dmfa vids on youtube.

Started by crimson_wolf, June 13, 2007, 04:42:44 PM

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I found some dmfa vids while wandering around on youtube they're about jyrras and abel so i wondered if anyone else has seen them.

Jyrras love style 

Abel's mama mia

Jyrras and Abel

I thought they were ok for slide shows. Please comment after watching.         


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


You would not beleive how incredibly accurate that chart is for me...but yes i suppose this was rather stupid of me.


What a coincidence :P
Catherine Willington and myself have been working on the entire Warrior For Hire arc.  It took about three months total to get the artwork cleaned up and the captions removed - plus about twice that for procrastination - but it's almost ready to go.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hmmm. "Interesting"is about all that I can say for those vids, but the "Jyrras and Abel" one definately gets catagorized as shonen-ai. Not neccesarrily a bad thing, per se... But I'm just throwin that out there.


I've seen these videos..It scares me


I wish the song for abels one wasn't mama mia that song just drives me insane i can't stand listening to it. As for jyrras's video i need to finish learning japanese before i can really understand it either that or find a translation and the vid with both of them had a decent song but i'm not all for the jyrras and abel pair up. still intresting though....


Quote from: crimson_wolf on June 13, 2007, 08:03:23 PMI wish the song for abels one wasn't mama mia that song just drives me insane i can't stand listening to it.

Hey, I *like* Abba!

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

Amber Williams

Quote from: crimson_wolf on June 13, 2007, 08:03:23 PM
but i'm not all for the jyrras and abel pair up. still intresting though....

HERESY!  Jyrras x Abel 4evah! OTP! :O


Quote from: Amber Williams on June 13, 2007, 08:23:23 PM
Quote from: crimson_wolf on June 13, 2007, 08:03:23 PM
but i'm not all for the jyrras and abel pair up. still intresting though....

HERESY!  Jyrras x Abel 4evah! OTP! :O

On the phone? :erk
Once upon a time I actually posted here.



Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Amber Williams


*Stands up headless* I will have my revenge! I'll do something so vile, so reprehensible, so evil that villains the world over will look on in shock at the horror I have wrought.

I'm gonna go post a link to this thread on YouTube and give you an infestation of YouTubers >:3
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Zina's an evil bitch like that.


Well jyrras and abel go together well but i can't see them actually going for it unless some random event happens and amber decides it so and if she does then i won't complain. No sense in fighting over something you don't have power in.




OTP means ONE TRUE PAIRING! It's a term we-- the yaoi community uses to dignify their oddball pairings. OTP is how you claim a pairing to be legitimate and canon! Three little letters can do all that for just the price of ONE bad LJ user-icon!!


Quote from: Netami on June 13, 2007, 08:52:40 PM
OTP means ONE TRUE PAIRING! It's a term we-- the yaoi community uses to dignify their oddball pairings. OTP is how you claim a pairing to be legitimate and canon! Three little letters can do all that for just the price of ONE bad LJ user-icon!!

The Yaoi Community knows NOTHING of dignity!!! D:
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Netrogo on June 13, 2007, 08:55:49 PM
Quote from: Netami on June 13, 2007, 08:52:40 PM
OTP means ONE TRUE PAIRING! It's a term we-- the yaoi community uses to dignify their oddball pairings. OTP is how you claim a pairing to be legitimate and canon! Three little letters can do all that for just the price of ONE bad LJ user-icon!!

The Yaoi Community knows NOTHING of dignity!!! D:
You just don't get it. You just don't understand.  :<


i'll eventually go to an a.c but for now i'm going to continue being lazy and save money.
I was going to go to the anime north but my friends backed out on me like a bunch of sissies...I am not going to stop bugging them about that and it's funny cause any other time you mention anime they never shut up but as soon as it involves other people they don't know they run and hide with their tails between there legs.


Closest nerds are possibly THE lamest thing in the world. One of my former roommates was like that, he'd talk anime and geek (even rolled a d20 to decide what we'd all get for dinner one night) all the time. Get out in public, me and my other buddy would be shootin the shit about anime and he'd hide as far from us as possible and give us funny looks.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Fools! Real nerds NEVER go out in public!


Ah the dice,i never did figure out how they decided on crap by rolling a dice mainly because i took them everytime they pulled it out of their pocket in my presence.
I have too many friends most of them don't even get along with eachother unless i'm there because they know i don't want to hear them complain and when they do complain it usually ends up with me chocolatizing someone with pudding.


One day I too will learn animation...mwah ha ha ha ha hah!
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Well we set it if we got 10 or under it'd be pizza, 11 up would be Chinese. Wound up rolling an 8 but then I called saving throw and they set the save at under 5, I rolled a four so we wound up getting chinese.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


...Ok so basiclly you just assighn something to a number on it and roll, Thats actually not a bad idea that could take my laziness to a whole new level  :mowhappy
and if anyone complains i will use the pudding, the pudding never fails.


Well normally with DnD and d20s it's actually the higher you roll the better your attack/accuracy/whatever it's just in that situation we assinged those numbers because we were making a decision similar to a coin toss, but coin tosses are outdated and boring. Plus the d20 we were rolling is the size of baseball so it just added to the fun :mowhappy
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


A baseball? That's a big friggen dice but i don't know alot about Dnd i never actually played it i did start it once with a few people but it took too long. So i got my artist friend to draw me some pics and made my own rpg on paper of course wich some of my friends actually played and thought was good. I thought it was crap but they liked it so i gave it to them and they keep creating stuff for it. Now it's like 3x bigger than what i originally had  :mowdizzy. It's funny how stuff like that happens.

Actually now that i think about it i should have copy writed that and just hired them to build on it. That way if it ever got out i would still own it,oh well.