Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

"I call dibs on his soul if he acts up." Paige called out after Ty hauled the Junkman out from under the magnet. The succubus then followed Pandora up the ramp and into the airship.

"Wow this is cool." She said once inside "You made this all by yourself?"


Cross looked at Pandora, his eyes narrowing.  The woman was clearly deranged, but that would have to wait.  Whatever the blast outside was, it couldn't be good.  It was most likely some kind of posthumous distress signal from the dead Mer.  Or maybe their companions had found the bodies.  Either way, they had to flee.

"Pandora has already said she'll need his help," he said to Paige, as though explaining it to a child.  "He cannot do that if anyone eats his soul.  If he needs that kind of punishment, we trap it in a Hahnssen jar, so Pandora can still talk to him."

"Now, Ms. Rosendahl... I very much hope that we can be allies, if not friends.  However, I must beg you not to threaten Keaton ever again."  He paused and his voice became grave and sorrowful as if he was talking of a lost loved one.
"You see, I work for Daryil, alias the Honey Monster.  Her mission, if it succeeds, will greatly benefit our own organisation, so we need her to remain alive at all costs.  Whomsoever kills her will have their soul brought before him on a silver platter."  He'll probably keep it as a pet.

"Anyway.  Now we've got that unpleasantness out of the way, we'd best flee.  What do you need us to do?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Apparently the wolf knew what the green flare meant as well, and looking at Pandora quickly he grinned widely and returned her thumbs up. "Of course! I'll just go get the shit in the workshop then shall I?"
It was only a moment later when he turned to run for that small wooden shack outside the house that he heard that stupid Cubi start ranting on again about what he would and would not tolerate from the people about to save his very suddenly principled neck. Cog gave him a nasty look as he ran by.
"Shove it up your ass, Pettersohn. Don't bite the hand and all that." he said, thinking very strongly about smacking the Cubi across the back of the head.

The silver wolf disappeared around the corner for a moment, and after a few moments came back carrying two rather large sacks in either hand. Witt noticed that one of them clinked when the wolf took a step.

* * *

The flare did not go unnoticed by the rest of the Island.

Bathed in the light of the green flare, Sheriff Boney and Wilson both watched it from the rather tense atmosphere of the guard house. Papers written in rather strong language, declaiming that whosoever signed these documents was in a shitload of trouble, and would be doing community service for a very long time indeed instead of being thrown over the seawall with a large weight, reflected green light from between the shiny black ink. Wilson stood.
"Maybe we should go and see what that-"

  "You sit the hell down, Wilson."

* * *

Elsewhere on the Island, SWAT teams dropped what they were doing, and after staring at the sky for only a moment began to race towards the origin of the lurid firework. Sirens again began to blare, and most of the entire police force began to move away from the docks area and towards the junkyard.
Linos let out a hissing sigh.

He could see them, even though four walls and a broken window separated him and Izria from the busily searching police force. It'd taken some doing, but his sight was perfectly suited to evasion, and he'd managed to throw them off the pair's trail for a bit. What had made them leave, though...
Linos couldn't see color very well, but he could hear, and there was magic enough in that flare to be seen from miles away. He held his guitar rigidly, the instrument resting on his lap, and vaguely wished for a cigarette.

"Well..." he volunteered. "This could be good anyway. Just as good as a death sentence, yeah?"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had been standing by herself on the edge of the hangar, having cautiously put her bow onto her back and crossed her arms while the rest debated about whether or not to let the one they called Arcwelder come along with them.  The panther still had her doubts...the bodies skewered, and the welcoming was easy to see the unconscious--well, it was probably more accurate to call him more a "thing"--was a few parts short in the head.  It was Pandora who decided that perhaps they'd take him.  She had to admit, even not one to follow a more monstrous Creature's way of doing things, the idea of a soul hostage was probably fair enough for him too.

Then her attention shifted up with the others, and the normally-calm feline's eyes widened, round as dinner plates.  "Holy friggin' all-seeing shit," she muttered.  Of all the things they expected to see, was it really an airship?  For a while the panthress had more the idea of a water-bound vessel.  It would have been interesting...the demon herself could fly (or at least glide), but not at the highest distances where one's ears would pop.  Of course it was expected that the use of it was out of the question, after Cogidubnus finally state the point...but then, how were they to...?

