Tell a little about yourself (Be Honest)

Started by WingedMayhem, March 20, 2006, 12:01:29 AM

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     My real name is John Faraone. The screen names I've used have been Byron Warrior, Toxizen and JOHNWUNGRICE (Which is what I'd be using now if Dam changed my name already lol). Anyways I am currently attending Suffolk Community College for Community Recreation. Its like working in parks and doing activities. Anyways I am holding a 3.5 average and I'm graduating with honors this semester. I have a learning disability called Aspergers. It is a social disorder that doesn't effect inteligence. It affects social judgement. I am currently socially isolated because most of the real life friends I've had have taken advantage of me. I tend to be too nice in real life and let people walk all over me. I can be percieved as an internet troll but I'm not really a bad person. I'm nice to those who give me respect. I've made alot of mistakes but I've also done alot of good things. I have worked on ripping sprites and sounds for sites like Razoric and VG Reality. I'm single and not looking to date anyone. I don't need romance or sex. And for that matter I am a virgin and have no desire for sex. I play keyboard and I write songs also. I don't have a band but I'm sorta looking for one. I have a tagworld account instead of a Myspace account located here:
this is because I hate Myspace. My interest in Castlevania started as a young kid. My cousin owned Castlevania 1 and he owned over 50 games. Everytime he would come over he would bring all of these games and we would play for hours. Then it came time for me to stop bumming off of my cousin and get my own games. I got Castlevania 2 and played it day in and day out. I would spend time scribbling down passwords as my brother would sit and watch wrestling in the other room. When I finally beat Castlevania 2 I got the black and white ending. I also like to eat alot. This leads to weight problems with me. I have been up and down in weight all of my life. I have been anorexic also. This is because I have an extreme all or nothing personality. I either eat alot or hardly eat. I either stay in my apartment and sleep all day or the cops are here because of noise complaints. Moderation is something I have trouble working on. Anyways thats it for me. I doubt anyone will read all this anyways lol.



Aside from all of the crazy and overdramatic stories told by people yes man, its me. But rather then get into all of the BS stories I'd rather just keep this on topic. ;) So tell me about all of you guys. Oh yeah and nice to meet ya Il Palazzo and everyone else! :)

Destina Faroda

And interesting introduction.   Hooray for Winged Mayhem!  Alas, if you weren't so talented, we might be friends forever.

And in case you're wondering Sailor Steeler = Destina Faroda.
Sig coming...whenever...

Xuzaf D

One thing: Never bring up anything from the other forum here. It's best just to start fresh. It's also a rule here (#6b).

Oh, and visit the rules page if you haven't yet.

You should do fine here.


I have no recollection of being asked to change your name...  Doesn't mean it didn't happen, I just don't remember it.

Per Request:

I've been going by Damaris online for roughly ten years, with shots of other names here and there.  Amusingly, I work with someone whose real name is actually Demaris, which makes me laugh every time I sign on to any forums, and caused a little confusion my first few weeks, as I have quite a few friends who call me Damaris IRL.

I'm the oldest child in my family, and the only girl.  I'm married, and usually like it. ;)  I have no interest in 99% of all video games, and I don't like the WWE.  Amusing that I have posted on boards exclusively designed for those subjects.

I have two cats but no kids.  I just bought my first new computer in seven years.  I sell Mary Kay, and I know how to properly measure and fit a bra.

I think I'd like to be nineteen again.  I wear glasses- I tried contacts once and they hurt my eyes too much.  My eyes are also extremely sensitive to bright light.  I'm best at 3:00 in the afternoon.

I used to be a Rupublican, but I'm better now.  I didn't vote for Bush either time.

I've been to California twice and Canada once.  My favorite place is Myrtle Beach the last week of December.  I like the color purple and my favorite season is Indian Summer.

To my knowledge I have no major medical problems, although I do have bad knees, and a perpetually damaged wrist.

That is all of the random bits of stuff and nonsense I can think of.  Enjoy.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Hrmm, random bits...

I have no religion, choosing rather to just pick and choose what I like from the various bits and throwing out EVERYTHING else.

I would like a bunch of kids, mostly girls. Boys are a lot of work, and there's already a shit load of boys from all my sisters. They cracked out the testosterone somehow. ;)

I'm a crappy artist, but a good graphic artist. I can't draw, but I can do layouts.


Quote from: Damaris on March 20, 2006, 11:06:21 PM

I think I'd like to be nineteen again.

You and me both. Actually it would be nice to be in high school again. But only if I was in a better high school, where people actually liked me and wanted to be my friend. A high school where nobody gets judged and everyone fits in. 



Quote from: WingedMayhem on March 21, 2006, 03:57:14 AM
Quote from: Damaris on March 20, 2006, 11:06:21 PM

I think I'd like to be nineteen again.

You and me both. Actually it would be nice to be in high school again. But only if I was in a better high school, where people actually liked me and wanted to be my friend. A high school where nobody gets judged and everyone fits in. 

And in this fantasy world, everyone rides unicorns, and the world is happiness and rainbows.


pfft...rainbows? Scary...they're too bright, it hurts. I hate the light I keep my blinds closed all the time and I have a small lamp which only makes my room dim. I get headaches from bright anything...and I don't like sharing much on forums...I have to be careful anyway, my Grandma is crazy and has spies that look for my stuff online then, when they find it they report to her and I have to delete the stuff, and I am not joking...which is sad, but true *sighs*
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Quote from: Darkmoon on March 21, 2006, 10:27:57 AM

And in this fantasy world, everyone rides unicorns, and the world is happiness and rainbows.

Next time you go there bring me back a pair of ruby red slippers.


Bring me a witch...... Green is in this year.

Destina Faroda

No, dear, Saint Patty's day is over.  Now quit drinking the green beer.
Sig coming...whenever...


I dont drink put all but my water drinking on hiatus.


Well. My real name is Casey. I\'m a mere seventeen. Ohnoes. I\'m getting mad at my computer for not playing my music.. There we go. While there. I like techno, J-Rock and J-Pop. Some of it at least, German Rock, Hahah. Some oldies, like from the fifties. Video game music. Yada. I\'m currently enrolled in Vo-Tech, learning interactive media tech. Which -should- teach me how to use Flash and other animation stuff. No luck yet. Still in High School. Unemployed currently but looking for work.  :redrum No luck either. I\'m pretty much an Atheist, so no Religious beliefs really. Though I get the typical, \'OHMYGODYOURADEVILCHILD\' a lot. I love to read. But find a lack of books to my taste disappointing. My school year is almost over and its been the best. Got my first GirlFriend this year. HOORAH. I\'m a game nerd too, so look at that. Taste is games varies. RTS, FPS, RPGs and such. I hate racing and puzzle games. I will stab you in the face with a soldering iron if you hand me one. I\'m not concerned with polotics and want to move to Europe. Hn.. think that covers my bases for now. And now. A zombie.  :zombiekun

*Damaris- edited to remove last name*


My real name is Marcus, I'm a newb at this forum, lemme think, I currently attend West Albany High School in Oregon, I'm only a junior and 17.  I like most kinds of music except for country, and rap.  My crappy little job is a part-time cook at an A&W, a fastfood joint almost no one has heard of at school.  I think I may go into college majoring in the liberal arts, history or maybe polysci, and if i had any talent with computers, I might consider minoring in that.  I am very interested in history, and am absolutely fascinated with Rome.  My video gaming goes back before I can remember, I like FPS, RTS, turn-based also.  I plan to be on this forum for a while, before i wander on to another one.

*Damaris- edited to remove last name*