06/29/07 [#801] Shiny things!

Started by AndersW, June 29, 2007, 01:19:19 AM

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It's not funny that Albanion knows about the lab if he IS on the Creature Council...


But the question is not that they know of the lab is that how did they find out about it.

Even though the lab is connected to the house the security system would in essence keep it hidden.  Jyrras is smart enough to know that if someone broke into the lab or a cleared guest  invited someone the security cameras would catch the culprit. 

Kira was stalking Jyrras because she liked his rebelious side, gnawing off her anckles.

Lorenda would not betray his trust, she values her friend ship with him to much. 
Mab though bubbly only really knows about the patches and she would have more fun playing with puppets.
Dan though a bit dimwitted can keep his mouth shut especally when he has his past deeds to blab about and own problems to deal with.
(all these asumptions are from what I have guessed on their personalites)

Still seeing that face on Albiaon does make one wonder if he has a little demon in him.

Stalking Jyrras from the outside of his house Kira can only go so far.  Even if Kira did get inside Deebs would sound the alarm and chase Kira off at best at worst Jyrras would face serous problems with the 'creation' claws in the laws.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Apparently he wouldn't know.  Kria showed a device that Jyrras made around the same time Jyrras was showing Lorenda around the lab.  She obviously snuck off to grab it while Jyrras was occupied with his family, and perhaps it might have been something he left lying around.  Perhaps it was something from outside the lab, and after showing it to the council, incited them to have Kria investigate further, which is when she began spying on Jyrras and noticed him going into the lab at some point or another.  She then tells the council, and Albanion let's it slip at this point in the story that he knows about it.

Perhaps Jyrras will seek Mab's help in figuring out that the council is spying on him.  Or at least get Lorenda's help and with that have her stay to guard the lab and keep her mother out of it.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Is he talking about the public lab, or the private lab?

There's a -big- difference.

Not that you'd be able to tell from Jy-jy's reaction, mind...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


aww man i thing that Jy Jy's just learned hoe to move in an unseals dimension. do you think he left a sonic boom in his wake?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aw, man!  Another person trying to get Jyrras's shiny things away from him!  First the counsel of creatures, now the Fae!  Will this never end?


Quote from: Manawolf on June 29, 2007, 01:48:29 PM
Kria showed a device that Jyrras made around the same time Jyrras was showing Lorenda around the lab.  She obviously snuck off to grab it while Jyrras was occupied with his family, and perhaps it might have been something he left lying around.  Perhaps it was something from outside the lab, and after showing it to the council, incited them to have Kria investigate further, which is when she began spying on Jyrras and noticed him going into the lab at some point or another.  She then tells the council, and Albanion let's it slip at this point in the story that he knows about it.
Dude, that was his handheld video game player. Kria nicked it, though Jyrras though it was his dad.
There you can see Jyrass's dad with the player,
There Jyrras think it was his dad who stole it...
And here we see that very same player. Kria must have taken it when Jyrras's dad was done with it.


And there's the clarification.  It was one of his inventions, which led to further investigation by Kria at the behest of the council and ended up with finding out about his secret lab.


The fae on the CC is Albanion, I'm 99% sure of it, just compare the forhead jewels.


 :erk Dear God.... HE SMILES JUST LIKE FA'LINA!!!!  D:

But seriously. That comic made me laugh. Run, Jy-Jy, Run! Er... Fly!
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Observations about Creature Council members. So far there are at least ten members. In apparent order of seating left to right from Kira's PoV...

Unknown colour - gray hands, yellow claws (365)
Yellow - Female phoenix; seems to have odd fingers and crown of fire. Phoenix B? Mythos? (366)
Unknown - Green snakes for hair. Mythos? (366)
Unknown colour - probable dragon (365)
<possible break>
Purple - Male fae; Albanion (366)
Pink - Female cubi; not Kira; proably not Fa'Lina; possibly Dee (365,367)
Red - Male humanoid with headband & chest emblem. Were? Demon? (366)
<possible break>
Brown - Insectis; in this location assuming he's looking at the cubi (367)
Green - Rabbit; possible zombie; his right arm looks kinda fleshless (367)
<possible break>
Blue - Unknown species or location. Mentioned 'turning him'. Vampire? Angel? (366)
<carefully leans closer to the spinning coffin>
"What's that Mr Mendel? Kill chakat Goldfur? Shi's making a mockery of all your theories?"


