Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Aisha deCabre

After Aisha took a second to count the group, making small guesses on who was coming with them and who was splitting up, she bowed politely back to the wolf that Sebastian had brought with him.  Then, sparing a good-luck salute to the others, started trotting after Winger, though a little less than aware that her tail ring's gleam had an almost abrupt rhythm to it.

"Eager as always to not waste time," Aisha commented with a laugh while following in Winger's path and also skirting a little in the shadows, as she was often prone to do at night, just to make sure that nothing had the easy task of sneaking up on them, in leu of Winger's apparently deciding not to fly.

I wonder if I'll jinx everyone if I hope that this adventure will go a little more smoothly than the last one.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Cog grins a moment, stares at the ground, then calmly starts walking towards where the flare was seen.
"Perhaps we shall meet again, then. May it be soon." He says. He hoped that whoever it was who sent the flame wasn't just throwing a fireworks show for giggles. Splitting up was very dangerous - tactically unsound, and inadvisable for any but the most unavoidable of circumstances. He silently patted the charm hanging around his neck.


“Alright, guys,” Pan says as he jumps on Topher’s head (and usually, having a rat in one’s hair is a bad thing), “Next stop: anywhere but here!”

He then says to Rei, “Just so you don’t have to use up any energy, take Topher’s hand and I’ll bring you back with us.”


The wolf girl seemed to make a short prayer as she felt for something inside Sebastian's coat. Then, she touched the cross-and-scales pendant around her neck, and strode up beside Cognidubnus.
   "Forgive me if I have doubts, but are you really the sort of man who should help with this?" she asked Cog shyly, looking as the bat-priest seemed to make a friendly joke and slap the wolf beside him on the back. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but you... don't seem much like the man one would prefer to kill what might be a magical beast."

topher chee

    Topher took Rei's hand and clenched his eyes.  He didn't think much of a rat on top of his head seeing as how he slept in the forest with many animals sleeping nearby in order to keep warm.  He peered through the corner of his eye and noticed a guard reaching for his arm.  At that moment they had already vanished to the outside of the building and the group of three sighed with relief.
    Topher exhaulted a little to soon.  He turned to look at the magical building at which he had come from and gaurds came pouring out of the side of it.  Topher pulled the other two aside behind a hill of snow and prepared a "game-plan".

Cheese Foxlee

Winger's pace slow, as he became aware of something that he had missed before.  A buzzing that seemed to be coming from every leaf in the woods.  "Something is terribly wrong." he said to himself sa he pause to look up into the trees.

The buzzing grew louder and louder, but there was still no visual sign of the on coming threat.  Then they came like a hot gust of wind spawned from the darkest pits of hell;  hundreds of wasp like stinging insects, each about the size of a small dog.  Colored an deep crimson, with short wings, that seem barely able to sustain flight.  The air grew thick, and breathing became next to impossible.  Winger choked as he called to the others  warning them to stay back for there own safety.  He was certain that his journey would be coming to a fast end.


Rei looks at Topher then looks down the hands. "Well i have a game plan" and with that she blinks to the others in a flash. But what Topher sees is different. While blinking a different world comes into view for him, one that is fill with plains as far as the eye can see with many different animals a few of which come over to see if Topher would pet them. Rei on the other and only pats them on the head and keep moving. As soon as Topher touches Rei hand again they appear in reality like only a second has passed.

Rei looks around and upon seeing Winger being attacked, she hurries to help him out. She tackles him to get him away from the huge insects and blinks again. Winger doesn't see what Topher saw before he sees a place of darkness filled with blacked trees and crows all over the place.  Rei, trying to get out of the place, Touches Winger's hand and they are back, aways further then the rest of the group, again only a seconds time. "Well lets get out of here before we get killed!" Trying to pull Winger along.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha heard the buzzing of the insects a little before Winger did, but that wouldn't stop them from coming down like a huge hive.  Eyes widening in surprise at the spectacle, the panther ignored the avian's warnings and drew her boomerang, arcing it through the air so that it sliced through the giant mass of creatures like a lawn mower through grass.

