attempted to immobilize it yet again, and as the silk dried and stuck fast a sharp, burning pain flared from it's leg - trapped as it was, it couldn't even move to check what was happening, although it could feel poison pumping into it's system. The beast had never worried about such things - just as the ear it had lost no long bled, and the hole in it's stomach had staunched, so did it burn poisons off too quickly for them to be effective against it. Even so, the spider's venom was strong, and it could feel the leg go numb.
A chain, thrown by another faceless foe sailed through the web of silk and caught on the beast's neck, the long hook catching nicely. The beast did not feel despair, but frustration was beginning to mount in it's mind. When another foe struck him in the back of the head with prodigious strength, making the beast see stars, the frustration ignited into fury.

Opening it's mouth, it shook it's head until a few threads of silk caught on it's teeth, and it bit down hard. The strings snapped like rubber, and with it's entire body writhing it began to free itself, each string that it snapped allowing it to move just a little more. It managed to free it's right hand, and plucking a number of strings like a child's hand through a cobweb, or a knife though guitar strings. It twisted it's upper body around, scrabbling at strings, and snarled viciously at the spider attached to it's leg.
If there was one advantage to being covered in webs, it was that no-one could get close to it, for fear of being caught in the webs itself. A truly horrifying prospect, considering that the beast could free itself, eventually, even if you could not. Aisha felt the chain jerk in her hands, pulling her closer as the beast moved.

It could feel the poison being pumped into it numbing it's leg, and slowly working into it's abdomen. Baring long, gleaming fangs, the Werewolf clawed at the spider, attempting to ruin the obsidian, shiny eyes placed in her face. It's claws flashed in the low light of the corridor, the spider's webs about it lit by moonbeams into strands of silver.

* * *

Unbenoticed by anyone, a small green ship, looking for all the world like a small fishing boat, surfaced beneath the airship, and began to sail underneath the high-flying Perihelion.


they say that the dead do not know fear. they say that zombies wild charge mindlessly into their own destruction for the sake of achieve their goal most ofter to attack or feast on a being. they say a great many thing but not all of them are true, As epyon watched the juggernaut in the shape of a feral wolf  pulling and clawing it's way free. the look of horror on his face was evident.

Watching it he felt fear the like of which he had not felt since his father told him about the cure put on his family. when he escape the undead that wounded him and when he found out that the magic of the undead was still thrive in his body almost a year later when most victims of undead attacks were cured in a week if the survived the week. this thing was as close to death personified as he had ever seen and Epyon had to try to stall or stop it while it was still tangled otherwise he'd die again and this time he wasn't sure he'd wake back up.  Pulling his pole back he gripe it with both hand tightly and began to jab at the wolf as hard as the could as fast as he dared. Epyon couldn't stop him like this he knew but he could probably district and damage him some while  hoping that the others could stop him before the wolf got free and ripped them all to shreds.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Unconscious, Cross had reverted to his base form and lay in a heap on the floor.  Mere minutes after Pandora left the flight deck, he stirred slightly.

"The fishcakes," he mumbled.  Then his eyes opened.  Cross' head was pounding and he stared blearily into the face of Axiyne.   "I'm sorry, my Lord, I didn't get the ears..." he babbled, suddenly realising where he was even as the words left his mouth.

"Oh gods," he said, and tried to sit up.  "The junkie, Cog... He turned into some kind of monster.  Pandora knows him... where is she?  Does she know what to do?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Paige reached the lower corridor as the monstrous Were started to free itself from the strands of spider silk. "Gods" she breathed as she saw the fury emanating from the cog-monster. Stepping closer she started calling energy to herself, the air itself seeming to grow heavy and small sparks lit off the walls and into Paige.

Winter's Bite eldrich energy curling and sparking lined up with the Were. At her peak Paige let her power flow down the claymore and at her target, the ice magics seeking to encase and trap completely.


