Ever wonder why a hotel glass cup tastes that way?

Started by Ryudo Lee, December 11, 2007, 11:01:16 AM

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Ryudo Lee

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Ha! :U  I never used those glasses before, and now you can bet I never will.


Its a good thing that when i went to the hotel and wanted some Coke, i got it from the bar!


the question is if the house cleaners in question did this on their own to avoid more work or if they were told to do it that way to save on money.... although the one who flushes before 'washing' the glasses illustrates its probably because those specific housecleaners failed elementary school and most likely dont understand things their boss says

it does however remind me of my time at a resturant..... never in my life will i ever consume 'au jus' *shudder*
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Wow... Just wow...

I'd like to reitterate something I say far too often. Thank whatEVER that I was born and raised in Sarnia, Ontario. If not for my building up an insane immunity to everything under the sun the fact that I used the glasses at my hotel at Otakon might horrify me more then it does right now :U :<
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


well then...... that is quite disturbing...... especially since pratically 5% of my life was spent in hotel rooms... i travel too much it seems...


Do realize that it's probably a common practice at most hotels. The carts they use don't exactly have a lot of room on them, so it's doubtful they have a rack for new glasses on them either.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Reese Tora

Now I guess I should consider myself lucky I didn't catch something at AC... higher class though the Westin is, I'm sure they aren't immune.

I did use the glass in the bathroom to drink tap water, and it did taste funny, but I'd assumed that it was because the water in Pittsburgh was over-treated and had a high level of chlorine content.  The water from the tap in my office has a similar taste (as does the soda from some of the places near our office... The syrup and carbonation are added to tap water at the point it is dispensed in some systems.)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation



I am very, very glad that all the hotels I've stayed at use the dispensable plastic cups.
Yap by Silver.

Jim Halisstrad

Great.  Now who knows how many people now harbor some of my DNA.


heh, I worked for two years in a job that had me travelling 4 weeks out of every 6. Staying in Hotels was fun, but I always followed one rule on principal: Assume nothing has been washed.

I would wash everything before, and after I used it, from the pots to the plates and cups. Im not normally so anal, but this kinda shit is exactly the reason I did it.

And when I go overseas, I use the disposable cups XD and crush them when I chuck em, so they cant give me the same one twice.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. My kid ate dirt when he was younger. I probably did the same, as well.

We cope with whatever bugs there are around just fine. But, of course, it doesn't pay to take chances. I suspect I'll be doing the washing up...
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