Oh hello there!

Started by Eldoran, December 30, 2006, 11:40:06 PM

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I didn't see you come in :hugegonkohgoditsgettingtoobigaaaa:


And the Oscar for oddest first post goes to...


Just your standard gentleman!


I have the distinct feeling that you'll fit right in.




Dakata we are going to have to fisticuffs.


Better check-chikity-check yourself before you wre-wre-wreck yourself D:


Hmm, the first time I ever saw that smiley was yesterday, and now I've seen it twice in two days (obviously).  Coincidence?  Maybe...  Oy, Eldoran, you play Halo PC?


...*Throws a chibi-dragon at Eldoran* :dface


No, I have not played Halo since a little bit after it came out!

Dakata you are cruisin' for a bruisin'  :<


Watch out, he's a horologist!


I will remove the debris between your fourth wheel and escape wheel and you won't even know what happened.


I'm sorry. :<

...*Smites Kasarn and runs*

llearch n'n'daCorna

Welcome to the forum. You're a natural. Of sorts.

Oh, and watch out for anyone warning you to watch out for things. They're probably up to no good.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*jumps out from Llearch* Yes or you would be badly scared off by demons and such....But please enjoy your stay and have a 145 kilograms chocolate bar


Hi, your first post reveals you to be...
more insane than everyone else! I am Aiyno
by the way... do you like chaos?




Hello threads are supposed to go somewhere? I'm sorry I did not know this I will try to do better!

So yeah guys Saddam Hussein died :[

He was killed.

By people.


Quote from: Eldoran on January 01, 2007, 02:15:52 AM
So yeah guys Saddam Hussein died :[

He was killed.

By people.

YA RLY. Why the sad-looking face??


Because the death sentence is wrong! :O




*appears in a flash of blue light*

Another newbie? Where are they all coming from...?


HI! Welcome to this place - a dimension of sight and sound, but mostly of mind.

Leave your remaining sanity... actually, to judge by your first post, that's probably not an issue.

Moving on...

Beware of talking boxes, squirrel-borne muffins, mows, and anyone who tries to tell you not to listen to these warnings.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy - I'd say you'll fit right in.

*waves and fades out, leaving a smile that slowly fades away too...*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


The death sentence is nothing compared to the life sentence. And I'm not talking about the one they issue in courts...

Hi! I am Stygian. I will not drama or make jokes or even hurt anyone right now. I'll just greet you, grant you this complimentary bottle of Absinthe and the comment that you're going to want to use it soon here...

Aisha deCabre

(Hops in with a greeting and already notes the coherent levels of insanity)

That smiley-face-approaching-the-screen-thing?  Creepy.  o.o

(Polite bow) Anyway, welcome to the forums...as everyone says, enjoy yourself and be cautious, especially of squirrels with exploding muffins...correction, all squirrels.  And talking boxes that may contain monkeys.  And mows.  And Charline.  And Yappities.  And Cubi.

Your room is in the west wing.  Make sure everything is yours as they can tend to get chibified.  And remember, the cuteness will eventually eat your soul from the inside out.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


...*Steals Eldoran's watch-thingie* :< -My- shiny-thing!

Quote from: Aisha deCabre on January 01, 2007, 09:16:19 PMThat smiley-face-approaching-the-screen-thing?  Creepy.  o.o
*Writes in his/her little notepad* Aisha...scared...of....gonk-thingie...>:3 *Laughs evilly, and hides the notepad in his/her pouch*

*Tries to look innocent* I won't do anything evil with the gonk-smilie-thing, Aisha! Honest! :3



Ahaaa! *waves his own little black watch in front of Eldoran's face* Just time? What about reality then! She doesn't have your watch, I do! *the time device is in his hand now, somehow*

Do you want it, or are you feeling veeeeery sleeeepy...?


Yo!  :rj

I'll just be leaving this big basket of yummy yummy welcome muffins here for you!

*scampers away*