Shiny Shiny Robots!

Started by RJ, June 29, 2007, 01:58:54 AM

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I can't comment on the rest of the thread yet, but here's my wholly original review of Transformers:

My name is Scott Richard Kurtz. I'm six years old and when I grow up I want to be SupermanBumblebee.

OK.  Comment!

Quote from: Eowyn on June 30, 2007, 04:38:20 PMWhat Eowyn means- I have the old animated transformers movie, I cried when optimus died.

I remembered hating the Transformers movie that had Orson Welles, specifically the fact that Optimus died.  It wasn't until I watched it again that I remembered the full reason--Optimus dies and gets replaced by someone who is essentially the same person--and who was introduced just to have someone to take over when Optimus dies, and nothing changes.  It was a cheap way to do things.  I would have preferred to have Optimus die and actually cripple the Autobots, and have the Autobots rise up from the ashes to become stronger than ever.


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

King Of Hearts

Hotrod was nothing like Optimus... especially in his early tenure were he's just as brash as a kid.


*checks date*  Less than a week.  It's just CPR, not necromancy.

Finally saw the movie.  I enjoyed it.  Severely irked that Bumblebee was never a Bug, he was my favorite Transformer in the old series.

Also wish Starscream had gotten in some of his "Megatron is dead, I am the new leader of the Decepticons!" cracks in.  I'd say the Decepticons got far too little character development.  Maybe replace some of the extended fight scenes.

One of my friends was upset that Optimus totally whipped... was it Blackout?  And then had all that trouble with Megatron.  I enjoyed Jazz whipping up on the tank, though.  He may be my new favorite Transformer.

"I bought a car.  It turned out to be an alien robot.  Who knew?"

Frenzy reminds me of a current RP character of mine.  Since I never caught his name during the movie, I just called him "Hackbot" the whole time.  I'll have to make a mental note to get shuriken launchers installed in my droid character's torso, as Hackbot bears a striking resemblance to Frenzy in behavior and appearance(Being a Star Wars-style droid, he doesn't transform, of course...).

On a totally unrelated note, I ended up sitting next to some girl who seemingly fell asleep a third of the way through the movie.  Couldn't say much about her, I pretty much ignored her.

Oh yeah.  And Sam's best friend is totally me!


Quote from: Raist on July 16, 2007, 01:52:07 AMFinally saw the movie.  I enjoyed it.  Severely irked that Bumblebee was never a Bug, he was my favorite Transformer in the old series.

Well, that's because GM outbid Volkswagen.  Besides, at some point, he would have become the new Beetle, and would you like to see him like that?  I'll admit, I was a little disappointed not to see him as a Beetle, but the way he (and the Camaro) was integrated into the story made me very forgiving.

Quote from: Raist on July 16, 2007, 01:52:07 AMAlso wish Starscream had gotten in some of his "Megatron is dead, I am the new leader of the Decepticons!" cracks in.  I'd say the Decepticons got far too little character development.  Maybe replace some of the extended fight scenes.

It's a difficult situation.  The best way to tell the story is to throw the viewers into the middle of the plot where everybody already knows what the Transformers are, and that the Autobots are good and the Decepticons are bad.  Then you can greatly expand the character development and explore more of the social implications of human-robot interactions.

But then you lose the initial arrival of the Transformers, and people trying to figure out who they are, what they want, and how people should deal with them.  That's a good, interesting story, and it's worth telling.  So I think this is the proper way to do the first movie.  I think you'll find that sequels (in talks for 2009) may be more character driven.

By the way, if you want to see a strange review, check out Ebert's review of Transformers.  That doesn't look like classic Ebert.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I just watched it myself.

I realy realy enjoyed it. 

Oh and Raist Blackout was the chopper  The truck Optimus sliced and diced was Bonecrusher a crane truck I think

And it realy makes sense that the battle with Megatron would be harder for Optimus  Megatron was the leader of the Decipticons for a reason.  Since the decepticons don't seem to be the most democratic of groups he was the strongest and most powerful of them so he's nessicarily a harder fight then a front line soldier.

one of the little touches I liked was the logo on Barracuda's paint job, instead of "To Protect and Serve" it was "To Punish and Enslave"

thinking back to it I don't remember Barracuda or Starscream dieing

With optimus signaling for survivors to come to earth this could hint at a possible sequal what with surviving decipticons following them.  Rallying around starscream or maybe galvatron

i'm realy realy glad that the game is for PS2 I can play it with out upgrading

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: thegayhare on July 20, 2007, 10:34:48 PM
I just watched it myself.

