Hmmmm... custom Bust or Chibi requests anyone?

Started by Sirius Griffon, December 30, 2006, 10:53:01 PM

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Sirius Griffon

*Wavies* hello there! I must be undoubtably insane, but yanno, I want to get to know better the folks here and what better way to do that then through art?

So what Im opening are two of my easiest things to do, chibis and busts! Ill provide some examples and such below here, so you know what I mean. If youre interested in either, or, or even both please leave a link to the charrie or charries youd like to see done! Also keep in mind I will try my hand at humans and stranger critters though I aint the best at em. x-x


Chibis (though will prolly be a small headshot :P):

> Current List! <

Ichabod (Zinacat)
Alan Garou


oooh! oooh! Can i reserve a piccy please:3 what are your prices?

Sirius Griffon

Yes you can! And prices? Oh no no, these are requests Im offering since Im new to the forum. *blushes* Im falltered you would ask prices though! Tell me please, what sort of charrie would you like to see drawn?


:< All these free art threads are so tempting.  I'd feel bad asking for so much without giving anything in return.  Except from Dakata, 'cause I really like his art. :>


Times like these make me wish I had some sort of fursona/representation xD
But as it is, I'll just sit back and watch the awesomeness unfold :)


Quote from: Sirius Griffon on December 30, 2006, 11:12:11 PM
Yes you can! And prices? Oh no no, these are requests Im offering since Im new to the forum. *blushes* Im falltered you would ask prices though! Tell me please, what sort of charrie would you like to see drawn?




Thank you very much! I'll send the pic references asap! ^.^

Sirius Griffon

*smiles* Youre quite welcome Gareeku! Alright, email or PM will be fine.

You dont have a fursona Sid? *tilts head* I can draw a bit on the human side of you have a roleplay charrie or something of that nature you would like to see done?

And Hazmat, no reason to feel guilty, request away if youd like. :3 I just enjoy giving away free art, because I know how happy art would always make me. *laughs* So yes, it doesnt matter if you dont have anything to give, youd like a request still feel free to ask. :)

Aisha deCabre

Oooh, your art's really nifty and colorful!  Nice way to present your creativity to the forum.   :3

...Aw what the heck, I'll ask for something.  Just a bust picture of Aisha please?  Here's a reference picture.  'Course it's just like my av, but whatever.   :U

She's a panther in case you wonder (I should draw better felines  :3 ).  It'd be nice, thank you.  ^^
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Sirius Griffon

Id be happy to draw Aisha for you, black is a color I need to work with more anyways! *smiles and sets to work*

I figured it would be as well, its a great way to get to know folks names and their avatars as well! :) Thank you by the way *Blushes* Oh you should have seen how I used to color when I first started with art, it was quite scary...


Alrighty then, I guess I'll just request a bust of my charcter/fursona, please and thanks.

Sirius Griffon

Certainly can do! *smiles* I shall get to work upon that right away!


Hey, I remember you. :o
Nice to see you and your art here. X3

Sirius Griffon

*nodnods* I remember you as well Zina! We did a trade I believe quite a bit back, although wow, my style then was a bit stunted. ><;

Thank you, its good to be here! :)


Quote from: Sirius Griffon on December 31, 2006, 12:29:11 AM
*nodnods* I remember you as well Zina! We did a trade I believe quite a bit back, although wow, my style then was a bit stunted. ><;

Thank you, its good to be here! :)

Heh, yeah, my art was pretty god-awful back then. XD It still is, but less so.
Might I be able to get a  bust from you of Ichabod?
He's a bee. X3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Sid on December 30, 2006, 11:21:24 PM
Times like these make me wish I had some sort of fursona/representation xD
But as it is, I'll just sit back and watch the awesomeness unfold :)

Likewise. :-)

I can't see any way of doing a bust of a box. Well, other than busting it, and that's just plain nasty :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



oooh, Well ...uhhh.
because your doing request and all.... could you draw a male version of my avatar .. Chibi, bust or both I'll leave that up to you.  :) ...btw: your avatar rocks.

*disappears in a cloud of smoke*  >:3


I suppose you realise you're going to be overwhelmed by requests?   >:3

Anyhow, if you aren't fully-booked I would be interested in a bust of Jakob for my collection ( )
Gabriel's version is still my favourite, since only that and Blade's original sketch capture that slightly insane edge.  For 'cute' references, see Aisha or Shadrok's versions.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Sirius Griffon

Ichabod hmmm? Well Zina, Ive never drawn a bee before so this should be interesting! I would be glad to. *Grins*

LLearch, your avy IS a box? *tilts head* Hmmmm... I can see what I can come up with for a chibi box perhaps? *blinkus*

Chaos is probably gaurenteed with this thread Zedd. *laughs*

Male version of your avy Aiyno? I believe I can do that. *Grins* And thank you! *blushes* I always worried she may seem a bit plain or overdone to some furries, but people do seem to like Siri. :)

Yeppers Tapewolf, Im pretty sure I will but well, it is a great way to better know folks here! So you'd like a slightly insane version drawn of your avy? I will see what I can do ;)


I think a bit of a bust of Mr. Gas Mask Guy wouldn't hurt.  :B

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Sirius Griffon on December 31, 2006, 01:53:11 PM
LLearch, your avy IS a box? *tilts head* Hmmmm... I can see what I can come up with for a chibi box perhaps? *blinkus*

Indeed. One box, the monkeys are an optional extra. Particularly -those- monkeys.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yes I have, and it's aweomse.  As are these.


Oh, I like the hair on mine.  Aisha's muzzle seems a little canine for what she is (a jaguar if my memory serves) but that's her call really.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Sirius Griffon

Oddly enough Tapewolf I liked how yours came out best! Hmmmmm... I did think of that on Aishas as well x-x; I might try to resketch and see what I come up with, thanks!

EDIT: I have two of these colored now ;) Hazmat, yours came out a bit darker than I would like, but here it is. My scanner eats reddish/orange colors x-x :

Tapewolf, I have yours colored as well! It turned out alright, but are the colors correct?

Aisha deCabre

Aisha looks fine so far, but yeah, she's a black jaguar.  :3  If the muzzle can't be fixed, that's okay, it still looks cool ^^
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Ahh, just spotted the update.  Thanks.. it's turned out really well.  The hair is a little dark but what the hey, he's a 'cubi :P
Could you possibly provide a PNG version of the picture, by any chance?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Frikin' sweet. :D  Muchos gracias! *Hug.*  And the colors look fine.

Alan Garou

I would like to request a brown anthro ant with four eyes, mandibles, and four-lensed glasses. But no pressure. And great work so far. The coloring is even, harmonious, and eye-catching.

Sirius Griffon

Ya sure Aisha? Lemme see what I can do first, just give me a bit more time :)

Ah, I was afraid of that when I colored it, dark colors are hard to capture in encils. Im afraid I dont have PNG files on this compy however. Justthe JPEGs and whatnot. But you are free to do what you wish with the lineart, or I can try to recolor it as well.

*Huggles Hazmat* Glad you like yours! :3

Alan, I believe I can do that, just give me a bit of time because it could be a tad er, difficult. *laughs8 Dont work with insects often!

Oh yes and Bill! Ill give it a go and see what I can come up with. :)