Then the flash thunder, the suddenness of which made Aisha's ears ring.  She uncrossed her arms and stood on alert, watching, before Pandora turned around.  To the surprise of some, the avian relented, and quite eagerly.  Now what the hell could be out there...?

And what does it matter yet, chica?  Move your feet.

So, fleet-footed as she could, she did.  Shadowed form was quick, taking the ramp and passing the short banter between the two wolves...looking for something to do.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt glanced out at the fireball, shrugged, and signed at the spider-lady After you?, then glanced around to see who was left outside the airship.

He smiled to see Cog heading back in, particularly when the bag clinked, settled his hat on his head, shrugged his spines back into place, and sauntered onto the airship, idly pausing in the doorway to glance back at the few remaining folk left standing behind.

"Well? Get the fucking lead out. You don't think there aren't gonna be people coming to find out who sent that bloody thing up, do you? Sheesh."

And with that, he vanished into the interior, looking for Cog, and the clinking bag...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Cross gave Cog a sharp look.  "Don't be an asshole" is not a valid reply to "How do we help?", you dipshit.  It was getting harder and harder to avoid doing something drastic.  Such a pity Keaton needed him alive.  Anyhow, the ground crew seemed to have done their piece already, so he hopped aboard with the rest.

Pity it's a closed cabin... otherwise Cog could fall out.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Caught up as she was, the spider almost missed Witt's gesture. Even then she just caught things with two eyes. For a moment she stood trying to gather what was going on. Airship. Woodpecker. Honey Monster. Eating souls. Green lights.
   Either I'm hallucinating, she thought, or all this is actually going on, in which case it is completely crazy and will probably make exactly everything go to hell. If I'm hallucinating, it doesn't matter if I get on that ship. If I'm not, I don't like the alternative to it, and I want to be able to say I have the guts to get on that ship. The reasoning itself seemed crazy. Her thought processes seemed distant and disconnected. But they were all she could cling to. So I'm getting on that ship. Funny. It seems to be one of those moments again...
   Managing a little bitter smile, and a last look out the hangar doors, the spider then stepped up and ascended the ramp, entering the airship.
   I'm going to die.



On her way up the ramp, Pandora glanced incredulously back at Cross, as though she hadn't expected for such a proposal to come out of his mouth. Or, rather, anyone who belonged to this collection of loonies. Seeing someone who exhibited some common sense was rather refreshing.  However, Pandora's momentary gratitude that she ran into someone sane faded when Cross mentioned serving up her soul on a sliver platter. Okay, maybe he wasn't entirely sane after all.

Pandora's pace faltered as she was ascending the next ramp after her immortal soul's well-being was threatened. Axiyne scampered at her heels, sprinting past her, unaware of the current statement. Pandora looked quite distraught, initially, her features wilting at the mention of Daryil and the illustration of the consequences of her further antagonizing Keaton. Her beak hung open. Being quite well-versed in many of the mafia-esque forces that reigned over Furrae's underground, she was quite aware of Daryil's existence. She had to be knowledgeable in those who would possibly want her dead in anticipation of any assaults.

Pandora lifted her index finger, her mouth open as though she wanted to say something. Whatever she wanted to say vanished after a moment's consideration, though, and she paled a little as the idea of her soul being used as a demented Incubus's paperweight for the remainder of her eternal afterlife floated through her head. At least the fucking Mer didn't have soul-stealing technology, as far as she knew. Pandora didn't tolerate being insulted, but at the risk of getting her soul stolen? Fuck, she'd open-mouth kiss someone (at risk of her on-again, off-again girlfriend's wrath) if they wanted her to if it meant she'd get her soul spared.

"Um... 'kay. Y'got y'rself a deal, good sir," Pandora said hesitantly, though sincerely. "No more picking on th'jackal lady. Gotcha. As f'r wha' I need you all t'do..."