Fal'taq glared at Pandora's back as the bird-were prepared her weapons. I might as well have installed a revolving door in this shield, he thought sourly. Oh, I will follow you, woman, but not at all closely. That way, the wounded, maddened monster — if you manage to shoot it — will eat you first. The mole glanced over his shoulder at the controls as the scruffy midget gryphon adjusted them. Before they took off, he'd briefly considered disposing of Pandora and Aixyne, and taking over the airship himself at some point during their flight. One look at the hideously complicated mass of levers, buttons, dials and switches — not all of them labelled — had changed his mind. Still, perhaps the gryphon could be suitably intimidated into obeying him if anything messy and unfortunate were to happen to Pandora.

"I shall leave the shield up behind us," Fal'taq said finally, as Pandora finished checking her weapons. He opened the side of the shield again and waved Pandora through with an "after you" gesture and an almost sincere-looking smile on his muzzle. As he followed her through and sealed the shield behind them, he spared barely a glance at Pettersohn lying on the floor in an untidy heap. If the 'Cubi lived, he might be weakened and easier to dispose of later if necessary. If not... the mole smiled grimly as he walked down the stairs, letting a gap open up between himself and Pandora. One less problem. And anyone connected to that lunatic Daryil frequently becomes a problem, sooner or later.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.



Even after Pandora and Fal'taq departed, Axiyne remained where he was, quizzically examining Cross's body. When the wolf unexpectedly reverted back to his original body, the tawny Gryphon let out a horrified trill and skittered backwards, talons jerking into fluid motion across the immaculate floor. One accidental sidestep and Axiyne went down in a tangle of limbs, but recovered quickly. He was back on his feet in moments and gingerly approached the unconscious Cubi.

Axiyne sighed and started to turn around to retrieve the first aid kit he knew was secreted in a nearby shelf, only to notice Cross stirring on the floor. Not long after, the Incubus was mumbling incoherently, apparently something about.... fishcakes. Axiyne had no idea why. Cubi were such strange Creatures. In his confusion, Axiyne didn't immediately realize that Cross was staring right into his visage until the next moment he spoke. At least he wasn't dead, Axiyne concluded, since the dead most certainly couldn't talk about fishcakes and move.  When he registered what Cross said, however, Axiyne wasn't sure what to think. Monsters? Furrae couldn't turn into monsters. Dragons, maybe, those could shapeshift, or Cubi if they tried hard enough... at the moment, though, Axiyne couldn't speculate or panic. He needed to keep a firm hold on the situation until Pandora got back. Carefully, he walked over to the shelf, and opened it, pulling out a white box simply emblazoned with a red cross.

"Monster?" Axiyne then shakily set the handle of the box between his beak, carrying it over to Cross. Once he was there, he set the kit down and snapped it open with a flick of his talons, folding open the box and starting to rummage through the medical tools inside. He quirked his ears, staring at the wolf-Cubi curiously. He fished out some rolls of bandages. "Look, you - you shouldn't talk. Yo... You're hurt and we need to take care of that."

Admittedly, Axiyne had no idea what was going on. While Pandora may have known about Cog's lycanthropy, Axiyne, unfortunately, did not. It was probably why he was remaining as (relatively) calm as he was.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


"I don't need to breathe," he said, as the gryphon fussed over him.  "Talking won't make much difference and it's much more important that Pandora and you know what's happening.
"The junkie, he... transformed into some horrible feral thing, something more powerful than I could handle.  I've never seen anything like it before.  He's on some kind of rampage... but I don't think it was deliberate.  I don't think he knows what he's doing."

Despite his words, Cross knew he was still too weak to get up.  He didn't try, but his hand made instead for the .44.  The gryphon started.

"It's not for you," Cross said, with a faint grunt of laughter.  "I don't know if it would stop the beast, either.  But if it comes down to it, I'm going to try."  And just in case any members of our motley crew try to kick me when I'm down.
He lapsed into silence and began mentally composing an apology an advance, just in case - Pandora was unlikely to appreciate that kind of mess on her walls.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

As the huge muzzle twisted, Witt flew away from him, most of the spines slipping clear, but a few snapping off. The whole result was so quick, the knife that flashed out on impact missed the wolf's chin, and the spiny ball flew off down the corridor, spraying drops of blood on the walls, and cursing all the way.

