Furrie Babies?

Started by Aurawyn, May 21, 2007, 05:50:42 AM

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Sorry could not think of a better title...

Actually this new arch with Nutmeg and Mab got me to thinking about something.

What determines the "Species" of a baby in cross Species reproduction? Will the babies species alway match that of the parent of the same gender?

We see this with Jyrras' family, and Able even commented Here that if the baby was a girl, it would end up twice as big as him. I think so far Jyrras' family is the only example of this

So yea.. just wonderin....


Like the planets aligning, your question comes close to the date when the artist will be working on a mini-comic regarding genetics and how things get passed from parent to child.

So wait for it. It will be of untold legitimacy.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I believe Abel's comment was not "a baby sister who will therefore be twice as big as you" but "a baby sister who, coincidentally, happens to also be twice as big as you"

It's just limited space in the panel for text, y'know. :-]

I suspect you'll find the answer will be "it's random dice throw. We just happen to have not seen the other side of the die yet." - if I can be forgive for putting words into Amber's mouth. (ie, this is my guess, not the word from on high)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


  :mowignore We are also avoiding the position of creature - being genetics. Abel was feline, ( at least one blue eye + green, which is a similar gene ), and apart from the wings on the head and back, (apart from the clan mark) , there is nothing similar between the two, one is Aniz, father,red eyes, Cubi, canine complexion, and May, mother,blue eyes , being, feline :mowignore

                   Abel may be Cubi by genetics, but his mind is more set as being a being ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...

King Of Hearts

Isnt Miss Amber about to do some strips regarding that very topic?


Quote from: Aurawyn on May 21, 2007, 05:50:42 AM
Sorry could not think of a better title...

Actually this new arch with Nutmeg and Mab got me to thinking about something.

What determines the "Species" of a baby in cross Species reproduction? Will the babies species alway match that of the parent of the same gender?

No. So far, there's a general, sorta "usually happens this way" rule that when a Being and a Creature make with the sweet lovings, their offspring will take after the Being parent. (e.g. Lorenda is a cow like her dad rather than a horse like Kria.) Amber has  stated as much on numerous occasions.

We don't have much information on species selection in Creature-Creature or Being-Being pairings. So far there's a consistent trend in Jyrras's family, but you can't necessarily generalize from such a small sample size. I can't recall Amber ever commenting on the matter one way or the other.

As for the Fae... well... presumably, they turn out however they want to turn out. :mowtongue

And yes, there is a Hybrid Genetics mini-arc coming sometime soon now. You can try looking up some of the references in my (horribly outdated and full of wild speculation regardless :3) crossbreeding article on the wiki to keep yourself going until then.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on May 21, 2007, 07:15:17 AM
Quote from: Aurawyn on May 21, 2007, 05:50:42 AM
Sorry could not think of a better title...
Actually this new arch with Nutmeg and Mab got me to thinking about something.
What determines the "Species" of a baby in cross Species reproduction? Will the babies species alway match that of the parent of the same gender? 
No. So far, there's a general, sorta "usually happens this way" rule that when a Being and a Creature make with the sweet lovings, their offspring will take after the Being parent. (e.g. Lorenda is a cow like her dad rather than a horse like Kria.) Amber has  url=http://clockworkmansion.com/forum/index.php?topic=1514.msg59347#msg59347]stated as much[/url] on numerous occasions. We don't have much information on species selection in Creature-Creature or Being-Being pairings. So far there's a consistent trend in Jyrras's family, but you can't necessarily generalize from such a small sample size. I can't recall Amber ever commenting on the matter one way or the other. As for the Fae... well... presumably, they turn out however they want to turn out. :mowtongue And yes, there is a Hybrid Genetics mini-arc coming sometime soon now. You can try looking up some of the references in my (horribly outdated and full of wild speculation regardless :3) crossbreeding article on the wiki to keep yourself going until then.  :mowmeep There is a good example in jy's case. The common traits ( female line ) show up here. Kangaroos 
are on the mothers side, kangaroo rats to the fathers. (like jewish nose). The    variable body characteristics normally there as in eye color, but pure cross breeding as such has occured ... ( do you remember the three eyed creature with a ferret mother saying ' he has his father's eyes ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 21, 2007, 07:02:47 AM
Isnt Miss Amber about to do some strips regarding that very topic?
:mowhappy The subject is to be done, but Amber probably needs some input of what we all say, just to prove us wrong.  :mowhappy      being to being genetics may be complicated, but this may be doubley more so in creature to being genetics, because you bring in the variable of lifespan. Which line I will follow will come soon, when I amend this page ...   ( In the interest of saving space, I will type from here.Sorry about double posting, but I find the pages too small )
  :mowmeep It has come to my attention though, that they seem to have only two sexes. This is handy, since we could make an uneducated guess that the sexual systems are much alike.  HOWEVER, we have to assume that viability in both male and female genes are compatable over the full range, even with the beings and the creatures.  :mowmeep

:mowhappy Ah, why waste my breath. Amber is going to shoot me down in flames anyway, and really, who likes a smartass .. :mowhappy
8) Just Hanging Around ...


kaskar, when you post, you can post quotes from multiple people at once, you know.

