I'm at school

Started by ilpalazzo, April 11, 2006, 12:14:02 PM

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And I'm posting here those pencil pushers will never find out :mwaha


Ah, but did you think to reroute the coaxial mainline through the server-hub, thereby by passing the firewall, streaming the content in past the security blocks?

Cause if you didn't... well...


site isnt blocked......... Woot



Amusingly, ICVD itself is.


yeah, I had a freak out one day because, while at work, I was trying to look up something for a reference question (it was about a vampire movie.  I knew where the info was on the Inverted Dungeon), and I couldn't get it to come up... so of course, I thought that the server company that we go through had fucked up in some manner, which wasn't all that odd of an occurance.

Nope... it was... CYBERSITTER! :D

Darkmoon felt all special.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Icvd and Inverted dungeon are not blocked at all

I'm at school posting again.

It feels great. HAHAHAHAHAH :MWAHA


Just don't let them know the truth!

Destina Faroda

I'd never post from school or work.  All they need is to see one post and you're fired.
Sig coming...whenever...


oooh, getting fired from school... hm...

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Destina Faroda

You could get a failing grade, or have it go on your permanent record.
Sig coming...whenever...

Sin Ominous

Strict school.

Mine was far more lenient when in the school library, sitting at the computers.


You masturbated to kitten poirn, didn't ya?

Destina Faroda

We were only allowed to use the Internet in high school for research, and the librarian watched the screen to make sure nothing funny popped up.

As for college, student had to log in to use the computers, so I didn't dare go to any sites I'd visit at home or else I'd get busted.
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 12, 2006, 09:39:44 AM

Amusingly, ICVD itself is.

I can access icvdforums.com from school... but yeah, inverteddungeon.com I can't access. But I've never really went to the website anyway.

There is a website you can use to anonymously search websites (as in: get around the firewall and go to blocked sites) called zetasearch.com. Go to the "Surf the Web" tab and type in the website you wanna surf :D

Unfortunately my school blocked that engine site after it discovered that students were using it.

Sin Ominous

I can access any site known on my college server, even that one 34 doller incident, and have not gotten anything. Networking doesn't care, frankly.


if there is a site you cant visit Go "kproxy" you didnt here from me....... my school is lenient


Quote from: ilpalazzo on April 13, 2006, 09:46:45 PM
if there is a site you cant visit Go "kproxy" you didnt here from me....... my school is lenient

Thats what proxies are for, its not a secret you know :P

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Sin Ominous on April 13, 2006, 06:47:46 PM
even that one 34 doller incident, and have not gotten anything.
What was that about anyway? I'd like to know.


Never visited my site?


Xuzaf D


Sin Ominous

Long story, Joseph. Long story.


Feh, I\'m at Vo-Tech and have to compete with.. hold on.. *looks up something dirty* Ah, Websense. So I just use Ultrareach. Huzzah. I can look at ANYTHING I want!!  :mwaha


I'm sure I could look at whatever I want at work. Not blocks... I just don't.


Quote from: Sailor Steeler on April 12, 2006, 09:40:13 PM
You could get a failing grade, or have it go on your permanent record.

good bless the mexican system of education

I´m posting from my school,and I post on my father´s office and nothing happen!!!!!