An important question.

Started by Jim Halisstrad, May 03, 2007, 02:18:05 AM

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Lmfao, you really drew it.

Well, I'll be true to my word. I'll put it on the site, next update... or as soon as I remember.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


It's up on CVRPG. Feel proud, Seth.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Seth C Triggs

Heheheh thanks! I think I'll take the tentacle bet too. LOL

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -



As I stated before, you draw it, I'll post it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Destina Faroda

CVRPG: Sin City Edition

As horrified as I am about this development, I do have an interesting question...would "adult" art of any character who appeared in CVRPG (who wasn't from a video game, of course) be permitted?

Because I can think of a character or two who could be tentacled, and my qualms about this are affecting me less strongly than they should be, sadly...
Sig coming...whenever...


I guess it just depends, really. Are you doing it because they appeared in CVRPG, or are you doing it simply because you hate the characters?
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Seth C Triggs

Alec getting tentacled.
If this is safe for work/school where you are, consider quitting. (Xtra NSFW!)

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -

Jim Halisstrad



Tricky tentacles tastelessly tease and titillate anally aroused Alec.


Oh dear fucking lords, that is fucking brilliant!
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Oh, and:

Artwork Posted. Challenge Issued.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Seth C Triggs

LOL it's fun to do these challenges...for the lulz...and for the practice!

Actually that's the first time I'd ever drawn anything with tentacles. I always found that concept to be confounding.

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -


Well, it's just big floppy penises. Go watch porn, and I'm sure you'll see enough of them... just in the wrong color is all.

I do have to admit, these challenges are quite amusing. So long as you are game, I'm sure I can come up with fucked up shit for you to draw.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


QuoteCVRPG: Sin City Edition

As horrified as I am about this development, I do have an interesting question...would "adult" art of any character who appeared in CVRPG (who wasn't from a video game, of course) be permitted?

Because I can think of a character or two who could be tentacled, and my qualms about this are affecting me less strongly than they should be, sadly...

The harmonic dissonance in this post made me grin like a fool...


I'm fucking amused by everything in this thread.

Oh, how my sad little forum has devolved into tentacle porn.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Seth C Triggs

LOL I'll give the hardcore lesbo action a try tomorrow. Even though I have insomnia right now it's not the 'creative' kind, heh heh

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -


Well, remember, use internet porn as a guide if you can't come up with a good pose on your own.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


In my experience, EVERYTHING devolves into tentacle porn.

Destina Faroda

Quote from: Darkmoon on May 27, 2007, 11:31:24 AM
I guess it just depends, really. Are you doing it because they appeared in CVRPG, or are you doing it simply because you hate the characters?

Excuse my language, but why the hell does it matter?

I mean, it's one thing if you're going to allow porn drawings.  I might find it distasteful, but I'm not going to cry too much about it as long as everything's equal (and somebody doesn't find out and complain).  But if you're going to discriminate based on motivations, then that kinda throws the artistic freedom argument out of the window.  It you're going to allow it, then make it no holds barred.
Sig coming...whenever...


No, it makes a clear distinction, honestly. If you're doing it because they appeared in CVRPG, they you're obviously going to want them represented as the CVRPG style of character. You aren't just going "well, Dracula sucks, so I'm gonna draw him," and then do your own interpretation of Dracula, simply to vent.

It's a matter of context, and there's only so much artistic freedom allowed when you're talking about "fan art" for a website.

Oh, and for the record, if you find it distasteful, don't look at it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Destina Faroda

Whoa...why are you getting all testy?  Just because I may disapprove or disagree doesn't mean you have to get all defensive.  If I were really upset by this, you know I would have ranted and raved by now in a 13+ paragraph post, as well as deleted all my files from my folder on the site.

What does concern me is this whole idea of finding certain forms of expression that are okay in some curcumstances and forbidden in others.  I believe that if one wants to abide by standards, then all means do so, but be consistent.  It's one thing to say adult fan art will not be displayed.   That makes a clear boundary that may limit freedom but can be consistently applied.  It's another thing to say, adult art will be displayed, but only if the artist had pure intentions.  Not only is that a scary Thought Police mentality, it's also going against the whole reason of opening the site up to adult content.  As far as I'm concerned, FUCK context.  All that matters is the finished product.

Yes, I understand it's fan art for a (fan) website, but don't you think it sets a dangerous precedent to make more rules when you're breaking the rules to begin with?  It's not about hypocrisy, such as of looking at something one's arguing against, but consistency and the impact a lack of consistency will have.

I find it odd that you'd actually decide to draw line in the sand on this one.  After all, you're one of the ones who's usually against restrictions.  Besides, you almost had me inspired to go beyond my self-imposed restrictions and make an attempt at some uncharacteristically adult artwork (even though I can't draw for shit).
Sig coming...whenever...


