I'm the boss!... Still figuring out how I will manage.

Started by Gabi, August 24, 2006, 07:25:59 AM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Does that mean we should, or shouldn't? I can't figure it out.... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


That's up to you.

Anyway, first project revision starts today. Wish me luck... or I'll wish for it myself. :tongue
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears




Sorry for necroing this... but it's my own thread and this is on-topic, so I hope it's not a problem.

I'm done with the exam reviews! The worst part (if not all) of my work as a head teacher is done!

Semester statistics:
-18 students passed with a promotion.
-20 students passed and have to take the final.
-31 students failed at tests or projects.
-10 students left before the semester ended.
-11 students signed up and never attended.

All excercise guides were published in time, all scheduled classes were given (and many of the teachers wrote notes to help whoever gives them next time), all exams and projects were ready and tested in time, most reading material was published on the same week as the related classes (that could use some improvements, but it depends on all the teachers, so it's extremely hard to coordinate), all the exams and projects were promptly graded and reviewed, and I really liked how project #2 came out (it was traditionally too long, and we used a new strategy to make it shorter while still testing the required concepts and it turned out quite well). So all in all I can say it was a good semester. We didn't managed to raise the passing rate much, but we did raise the promotion rate, so now there are 18 happy students who won't have to take a final exam. Now I can finally take a well-deserved break, if I say so myself.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Gratz! I'm no expert on your school system but it seems like you did a good job. :)
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A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Alan Garou

Congrats. Be sure to abuse the power of delegation- that's what it's for!  :mowmeep