Second Life

Started by Netrogo, May 31, 2007, 11:34:41 PM

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Just curious who all hangs out in there since I've heard there's a few of you guys that do. And sinc there's a Lost Lake sim.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Oh god, I love the game now. They switched my modem, and now I can run SL, photoshop, mIRC, AIM, and the internet without so much as a hint of lag. <3
I usually hang around at a ranch, really. Sometimes I sit at LL and hold down the fort.


I come on sometimes, to donate my earnings to the LL group. I guess I am on the group committee or something. I really just hop on to donate money, heh.


There's already a Second Life topic. I think it's in the Games section, although it could also be in DMFA, as it was related to the Second Life Lost Lake area. Go continue this convo there.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...