"Aaaaa" *whump* "mother" *whump* "fu" *thump* "cking" *bang* "sonofa" *wham* "bitch"

He uncurled at the far end, upside down, and gazed back along the floor at the feet of the monster, and growled. The knives vanished, and Witt pushed himself up into a handstand, then dropped into a roll that ended up with him stalking back down the corridor towards the furore at the far end. On his way, he fished something heavy out of a pocket.

"Hey! You overgrown rug!" As he called, he launched the object down the corridor, at high speed, aiming for the monster's head - followed by Witt himself, knives out, spines raised, and teeth bared, hell for leather and all out for war.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

Aisha felt a moment of elation as the chain made it around the feral wolf's neck and caught tight.  But soon after it did, she felt the muscles in her arms tighten in response to the great amount of force that they now struggled against; the strength of the beast was mighty enough to have the feline's feet dragged.

Still she held on to the chain, gripping it as it was wrapped around both hands.  She let go of some of the chain when it tried to take her along.  Slack and pull was the key to not having it tear her arms was just like fishing, only more intense, and the prey tended to bite off more than a small metal hook.  With the claws on her feet extended she had them dig into the floor as much as they could to anchor her while the others made their own assaults.

The webbing, although it was slowly and surely being torn from the walls, was just as much an obstacle for those fighting as it was for the beast itself.  Were it not for the easy chance that she'd be caught, Aisha would have had her wings freed--and thus her full demonic powers--in a moment so that she could try to stun the thing.  But all she had was her physical strength...which she used in powered kicks attempted at the beast's head whenever she managed to pull it close enough. panther grunted at another tug.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The wolf's teeth snapped like a huge bear trap in front of the spider's wide, almost saucer-like eyes, yet her reflexes served her well enough that she managed to get out of the way, only having to deal with a scratch to her eyebrow and the foul breath and spittle. Scrabbling backwards over the floor in a disordered heap of limbs, she thrashed, snaring her coat with her own webs accidentally. Carelessly throwing herself out of that coat, at least one seam opening with a ripping sound, she backed up against the wall, all eight eyes fixed on the horrid beast and her limbs, all eight now visible as four large, previously folded arms sprouted from under the divided back of her jacket-like garment, claws out and pointing against the Wolf, tense like coiled springs. She was ready to bolt at any second.
   What was more, she was going to fucking kill him once he changed back!


For Ty there was, in a way, stillness.
Oh, not to be mistaken, the world was a maelstrom around him of people assaulting the monster. There was roaring, screaming, a chain flew by, allies joined or were removed. But for the mythos it wasn't entirely unfamiliar, almost relaxing. With the life he lead, calm was something you cultivated inwardly.
The spider was backed to the wall, with the monster rearing up on its hind legs before her. Limbs trailing webbing, mouth open in a scream. It was the stuff of epics. Ty was familiar with this. Now.
The mythos stepped forward slowly and deliberately, violence more inevitable than immediate, before lowering his head and lunging forward. The monster stood like a man, which made this next bit easy. Two saurian hands came up beneath the Beast's arms, hooking around it's shoulders before clasping together behind its neck. Tyrannus arced backwards, yanking the beast away from the spider and putting pressure where one in the hold wouldn't want it while entangling himself further in the webbing the beast was trailing. On the positive, it meant his enemy was now that much more restricted in movement. On the negative, he was now stuck to someone who rather wanted to kill him. Thus was life.


Cross glanced at the empty control panel and then back at the gryphon.  "I assume this craft has some kind of autopilot to keep us locked on course?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Epyon's continual jabs at the best seemed to be having little more effect on the creature than to make it madder, and as Sal skittered away and to safety and Aisha made the thing's head snap back with a perfectly executed high-kick, the beast saw something trail before it's vision, and with the instincts of a feral dog snapped at it.
It was the trinket from before, the mer-token that Witt had pried off a dead body – with an apparently more sinister purpose. Powerful magic was hidden beneath the relatively more mundane breathing enchantment; magic that acted like a beacon to whomever knew how to find it. The magic in it was strong, able to be detected almost anywhere on Furrae.
   As Ty grabbed the Wolf, the creature's jaws snatched it out of the air. As the saurian's arms lifted it off the ground, the Wolf's eldritch teeth bit through the charm, compressing, crushing and then puncturing the matrix that held these powerful magics.

