[Closed] Secret Santa 2007: FINISHED

Started by Zina, October 23, 2007, 04:57:02 AM

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Do you wish to be joining this year, sir?

Jim Halisstrad



Sure, why the fark not.  However, I lack a scanner so my picture will have to be scanned via digital camera.  Is that ok?
Also.... I know it's an art thing, but would you consider allowing poetry and such?  If not, thats cool.  I can draw.  Sorta.


Sign me UP!!

What else do you need from me? Cash? comitment? my left arm? my first born? my soul? I know my soul looks kinda worthless, but it has lot of emotional value. Please cosider the emotional value  :deal

King Of Hearts

Quote from: Zina on October 26, 2007, 02:27:23 PM
Do you wish to be joining this year, sir?

Wouldnt think of going trough the next two months any other way. Sign me up.


Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on October 27, 2007, 05:26:57 PM


Sure, why the fark not.  However, I lack a scanner so my picture will have to be scanned via digital camera.  Is that ok?
Also.... I know it's an art thing, but would you consider allowing poetry and such?  If not, thats cool.  I can draw.  Sorta.

A couple people have asked, but I'm not quite sure how I can work poetry or written work into it, especially since everyone else is expecting a drawing. Sorry. D:


There should, however, be limits. i recall one secret santa i partook in what i recieved was a techno remix of somebody saying "the internet is a set of tubes".... seriously, that one scentance stretched on for about a minute and a half.

getting a secret santa you at least want to know the sender put some effort and personality to it
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


This journal will be updated as we get closer to the 19th. Be sure to check to see if you're on the right list, or on it at all. I got a lot of names, so I probably made a mistake.


Count me in.
I may not be the best artist, but this'll give me a welcome incentive to draw something nice! :mowwink
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


What Eowyn types-iiiiiiitttttttrrrrrruuuuuu?////

What Eowyn says- I try? okay!

What Eowyn means- Is it permissible if I enter too? my dad is giving me weird looks but i can draw! lookie!



 I think I'd like to do the Secret Santa thing too! :eager


All right, guys. I'm closing this thing on the 16th, and anyone that does not have their reference/description of what they want by then will not be praticpating this year.
Check this list: http://zinacat.deviantart.com/journal/15201186/
To see where you stand. If I made a mistake(and I probably have done that. There's a lot of people to keep track of), let me know ASAP.

EDIT: Gonna go ahead and sticky this until it is over. :U


Wish I could this year, but my work is overwhelming everything.

I don't see any gap at all until after New Years.   :/
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



I liked doing this last year, so sign me up.

Quote from: Shadrok on November 13, 2007, 11:13:40 AM
A little about Zak, he's a Cubi, a bit of a prankster and often acts like a slacker but isn't as he tends to get things done earlier then need be. His hobbies include marksmanship, pranks, and video games. His favorite food is surprise

Quote from: Shadrok on November 14, 2006, 08:40:11 PM
A little about Kim, sort of a free spirit and at times a little naive (not stupid just out of the loop) she is also not much into sports. Her hobbies include repairing or inventing things, hang gliding, and star gazing.

My Secret Santa can choose either Zak or Kim, it's their choice as to which one they want to draw.


got a deviant note in before it was time, i would hate to be booted out on a technicality like that
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


What? Why does it say I haven't given you my character reference?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Because I'm dumb and completely missed it. :o


Quickly doodled and colored refs here > -:-:-:- <

Beside Onyian everyone is supposed to be feline  (FAIL)


Well, if i'm in on time how about a white tiger: animal / anthro (female pref) / ect whichever the author wishes. If they want a picture I've been working at a cartoony-realistic tiger from a photo, (not quite done)


The typical colouring is white with black stripes, and pink/black nose, gold/brown eyes. (Or just google tiger).

Mmm, what else, I guess an anthro artist might want a hairstyle, I'd probably pick a simple long hairstyle with those 'M-shaped' bangs, not sure what colour goes with black/white other than more black or white. The artist can feel free to pick something else of course.


'Kay guys. I'm closing at midnight tonight, so if anyone wants to join at the last minute or still need to send me their reference/description of what they want drawn, you have 12 hours to do so.
Those that still need to send me their reference/description are:

King of Hearts

I think there's like...two people in that list that post here, so...so yeah.


Hmm... I'm up for doing random Christmas artz. :xmastree

I unfortunately don't have any decent reference pics of myself on hand at the moment. Here's a quick pencil sketch. And you can get the colours off my avie pic. Is that good enough?

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Sienna Maiu - M T


Added you, Sienna. XD

As of this post, Secret Santa sign ups are officially closed. If you didn't get your reference into me on time, sorry. Maybe next year. If you KNOW you got your reference/description into me and I totally don't have you listed for whatever gay reason, contact me ASAP. I'll start assigning people this weekend, so if you catch me before the 19th, I'll probably still be able to squeeze you in.
Thanks and Happy Holidays!

King Of Hearts


Hmm... am I on the list? I don't seem to have made it on to the final update... :dface

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


*squeezes KoH in*

I could have sworn I added you on the list on DA, Tez. You're on my physical list that's sitting in front of me, so don't worry.

Sienna Maiu - M T


Ah, thanks. :mowcookie

By the way, I'm flying out on Tuesday to deal with some family business. The people I'm staying with have yet to join the 21st century, so don't be alarmed if I fall off the net and don't reply to PMs for a week. :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


I'm leaving today for Colorado, and my flight plans have changed a little, and now I will be getting in way later than originally thought.
So chances are I wont be able to get online to finish sending out notes of who has who for the Secret Santa. If you don't get one tomorrow, then you'll definitely get one on the 20th.
I'll post when I've finished sending them all out, so don't panic.
Sorry about this. D: