
Started by Tapewolf, April 02, 2007, 07:03:21 PM

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Reese Tora

you can join...

Thieves, Fighters, Mages, Morang Tong, One of three dunmer houses, Imperial guard, and the Blades(main quest related).

As Turnsky said, the thieves guild and Fighters guild oppose each other, but thier quests don't conflict with each other until you advance a good ways into one or the other.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Ah,  Vvardenfell. We have people interested? Excellent. *tents fingers*

There is something you should know - there are mods for this game. There are excellent mods for this game. Not cheats - mods. This being said, here is Cog's basic list. Of about way-too-many must-have mods.

Note - you will need somewhat better than basic morrowind requirements for some of these - especially better trees and foliage, and leafy morrowind. These mods are not .exe, but the installation is extremely simple once you get the hang of it. Almost all of these can be found on Planet Elder Scrolls, or with a Google search. Some of these will permanently change gameplay, so take a look at the screenshots before installing - however, almost all of these improve the visual look of Morrowind dramatically, or improve the gameplay in a major way. Most of the texture mods are vast improvements over Bethesda stock textures.
I've specified where I can't remember the exact mod name, but they should be able to be found with a search. I haven't included links, but here are a few screenshots to illustrate my point.

1: Galsiah's Chracter Development- don't play without it.
2. Better Bodies - It's needed. It's good.
3: GrVulture's Ultimate Texture pack - Improves so many things, I can't count them.
4: Karstux's Katana Mod
5:Forested Morrowind, Leafy Morrowind, and one other- get the most recent.
6: Better Trees and Foliage
7: VagabondAngel's wepons mods- all of them
8: Almost forgot! FPS optimizer. Being able to use the mouse wheel to change the view distance is AWESOME
9: Morrowind Enhanced- Good mod, if you have the computer for it: it's a plugin for other mods though, so you'll need more to make the most of it.
9a: Combat Enhanced
10: J's (I think) Iron Sword Reskins
11: No Glow mod of your choice (there's plenty)
12: ALL the LGNPC mods
13: Better Stars
14: Vibrant Skies
15: BEER! (yes, it's a mod.)
16: Riptides Face and Clothing Replacer (+ patch)
17: GrVultures Real Moons
18: Choice: KhanRaider's Weapon Collection mod (+ expansion) OR Better Deadric, Glass, and Ebony weapons. Texture replacers, so you'll use them for awhile
18: Arrow Mod. I think that's what it called. It is a HUGE overhual of bows and arrows throughout the game.
20: The Golden Dragon
21: Leelo's Lantern Replacer
22:Hendalf's Gold Replacer (HendalfGold)
23:Requiem Sword Resource
24:Harlequin Sword Resource
25:The Greatest Housing Mod Ever! (1 and 2) (Actual mod name: may not be exactly right)
26: Ascadian Cottage (by Korana)
27: Goldbrand/Eltonbrand replacement
28: Luis's (Ren's) Beauty Shop (there is an expansion as well: might have to search more than Planet Elder Scrolls for both)
29: Carnithus's Armetarium! I almost forgot!
32: Book Jackets is the best *new* book texture replacer. Better books I the old one, I think.
33:GrVultures Ultimate Textures misc
34:The Ultimate Knight Shop
35: Ring Replacer (can't quite remember the name: It's a texture replacer)
36: Falconer's leather armor
37: Heaven's lookout


That list is much appreciated, but there is a slight snag.  One of the reasons I'm playing this (aside from the novelty of being a big freaking cat) is to try and write an anti-walkthrough for it, which really means using a stock configuration as far as possible, although I might try some of the more cosmetic mods.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


 Ah, well, when you get done writing that, I would indeed recommend some of the gameplay affecting mods. Galsiah's Character Development is a major improvement over the default system.
It's a good game by itself, but the community really got together and made it much better.


Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but if you have the add-on and my memory serves me correct. In Solstheim you'll find a mead hall called Thirsk. Aside from some interesting plots to toy with there, there is also a hollowed out stump directly behind the mead hall, full of some really nice goodies that oughta get you cracking up some skulls in no time.

As long as they HIT and the spell isn't reflected you can kill off atleast two thirds of the tribunal with the arrows you'll find there, and I'm talking about the GODS, not the worshippers, or Almalexia's entire host of guardians. Interestingly enough, no one in the province of Morrowind will bat an eyelash at this little development, despite the fact that 99% of it's inhabitants are both extremely religious, and obviously completely pious as a result.

Let me know if you devise a way to kill Dagoth Ur, becuase I sure haven't yet!


Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:20:16 AM
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but if you have the add-on and my memory serves me correct. In Solstheim you'll find a mead hall called Thirsk. Aside from some interesting plots to toy with there, there is also a hollowed out stump directly behind the mead hall, full of some really nice goodies that oughta get you cracking up some skulls in no time.

Sounds fun.  I'm going to run through it properly before running the add-on (Bloodmoon, right?) though.

Alright - crossbows.  How the hell do you make them work?  No-one in Vivec seems to sell crossbow bolts, and arrows don't seem to work.  Darts he seems to want to throw rather than using them.

QuoteLet me know if you devise a way to kill Dagoth Ur, becuase I sure haven't yet!

I've devised a wicked means to kill my enemies in Vivec.  I've taken down about seven people including a nasty demon before I found the woman with the dagger in the leather armour.  She was a doddle by comparison.
This misuse of the rules probably counts as cheating, but right now I'll take any advantage I can get.  And when I figure out how to get back from Vivec to Suran, I can put it to good use on the plantation as well.  I just hope the noblewoman who runs it isn't too important because her days are numbered, believe me  :mwaha

Oh, and what's with moon-sugar?  It seems to be a drug - I've made a small fortune flogging it off to the other kzin at the market in the Foreign Quarter after finding a stash of the stuff in my aforementioned efforts to save Vivec from the murderess (the Ordinators still refer to me as 'scum' even after I saved their ungrateful asses, I might add.)
Anyway.  I got the idea of selling it to her after she sort of purred and burbled about the stuff while I was walking past, so I guess she's a user.  The weird thing is that Cat-dude doesn't seem to be able to metabolise it himself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Pretty sure you can get a hold of a crossbow at 'The Razor's Edge' in Balmora, you can't find a damn thing in Vivec. Mind you I played the Xbox version.

And yes, the worst part of Morrowind was the projectiles, which they made a vast improvement on in Oblivion. Even if your arrow collides with the intended target, the game checks against your skill to see if it does any damage whatsoever or just 'misses.' Really sucks. Personally, I recommend working on the magic, it's more concrete and a million times more game-breaking, espeicially in the conjuration area.


Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:48:55 AM
Pretty sure you can get a hold of a crossbow at 'The Razor's Edge' in Balmora, you can't find a damn thing in Vivec. Mind you I played the Xbox version.

I've got the crossbow... I'm just trying to understand why Cat Dude won't fire it, and why the person who I bought the thing from in the first place won't sell any bolts.   :rolleyes
And yes, so far I have been relying on magic mostly, but if it's anything like EOB there will be magic-proof monsters at some point.  A death spell would be handy, though...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


You probably need to equip your bolts, if you have any, to fire them. Can't remember.


Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:59:23 AM
You probably need to equip your bolts, if you have any, to fire them. Can't remember.
That does clarify that it is bolts I need, but basically that's what I was asking - where the heck do you get bolts from?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


There's gotta be a shop. Go to Balmora, there's tons of weapon shops around there with a way better selection than anything you'll find in Vivec. The real shame is though, that 'since you'll be buying a huge bundle of bolts it's gonna cost a ton. I'd say just go hunt down some bandits, but they more often carry arrows, and rarely bolts.

On a positive note: I think there's a NICE bow in that stash I mentioned earlier.


Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 11:03:02 AM
I'd say just go hunt down some bandits, but they more often carry arrows, and rarely bolts.On a positive note: I think there's a NICE bow in that stash I mentioned earlier.