I realy realy enjoyed it. 

Oh and Raist Blackout was the chopper  The truck Optimus sliced and diced was Bonecrusher a crane truck I think

And it realy makes sense that the battle with Megatron would be harder for Optimus  Megatron was the leader of the Decipticons for a reason.  Since the decepticons don't seem to be the most democratic of groups he was the strongest and most powerful of them so he's nessicarily a harder fight then a front line soldier.

one of the little touches I liked was the logo on Barracuda's paint job, instead of "To Protect and Serve" it was "To Punish and Enslave"

thinking back to it I don't remember Barracuda or Starscream dieing

With optimus signaling for survivors to come to earth this could hint at a possible sequal what with surviving decipticons following them.  Rallying around starscream or maybe galvatron

i'm realy realy glad that the game is for PS2 I can play it with out upgrading

a) Yep, Bonecrusher. Poor guy got pwned BAD. On the topic of names, the tank was meant to be called "Brawl" but apparently the team's production name for him slipped through the cracks and he remained Devastator in the movie.

b) Made sense to me as well. Prime's a noble fighter and full of heart (etc etc) but Megatron is freaking bred for war. On that note, Weaving did a brilliant job on Megs' voice. "Oh... so unwise."

c) There was always something fishy about Barricade. *koff, grin* The motto is a nice touch, and it's also noted very briefly that instead of the PD symbol on his side he's got the Decepticon symbol instead.

d) Barricade disappears during the highway chase. Starscream is seen escaping into orbit during the credits. Another unconfirmed is Scorponok, who disappeared underground after getting slammed by the military.

e) Wiki suggests a sequel that may or may not involve Soundwave, the Dinobots, and/or the Constructicons. Entirely hypothetical at this point. I'm trying to imagine them pulling off a gestalt Transformer in modern continuity. It makes me squee with glee~
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on July 20, 2007, 10:50:15 PM

c) There was always something fishy about Barricade. *koff, grin* The motto is a nice touch, and it's also noted very briefly that instead of the PD symbol on his side he's got the Decepticon symbol instead.

d) Barricade disappears during the highway chase. Starscream is seen escaping into orbit during the credits. Another unconfirmed is Scorponok, who disappeared underground after getting slammed by the military.

e) Wiki suggests a sequel that may or may not involve Soundwave, the Dinobots, and/or the Constructicons. Entirely hypothetical at this point. I'm trying to imagine them pulling off a gestalt Transformer in modern continuity. It makes me squee with glee~

Barracaide?  I could have sworn it was barracuda oh well.  but yeah I did notice the decepiton con logo.  Also I think Iron hide, or was it ratchett had the auto bots logo worked into the public works label on his side.

I did realise scorponok hadn't been finished off after I had posted

you know I'd like to see a full sized tidal wave make an apearance, I had heard on anouther forum thats it's planned to be a trillogy.  If the constructicons make an apearance what are they going o do?  Devestator is been used

King Of Hearts

Aide from the movie Devastator was named Brawl... so they could just do a name swap and have the contructicons form into a gestalt named Brawl.

Insecticons, seriously... they would make great villians in a huge global swarm setting.


aparently VG cats dissagrees with most of the reviews


Quote from: thegayhare on July 25, 2007, 10:57:32 AM
aparently VG cats dissagrees with most of the reviews

To be fair, what he's said is technically true.

The end of the movie reminded me of a friend once mentioning some wierd fetish where the person enjoys "Copulating while atop someone else, or having people copulate while atop you."


Quote from: Raist on July 25, 2007, 06:28:43 PM
Quote from: thegayhare on July 25, 2007, 10:57:32 AM
aparently VG cats dissagrees with most of the reviews

To be fair, what he's said is technically true.

The end of the movie reminded me of a friend once mentioning some wierd fetish where the person enjoys "Copulating while atop someone else, or having people copulate while atop you."
And thats the main downside of this movie..Focused too much on the humans..Even thats what they where shooting for...It still stinks...


Hey, at least the game has Frank Welker...
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.