Pandora seized the handle of the door in front of her and slid it open. She beckoned the group inside, Axiyne leaping within the aircraft. Keaton gave the aircraft a shaky once-over and then followed inside, just behind Paige. "Jus'... hang tight. I'll take you all where ya need t'go, but I'll need some 'elp around th'ship. Arc'll probably 'elp out with th' mechanics as long as I 'elp 'im get 'is little robot buddies back on their feet... I think I 'ave some parts for that... but th' ship's real big an' I'll need some 'elp around it. Nothin' too big."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


"No problem, Ms. Rosendahl," said Cross politely, with a friendly smile as though he'd just warned Pandora that her shoelace was undone.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Argh... oof... put me down, you idiot!" Fal'taq wriggled in Epyon's arms until after a few moments he slid free, running to follow the others before his feet even touched the ground. The mole limited himself to showing only irritation on his face. These two might have some important part in Keaton's plan, it might upset her if he dismembered either of them. For now. In the privacy — he assumed — of his own head, though, he was less restrained. That idiot child should be on a leash, he thought savagely as he glanced over at Anton, then to Keaton, Paige and finally Aisha. I wish I could remember more of that old book of Creature lore... do 'Cubi or Demons eat hassenpfeffer, I wonder?

Fal'taq put his grisly musings on hold as he reached the top of the last ramp and and entered the airship's cabin. One last thought ran through his mind. I hope this contraption works...
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny scrambled up the gangplank after the others. She surreptitiously rolled her eyes at the pompous declarations and threats of Pettersohn, or at least more discretely than the mole. How she would love to introduce Pettersohn to the boss. Someone with enough power to not need to be a petty bully. Still, until such time as she could contact the boss she was glad for the anti-cubi defenses she had been provided with. Although she wished for a flight spell just in case this thing didn't fly better than it looked.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Epyon made no effort to resist Fal'taq bid for freedom. "as you wish" he said moments before the mole slide free. "but i would think that your energy would be best used once on the ship." with that the my fox looked around realizing that like many eccentrics the bird Pandora was not going to leave with out a good portion of her belongings. now to speed their escaped he'd be forced to help move them, or would he? 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


ooc: Sorry for absence, but college prep stuff took precedence over my posting in this forum.

Navarro neither knew, nor cared what was going on in the hanger. He was sitting in a corner, eyes closed, and hands clasped. It was only when he heard the clanking of boots on the gangplank when he got up. Silently, he followed the group into the airship and took a remaining seat, placing his rifle next to him.


Tyrannus stepped onto the airship, and looked around. As with many such designs, the inside around the edges was really just a corridor leading to various rooms. The mythos was faced with a conundrum; the cooperation of the junk-comprised man was required, and thus it would be neither prudent nor polite to leave him lying in the hallway at random. However, neither could he be left in comfort to his own devices. Ty was not the best at the whole civilized behavior thing, but he was not a moron.
Fortunately, after a little searching, the problem solved itself.
In a small, salmon-colored cardboard box in what was by far the pinkest room Tyrannus had ever seen, there was a selection of restraints. Some seemed extremely impractical, the silk ones in particular looking as though anybody with some decent upper body strength could snap through them whenever they wanted, but he managed to find a nasty looking set of chains with some fuzzy substance on the cuffs (also pink) that looked as though they would hold the fellow in question. Deftly connecting Arcwelder by the wrist to the luxurious, four-poster bed (again, pink) he left the room. Now what...?
He showed some attachment to his machines. Perhaps bringing two along, in a different room of course, would better warrant his assistance? He glanced back over his shoulder as he went to acquire the devices. He did so hope Pandora didn't mind that he'd used her room.