Heh.  You know, that was my original plan?  Unfortunately, by the time I'd managed to get her to die, she'd shot the entire lot into the wall to prevent me from capturing them  >:3

We're off to see the wizard...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2007, 10:39:12 AM
Oh, and what's with moon-sugar?  It seems to be a drug - I've made a small fortune flogging it off to the other kzin at the market in the Foreign Quarter after finding a stash of the stuff in my aforementioned efforts to save Vivec from the murderess (the Ordinators still refer to me as 'scum' even after I saved their ungrateful asses, I might add.)

Moon sugar is an illegal substance brought over by the Khajit.  When refined, it makes Skooma, which is highly addictive.  I believe that if you have either in your possession, few merchants will do business with you.  The addiction is said to have no cure.  In fact, there's a mission somewhere in the game (I forget where) for you to attempt to cure a Skooma addict.  Of course, you really can't cure him, but you do give him and his mate some hope for the future, but I digress.  Unfortunately, there's no way for you to actually MAKE Skooma yourself via alchemy, but you can usually find some already prepared stuff and some paraphenalia lying around.  In fact, your Blades contact has a Skooma pipe.  You can't really use the pipe, it's just there.  And I don't know if you actually do get addicted to Skooma if you (the player) actually consume it.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 08, 2007, 07:45:05 PM
That list is much appreciated, but there is a slight snag.  One of the reasons I'm playing this (aside from the novelty of being a big freaking cat) is to try and write an anti-walkthrough for it, which really means using a stock configuration as far as possible, although I might try some of the more cosmetic mods.

cosmetic mods are the way to go, yes..

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: RyudoLee on April 09, 2007, 11:29:14 AM
Moon sugar is an illegal substance brought over by the Khajit.

I can't believe I wrote 'Kzin'...

QuoteI don't know if you actually do get addicted to Skooma if you (the player) actually consume it.
I'm not sure I want him addicted to it, but it's always fun to get the player high if the game supports it. 

Get yourself juiced up on the magic mushrooms as often as you can and kill some of the blue Theurgists.  Get them when they start to turn red, as they look just like Santa Claus.
--How To Be A Complete Bastard In Pagan

While my attack on the evil slave-holding plantation-type woman was a success, the side-effects were a little less than desirable.

Oh dear.

...Good of the game to tell me about it though.
(Martian Dreams did this too.  Nikola Tesla was the key to the copy-protection system in that game so I killed him with a sledgehammer that just happened to be lying around in the spaceship.  The game immediately screamed "You have killed someone you need to complete the game!" - an improvement over Ultima 6)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

not entierly doomed... it's still possible to defeat the final boss of the game via a back way that will probably kill you if it doesn't work; it requires you to kill a certain party and steal something from him.  Its just really really hard to do.

no, I'm not going to say specifics unless asked for them.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Reese Tora on April 09, 2007, 04:24:18 PMnot entirely doomed...

Too late, I've already reverted... I mostly posted that for amusement value.  That's something for me to look into when I begin serious work on the anti-walkthrough, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2007, 04:06:48 PM
I'm not sure I want him addicted to it, but it's always fun to get the player high if the game supports it. 

In Oblivion at least, there's a mod for that.  You get blurred vision if you drink too much.  Awesome mod.  I've gotten my character blitzed more than once.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: RyudoLee on April 09, 2007, 11:29:14 AM
In fact, there's a mission somewhere in the game (I forget where) for you to attempt to cure a Skooma addict.  Of course, you really can't cure him, but you do give him and his mate some hope for the future, but I digress.

'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.

(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Reese Tora

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
Me too, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not allowed to be addicted to Morrowind when I'm currently addicted to Oblivion.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad.

Neat.  I happen to be in that part of the world so I might check it out.  Then I suppose I'd better actually go to Balmora (three months late) and sort out the main quest.  IIRC the councillor hates my guts because of the last time I tried to kill her (I did manage to liberate 300 quid from her purse though) but she isn't actually drawing her knife on sight, so I should still be able to do whatever I need to do with her.  But she's still on my shitlist and I'm still going to kill her when she's outlived her usefulness.

