I'm Feeling Productive (Dear God!) AKA Villains, Vandles & those we love to Hate

Started by Chaos, July 28, 2007, 03:27:50 PM

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Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on July 31, 2007, 03:52:05 PM
Quote from: Raist on July 30, 2007, 06:14:35 PM
Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on July 29, 2007, 12:45:39 PM

Well, true. But I'm referring to a particularly terrible incident that I would go into more detail about, but I'm kind of worried about spoiling any events from the webcomic and inciting some potential Jack reader's rage.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

You can't be referring to me.  I may have too much free time, but not that much too much.  Let's hear what made you hate Drip.

Nonono, I was referring to any potential new reader in general. But alright, here's the spoiler:


Drip molested and/or raped Fnar, Jack's little buddy, and later laughed about it in Jack's face. Thankfully, Jack pwned him up a few pages of ridicule and Drip-assholishness later.

End Spoiler

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Ah.  Yeah, that's pretty vile.  I thought Fnar was the star of the comic.

That's the results of reading only 10 pages, I guess.


No, Jack is the "star" of the comic, so to speak. Another thing that comes from only reading ten pages.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 30, 2007, 09:01:24 PM
I have a question.

What's a "Vandle" ?

assuming it had been spelled correctly this would fit in the spectrum of the Germanic tribes who sacked Rome.

other Germanic tribes included the vistigoths, gauls, franks, (no, Rome was not invaded by guys named frank and EMO freaks wearing too much makeup) and the hardcore germans who never really needed an excuse like a tribal attack to join in on a little raiding. closer to the renaissance the invasion of Italy was more or less a summer pastime.

on my own note i am appalled that i haven't seen the Auditors on this list yet.

QuoteIn the Norse mythology Loki originally was on the side of the rest of the gods, helping them once or twice using a particularly nast forms of trickery. He was a cunning negotiator with a talent for technicalities. He was sort of the Norse equivalent of a lawyer, no doubt the reason they tied him down in a pit dripping acidic venom on him.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


(Sorry for the previous post problem)
Hans Gruber and The Sheriff of Nottingham

Makoto Shishio, Rurouni Kenshin
Tenzen, Basilisk
Nakago, Fushigi Yūgi

One of the biggest villians in all of manga. Also it's my favorite manga.


Mmmm. I love these topics. (purrs) In no particular order...

The Juppongatana, Rurouni Kenshin (Particularly Soujiro and Shishio)
The Millennium Earl, D.Gray-Man
Rip van Winkle of Millennium, Hellsing (I felt bad for her, the way she died...)
Freddy Krueger, Nightmare on Elm Street

And, although I'm not sure if he really counts, Hannibal Lecter. He's just cool. He reminds me of my grandfather, if he had the heart to be sadistic and a cannibal. Rene taught me almost everything interesting I know - Greek mythology, Latin, literature... He's the reason I like intellectual characters like Hannibal, or even Dr. House.

EDIT: I forgot one! Dr. Muraki from Yami no Matsuei. I can't hate him. I just can't. He's too pretty and sadistic and cool... Mmm.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 31, 2007, 10:22:38 PM
No, Jack is the "star" of the comic, so to speak. Another thing that comes from only reading ten pages.

Both of them are introduced in the first ten pages, and since Fnar is first in the order of appearance it's pretty easy to mix that up. I did for the longest time. Fnar is definately not a supporting role for the first portion of the story either.

But back to the villians.

Although I'm not sure if he really counts, Hannibal Lecter. He's just cool. He reminds me of my grandfather, if he had the heart to be sadistic and a cannibal. Rene taught me almost everything interesting I know - Greek mythology, Latin, literature... He's the reason I like intellectual characters like Hannibal, or even Dr. House.

Beat you to him, =P

Hannibal is absolutely a villian in the first two books from my point of view, he just happens to have an odd sense of justice you can just taste but in Hannibal rising you definately lose that sense. That's one of things that made it dissappointing for me, because Hannibal regains all that humanity you think he isn't supposed to have.


Dolores Umbridge from the Potterverse. (I don't encounder that many fictional chars that really inspire that much hate... She's really earned her villianry...)

"Mr. Saxon" from the Whoniverse. (Whimsical playful evil...)

The Boss of Ubersoft.

Trudy from GPF.

"Flaming Prince" and "revenge guy" (dun remember what he's actually called) from Van Von Hunter (Been a while since I've peeked at that comic... probably should again.)

Mr. Teatime from Hogfather

Actually, can't forget _The_ Discworld villains above all others: The Auditors.
(Hrmm... I wonder how a Auditor vs Sourcerer battle would turn out...)

That's all I can think of for now.

Oh, Special Honorable mention:

A relatively common theme is the "reformed villain."

I met a real life one once. I can't remember the guy's name, but he used to more or less be a propagandist/recruiter for some neo-nazi organization (or some hate group that at least strongly modeled those ideas. I forget the specific specifics)

Anyways, to make a long story short, some of there stuff eventually hit a bit closer to home, leading to him having a really really long think, concluding that stuff is evil.

Now he basically goes around preaching tolerance, educating people on the internal workings of these groups and the psych of it (since he used to actually believe it) and more or less tries to make up for the damage he's caused by trying to help people understand how to fight these hate groups.


So, just so you don't think I've puttered out, I have found that htis is a lareger undertaking then first thought.

The inspiration for this was the urge to play evil genius, just to listen to the music. I looked around for villinous aamusic lists, and found a spy music list that only tempted me. The spy music did nothing to fill me with the increadable sense of power that drives my dreams of world domina... um... my dreams of flower arrangments. So I want to Make one.

Now I find myself trying to educate myself on 75% of the people mentioned in this thread. 20% I'm trying to find if they have theme music. Then I need to find a good arrangment.

mmm... Dancing Mad... mmmm

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha


 I'd be very interested to see what music you'd assign Joachim Steuben. Something martial with dashes of madness, perhaps?


Maybe no one will mention him but he will still be my favorite...Little Slugger aka..Shoen Bat! Even if he wasnt really a bady deep down


What Eowyn types- orgbuohdjbnkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvoootttttttttrrooooonnnnnn

What Eowyn says- Bad, badguy. VOLTRON!

What Eowyn means- how about the three bad guys from Voltron? Voltron kicks butt!


Well.....   Hannibal Lechter always had good taste in picking people!     :yasrsly


Avon Barksdale and Stringer Bell. Also Omar Little, though he's not really a villain.
(The Wire)


Doctor Doom - He's really quotable.

David Xanatos - All he's lacking is comeuppance.

Slade, animated version - Where's my exposition?  I want exposition!

Number One - Retro villainy.  Points for actually being defeated for good.

Farmer Brown - From "Critters".  No, really, he was cool.

Derek Powers - "And behold, there shall be a blight upon the land..."

Agent Bennett - Is he really a villain?  Whatever he is, from my experience, he's cool.

Megabyte - Tony Jay, you are missed.

Lord of Mishap - This guy.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.

Janus Whitefurr

Aion, of Chrono Crusade, at least his anime incarnation. The first character who ever made me keep thinking "He's so charming and intelligent, but what a bastard he is..."
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.