Video game moments that made you cry

Started by Vidar, July 09, 2007, 12:14:57 PM

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Bioshock, when you first kill a big daddy, the little sister wails for "Mr Bubbles"  :<

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: bilbo-sama on August 10, 2007, 03:31:12 PM

I was ready to cry in .hack//GU vol. 2:Reminisce when Alkaid turns into a Lost One (ie, goes comatose in the real world) in Haseo's arms.  Thinking about it makes me tear up a little.  :cry

(And I'm replaying the game. That cut scene will be back to haunt me soon.  :U)

Oooo, I hadnt thought of that one. Thats actually a sad scene.

FFX and FFX-2 made me cry, but because of how bad they were.
Sorry folks, but there haven't been too many great moments in FF history since FF6 >.>
(Covers head for flame commencement.)


Quote from: Teroniss on August 27, 2007, 10:32:05 PM
Quote from: bilbo-sama on August 10, 2007, 03:31:12 PM

I was ready to cry in .hack//GU vol. 2:Reminisce when Alkaid turns into a Lost One (ie, goes comatose in the real world) in Haseo's arms.  Thinking about it makes me tear up a little.  :cry

(And I'm replaying the game. That cut scene will be back to haunt me soon.  :U)

Oooo, I hadnt thought of that one. Thats actually a sad scene.

FFX and FFX-2 made me cry, but because of how bad they were.
Sorry folks, but there haven't been too many great moments in FF history since FF6 >.>
(Covers head for flame commencement.)
Oh dont cover your head...I simpsize with that


Quote from: Teroniss on August 27, 2007, 10:32:05 PM
Quote from: bilbo-sama on August 10, 2007, 03:31:12 PM

I was ready to cry in .hack//GU vol. 2:Reminisce when Alkaid turns into a Lost One (ie, goes comatose in the real world) in Haseo's arms.  Thinking about it makes me tear up a little.  :cry

(And I'm replaying the game. That cut scene will be back to haunt me soon.  :U)

Oooo, I hadnt thought of that one. Thats actually a sad scene.

FFX and FFX-2 made me cry, but because of how bad they were.
Sorry folks, but there haven't been too many great moments in FF history since FF6 >.>
(Covers head for flame commencement.)
weeeell.. FFX wasn't too bad, loved the sphere grid....that was about it. i really think that Final Fantasy to a large degree is approaching "sameness" from installment to installment.  there's no actual 'wonderment' left in the series.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Turnsky on August 28, 2007, 06:01:41 AM
Quote from: Teroniss on August 27, 2007, 10:32:05 PM
Quote from: bilbo-sama on August 10, 2007, 03:31:12 PM

I was ready to cry in .hack//GU vol. 2:Reminisce when Alkaid turns into a Lost One (ie, goes comatose in the real world) in Haseo's arms.  Thinking about it makes me tear up a little.  :cry

(And I'm replaying the game. That cut scene will be back to haunt me soon.  :U)

Oooo, I hadnt thought of that one. Thats actually a sad scene.

FFX and FFX-2 made me cry, but because of how bad they were.
Sorry folks, but there haven't been too many great moments in FF history since FF6 >.>
(Covers head for flame commencement.)
weeeell.. FFX wasn't too bad, loved the sphere grid....that was about it. i really think that Final Fantasy to a large degree is approaching "sameness" from installment to installment.  there's no actual 'wonderment' left in the series.

If anyone plays the Final Fantasy series for originality, they're kinda silly. You can generally tell how the plot's going to progress (save the *anything*, save the world!), what the characters can be like, and that in some capacity there'll be spirits/espers/summons. It can still be entertaining if you need to kill time, but it's not a series one should be wanting originality from.

In regards to video game moments that made me cry, I honestly can't think of much... there was Veola's backstory in Atelier Iris, that gave me the sniffles...
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Homeworld does have some sad moments, yes. I still play Homeworld and Cataclysm regularly. Don't think I'll ever get tired of those games. Have yet to finish Homeworld II, it just isn't the same somehow.

Anyway, videogame(s) (moments) that made me sad? C&C 3. As expected, EA managed to completely destroy the entire concept behind the C&C series. Wat a disappointment.

And Starcraft, when you have to kill Fenix for Kerrigan. It's bad enough that he had to die, he was one of my favourite characters. But the fact that you had to do it youself? I was both sad AND angry.

As for Homeworld, that game is also responsible for one of the happiest videogaming moments of my life. *SPOILER* In the final mission you have enemy ships hyperspacing in from every direction. When I first reached the level I wasn't that experienced in the game yet, and my fleet wasn't that great yet. Wave after wave of enemy ships hyperspaced in, and I had every repair ship I had repairing my mothership, but it was surely but slowly being destroyed. Then the ship computer announced a new wave of ships hyperspacing in. I was ready to call it quits, reckoned I was doomed. Then I saw the new ships were actually the turn-coat Taidanni captain and his crew who I had saved a couple of mission earlier. They totally saved my butt. I was sitting behind my PC, cheering stuff like "Yeah! Get em! Kill those bastards! Woohoo!".  Nowadays I'm at least halfway to the enemy mothership by the time he shows up, but I'll never forget that moment.


