New CG TMNT movie trailer

Started by admford, December 11, 2006, 07:13:52 PM

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Well, I was kinda wondering where to put this post, considering that Amber is the biggest TMNT fan here (or anywhere in the world, at least to my knowledge), but I think the general forum should be OK.

On MTV's Overdrive site, they have the newest trailer for the new CG Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie available to view. It's possible that Apple's site might have a downloadable trailer in a week or two.

Anyways, to whom may be interested, here's the Link. Which I hope works, since i'm half dead here (Sleep! :U)


Yep...Mikey is still the cutey with a low IQ


I had to search for it, but yeah... that was cool.

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Elader Arkon


Looks like it might work out better than a live action Transformers movie.  ::shudders::