"What are they, guardians or something?  Or have we just disturbed their hive?  At any rate, we should start running!" Aisha said inbetween tossing her weapon and dodging the stingers.  She couldn't remember ever seeing such creatures before.

Then she turned around, waiting to hear Winger's reply, only to notice that he was being pulled off by whom she recognized as Rei.

"Oh, for..." Aisha started cursing, rushing after them while pulling the hood over her head and using the weapon as a shield for what remained of them.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Cog smiles at Mrs. Fors. "I wonder...do you doubt my will, or my prowess, madam?" He moves a hand towards the hilt of his blade, and rests it there. "You need not doubt my skill. Although..." He giggles. "You might be more perceptive than you know, Mrs. Fors. Although, if any here have the right to kill a magical beast...ah, but that would be telling, no?" He grins, removes his hand from the hilt, and turns around as though to keep walking. As he walks, he stops, pauses for a moment, stomps one foot, and keeps walking. The dust from his foot hangs in the air, for a moments, than another, and for about 10 moments too long, before slowly settling to the ground. A faint muttering can be heard Cog he walks farther.
"...Nighttime's bane, with midnight teeth and moonlight mane...know you my name?..."


Smiling at the priest's friendly joke, Gareeku looked cautious and alert, his ears swivelling as he heard a buzzing noise growing louder. Whirling round, the wolf's eyes widened as he saw a swarm of bugs the size of dogs making their way through the first. In the distance, he could make out a few familiar shapes.
Aisha!! Gareeku thought in alarm, before dashing off to help, his blade in one hand while the other was burning brightly with a white flame. Normally, Gareeku would have agreed that this was a rather rash action to take. But then again, people he cared for in danger, and so his natural reactions had won over yet again.


At the noise, the bat-priest swiveled round with an inquisitive look to his face. Then, he spun the enormos crozius around and sped up beside Gareeku, closing on the monstrums with a loping stride.
   "Tergum vos nequam creatura!" he roared, and then screamed to miss Fors; "Lusia! Nitrite fragmentaries, left pocket!"
   The wolf lady nodded, and calmly reached inside his coat. What she pulled out had to be the largest pair of handguns you had ever seen, like the bastard children of a longslide Hardballer and a Desert Eagle, on stereoids and crack. They had to be close to a foot long, and weigh quite a few pounds. Smoothly and masterfully crafted in dark silver and black metal, they still seemed brutally functionalistic in design. On the side of each were a single engravement of spiked crosses in silver, and small inscriptions in latin.
   Lusia reached into his left pocket, pulled out a pair of magazines marked with a red symbol, and expertly loaded the guns with a swift, swiping motion. She trimmed them steadily on the insects.
   "Believe me, I do not doubt your skills," she said to Cognidubnus. "The unseen is often very real, sometimes more than the obvious. But sometimes you need a certain level of... directness."
   The sound of the guns firing was not a sharp bang as one might expect, but a fierce roar. The ventilated breeches spewed flames, and the bullets screamed as they tore reddish trails through the air. When they impacted with the bugs, they exploded in cones of shrapnel and fire, tearing through the unholy insects like acid through thin cloth.


Pan teleports atop Sylva’s right shoulder. “So, what’s the plan? Or do we have one?”

Sylva whispers something to Pan.

“It sounds risky. I think it’s a bad idea to use that spell, but at this point, I’d say we haven’t much to lose. Just don’t shoot the gun.”

“What will you do?”

“I can’t exactly be the defender, being so small and, though I hate to admit it, fragile. I think I’ll have to go in for the full-on offensive, instead. I should be quick enough not to get hit.”

With that, Pan jumps off Sylva’s shoulder and charges at the bugs.


Having chosen to follow Aisha and Winger, Carran was surprised to be descended upon by a swarm of very large wasps. 

He was slow to react, but upon seeing Winger's predicament and Rei attempting to drag him off, he snapped out of his momentary hesitation.  "A swarm of insects... how prophetic." 

The fox disappeared from where he stood and appeared before Winger and Rei, in the exact space where a wasp was dashing to strike.  For a brief moment Carran and the wasp occupied the same point of reference in space and time.  A brief, bright flash resulted and the wasp was hurled away, bouncing and tumbling across the ground until it came to a twitching stop. 

The wasp attempted to stand, but staggered and reared up mandibles wide.  A terrible hiss of agony escaped from it as the thing putrefied, evaporating into a sinister black mist.  None of the others that have been slain expired in this fashion.

Carran was knocked a step back and shivered visibly, "ick, that's what it feels like to be an insect."

Raising his sword in front of him and holding his staff up and behind him, Carran growled like his feral vulpine cousins as his sword glowed red.  A field of energy appeared before him and a number of diving wasps impacted with it, causing them to exploded into fiery bits.  A stray shrapnel bit here and there also bounced off the shield.

Turning towards Rein and Winger, he smiled and with a genuine sense of urgency spoke quickly, "get him clear, hurry so the others can unleash the fury of their strikes in full."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Aisha deCabre

The horrid buzzing noise was starting to become annoying, and when they came closer it was torturous.  Aisha, careful to stay either a few steps ahead or behind the others, swung her weapons wildly at the creatures...wings, limbs, and heads were severed.  Vile and sticky entrails were splattered.

I didn't think the first battle would be glorious...but this is just plain stupid, the panther couldn't help but think as she kept up with Winger, Rei, and Carran.

She smiled with relief then upon seeing Gareeku and Sebastian charging in to help, although she had to duck her head when the guns fired and a few of the oversized wasps virtually exploded near her head.

"Where did they COME from?" Aisha growled as she turned around to nail another one in the back with her dragon blade, only to have its brother (or sister) jab its stinger halfway into her arm.  With a feral snarl she pulled the thing out, stinger and all, hopefully before any venom could be pumped into her system...if there was any venom.  "That's going to itch..." she muttered and sliced that one in two.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Better to use a little extra power than to have someone die due to inaction, Sylva thinks. She casts “Remove Poison” on Aisha, just in case.

Meanwhile, Pan leaps into the air and yells, “BULLET!” He thus lauches himself quickly into one of the bugs, destroying it. Then, while still in midair, he continues to attack the bugs in the same fashion. Lather, rinse repeat.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger weezed a bit, and too hold of Rei's arm.  "Thanks for the save, kitten. You can let go now."  he coughed and got too his feet. and release a volley of knives, before withdawling his sword.  "We can not afford to stop!  Keep running, head for the for the crash site!" He bellowed as he raises his fancy blade over his head, and started hacking randomly at any bug the came within his reach.  "Keep moving!Don't stop till you can see the smoke,and what ever you do stay out of the skies!!!  Don't let them get too, close or the heat from there bodies will take you down."  Winger spat and ran a head hoping that his plan would work and that the others could keep pace.


[Common sense tells me that now is as good a time as any to post]

Pan stops after his first attack. He falls to the ground on his feet. Luckily, the bullet attack didn’t leave him in contact with the bug for long.

“Somebody cast a heat resistance spell on me. Trust me, it’ll protect everyone,” Sylva says. She then casts the Kamikaze spell on the rest of the group, making them glow yellow.

[The Kamikaze spell is a dangerous spell. It transfers all damage that the target(s) would normally take to the caster as long as the spell is active. The spell takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of both the targets and the caster. Thus, if either the target that is attacked or the caster is resistant to the attack, the caster and target take no damage. And no, I did not make up this spell on the fly. This is a spell I created a long time ago.]


For some reason, the kamikaze spell simply couldn't lay itself on neither Sebastian nor miss Fors. It slipped and writhed around them as if something was tearing at it, and then dissipated. Neither of them seemed to mind though. Lusia, as she turned out to be named, just kept firing, the bullets smashing into the flies with dead-eye accuracy and burning them with terrible efficiency.
   Sebastian on the other hand took a few. When he entered the cloud of the cursed insects, he whirled around like a twister, sweeping his spinning blade out and slicing through the bugs brutally and efficiently, not caring that he was practically throwing himself at their stingers. Despite his speed, or perhaps because of it, he was sporting gashes within a matter of seconds. But then the air seemed to clear around him, as his strikes swatted away whatever flies dared enter the area where he moved.
   "He's right," he shouted. "Keep moving! I'll clear a path as best I can." True to his word, he launched into the thickest of the things, his sword slowing as insects clung to it and him.