Quote from: Baree on September 02, 2007, 07:28:54 AM
As for Homeworld, that game is also responsible for one of the happiest videogaming moments of my life. *SPOILER* In the final mission you have enemy ships hyperspacing in from every direction. When I first reached the level I wasn't that experienced in the game yet, and my fleet wasn't that great yet. Wave after wave of enemy ships hyperspaced in, and I had every repair ship I had repairing my mothership, but it was surely but slowly being destroyed. Then the ship computer announced a new wave of ships hyperspacing in. I was ready to call it quits, reckoned I was doomed. Then I saw the new ships were actually the turn-coat Taidanni captain and his crew who I had saved a couple of mission earlier. They totally saved my butt. I was sitting behind my PC, cheering stuff like "Yeah! Get em! Kill those bastards! Woohoo!".  Nowadays I'm at least halfway to the enemy mothership by the time he shows up, but I'll never forget that moment.

I remember the first time I killed the Taidan emperor. When all the enemy waves have been defeated the music changes to the same operah from when Kharak was destroyed, the choral version of Samuel Barber's "Adagio", performed by Agnus Dei.
The emperor's ship blew up at the most epic moment of that music. It should be noted that immediately after this loudest part in the music, the choir suddenly sings much quieter. It was at this point that the last sparks of the emperor's ship faded. I almost shed a tear at the epic beauty of it all then. After all the struggles, losses and sacrifices of the Kushan, they were finally home.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Hehe. I doubt that happened when I beat the game the first time. Not 100% sure. Nevertheless, yes, great music in the game too.


Ah, Homeworld.  Breathtaking game; The Music...the story.... I wonder why it doesn't get talked about so much these days?  Meh, whatever.  I thought the end of Homeworld: Cataclysm was pretty cool, especially after all you go through.   I had Homeworld 2 (And still do) but I just...lost interest before getting very far. :<

If I were to pick a game that genuinely brought a tear to my eye, I'd have to say Twilight Princess.  The ending was just heartbreaking. (Spoiler warning)

This scene really had some buildup to it, because you can tell that Midna was slowly developing a strong attachment to Link.  When she's ready to leave, she starts to confess her feelings to Link, only to stop herself before she can get it out.  Then, with a single tear, she cracks the mirror and disappears into the Twilight Realm just before the mirror shatters and separates them forever. 

..... :cry


I just saw the promotional for DMC4.

I dunno if it was the graphics or seeing Dante smeared in the gore of the innocent, but I got close. But, you know.


Near the final end of Halo: Combat Evolved, when you pull out into the open area where Foehammer is supposed to pick you up. She flys around a corner, her Pelican is on fire all over the place, and she's got two Banshees shooting at her. Her final cries as her Pelican drops out of sight almost get me every time. It's so sad, listening to her as she dies.


That's why you just keep driving. :P

"Cortana to Echo-419--  ECHO-419!  ...She's gone."

Speaking of Halo, methinks Halo 3 is going to be sad (rumours of John sacrificing himself to the Covenant loyalists). :<


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on September 16, 2007, 08:39:51 PM
That's why you just keep driving. :P

"Cortana to Echo-419--  ECHO-419!  ...She's gone."

Speaking of Halo, methinks Halo 3 is going to be sad (rumours of John sacrificing himself to the Covenant loyalists). :<
What d'ya care, you don't even have a 360.  :P



I'll be sure to gloat at you. And spoil it.   :boogie


No matter.  One doesn't need a 360 when they have Halopedia.  I'm sure Bungie will have the cutscenes available on their site shortly after the game is released, anyway, such as they do with Halo and Halo 2.


Keep telling yourself that that's a good substitute.  :B


It's looking like The Arbiter and John are going to find themselves at odds some time during the game. It'll definately bug me if The Arbiter dies, especially at the hands of humans. I have a terrible respect for the elites since H2.


i weep every time nintendo comes out with a new sonic the hedgehog game... especially the new one thats coming out holiday season i mean it's about time but could ya give sonic a little more credit i mean he IS the fastest hedge hog around and for some reason can't die when he wears jewelry specifically rings.


Quote from: Cogidubnus on July 09, 2007, 08:38:50 PM
Breath of Fire 3. Only game to ever make me cry.
i think a very sad part was when you get back to your house and it's burnt down and ou get split up with Rei and teepo it didn't make me cry, but it was very sad.


When I was like 5 I turned the difficulty of Street Fighter two up to 8 and cried cause there was no way in hell I could beat that cheat M. Bison.   
i laugh at that every time- LOL!!!


Here we go.  End of Half-Life 2: Episode 2.  Seriously.  They could've gave us that gut-punch at the start of Episode Three, but no, they leave us with that.  Holy.  [censored].  [beep].

"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein


okami for me.never would have expected a game to make me cry so much.
especially near the end,usually the parts with shiranui
i got me a large empathy thingy.
it's not hard for me to understand how the characters feel.

Jim Halisstrad

Breath of fire 2.

When Rand's mom gets squished to death it made me sad :<


Disgaea's "bad" ending where Laharl kills the guy who turned Flonne into a flower and looses Flonne for good and the ending to Phantom Brave, those got me a little misty eyed, but the one game that always gets me is the Shivering Isles Expansion for Oblivion.

I did not like loosing Sheogorath, he was just way to much fun to be forced to kill... I miss Sheogorath...


Towards the end of Okami had me a little misty-eyed.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


One game only....Rise of the Robots...Super hyped and the ET for the atari of the 90's!



The companion cube in Portal ... :<


But seriously, I think the entirety of Mission 3 in Homeworld was the most tear-jerking I've ever experienced.