I Couldn't Think Of Anything Clever To Say, But That Won't Stop Me From Speaking

Started by Sirios Skywolf, March 09, 2007, 01:06:05 AM

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Sirios Skywolf


Announcing that I'm not trying to be clever does not in some metaphysic fashion make me clever, I guess.


I'm a former Furcadia player (this is my old handle from Furc)

I'm a music lover (Indie is my special Thing.)

And I'm a Psuedo-Intellectual (Please put the emphasis on the Psuedo).

I would love to type out this long and interesting introductory post to win your hearts, but I'm lazy, so I'll just post this:

I'm the odd man out in the Furry World. I'm not specifically a Furry (I roleplayed and hung around Furcadia alot, but it's not my lifestyle) But enough of one to care about Furry interests. At the same time, I'm the polar opposite of the "typical" furry (I'm republican, christian with pentecostal leanings, I like George Bush) and so I've gotten burned a few times when I reached out into the fandom at large (too many "furverts", good Lord) So I'm tenatively signing up for the forum.

That said, I've been reading this comic since day one, and though I've not always liked the direction (story-lines....made no sense) I've always stayed with it, and it's always rewarded me with something interesting to read or think about. So I'm joining the forum, trying to find a place of acceptance in the fandom (I've lurked as a guest for a while, and I figure this place as the most tolerant furry board I'd seen).

And in case it comes up....

I'm soon to join the military, and thus, "Don't Ask: Don't Tell" is sacred code for me. Suffice it to say, if you won't hold my conservatism against me, I wouldn't dream of holding your lifestyle choice against you. (Besides, I'm probably wierder than you, so I'm more deserving of the original meaning of "queer".)

So, now that the lovefest is over, Heya people!

*By the way, Jack Chick is a terrible, terrible representitive of the faith. I play Whitewolf games and listen to Rock and Roll. Still saved, still faithful. So if you have ever gotten a "Chick Tract" Please don't hold that as the example for all christians. "I don't want to be Elfstar!" Ugh, really now....

Sirios Skywolf

That was a timely response...Catz. Catz with anime eyes...Wow. Ok then. Do I have permission to back away slowly?

Seriously though, I guess that post was long enough. Hmm....

I didn't mean to sound like a "victim", by the by. The general assumption about furries includes "their" rampant "victimhood", and I'd hate to be contributing to the false stereotype.


It's very hard to think of something interesting to say.




Music; I like indie rock, yes I do.

I agree on the well-written statement. It was much better than my two sentence one.


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:06:05 AMSo I'm joining the forum, trying to find a place of acceptance in the fandom (I've lurked as a guest for a while, and I figure this place as the most tolerant furry board I'd seen).
Well, I'd say this is as good a place as any to come;  not all members are of the furry fandom, so you shouldn't have to worry.  Well, you should worry, worry about other things like exploding muffins, talking boxes and gasmask wearing people named Bill...

Sirios Skywolf

exploding muffins?

*I feel...a disturbance in the force, as though a million bakeries cried out, and then were silenced.*

I doubt exploding muffins would drive me off. Now, romantically inclined muffins, that's a different story.


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:06:05 AM
I'm the odd man out in the Furry World. I'm not specifically a Furry (I roleplayed and hung around Furcadia alot, but it's not my lifestyle) But enough of one to care about Furry interests.

I wouldn't worry about that, not everyone here is a full-fledged furry, and there are a few Christians here with furry tendencies as well - although I'm certainly not one myself.

QuoteSuffice it to say, if you won't hold my conservatism against me, I wouldn't dream of holding your lifestyle choice against you.

Deal.  >:3

Oh and welcome aboard, and I hope you find what you're seeking here.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:39:26 AM
exploding muffins?

*I feel...a disturbance in the force, as though a million bakeries cried out, and then were silenced.*

I doubt exploding muffins would drive me off. Now, romantically inclined muffins, that's a different story.

Hello. I am the bringer of all that is joyful and explodey. :) My name is Raine- resident keeper of the "peace", official Narutard, and, of course, baker of yummy muffins.