Well on board, the spider woman lost herself in looking around for a short while, but kept herself close to the main part of the group for obvious reasons anyway. She had no wish to make them think her suspicious, or to lose them from sight only to have them do something foolish or dangerous to her without her knowing. And once she realized that she could not explore the interior of the ship fully, and that it would not matter either way, she focused herself on more immediate matters again. Not that there was much for her to do, it seemed. None of the others seemed either wounded, in need of assistance or particularly interested in her. Which would have suited her fine, if it weren't for the fact that she somehow felt that she had to speed up their departure somehow.
   Finally, she could wait no more. Unfolding her arms from under her breasts and adjusting the frown on her face, the spider stepped away from the wall which she had been leaning on, and sought out Witt. He was the only one she could communicate properly with, it seemed, so he would have to act as her relay to the rest of the group. Once she found the short fellow, she gently seized him by the shoulder and turned him her way. Her hands flashed out in the intricate sign language she was used to.
   If I wish to speed our leaving, whose ass will I have to rake? She wanted to be straight to the point. She had no reason or wish to be anything but blunt as it was. And the formulation on 'rake' was far from the action that's associated with the garden tool.


"Ashley, I have felt a disturbance in the force...", Daryil began, as the lynx handed him a fresh plaice.

" though millions of souls screamed out in terror?"

"No," said Daryil, carefully nailing the fish to the wall.

"My Lord?" Ashley sounded puzzled.

"You've been watching Star Wars too much.  Cod."

Without a word, Ashley passed the fox a large cod, which he promptly crucified.

"Actually it was more like a couple of hundred people screaming out in terror and I sense the Family is rather unhappy.  I would say that Jakob has got off to a flying start.  What do you think?"

"Very good, milord," said the Lynx, "...but won't the fish fall off as they rot?"

"That's what makes it fun.  We can take bets on which species hits the floor first."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Hearing that Pandora was in need of Arc, who she assumed was the Junkman, Paige set off to find where the big mythos had left him.

Walking past what she assumed was the armory on board Paige stuck her head in. "Oooh shines, but later."

Spotting the big saurian leaving what looked to be Pandora's living quarters, very pink living quaters. Grinning at TY as she pasted, Paige slipped into the room and closed the door once she saw Arc handcuffed (With fuzzy pick handcuffs no less Oooh!!).

Bringing her wings back into existence Paige wrapped her tentacles around the...'Hmm just what is this guy' Paige thought as she got a tight hold. Picking the handcuffs's simple lock she brought the unconscious being of the floor so that his feet were dangling.

Brining her hand up to his temple, Paige pumped enough healing magic into her captive to wake him up and no more.

"Why hello there." Paige said, grinning with a lot of very sharp teeth.


   The magic did NOT go down well with Arcwelder. As Paige put the 'healing' magic into him, Arcwelder started twitching. Badly. Random fluctuating green glows emitted from around the metal in his head, and green electricity sparked around. He started making a choking sound.
   But he did not wake up.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt wandered back from the control room. He'd sauntered in that direction, looking for Cog, and run out of airship to search, so was heading back, poking his head into all the rooms and cupboards he could find.

Either he was going to find Cog, or he was going to find the drinks, sooner or later. Either way, there were all sorts of interesting corners to look into, so he wasn't bored.

Being cornered, as it were, in passing, he paused, then responded to the spider lady. "Fucked if I know - and that's only if I'm lucky. I'd say find that Were Cock and ask her. She's made herself fucking scarce, but since I'm looking for the drug-addled skinny bastard of a wolf, I might run across her as well. Want to tag along? Either we'll find the fuckers or we'll be out of the blasted way while they get things done."

Poking his head into the very pink room in time to see the sparks off Arcwelder's head, he raised one eyebrow at Paige, and commented "If you want to fuck the bastard, do it after we get the fuck off the bloody ground, hmm? Until then, put a gods-damned ribbon on him and dump him in a corner. He probably needs a bloody chance to sleep off the arse-raping headache. Have you seen that fucking druggie? I'm sure he's got a drink, and I could murder one, I swear."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Just a little bit shocked at the rater annoying result of her magic fizzling, Paige was caught off guard by Witt.

"Gods he wishes he was that lucky...But your right I think he isn't going to be much help right now. I like the ribbon Idea thanks!" Paige grinned at Witt. "I'll help look I got nothing better to do."

Summoning a spool of fluro pink ribbon Paige set about hog tieing Arc and then tossing him towards a corner.

"Right so where do we look first, Witt wasn't it?"