It exploded, along with half of the creature's head.

 The air misted just slightly with blood, and in Ty's blood-slicked arms the creature seemed to simply melt. Soon, all that was left was the spindly, emaciated frame of Cogidubnus – whole, but completely unconscious, and blood pouring out one nostril.

* * *

Far beneath them, the little ship began to veer just slightly off-course.


Epyon watched in horrors as the creates head exploded. he could not believe whats he'd seen. he felt the tickle of a gag reflex trying to make him empty his stomach. he'd wanted the beast stopped but dead and in such a way? then as the body feel with the saurian he saw that despite his apparate death the wolf was still alive and it was it was the wolf that stated this crazy question the the jackals.  Weak in the knees he fell to leaning on his pole. are you still alive big guy? he asked the saurian since he was closest to the blast and the others had seemed to be okay.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Ty's thrashing charge sank its teeth into the ring, and for all intents and purposes the world exploded right in front of his face. That almost never happened. When Cog slumped and squished his way to the floor the saurian was still standing in the same position, stunned expression on his face and ears ringing. He licked his lips to whet his now-dry mouth, but that only served to remind him that his face was covered in gore.
Composure, Tyrannus. Remember, poise and composure. The mythos breathed in once and exhaled, slowly.
"... Ew." He finally said, when he felt he could properly rely on his tongue again. "And yes," He continued, that once phrase giving him confidense in his ability to continue without regressing to Most Improper Conduct. "I am very much alive, young man, thank you. Furthermore, I believe it would be wise for someone to ascertain whether or not the Afflicted Gentleman is, and conduct him to a makeshift mortuary or a room as appropriate." His snout crinkled briefly. "A room guarded by myself, if there are no objections. In addition, if someone could please inform the captain as to the events as they transpired? I believe she is most definitely entitled to know what has caused the damage to her property, and hence who to bill." He wiped some of the lycanthrope off his face and folded his arms behind his back. "If it isn't too much trouble."


Epyon shivered and looked around. to see if there were any other volunteers. sighed he looked at the succubus with the frozen sword and the huger wit the chain.' if either of you can  help me  in case his harder to deal with self comes about I'll carry him to one of the storage rooms" he said a little less then please with what he was suggesting. he look at the spider woman and sighted he'd studies arcanaspearean as pate of his medicals training and after spinning so much web in such a short time she was likely to bu hungry. he hoped she wouldn't try to eat any of the unsuspecting beings . assuming that there was any actual beings on this ship. he closed his upper eyes so that the blinding lights and stark darkness of the others souls and emotions states would not give him a headache. they weren't really that bright but to him long out of practice of use his other eyes it was like staring into the flames  massive candles or  sinkholes. It was pointless to hide now but he was still in the habit of doing so. even so it caused him to miss his village. how many years had it been now? he wondered. "miss spider there are some packaged meats in the galley. I'm sure you're likely hungry after some many fights in such a short time"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt screeched to a halt as the wolf's head exploded, his chin dropping. "That was him?"

He shrugged, and the knives in his paws vanished. He scratched his chin thoughtfully, and pondered. "Is this likely to happen again? We might need some stronger ropes, next time. Or chains."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

One minute, Aisha was still struggling to keep the beast still...they all were who were there to help.  Any Being's knuckles would have started to bleed from holding the chain taut and under such stress for that long.

The next, things happened quickly.  The saurian had grabbed the feral wolf and hefted it off the ground, almost taking the chain and the panther along with it...she was able to gain back her footing just before the explosion.

"Dammit!" Aisha cursed as she covered her face with an arm, the action quickly rushing past in a short but surprising flurry of sound.

When it was done, there was blood.  She could smell it before she could see it.  In fact, she halfway expected not a wolf, but a very large spot of red.  But there the re-transformed Cogidubnus lay, intact.  And so too was the rest of her chain, having been protected from the blast by its highly resistant metal and enchantment.  One tug, and the grapple was released so that she could tie it back around her waist.