I hope you'll accept this BIG basket of special muffins I baked for you, since I like you already.

I'll... just be scampering off to hide inside this bomb shelter now.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:39:26 AM
I doubt exploding muffins would drive me off. Now, romantically inclined muffins, that's a different story.

I feel sure that RJ could manage romantically inclined exploding muffins....

Hi, welcome, etc. I'd warn you to watch out for those warning you to watch out for things, because they're not to be trusted, and should be watched carefully, but it's a little late by now...

So I'll settle for "hi".

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hi, Welcome, Hello, greetings...

and at the end I still haven't come up with anything to say, just try to enjoy our little forum and survive the insanity.  :)


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:06:05 AM

Announcing that I'm not trying to be clever does not in some metaphysic fashion make me clever, I guess.


I'm a former Furcadia player (this is my old handle from Furc)

I'm a music lover (Indie is my special Thing.)

And I'm a Psuedo-Intellectual (Please put the emphasis on the Psuedo).

I would love to type out this long and interesting introductory post to win your hearts, but I'm lazy, so I'll just post this:

I'm the odd man out in the Furry World. I'm not specifically a Furry (I roleplayed and hung around Furcadia alot, but it's not my lifestyle) But enough of one to care about Furry interests. At the same time, I'm the polar opposite of the "typical" furry (I'm republican, christian with pentecostal leanings, I like George Bush) and so I've gotten burned a few times when I reached out into the fandom at large (too many "furverts", good Lord) So I'm tenatively signing up for the forum.

That said, I've been reading this comic since day one, and though I've not always liked the direction (story-lines....made no sense) I've always stayed with it, and it's always rewarded me with something interesting to read or think about. So I'm joining the forum, trying to find a place of acceptance in the fandom (I've lurked as a guest for a while, and I figure this place as the most tolerant furry board I'd seen).

And in case it comes up....

I'm soon to join the military, and thus, "Don't Ask: Don't Tell" is sacred code for me. Suffice it to say, if you won't hold my conservatism against me, I wouldn't dream of holding your lifestyle choice against you. (Besides, I'm probably wierder than you, so I'm more deserving of the original meaning of "queer".)

So, now that the lovefest is over, Heya people!

*By the way, Jack Chick is a terrible, terrible representitive of the faith. I play Whitewolf games and listen to Rock and Roll. Still saved, still faithful. So if you have ever gotten a "Chick Tract" Please don't hold that as the example for all christians. "I don't want to be Elfstar!" Ugh, really now....

Yeah, all well and good, but this isn't a furry forum. O_o

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


*appears in a flash of blue light*

Hi! Welcome to this place of strangeness.

If you have sanity, prepare to shed it now. Or leave it at the door, in the secure storage provided. Make sure you hang on to your claim ticket.

Watch out for the things that the others have warned you of, and especially beware of Llearch.

Most folks here are not furries in the strict (or even the usual) sense; I for one don't consider myself to be a furry, outside of the odd RP (on another forum), and my persona here.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy your stay. Oh, and if those muffins start ticking or fizzing, don't hesitate - drop the basket and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!

*waves, and vanishes in a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Quote from: Sirios Skywolf on March 09, 2007, 01:06:05 AM
I'm the odd man out in the Furry World. I'm not specifically a Furry (I roleplayed and hung around Furcadia alot, but it's not my lifestyle)

Me neither, actually.  So yeah, you aren't alone.

Wow, good intro; nice and long and descriptive and better than mine.  And there you are, trying to claim that you're not clever.  Pssh.


Thus far you've shown you know how to express yourself, you are aware of your little odds and problems with people's traditional views and stereotypes and you're willing to work around them, you have a sense of modesty, a good social sense and you stand for what you are. And best of all you seem like a serious and straight-cut guy. We need more of those.

I like you already!

And I'm a harsh, slightly evil, insidious, anti-religious, cold-hearted, treacherous, perverted, immoral, hard-assed and vicious bastard, who has previously been called a fascist and a nutcase.

It is most pleasant to meet you. Hey, we can at least get together around liking the military, right? But please don't ask me to like either republican policy in general or Bush. The Iraqi war was a good thing for all the wrong reasons...

That said, welcome to the forum, and enjoy your stay. I am looking forward to hearing more from you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Stygian on March 09, 2007, 09:41:54 AM
... who has previously been called a fascist and a nutcase.

And an idiot, although not to your face. ;-]

I mean.. Uh... Look! What's that over there? *runs for the hills while your back is turned*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 09, 2007, 10:14:35 AM
Quote from: Stygian on March 09, 2007, 09:41:54 AM
... who has previously been called a fascist and a nutcase.

And an idiot, although not to your face. ;-]

I mean.. Uh... Look! What's that over there? *runs for the hills while your back is turned*

Oh, it's quite allright. I didn't say spiteful. And I think you proved more right now than I could ever had said, Mr. boxed Maori craziness. Though I think I need to remind you that I never actually turn my back on anyone, else than for intended purpouses... [smiles and waits for the first shrapnel mines to go off]

llearch n'n'daCorna


As long as nobody takes it personal, like.

Besides - I'd much rather speak plainly to your face than grumble behind your back... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Greetings, Sirios. :) As others have pointed out, what you are doesn't matter here. It's who you are that matter and I am 7 Itos Atio. Nice to meet you. *bows*
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Just as I'd rather stab you through the eye than in the back then, Llearch. You failed to mention when else you have called me an idiot, and though I certainly don't take these things very seriously, I still hate not to get that kind of information. >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, see, there you're jumping to conclusions. For all you know, I may merely have heard you being called an idiot.

See? I would never call you an idiot, you idiot.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears




*ahem* Just avoid staring at the bright lights and loud shakes my friends make...My name is Zedd...Enjoy your stay here and have a nice day *smiles softly and gives you a bag of candy*

Tiny crested flint

Hi there.  I'd like to say, if I may, that you seem to be a very nice person and there's a good chance you'll have a good time here. :smile Could I trouble you to tell what branch of the armed forces will you be going into?(or is it none of my business?)

Otherwise I'd like to ask a small favor of you.  If you could, whenever I am near, just go about your business and pay me no nevermind.  In other words IGNORE ME‼ :baghead

The Lurking Dragon

Hi there, long time member (though infrequent poster) here. Just finished up 6 years in the US Navy last October. If what you say about the general political leanings of the furry culture are true, I'm glad i haven't been to those areas of the web. Here, I think politics come up very occasionally, but generally people are more worried about having fun than dragging any sort of real life (real life? what's that?  :P) problems into here. *shrug* Enjoy the stay.
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


That has to be one of the better intros I've seen in quite some time. You get a gold star. :boogie

Welcome to the crazy, and don't expect some of the stuff you mentioned to be an issue. It's not all furry stuff, and not all DMFA fans are furries, so you wont stick out like a sore thumb. As for the political viewpoint, hey, it's a free internet.
Oh, and thank you for making us christians look good. Glad someone's willing to prove we're not all nuts  :P


This, incidentally, is also probably the best title for a thread ever.


Watch out for Oogie. :3 'Cuz he's mean and not-scary and he's a pwetty widdle bishie.

Quote from: Boogeyman on March 11, 2007, 03:09:13 PM
That has to be one of the better intros I've seen in quite some time. You get a gold star. :boogie

Welcome to the crazy, and don't expect some of the stuff you mentioned to be an issue. It's not all furry stuff, and not all DMFA fans are furries, so you wont stick out like a sore thumb. As for the political viewpoint, hey, it's a free internet.
Oh, and thank you for making us christians look good. Glad someone's willing to prove we're not all nuts  :P
Yay, you didn't warn the newbie about me for once! *Hugs Oogie and gives him DRAGON COOTIES OHNOES* :3


He doesn't have to warn anyone about you, it's pretty obvious people should steer clear of you anyway. ;)


Nuh-uh! I'm a very dangerous harmless draggy who would definitely wouldn't hurt a fly! :3

...I'm about as dangerous as RJ! ...Oh wait...