The spider looked a little astounded and less than charmed by the copious amount of profanities that managed to leave Witt's mouth in the lapse of a few short sentences. If he thought he was impressing anyone, he was fooling himself. But at least he got his point across. In response, she just shrugged, and fell in behind the hedgehog, looking over him and into the room where, evidently, Paige was molesting the ugly figure from before. When the Cubi decided to join them instead, she couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable, but she barely showed it and just stepped back from the door, waiting for the other two.

llearch n'n'daCorna

"Yah, I'm Witt. You said you're Paige, right? Sod if I know where the hell he's gone to. I've looked towards the front of this fucking contraption, but nada." He glanced around, and took his helmet off to scratch his head.  "Which leaves the back half, and the other blasted levels. God alone knows how bloody many of those there are, but there can't be too fucking many, or we'll end up outside the gods-forsaken ship."

He put the helmet back and waved a hand at Sal. "The spooky lady, there, wants to help out, too, so she's looking for the Were to ask her what the hell she wants done. Probably a good plan, but we'll see who the fuck we find first. Or what."

He shrugged, and turned back to his search, pausing only momentarily to sign to Sal If you pry into the doors on that side, I'll poke into the fuckers on this side, and we'll catch up down at the end and see if we found anything, ok?... with ribald, if not out and out licentious, meanings inherent in "at the end", "pry", and, if you stretched the idea a little, "anything", and "poke" as well.

He turned, then turned back, and quickly signed Amazing how it all comes back to one, isn't it?, grinned - quite evilly - at the spider, and sauntered off.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

It was hard picking up on the spider mythos' mental unease of her, but Paige caught it and turned to Sal. "I'm sorry I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. As Witt here said I'm Paige you are? Just think it I don't know signs sorry..."

Half turning to the hedgehog Paige pointed out a sign with an arrow labeled 'Galley'. "Cog had the liquor right? I'd start off there." she said smiling.

"But as for Pandora? I don't know do you want me to look upstairs?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny had somehow managed to lose sight of everyone before she reached the top of the gangplank. As odd as most of the creatures in the group were they had probably scattered and were tearing through the place like kids in a toystore. The fisher could almost feel bad for Pandora and her property if she wasn't just as loopy seeming as the rest. Just as she was about to pick a direction to start searching the big mythos appeared and was making his way back to the gangplank. "Um, sir," always good to be polite to someone so much larger than her. "Do you know where everyone is gathering for the ascension?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Ty gave a start at Penny's approach. Odd, really. You'd think I'd notice a being in this company. "Hrm... Actually, I don't think I do." He smiled politely, again remembering a split second in not to show any teeth, "I shall have to ask the captain about it as soon as I'm done retrieving her associate's devices. Rrr..." He tapped at his chin thoughtfully. She seemed like a nice sort, and suggesting that she simply find someplace with things to hang on to struck him as unsuitable. "Try heading toward  the front of the vehicle. I would presume that's where Pandora is, and it would stand to reason that wherever she would be would be safe for furrae presence during takeoff. Now, if you'll excuse me I should probably finish seeing to the angry young man's devices before we need to leave." He continued along the gangplank and, with no small amount of rearranging and sudden grabs at things falling out of his grasp, hefted the five zombiebots. Hoping the ugly scrape of one of them being dragged along the floor by his tail he went back, wondering just where he would put these.


