Furrae: First Contact [Fanfic] (Requesting opinions and permissions first)

Started by KarlOmega1, July 08, 2007, 02:12:18 PM

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Hello everyone.

As some of you can remember, I use to have an RP called "Assualt on Genetics Lab 52" when DMFA had it's forum on the Xepher.net boards. I have thought about it and I want to make a fanfic prequel to it. Why I am asking for Opinions and Permissions first is because I don't want to use someone's character without their permission or request....plus the way the fic is going to be written is kind of like a script format (in case anyone wants to make a comic of it, since I can't draw a pic worth a shiny penny) and therefore want to know what people think of this way of writing.

So...anyone want their characters in the story? Can Amber let me borrow some DMFA characters?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius



Faerie Alex

While I can't speak for Amber, she has said this regarding fan works (as yours seems to be).

(Also see here.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.