I am new and like GGX

Started by Robo-AgentKiri, January 17, 2006, 10:42:22 PM

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I'm new here. I like Guilty Gear. Because of that, I have named myself Robo-AgentKiri after one of my GGX themed drawings. This site is fun.
video game characters dancing is fun. i want to see master chief breakdance.
:boom prepare for ultimate.... smiley explosion.


Yessssss....Guitly gear,is like Cv figth,do you try the DS version is simply...............................COOL!!! :bunny,and congrat,an advise,don´t hear Succubus and trust jorge,D´moon,Clara leet,ilpalazo and sailor steeler :zombiekun


Succubus does not currently post here, so that shouldn't be a problem.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Hi. Yeah Guilty Gear X is cool. I own the Playstation 2 versions. I do well as playing as Testament mostly. Yeah...welcome and all that jazz.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?



testament is insane. my friend is sik pro with him. i just use Baiken, Robo-Ky(i wnat to get sik with the robot), and i am gonna quit using sol since his friggin berserk mode screws me over more times than not and i get...
lol. i like that con. because it is sik. lol. omg! i see kyameron attacking this thread!!!!!!!


The DS version is teh suck. But the PSP version is cool. Agent is teh nub at it. :destroyed



flooding the forum. lol. GGX2 for life. hahaha


Slash will own X2. i know fo sho. cuz ABA will be atl east somewhat decent!!!! and Order-Sol will own


*convinces admin to destroy the "destroyed' icon*


what a nub. tom can use ABA in isuka sik status. But yes Slash will most likely own. *spams destroyed icon before its banned* :destroyed


let's stop spamming the Destroyed icon and instead stop flaming, too while we're at it! lol. anyway, GGX rocks. and btw....


why is the arrow pointing to YOUR post?.....
lol, so about that castlevania game. arucard forever. :funkmario2


what happens to adam on a daily basis.


*attempts to stay on topic* yeah ARUCARD. PLay Castlevania songs on Stepmania


lol. talking about ggx was supposed to make us forget about how adam enjoys himself.  :banghead


oops. my bad. anyway, let's talk abotu GGX and stop flooding this servar!!!!


this is what happens when us 3 are at school in the same classroom with all messengers blocked by filters


yea, true. kinda scary when two of us are ggx fans while the other is... i dunno. but he is koo. anyway, i think people are going to make grave mistakes about ggx3..... becaue it is being released on 4/20....



i got to the room(s) with numbers on the DS castlevania. Still, I think Castlevania 2 is the best though. :evar



Well hey, at least you guys are having fun here...


GG in castlevania,that could be cool,and I forget tell about  Damaris :yeahthat


lol. i make an intro thread and all hell breaks loose! sweet. anyway, imma stop being a noob and get kyameron to stop saying that i'm a noob. it's annoying, rofl.