All problems that are hard to break

Started by Zedd, March 28, 2007, 01:20:23 PM

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Alright...This thred is about habbit or things where guilty to admit but not afraid to talk about...Lets see here...Nailbitting?Double dipping of foods? Drink from the carton? Anyone could be guilty of any...So go ahead and say some...Im sure some people do some bad things once awhile...Make sure you never ate first so it wont go down as easy when you say it


I use other peoples' accounts even if the admin tells me not to. :mwaha

(not on this forum :shifty)
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Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Well alright...I have a guilty habbit of locking the bathroom door from the outside of the bathroom when I am done with it...

Ryudo Lee

I have a habit of eating all my meals in sections, sometimes in a particular order.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


i have a bad habit of spacing out too often.
ill be working and then i will start thinking about nothing in particular, one time even for five minutes :mowdizzy


Where do I start? I have spacing out problems, procrastination, nail-biting, late-night-eating, lip-chewing... List goes on and on. But procrastination and late-night-eating are probably my biggest problems that I'm seeking to remedy.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


I like to pick at things.. but at least I'm getting better as of late... ¬_¬;


I really need to stop biting my fingernails. :<


Procrastination issues, tendencies to flip out or just go silly when I simply cannot find it in me to pay something much time or attention, or to do the exact opposite and become almost painfully laconic. I don't eat on regular times and I haven't gotten a full night's sleep since... well.

Essentially, I'm about as healthy as a guy my age and situation can get, but that is only physically... :boggle


Tiny crested flint

I'm ADHD so I fidget and tap my foot in class or whistle without realizing. I admit I am a nosepicker. Also, it seems like I can't stop eavesdropping on others when I shouldn't.

Please ignore me :baghead


- Bites his/her nails
- Bites his/her lip
- Bites his/her fingers (Near mah nails)
- Cracks his/her fingers/knuckles/toes/wrists/neck/back/JUST ABOUT EVERY FRIGGIN' JOINT IN HIS/HER BODY (Lulz, yep. I can crack my elbows and knees and ankles too. :B)
- Procrastinates (Oh, who -doesn't- do that? ;P)
- Has horrible insomnia and can't ever ever sleep, and when he/she -does- sleep, he/she feels like total sh*t when he/she wakes up, and he/she's usually too friggin' lazy to get up. And he/she is only able to sleep for like 1-3 hours. :<

...And whenever I draw, I like to sorta...mimic whoever-I'm-drawing's expression too. :paranoid You can bet I get weird looks whenever I'm drawing someone grinning evilly or looking EMO or whatever. :< I JUST CAN'T STOP IT...unless I'm in my room. D: That's the only time I don't do it. *Angsts* LIFE'S NOT FAIR.

Quote from: Cogidubnus on March 28, 2007, 05:00:19 PM


Quote from: DakataI like to try and fool people into thinking that no one knows my true sex, even though everyone already does.



The newbs don't know. :dface And they'll never know! Mwahahahah! :mwaha


I bite my nails, I crack my knuckles(And back, and my wrists), I pick at the skin around my nails, I space out too much, and my mind wanders to too many places I would much rather it not, at the most inopportune moments.

then again, I'm a teenager, no shit it's gonna do that.


I crack my knuckles, back, wrists, etc., but I never thought it to be a bad habit. :/  I also bite and chew on the skin around my fingernails;  hurts like a bitch when you bite too far down.

And I don't do my homework. :<


Quote from: Haz on March 28, 2007, 08:06:12 PM
I crack my knuckles, back, wrists, etc., but I never thought it to be a bad habit. :/  I also bite and chew on the skin around my fingernails;  hurts like a bitch when you bite too far down.