   In the pink room, green electric bolts started crackling around Arcwelder. He twitched a little as the bolts raced around his body, mostly around his metal parts. On the metal side of his head where an eye would be, a green light flickered, then came on. Arcwelder shifted a little, still bound tight, but his mind wasn't fully 'rebooted' and he thus didn't consciously register anything around him. Other parts of him did though. Part of his metal arm unfolded, revealing a little circle saw. In short order, Arcwelder was free and his bonds in pieces on the floor. He just stood around for a moment with a blank stare on his face. Eventually, his mind finally engaged. He finally realized where he was, but all he knew was that it wasn't his home.
   He didn't like it. Not because it was all pink. Because there was no metal, no machines.
   'Where...where am I?" He sputtered out, turning and looking around. " my home? Where are my friends?" He started panicking, and stumbled around. "I want my friends! I want my home! Where are they?" He then ended up stumbling out into the metal hallway. Now in a somewhat-familiar environtment, he calmed a little, but was still uneasy. He took a few steps, then stopped abruptly. He turned towards one of the walls. He walked up to it, and placed his hands on it. His 'eye' suddenly got brighter.
   "Machiiiiiine!" He said to himself. He pressed his body against the wall. "BIG machine!" Being so attuned to metal, robots, machines and the like, Arcwelder could almost feel the whole ship. "Talk to me machine, talk to me...let me know what you sound like..." Arcwelder stood in his position for a moment, then set off at a fast pace.
   In short order, he found himself in the ship's main engine room. Arcwelder stood in awe at the mammoth machines, maze of pipes, and other things that greatly attracted him. His 'eye' was a tiny dot of green super-brightness. He walked around the engines and pipes and all other things, liking the place more and more. Eventually, he noticed areas that seemed rushed, neglected, or could just be made better.
   Arcwelder's metal arm then unfolded. In a second, it was no longer an arm, but a writhing mass of spiderlike or tentaclelike tools. Though they were rusty like the rest of his metal, that certainly doesn't mean they aren't effective. Arcwelder immediately set to work on the nearest section that could use attention. He just did what came naturally to him.
   Working for some time, Arcwelder toiled all around the engine room, tweaking, optimizing, retooling everything he could reach, and occasionally adding a touch of his ill magic. He didn't really understand what he was working on, or even who it belonged to. He didn't care. It wasn't his home of mountains of scrap, junk, and rusting machine carcasses, but it would do.
   Pandora should get an odd surprise when she finally starts her ship and reads the engines operationg a few pars above expected paramaters.


Epyon watched the creature and beings (though he used the term loosely). a mage a thief thew clocked woman whom was mute. he was almost certain that she was some kind of inset or maybe and mythos like him. but still now was the time to garb random stuff and shove it on the craft and hope that contrary to appearances it could get off the ground. Epyon busied himself grabbing large heavy barrels of what he hoped where either water of fuel.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The spider obviously got Paige's message, but the moment she mentioned 'thinking' the response back to her, the arachnid felt the urge to execute another facepalm maneuver. It seemed that the Cubi hadn't thought further than the emotions, or she'd have felt. It was impossible for anyone to register her thoughts from afar. She'd been 'processed' to just that effect...
   Seeing as how the hedgehog seemed to be the only one she could communicate with properly, and he had seen it fit to leave, and furthermore she didn't give a dirty nickel about much save getting out of there, the spider thus realized she should see to two main tasks; firstly, to get something she could write on, and secondly, to find whoever was responsible for actually making them depart and jostling them a little. Having concluded that, she began walking toward the front of the ship, making occasional stops to look around for any sign of a pen or paper, or a bushy yellow tail or pink feathers.


Some of the group might not even have noticed Fal'taq slip away as soon as he entered the airship: that was just what the mole intended. His spells of concealment might not be as efficient as the one he thought he'd noticed Pettersohn use back at the docks, but he only needed to be hard to notice for a few seconds before he was out of sight. A little quick exploration was called for. No doubt the others would soon be tramping about the airship, poking their snouts into everything; for now, a general idea of what was where would suffice.

As Witt investigated all the unlocked doors along the corridor, he met Fal'taq coming the other way. "Ah, Witt," the mole said with a nod that could have been mistaken for friendly or polite in poor light. "Have you seen the bird-Were, or either of our "gallant leaders" anywhere aboard this contraption? There is at least one more corridor above this one, but I have not found them yet." He didn't say anything else, though, about what he had found. Let the hedgehog make his own discoveries: if he showed enough initiative, he might be useful enough not to dispose of later.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt glanced at the mole, and responded to the urbane request "Nope. The bastards'r fucking hiding, I think. Either that or they're bloody looking for me in the same fucking way I'm looking for them. The lass with the hands is looking for that furless rugmuncher with the rifle and the hammy accent; said something about being fucking helpful, and up and bloody vanished."

He glanced around, and, noticing the galley sign Paige had earlier commented upon, just -after- he'd left, he continued "Ah, fucking brilliant. That'll be where that motherless bastard is hiding!"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears