Road Trip IC

Started by lucas marcone, July 16, 2007, 10:59:43 AM

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lucas marcone

A rat exits his house. he throws his two sets of cloths and assotred books and electronic intertainment in the rear of his spaceious hippy van. It has an untactfully painted warrior princess on both sides(remember this is a stoner van) and it looks like it could rust apart.
"S*** I forgot something!" He runs back into the house looking at his watch. Not alot of time but enough He thought. Then he came back out with two towels toothpaste and the like. "We'll be at this for a while." He contemplated "Hitting all 48 of the mainland will be cake itll' be the trec through canada to get to alaska that'll kill us." As he got the last of what he and the van needed he hopped into the drivers seat and ran his hand through the mint condition shag carpet. what a deal! My first car being the perfect road trip car! YEAH! he then pulled out for the McDonalds everyone was to meet at. He rolled in the parkinglot at about 1:00Pm the light Pennsylvanian sun looking down.


An orange cat walks out of the McDonald's, "Mmm... nothing like a Big Mac to get your afternoon going!" He looks over to the van, "Heey! Cool van! So, what did ya bring? Did you remember the snacks? How about extra gas? Did I leave my coffee pot on? When is everyone else getting here? I'll go get my stuff!" He said energetically. He ran into McDonald's and ran out again, both within two seconds, "So ya ready?"


A pair of stripy brown raccoon-cats were in the shadow of the building, whispering out a disagreement. All anyone could see of them were their outlines.
"Ikue, relax, they're not gonna hurt us; Dad talked to these guys, remember?"
"But we've never done anything like this before! What if someone robs us, or kidnaps one of us, or- "
"Oh come on, we're not five anymore!"
"As if that's the point, Spocoke!"
"...Look, you know I'd never let anyone hurt you, right?"
"And you know we're old enough to take care of ourselves, right?"
"...I guess so."
"So quit being nervous and come on. We'll be fine."

A minute later, they walked out of the shadows and to the van, both with the same stride, but the boy raccoon a few inches ahead of the girl. The boy carried a guitar case and a backpack; the girl had a medium-sized light gray roller suitcase.
"Are you the guy we're supposed to be looking for?" the boy asked the tough-looking rat. The girl looked at him anxiously, like she was expecting the rat to pull out a knife any moment.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Hey you two! Name's Joseke, Joseke Nadima, but you can call me J. So? How've you been? I'm guessing you're here for the road trip too? I just love traveling, but if I run I can't see the sights, so I've decided to take a trip with a few freinds!" He paused, which was very unlike him, "I left somethin' at home! Hold on!" Joseke ran the way the van came from, leaving a trail of dust behind him. He came back five seconds later, carrying a large, black suitcase, "There we are! So? Any idea how many people are comin'?"

lucas marcone

"Yeah." Ian acted more shifty than normal to throw them off being the jokester he was. He eyed them like he had just gotten out of prison.....well he did but just for a few parking tickets.....and causeing bodily harm with a tacky 70's was the cops fault anyway.
Then all of a sudden he brok from his biker 'tude and formally introduced himself. "yo I'm Ian and I'll be your guide for all fifty states! includeing the united states of canada and jesus land!" He looked through some of his things in back. He took out a map of the USA and handed it to the cat dude through the window. "We'll head west. A straight shot. I entered this heap into a Pimp Out contest in L.A. when it's looking better we'll start and head in this counter clockwise pattern till we come near Can ada dada and we make for Alaska like a bat outa hell."
he looked at the orange cat. "nope were relying on gas station pit stops till we hit L.A. Hope you brought gas masks those burritos can be like bad oil in the engine if you know what it mean."


When the orange cheetah came up and talked to them (in what seemed to be several statements and questions strung into one sentence), Spocoke tilted his head with a confused look, and Ikue raised her eyebrows. Joseke seemed like a nice guy, just... spazzy. Ikue almost giggled at how quick everything about him seemed to be. They didn't even have time to respond to any of his questions before he ran off and returned with his suitcase.

Then the rat they had been talking to gave them a shifty, creepy stare. Ikue hugged her arms to her chest like she was trying to curl up and hide, and even her brother's eyes grew more wary. But no. It was an act. Ikue sighed in relief, and Spocoke rolled his eyes, smirked and shook his head. "Nice to meet you, Ian and J. I'm Spocoke Masqueren; this is my twin sister, Ikue," he greeted them, gesturing to Ikue when he said her name. She smiled shyly and gave a little wave. "We're traveling mostly because Dad decided to test how we'd get along on our own for a while. So apparently a road trip in a soon-to-be pimpin' van couldn't be safer." He smiled so they'd know he wasn't serious about that last sentence.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Heh well hop on in well wait there should be one more. If he's not here on oh....." Ian looked at his watch "Ten minutes were outta here." Ian looked at Spocoke I'm just gonna call you Coke case I'll NEVER be able to pronounce that right. Anyway nice shit glad to meet someone with an appritiation for the classics." He pushed a CD into the shiftily installed player. Soon music was pouring cleanly out of six speakers at a comfortable level. It was the familiar voice of Joey Ramone. " Beat on the brat, beat on the brat, beat on the brat with a baseball bat oh yeah! oh yeah oh ho ho!" Ian could tell this would be a kickin trip.


"Good thing I came prepared." Joseke smiled opening up his suitcase, and taking out a pair of headphones, and put them on, "Noise cancelling... thank god..." he purred and hopped in the back with his stuff.


A large Otter rollblades his way into the parking lot. He has a pair of hiking boots hanging around his neck tied together by their laces and an old beatup hiking backpack on his back. He looks around a bit until he see's the van with all the people around it. He moves his sunglasses down a bit with his right index finger. He shakes his head a bit and pushes the sunglasses back up to their normal postion. He blades his way over to the van and stops before the small group. "This the road trip crew? I'm Gregor Reepar and it looks like I'm another member of this little band" He looks at the van and the people standing there. "This should be interesting"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Spocoke had started unzipping his guitar bag with an expression of joy at hearing The Ramones. Ikue just rolled her eyes, smiling, and sat down on her suitcase. Spocoke was mouthing to Joseke, "Why would you want to block this out?" when the otter bladed up. He and Ikue gave him a once-over, then Spocoke stood up and dusted himself off.
"Yup, I guess you're the last guy. I'm Spocoke, and that's Ikue." He nodded to his sister, who smiled once at the otter and then stood up, rolling her suitcase over to the open van door and lifting it in.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Joseke perked up upon seeing Gregor come over. "Ooh! New guy! More people!" He said darting to Gregor. "Hey! My name's Joseke Nadima, you can call me J." He smiled, "So, this isn't exactly the van we're going in, according to Ian, we're going to get it pimped out in LA... or something of the sorts... So how are ya?" he asked. It was amazing how he didn't need a breath despite how quickly he spoke.


Gregor nods to the others after they introduce themselves. He kneels down to remove his rollerbaldes and replace them with his boots. He looks at J as he fast talks. He just shruged. "I'm decent" Once he put his boots on he stashes his rollerblades in his backpack and puts it in the van. He then stoud straight and sctretched. He looked over the van at McDonalds then the looks into the van. "Gonna be a tight fit"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

lucas marcone

"You sir, underestimate the capabilities of my van." Ian says with a hand on Gregor's sholder. He then hoppes on to the top of the van. It shakes a little and the roof bends just slightly but he stands there and delivers the speach like it's a town legand....well it was but that's besides the point. "It was the summer of 2000, the twin towers were still standing and the country was overall still content. then i heard on the radio! 'Free tickets to the person and all the people who can shove the most people in their car! the only catch? you have to drive down with the same people in the same car!' It was an oppertunity NO man could pass up!" Ian starts getting more dramatic and a small crowd of fans of the legend had gathered around. " I had called all of my friends and still we were short 3 people for the prize. With ONLY 20 minutes to spare we drove down to the local strip club! these fine ladies wernt easy to sway but when they heard the concert was for GWAR they were putty. SO i had 5 of my friends and 5 strippers in my van! and they all had a safe place to sit no less! we won! and the gods of rock smiled on a little van driveing to a GWAR concert that day!" as he finnished one man cried, another looked fondly into space, and a hot punk chick flung her panties at Ian's face.


a disgruntled purples haired  wolf in a McDonald's  uniform left the restaurant  shouting  at the manager. " Well i don't need this job. i don't  care if you're gonna give me a raise it's not worth the abuse;."   

manager " i know you're up set Eric but these things happens. tell you what take the rest of the day off."

"Day nothing"  Eric says looks around looks around and sees the van being loaded up. " hey  got room for one more?"

"but Eric" says the manager.
"you heard me. mark it down as vacation time ore a voluntary quite i don't care but i need to get away form here now and fast." the wolf walks away for the manager and to the van.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Spocoke and Ikue watched in slight awe and slight amusement as Ian told his tale. When people gathered round, Spocoke hurriedly picked up his guitar so no-one would step on it. When the hot punk chick threw her panties at Ian, Spocoke whispered to Ikue with a grin on his face, "That's gonna be some girl's reaction to me one day."
   "Let me know when that day comes; I've always wanted to see flying pigs," Ikue joked back.