Also, when editing, it's generally appreciated to include one or two blank lines, then "Edit:" on a line by itself, and then your next chunk, to clarify what is what.

Like this. It's just polite to let people see what's what, rather than simply continuing on the same line again.

I'd recommend stopping and thinking about that a bit. These "stream-of-conciousness" posts of yours are getting irritating - to the point that we're considering giving you some space to think about it. Do be careful, now.


From what I have been told, furry babies are tasty when breaded and fried in butter.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I think a nice garlic marinade would be nice too.

Also, a "yeah that" to Llearch's post.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

You've got to use clay, really. Wrap the baby fur in clay, and bake - that way, all the fur is peeled off when you crack the clay.

If you can stuff it with marinade, so much the better. Mmmmm...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Netami on May 21, 2007, 05:52:04 AM
Like the planets aligning, your question comes close to the date when the artist will be working on a mini-comic regarding genetics and how things get passed from parent to child.

So wait for it. It will be of untold legitimacy.

Oh shoot... I forgot about that Mini Arch  :B :B


Clay, hm.  But doesn't that leave them tasting all... earthy?

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

llearch n'n'daCorna

No, not usually. The skin seals in the juices, and seals out the clay. The baking fires the clay, and you're left with the equivalent of a nice earthenware pot holding your neatly peeled lunch.

Downright handy.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


      They make, and cook, " Hotdogs " . This is not like the standard Hotdog you see here, but is be more like a yappity shish-ka-bob ( am I banned for that, by the very thought, and does that explain the need for more yappities in these rooms ? ), and they may be especially bred for mass, taste and texture, if sold as an edible dish. Of course, then pet shops would have to select for other traits, like size, looks, and temperant. Yappities, however, are not even beings, so I should not have bothered in this room ...
       ( Is this where it is said, adopt a yappity now, and save it's life ? )

8) Just Hanging Around ...


Quote from: Aurawyn on May 21, 2007, 05:50:42 AMWe see this with Jyrras' family, and Able even commented Here that if the baby was a girl, it would end up twice as big as him. I think so far Jyrras' family is the only example of this

So yea.. just wonderin....

Abel wasn't really pointing out anything about gender, only that Jyrras was likely to get yet another sibling just like the rest of his sisters.   I'm sure if Amber ever has a use for a female Kangaroo rat in the story, she'll have no problem giving Jyrras a like-sized sister. 


cook a yappity! O_O and end up multicolored :)

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: Silverfoxr on May 22, 2007, 09:24:57 AM
cook a yappity! O_O and end up multicolored :)

If he wants to eat yappities, I think it's only fair that he gets eaten in turn. Where's Charline to chomp down on someone when you need her?
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on May 22, 2007, 09:28:36 AM
Where's Charline to chomp down on someone when you need her?

"Missing, presumed fed." ?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I believe we need a ready source of furrae babies, so we may study them and run tests in both laboratory and kitchen settings.

do we have any volunteers?

QuoteHappiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I'm not sure what yappities have to do with DMFA in the first place...


They have as much to do with DMFA as you or I do. They're the community mascots!


  :mowmeep          Some say , you are what you eat. Makes you carefull on your diet if you think about that fully and literally ...
8) Just Hanging Around ...





They'd tickle on the way out  :)

Oh dear.


Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on May 22, 2007, 11:02:04 AM
I believe we need a ready source of furrae babies, so we may study them and run tests in both laboratory and kitchen settings.

do we have any volunteers?

QuoteHappiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.

We're just gonna end up with a bunch of diaper furs that way.

As for Rabid, maybe a little amongst the excrutiating pain that comes with child birth...


Quote from: llearch's Big Black Boots on May 21, 2007, 09:21:27 AM
kaskar, when you post, you can post quotes from multiple people at once, you know.

Also, when editing, it's generally appreciated to include one or two blank lines, then "Edit:" on a line by itself, and then your next chunk, to clarify what is what.

Like this. It's just polite to let people see what's what, rather than simply continuing on the same line again.

I'd recommend stopping and thinking about that a bit. These "stream-of-conciousness" posts of yours are getting irritating - to the point that we're considering giving you some space to think about it. Do be careful, now.

Take it from me I learned my lesson.


here's a scary thought whit if all those Jyrras babies from the non cannon thread were all his real children from alternate universes, that were created when one of them accidentally prevented their own birth, and kept trying to fix the timeline until they ceased to exist...

then again I think I need to stop watching Charmmed on TNT.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


 :mowhappy     The attack of the killer Furrie Babies ? That could be a thread as a filler, with Jyrras always running away, or doing some defense or such. Needs a Jyrras patch though ...   
8) Just Hanging Around ...