"There won't be a next time if we just keep him away from the moon, bato," she said in somewhat of a jest and almost grinned, using the advantage that many others may not have had knowledge of her birth tongue to know what she said.  "As for where to put him, he looks knocked out enough to be out of trouble for a while.  So just find a bed."

The exciting part done for the moment, at least to her, the demoness turned to stride away and back upstairs, occasionally wiping her hands on her armor.  Her ears were however turned in case something more was to be said.  She had a way with seeming unconcerned, only for it to be the other way around.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Epyon's words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Or, better expressed, mute ones. The spider stood held up against the wall for a few moment, luckily having shut her grotesque mouthparts, but her eyes still wide, and her claws still hovering and ready from all six arms. Then, as people finally started getting over the shock, she relaxed, stepped forward, and with a chitter threw herself at the wolf, knocking Witt over in the process. She lifted the hapless Cog into the air like a stuffed toy and shook him furiously, and next drew back one arm, claws out to strike.


One hand placed itself on the spider's bicep, neither squeezing nor exerting any real force but still quite stubbornly immobile.
"Later." Ty said calmly, "If it's deemed appropriate. However..." Briefly, he considered what he knew about this group and appealed to what seemed the predominant reason the spider would have not to kill him. "It wouldn't be prudent to throw away such a resource without first assessing if the costs thereof can be further controlled." He gestured to the mayhem around them. "Besides, for all you know it's contagious."


The spider hissed, and made some sort of rattling, breathing sound, staring between Cog and Ty's both visages with all those eyes. She tensed up, but then just dropped the wolf carelessly and swatted the reptilian's hand away, turning quickly and practically stomping away, claws clacking on the steel floor. She didn't care much for what Ty had said, except the part about 'later'. Glaring back over her shoulder, she just walked away back into the galley. She would either correct the mistake of having saved the wolf later, or just throw him off the ship. The Gods knew that all these damn creatures were starting to bother her...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Bowled over by the spider, Witt rolled back up to his feet like a weeble-wobble. He blinked at the spider woman, shook his head regretfully, and shrugged. When she dropped the wolf and stalked off, he sidled up to the unconscious wolf and nudged him.

"Well, if he's sleeping, we might as well let him sleep it off." He glanced around at the various folks watching, then up at Ty. "You have some place in mind?" He hefted the sleeping wolf to one shoulder, apparently without much effort, and looked around to see which way to go.

The sleeping wolf's paws barely clear of the floor...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny scrambled backwards and out of the way as the spider stormed into the galley. The woman seemed to not even notice her presence so the fisher put away her crossbow. She debated sneaking out, but the torn up hallway didn't seem any safer than the galley.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Epyon let them go to tired to care that the spider had stormed off and not particularly happy that he might have to face the wolf monster that was the jackals trump card again. "sanity has no place on this ship" he said and decided
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Ty blinked at Witt once. "Erm, actually, no. Urrr..." He wiped a smear of lycanthrope gore off his face as he thought, "Cargo hold? Admittedly while it may not be the most comfortable of places to sleep off a bruising, we would have a quick and efficient method of disposing of him should he..." Ty considered the ruined hallway, wondering how to tactfully phrase Goes berzerk in a most unsubtle and public fashion. "Lose himself, again. Besides," the mythos turned to head down the hall to where he was reasonably sure the cargo hold was, "We shall have plenty of things there to throw at him, should need arise, and I believe having the option of stuffing him into a large crate, should need arise, wouldn't be remiss."

llearch n'n'daCorna

"Right you are. Reckon we can find a mattress or bale of hay or something we can park him on?" Witt sauntered off after the big saurian, Cog's hands and feet brushing the floor in the middle of each step. He paused to find his helmet, which had bounced off unnoticed in the fray, and ended up under one of the panels. He resettled it on his head, ignoring the fairly minor dent in one side, grinned to himself, and continued on his way.

His voice floated cheerfully back down the corridor. "And then we can come back and see about putting some of the panelling back, maybe. I wonder how that Pandora chickie will react to the mess..."
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"Silence," said Cross.  It wasn't a command, but an observation.  "Everything is quiet.  Do you think Cog has been subdued...?"  Or is he just happily eating his victims?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E