And I don't do my homework. :<
I'm a better joint-cracker (LOL THAT DOESNT SOUND RIGHT) than you. And trudat. :< It -does- hurt like a bitch. Hurts more if you bite it 'til it bleeds....At least, that's what I think. *Shrug*

...And that just means you fail. D: *EPIC FAIL DESU*


Aisha deCabre

Nail- and hair-biter...there's something about keratin I guess.    :mowtongue  But I can control myself.  I chew gum alot, though I dunno if that's considered a habit.  Good for the teeth at least, which is useful, as I also tend to open bags and other soft things like that with my teeth.  Also picking at zits, scabs, or my contact lenses if they itch.

Procrastination, laziness, tendency to have a limited attention span sometimes, staring into space, and daydreaming are more.  I think that's it otherwise.

I don't think daydreaming is a bad habit though.  It's the only way I can handle sitting quietly and waiting in one place for over five hours.  Which I've done, with a head cold and stomach ache.   :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Eat things cold or raw just cause I don't feel like cleaning a dish.  Part of that I blame on the military and just eating whatever cold all the time.

Still do you REALLY have to heat up canned potatoes or corn?  Just eat them cold out of the can.

Still I have the theory that Carpaccio and Sashimi was invented by people like me.   :yasrsly


I play video games all the time and have an erie knowledge of the various going-ons in the history of video gaming.

I watch the history channel whenever I can't get Adult Swim.

I watch waaaaaay too much anime.

I also lift weights every three days or so, and walk about a mile every day.

I also don't fight for parking spots near the store, but rather park in one of the farthest-out spots.  This is probably how I've remained thin.

I also refuse to abuse the handi-capped liscense plate for a close-in spot if my father(who is the reason I have such a thing) is not in the car.

I also have a habit of looking up information about a subject if I don't know what everyone's talking about.

I use obscure literary character names when talking, like Alonso Quixano, to prove a point about people.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Alan Garou

-I bite my nails (to keep them even)
-I pick my nose
-I run my hands through my hair to remove loose hair
-I go on creepy sites every chance I get




Lets see, I crack my knuckles, I think a lot of people do that though.

I also talk or say something (i usually regret)  before my mind is able to catch up with me. So, I am a bit blunt I guess would be the term. *shrugs* Oh, well.

Ah, I also have moments of lately...I only been sleeping 3-4 hours a night, and I usually do feel like crap in the mornings, but I also got back problems anyways.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Ryudo Lee

I can crack my knees several times in a row.  That's probably a bad thing, but I've been able to do it for most of my natural life.  Also, my right foot pops if I kick with it.  Every single time.  And I can make grinding noises with my left shoulder.

You know, maybe I should see a doctor about this stuff.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Jim Halisstrad

I'm so good in bed that I turn women into lesbians and gay men straight.

I can't be serious for more then a minute at a time. 


lets see here....

i usually forget to excuse myself if i fart, which is often
i eat things that have fallen on the floor
i often forget to turn the fan on when i use the bathroom
i brush my teeth about once every three months or so
i often neglect to change my clothes because i have a 'why bother' mindset, while i change my shirt every other day i seldom change my pants and boxers more often then once a week
i shave and shower at the same time (not literally, shave first then shower) about once a week or once every other week. no, it dosent really effect my smell, im rank anyways and showers make me smell like a wet dog.
i use an old handkerchief to blow my nose, and im fairly sure it was washed sometime in 04
i tear my fingernails and toenails off instead of using clippers, the nails usually get absorbed into the carpet
i shed more then my cat, it gets everywhere
i find every opportunity i can to give myself electric shocks
i tend to scare off all my online acquaintances, my buddylist has about sixty names on it and only about five of them will willingly talk to me anymore and i have no idea why they willingly associate with me
i sleep on the living room floor, im not certain but i think that nasties up the carpet pretty bad
i tend to wait untill the sink is jammed full before washing the dishes

yeah, im some kinda monster aren't i? next thing you know ill put the toilet paper on the wrong way around- mwahahaha!

you should see my wife, she bites her TOEnails.

QuoteWe sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I bite my toenails, too.  Ingrown toenails are an unpleasant side-effect. :<
People say I say sorry too much.
I have never shaved.  ...Ever.  And I haven't had a haircut in probably 3 months.