Quote from: familyghost on June 29, 2007, 02:48:17 PM
The fae on the CC is Albanion, I'm 99% sure of it, just compare the forhead jewels.
Alrighty... different shape, different size, and different color, in addition to the fact that their heads are shaped nothing alike.

So I'm thinking no, not the same.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Sorry, Cas, but familyghost is right.

Look. The two figures' antennae are the same shade of blue, and the head was shaped oddly because it was turned. Imagine Albanion's profile in panel 2 silhouetted. Shaped funny, right?

As for the gem, well, art styles change over time. And if all this doesn't convince you, just look at Demo. 101, under Fae: "...he has been one of the more active voices in trying to build bridges between the Creature and Beings race and it is likely due to him that the Beings/Creature Council hasn't fallen apart yet."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: ANTIcarrot on June 29, 2007, 04:29:17 PM
Observations about Creature Council members. So far there are at least ten members. In apparent order of seating left to right from Kira's PoV...

Unknown colour - gray hands, yellow claws (365)
Yellow - Female phoenix; seems to have odd fingers and crown of fire. Phoenix B? Mythos? (366)
Unknown - Green snakes for hair. Mythos? (366)
Unknown colour - probable dragon (365)
<possible break>
Purple - Male fae; Albanion (366)
Pink - Female cubi; not Kira; proably not Fa'Lina; possibly Dee (365,367)
Red - Male humanoid with headband & chest emblem. Were? Demon? (366)
<possible break>
Brown - Insectis; in this location assuming he's looking at the cubi (367)
Green - Rabbit; possible zombie; his right arm looks kinda fleshless (367)
<possible break>
Blue - Unknown species or location. Mentioned 'turning him'. Vampire? Angel? (366)

Just some things...

Kria is a demon, not a cubi and vampire's are more or less exticnt if I recall Fluffy's explanation.


Quote from: Black_angel on June 29, 2007, 05:02:47 PM
"...he has been one of the more active voices in trying to build bridges between the Creature and Beings race and it is likely due to him that the Beings/Creature Council hasn't fallen apart yet."

On the other hand, we don't know the relationship between the Being/Creature Council and the Creature Council.  It's possible they are one and the same and this is just a secret meeting, but the fact that they keep the place dark would suggest that they are a separate, Illuminati-like organisation.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Black_angel on June 29, 2007, 05:02:47 PMThe two figures' antennae are the same shade of blue
Er... Albanion's antennae don't even look blue.  At all.  They're white, and - though this could admittedly just be an art thing - a different shape.
Quote from: Black_angel on June 29, 2007, 05:02:47 PMand the head was shaped oddly because it was turned. Imagine Albanion's profile in panel 2 silhouetted. Shaped funny, right?
Fine.  That just leaves different-shaped eyes, ears, and - especially - wings.  Albanion's are wider, farther apart, and opaque.
Quote from: Black_angel on June 29, 2007, 05:02:47 PMAs for the gem, well, art styles change over time.
Evolving style doesn't account for halving in size, turning from an oval to a bent raindrop shape, and from dark purple to dull blue.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 29, 2007, 01:46:36 AM
And Terrycloth, just cuz I HAVE to say it :mwaha:
I told you so! This IS the real Albanion! :P

Bah! Look at the teeth! It's obviously Kria, stalking him. :B


I really don't think that's Albanion on the council. All the debate about his forehead jewel and headshape aside the big give away are the wings. Albanion has very prominently rounded wings where the fae on the council has pointed wings.

