Well that's all folks

Started by Sienna Maiu - M T, August 21, 2007, 02:14:41 AM

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Sienna Maiu - M T

Hmm... we all know how I'm like by now (or at least you should) so you know I never do the things I mean to. But in anycase two years after requested, I present to you:

But as the picture says don't expect anything new until that point. So in the meantime enjoy this nifty little pen-sketch I apparantly drew in the dark since I didn't realize the paper was green (cover page of my new sketchbook) but that's okay.


I like it even if its in sketchness form


What Eowyn types- cccccccrrrrrraaaayyynnnnn,,,,     ddddddrrrrrraaaaaaw

What Eowyn says- draw? crayon draw?

What Eowyn means- it looks like one of mine, but better

Sienna Maiu - M T

Well, thank-you ^-^
... on both counts I suppose
Yes Zedd, I'm even thanking you, youcrazystalker-person


maybe you need a better model for your next piece, you show much promise and it seems like everybody and their dog draws zedd
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on August 30, 2007, 11:30:00 AM
it seems like everybody and their dog draws zedd

Ask and you shall receive?
Maybe he commissions them?
French fried taters?

Glad to see you're still in the land of art, Sienna. Been a while.


they have scanners available at the thrift(stores) now (in Las Veags) for $15.00 dollars. if you got one you wouldn't have to take  pictures with your digital camera... unless you want to do it that way.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Sienna Maiu - M T

well... technically if you scroll over the end of my last post...

Thanks FKK (as you shall ever be called in my mind)

Oh, that's really not the problem GT, it's the fact that I can't find the powercord for my already existing scanner, and add on top of that the fact that my computer's already fried, it equals a whole lot of non-incentive to draw. Although I would personally like to believe I've come a long way. Further perhaps if I weren't so tendant to such large gaps in the craft. But atleast I'm being artsy again. Designing clothes, writing, beading, drawing and such. Part of me is starting to feel in my own element. If there ever was such a thing. And I'm reading as always (if FanFiction can even be counted as that) so I'm hoping one of these days my reading speed will be back up to the par it once was.

Wow... I'm being awefully chatty right now, aren't I? I have neither explaination, exscuse nor recourse for it.
Anywho, I must away. So much to do in the short amount of time before school starts, and sadly sleep must be one of them. But, the fun I've had this summer. Perhaps that will be reflected in my art at some level.
Well, there I go gabbing and babbling again.

Night All!