Then the purple-haired wolf came out of McDonald's wanting in on the trip. Spocoke just gave him an admiring look for how he handled his manager, then looked at Ian to see how he'd react.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Ian shifted the panties so the leg holes became eye holes. "My my my, what a lovely little ball of rage we have here. If you want in you're going to have to calm the feck down and pull that dead animal out of your ass other than that i don't have any problems. You need to stop by your house for clothes and such? that uniform can't be too comfy." The crowd had dispersed and Ian hopped down. As he did he saw she wrote her number on the elastic band. "Nifty." He said to himself.


Eric nods. "i'm not normaly this angry but today was the last straw . i can't put up with the abuse anymore and need a vacation."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Gregor just rolled his eyes as Ian started talking. He pulled out a bit of beef jerky from his shorts pocket and begins to chew on it. He see's the wolf come out of McDonalds throwing a fit about something. He just continued to eat the jerky and finds a spot inside the van.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Noticing that everyone else was getting comfy in the van, Spocoke and Ikue hopped in too, finding seats next to each other and setting their luggage down out of the way.

"Okay, I have a few simple instructions for you guys," Spocoke said to the van at large. "Number one: Only touch my guitar if I give you permission. Otherwise, I shove Ikue's old Britney Spears album up your ass as far as it'll go. Number two: You can mess with me, but if you hurt Ikue, I'll kill you. Number three... well there is no number three, I just kinda wish I could think of one."

Ikue looked at the others when Spocoke was done. "He's always like this," she said exasperatedly. "Just put up with it." Spocoke gave her a sharp nudge for that.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Ian climbed back into the drivers seat and all the doors shut with a thud. "well kiddies here we go." Ian turned the keys but the engine wouldn't turn over. He tried a few more time praying to the gods of cars and was rewarded with the sweet rumble of an older than dirt engines sweet purr. If one could call it that it was more like a dieing man's cough. "Onward to L.A.!" and the van sputtered out of the parking lot leaveing a big oil stain where it was sitting.


It took awhile for J to notice that Ian left with his stuff, but without him. "Hey! Guys! Wait up!" He yelled, running after the van, which he ended up overshooting. "Oops!" He laughed as he stopped at an on-ramp. "Let's try that again." He smiled as he took of again, this time parallel to the van, "Yo! You almost forgot me! Could ya pull over?" He yelled into the van's passenger door.

lucas marcone

Ian slowed down and rolled to a stop. As J reached for the handle Ian crept forward causeing him to miss. This took place several times. "Say 'punk rock rules all.' and I'll let you in..."


"NEVER!!!"  :P He slowed down just enough to grab the back door. "HA!"

lucas marcone

"If that's how you want to play it." Ian sped up to about 20 miles per hour. Then he promptly hit the breaks.


J ended up running into the back door, leaving a huge dent, or more an impression, on the van.


Spocoke looked out the back window and fake-hissed at J. "BLASPHEMER! Nobody let him in! He's a filthy heretic and will get his sin on you if you touch him!" Spocoke shouted with the air of a violent religious extremist.

Ikue ignored her brother's protests, and got out of the van, peeling J off the door. "Anything broken?" she said, kinda quietly, but smiling. This trip wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. At least all these people were nice.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Nothing more than my pride..." He smiled, slowly getting in, "But then I didn't have much of that left over either..." He went over to his suitcase, "Hmm... let's see... I know I had them here somewhere..." He leaned over it, sorting through random stuff, "Hmm... maybe it's in deeper..." He leaned inside of it, so his head was completely in the case... "No? Hmmm... there they are!" He grabbed a bag inside his suitcase, his entire arm went in, "Wha? They're stuck!" He pulled on the bag as hard as he could... still nothing, "Let's see what the problem is..." He jumped into the suitcase, only his tail was popping out, "There we go!" He jumped out of the suitcase holding an industrial-sized bag of BBQ chips, "My lucky cinderblock was on one of it's corners." He explained, smiling. He opened it up, "Chips anyone?"


Once the van started moving Gregor pulled out an MP3player out of his backpack, with a pair of headphones. The kind you stick in your ears. He turned it on and slumped back into the seat he was in. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. It looked like he had fallen asleep.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

lucas marcone

Ian looked back at J "I knew a speed demon like you could handle that turtle pace." Then to the rest of the group in general asked " Before we hit LA there is some prety cool things in baltimore we could take I 81 to harrisburg and then take I 83 there check out the inner harbor the aquarium then pop on to 70 and be right back on track. anyone want to?"


Ikue had jumped back into the van and watched as J rooted through his bag for chips. "Lucky cinderblock?" she repeated incredulously. "You're a worse packrat than my Mom." Then she reached and took a handful of chips from the outstretched bag.

Spocoke was paying more attention to Ian. "I've never been to Baltimore. I'm in. Sis?" He poked Ikue in the ribs. She started, then turned to Spocoke; she had spaced out for a second.

"What? Oh. Baltimore. Okay. Why not?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...