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Interestingly enough I can now picture the princess wearing revealing black underwear sitting on a giant skull with sharp pointy teeth saying "you're bad!" with a voice similar to the white bitch of Gnarnia. [Epic Movie reference]
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Amber Williams

I find that context makes a big difference in the sense of fanarts, as what one person may see as a compliment, another might see as an insult.  One scenario I remember had a friend get a gift art that had two of her characters being dismembered by the third and the person was like "Its a joke about what would happen if this character had LSD! :D"

But when you spring a mutilation pic involving the other person's characters out of the can really throw someone off.  But then I guess that tends to go with anything that could be considered offensive, in that it requires one side or the other to consider it offensive.

Course the topic isn't really about mutilation pics but porny eh.  It will likely vary from person to person, but I can see and understand why some people have the opinion there is a very big difference between someone drawing something as a joke, and drawing something as something serious.  And in some ways a bit of the campy fun does get sucked out if you know the picture was drawn as a means of visually taking a character down a peg.

In the end it likely just boils down to individual artist or web-owners personalities and preferences.  Some people might just prefer having happy porn on their site or have certain requirements.  Granted at times it might seem a bit mundane (I remember one person being all "Now I will allow unconsentual sex and blood...but I dont want anything gay whatsoever.  Even PG kissing." on their site)

I guess it just comes with the priveledge of owning ones own webdomain.

Destina Faroda is hosted by Powweb.  Under their Terms of Service, the "Rights and Responsibilities" section is something under item B.

QuotePornography. No Customer shall use PowWeb's services to engage in pornography. This includes uploading or publishing material that would commonly be considered "indecent," "appealing to the prurient interest" or referred to as "adult" material.  In addition, linking to these sites is not allowed.

Now, of course, PowWeb isn't going to actually do anything unless someone complains.  However, if there's an abuse department and it catches wind of this, they may tell you to take the offending material down...or may shut down CVRPG entirely.

About mutilation pictures, I have far fewer reservations about those than I do porn, because mutilation pictures are usually so over the top that it's nearly impossible to be disturbed by them.  I can see why some people would be upset about them, but I feel that if you allow porn drawings, you should allow mutilation drawings as well.  I mean, many people would agree that it's as silly for someone to draw Princess impaled as it is to show Katrina and Darkmoon in the act.  And if someone can be seriously distrubed by the depiction of extremely graphic violence, then why allow the depiction extremely graphic sex acts?
Sig coming...whenever...

Seth C Triggs

Quote from: Destina Faroda on May 28, 2007, 10:35:29 PM is hosted by Powweb.  Under their Terms of Service, the "Rights and Responsibilities" section is something under item B.

QuotePornography. No Customer shall use PowWeb's services to engage in pornography. This includes uploading or publishing material that would commonly be considered "indecent," "appealing to the prurient interest" or referred to as "adult" material.  In addition, linking to these sites is not allowed.

Now, of course, PowWeb isn't going to actually do anything unless someone complains.  However, if there's an abuse department and it catches wind of this, they may tell you to take the offending material down...or may shut down CVRPG entirely.

Wow oh wow, I'm glad I went with Hasweb ( for my comic then! I like to stay away from restrictive TOSses...helps reduce the strain on my writing, heh heh...

Well, as for why graphic violence is often seen as more disturbing than graphic sex (even from my perspective), I'd like to offer that graphic sex can have a very positive context of love and togetherness, while generally graphic violence would be commonly understood to involve excruciating pain. Excruciating pain is most definitely not fun, while for the vast majority of people, getting one's rocks off with someone you rather dig is fun.

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -

Amber Williams

Mainly the thing I was getting at was that when it comes to an artist or webowner, everyone has particular limits and personal standards.  Some people really do see their creations like their messed up monkey-children so some actions against them will sometimes feel like an action against the person.   In the case of my friend and the mutilation pic, having something like that sprung out of the blue (she got warning they were drawing it or an advance  notice), she at first thought it was hate-art.  And while people should be free to express their dislike or whatever in artistic form, going out of the way to deliberately strike out at a person with the intent to hurt is just mean. :/

Really, to me, it boils down to what the person who owns the site/comic/whatever wants to host on their site.  While there should be freedom for people to draw what they want, there should be freedom for the site owner to decide what they want to allow on their site.  If they want to allow one type of mature category but not the other, its ultimately their call.  Not their call to say a person can't draw it...but definately their call about hosting it.

I dunno if I'm making any sense. :B


I'm not breaking any rules, Destina. It's art. It's not done for the titilation factor, but as art and as artistic studies.

Anything that gets posted on CVRPG is bound by the guidelines I set forth. If I say that art drawn for it should have a certin intent to it, that's my perogative.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quotemight just prefer having happy porn...

redundant?  :p

Quotesilly for someone to draw Princess impaled...

on what?   >:3