Quote(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
Sorry about that.  In some ways I regret installing it myself  :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.

Ah yes, Ahnassi.  Forgot about her.  The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: RyudoLee on April 10, 2007, 09:35:06 AM
Ah yes, Ahnassi.  Forgot about her.  The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)

Heh.  Well I just hope he's the same species, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.  (Talking of which, Cat Dude seems to be equally at ease chatting up either sex.)

As it is I can see I'm going to have a field-day comparing this game to DMFA  >:3
A great big cat in a robe who doesn't need to eat or sleep, casts spells and by the looks of it can steal souls and use them to light his desk lamp too.  We're just missing the wings, I think...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 02:06:00 PM
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 10, 2007, 09:35:06 AM
Ah yes, Ahnassi.  Forgot about her.  The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)

Heh.  Well I just hope he's the same species, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.  (Talking of which, Cat Dude seems to be equally at ease chatting up either sex.)

As it is I can see I'm going to have a field-day comparing this game to DMFA  >:3
A great big cat in a robe who doesn't need to eat or sleep, casts spells and by the looks of it can steal souls and use them to light his desk lamp too.  We're just missing the wings, I think...

ooh, someone needs to make a cubi race mod for Morrowind. :D
Or maybe they should be making it for Oblivion, since that's out...

Yes, Ahnassi is a khajit.  And the rewards of some of her quests make them well worth doing.  (well, not so much rewards from her as incidental rewards from doing the quests)
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Draconic Saint

Ah, Morrowind. The only game capable of taking up three months of my life.
My level 47 Argonian spellthief, Archmage of the Mage's guild and that other fun stuff. Ah, the fun we've had. Never used mods... gonna have to get those.
I've found if you're short on money and have no moral code, the easiest thing to do is go to some random far-off village and go into people's houses, slaughter them, and take their stuff, selling it in another town.
...But my Argonian would NEVER do something like that. >:3
Nah. I normally go an take out the Daedra cults. You can find them in the big ruins all over the map... they tend to have lots of stuff... expensive stuff... bad side is, there are sometimes Daedra there...
Darn Daedroths! T.T

Ryudo Lee

I like doing the thieve's guild quests.  The ultimate reward (the skeleton key) is very much worth it.  Especially when it's time to go loot the Vivec vaults.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.

Is this some more advanced thing?  Or an opportunity I've missed?  So far she's called a hit on some rival gang leader, which I obliged since I happened to have it in for that gang anyway.  The resulting carnage left four or five people dead (*), and she gave me a set of clothes which I'm currently wearing under my robe - which admittedly was kind of cute.  (Seriously, the robe is great - it hides the fact that he's so skinny underneath.)
The implication is that she'll have more jobs for me later, so I guess I'll wait and see.

(*)The first time around the cops had almost 2.5 grand on my head until I realised that I could bypass that by making them angry enough to attack me first.  I had to kill them all over again but it was worth it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Reese Tora on April 10, 2007, 03:24:07 PM
ooh, someone needs to make a cubi race mod for Morrowind. :D
Or maybe they should be making it for Oblivion, since that's out...

I do recall there being a few winged mods for Morrowind. (The Mog Mod was fun.) It shouldn't be that hard to hack together a Cubi mod.

Fortunately for me, I have no clue where my Morrowind CD is right now, and I'm much too lazy to go looking for a download. Oblivion took up more than enough of my time last year. :animesweat
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Quote from: Tezkat on April 10, 2007, 06:26:06 PM
Fortunately for me, I have no clue where my Morrowind CD is right now, and I'm much too lazy to go looking for a download. Oblivion took up more than enough of my time last year. :animesweat

You too?  Man, it's like I'm the only person who's never played Morrowind until now  :U

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yeah.. That about sums it up :P

A screenshot of your map might be nice, allways intresting to see how different people explore the island.

EDIT: oh yeah, the reason why I posted this in the first place  :rolleyes: Mods galore

EDIT Part Deux: Oh never mind, someone already pointed you to this site >.<
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.