Another big giveaway Albanion only has two fingers and a thumb on each hand, where as the fae on the council has three fingers and a thumb.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


I thought the size, shape, and number of wings on a fae was determined by their current mood, it'd explain the difference in wing shape because the council scene is a little more serious then he is now. Or mabye was that only Mab who had ever changing wings.


Quote from: Xeksue on June 29, 2007, 09:44:56 PM
I thought the size, shape, and number of wings on a fae was determined by their current mood, it'd explain the difference in wing shape because the council scene is a little more serious then he is now. Or mabye was that only Mab who had ever changing wings.

You're right, I took a quick look through and wings do infact change frequently and without warning.

The hand thing still stands as strong evidence though.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


hard to say but time will tell and i wonder if the whole secret lab was a bluff or was it something the knew for sure.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Madmann135 on June 29, 2007, 01:48:56 AMThe Albiaon has showed the creature's council hand that they know that he's a serous inventor.  By playing their hand they could force Jyrras hand into putting more R&D into offensive and defensive technology which can be a bad thing.

They would have no incentive to do so.  Creatures in general, and the fae in particular, have powers and presumably weapons far more powerful than anything that the beings have.  The fae would not want to narrow this gap.  So it's more likely that Albanion would want to destroy the lab to ensure that Jyrras cannot make anything more powerful.

Now, if I were trying to get Jyrras out of the lab, I might arrange an `accidental' meeting with one of his fae friends...in which case, pretending that Mab's parents were going to die would be a perfect excuse.  I don't think that's what's going on here, but I might store that one away for future writings.

As to the debate on whether Albanion is on the CC, I think it's worth pointing out that he is the king consort, so it's not impossible that he receives reports from the CC.

As to the comic itself, unless Jyrras has rocket boots, he would not be able to move like that in freefall.  So it looks like he's adjusting to the ``What you believe becomes what you can do'' philosophy.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


You know, with all of the psychological stress Jyrass has been experiencing lately, I can't help but wonder if Wildy's novel is going to wind up becoming some sort of self-fulfilling prophesy. He's well on the road to becoming a mad scientist.


I don't really think the meeting was fake. it IS genuine, but it's not as if people can't have two things to do at any given time...


   :mowmeep Abby seems to be a bit nosey here. Was he the Fae at the Creature Council ?
   8) I knew Jyrras could fly, he just needed the motivation ... 

8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: Alondro on June 29, 2007, 11:10:49 AM
Heh, I too noticed the resemblence to Fa'Lina in that evil smile.  There can be only one explanation.  Albanion is Fa'Lina's father!   :U

Oh... Thanks so much for that comment... It made me nearly inhale the cheese and crackers I was eating... And let me tell you, that's not exactly a smart thing to try...

What I don't understand is why Jy can't just leave The fae world through his lab's elevator... Note Exhibit A:http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_361.php
Realize that it never actually 
says that this is Wonka's factory... I mean, it looks a lot like the Fae world to me... <.<; I'm just sayin'...


Man, you people can debate!

Anyway, I was a little too close to my monitor, and I noticed that those silhouettes actually have their blacklining still intact, so I hopped over to XNview, played with contrast and brightness for a bit, and brought the features into sharp relief.

Have fun.

hmm.  the guy in the red background is decidedly human, when looking at the outline.  That, or turtle.  I'm going to guess he's a Were.


And yet there is still the very good point Netrogo brought up; this guy has four fingers, including thumb, Albanion only has three.


  :mowmeep Everyone seems to think that the Creature Council know a lot about Jyrras's Lab. How can they? The Scanner? Seth,  (Jy's dad), was playing with it while the crowd mobbed Jyrras. Kria comes. Everyone leaves. Seth has no Scanner. Next we see Kria showing the toy to the council. So it seems that Kria palmed it, after seeing it's value and use in looking inside.  To the group it would appear a toy ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


First, it's Seth, not Zeth. Second, it was a handheld game player, i.e., a game boy, not a scanner. Third, we already knew that Kria took it. I posted that myself earlier.