The Dinosaur thread

Started by Jack McSlay, December 07, 2006, 08:12:57 PM

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Aisha deCabre

Quote from: RJ on December 09, 2006, 12:10:21 AM
You know, I'm pretty sure I saw a new Land Before Time when I was out shopping today. Something about flying dinosaurs...

(Falls over with a loud groan)  At this rate, that movie will hold the record for the biggest number of too-childish sequels.

On a side note, I used to watch Denver all the time.  ^^  I also seemed to remember another old show involving dinosaurs, with a baby sauropod similiar-looking to Littlefoot as one of the main chars.  I used to love it...dunno if it was a rented episode I saw or one really on TV.  But I can't FOR THE LIFE OF ME remember what the show was called.   :sweatdrop
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I like T-Rexs and Raptors.

...Yeah. :U Carnivorous dinosaurs.

And TLBT is stupid. Too many movies. When the hell do Littlefoot and the others DIE? ...Or at least GROW UP?! :dface

...But if they make a TLBT DCLXVI movie, I'll probably laugh. :U Just because I'm mean.


Well anyone know the movie..Where Back! Anyone rember that crazy mad doctor screwloose! Till he was ated by crows!  :mwaha


Where Back? Isn't that a movie where there's....dinosaurs in a city...and they uh....befriend some poor boy...and he likes some girl...and the dinosaurs join a circus or something?

*Shrug* My memory sucks.


Yeah, I remember the movie, but the story kinda sucked. :/  There was also a game made for SNES.


Oh the horrors of Movie to Games ever end??? :U


Godzilla is my fave dinosaur, all the way. The real Godzilla, not that american knockoff (aka Zilla). Zilla was cool in his own right but he aint the real one. He got his ass kicked in his faceoff with the real Godzilla in Final Wars.


Quote from: Zedd on December 10, 2006, 05:15:25 PM
Oh the horrors of Movie to Games ever end??? :U

No, not while people see games as a quick way of cashing in on a movie-license. Movie-games are usually rushed to market, to be published at the same time as the corresponding movie, or shortly thereafter. The developers didn't have the time / budget to make something really good, that's also based on the movie. The one time a developers did take their time, the result was excelent (Goldeneye).
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Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: gryn on December 08, 2006, 09:47:17 AM
You know what was a great show though...Dinosaurs.

I'm the baby!


Or, the exchange I love to this day.

"I am the mighty Megalosaurus! The king of the dinosaurs! The thunder lizard!"
"*sigh* Tyrannosaurus Rex is the king of the dinosaurs."
"...That's debatable!"
"No it's not. I dated one in high school."

I think I've written more in this post than I have in all my seperate posts. *exit*
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Kasarn on December 11, 2006, 11:09:02 AM
Go Go Ninja Dinosaur

Is it just me, or does the song there sound suspiciously like the Power Rangers theme?

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