As Winger goes back, Rei mews in disappointment. She was hopping that they could run but away from the now swam of bugs not towards them.  She starts to think "Why do i all way get myself in these situations." With that she starts to blink at the swarms, but since there are knifes in the air already she starts to grab them, blink and throw them again so she doesn't have to touch any of them.  She starts using trees and the ground to keep herself in the air. She is very quick at what she does and makes sure that the knifes keep going forward in the right direction.  The one time that scares her is the 2 gun bullets that are wizing by her. One almost hits her but she was able to blink before it hit.

Aisha deCabre

Still continuing to slice through the melee of insects, Aisha took a second to nod a thanks to Sylva for her Remove Poison spell...though it didn't stop her arm from bleeding.  But the panther could take a puncture wound; and so didn't even seem to notice the darkening spot on her sleeve as she kept going.

As soon as Winger made the command for the others to make a beeline for the impact sight, Aisha complied without thought, ears pinned against her skull to drown out the shouting, buzzing, and sounds of weapon fire, only pausing in step to quirk an eyebrow on suddenly glowing yellow.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Carran charged forward, utilizing his shield as a ram.  Any insects that came into contact with it were incinerated, but the sheer volume was slowing him down and wasps were working their way around the shield.  Soon he was reduced to wielding sword and staff against the pests as he ran.

The kamikaze spell reached out to and instantly withdrew from Carran, it could not gain a hold upon him and slipped off, returning from whence it came.  For the time being, Carran did not appear that he needed it.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


With deadly precision, Gareeku weaved his sword in a fluid and deadly dance of the blade, cleaving through insect after insect as the white flame in his other hand incinerated any insects which came near. As the wolf continued to carry out his lethal assualt on the attacking swarming, he suddenly found himself to be glowing.

"Hmmm...interesting..." he muttered to himself. Hearing Winger, Gareeku ran with the others towards the site. Looking back behind him, the wolf could see the forest; nearly black as the swarm chased after them. With a somewhat dark smirk on his face, the wolf then sheathed his sword, before suddenly stopping in his tracks and whirling round, facing the swarm now fast approaching.

"This should buy the others a little time..." Gareeku muttered to himself, the smirk still on his face as he raised his arms in an x-shape across his chest. Bright white flame then suddenly bursted into life in his open hands as he gathered the magical energy from within him.
"RAISING..." the wolf bellowed, bringing his open hands above his head as a wind seemed to pick up around him, causing his cloak to billow ferociously behind him. Suddenly, the wolf then brought his hands back on either side, slamming them into the ground with considerable force.


As soon as his hands touched the earth beneath him, a loud roar could be heard as a huge cyclone of bright white energy flew up around him. It was a truely impressive sight to behold. The sheer force of the spell could be felt, and yet no plant life around Gareeku appeared to be harmed. The insects, however, was a different story. Wave after wave of the giant bugs ploughed into the wall of magic, each one being instantly vapourised as they emitted loud shrieks.

It was then, however, that Gareeku suddenly got up and ran after the others, the cyclone of magic lingering for a couple of seconds afterwards before disappearing. By now he was panting from using so much magic as he ran to catch up with the others. He couldn't help but grin to himself, however. Sure, it may have been a little overkill, but it was a stylish overkill.


The bat-priest laughed from the front of the group, giving Gareeku an appreciative look.
   "So... that one's on you then, wolf," he shouted, while casually whirling away at what few bugs were left and dared aim for them, one neatly cleaved bug falling to the ground with each stroke of that huge blade. "I'll make sure we pay you back next."
   Lusia sided up next to Gareeku, having been the one furthest back from the fight, and set those huge guns into a pair of hip-mounted holsters, then made a short nod toward the other wolf. She seemed to have her own way of showing thanks. And that nod clearly meant that she was ready to pull him along if he couldn't keep up, and covering the others while she did it.


Sylva and Pan run to the others. Sylva is barely able to keep up, but Pan has no problem in that area.

Sylva looks at the bugs to decide whether or not to cast a spell.

topher chee

   Topher enters his tapped form and easily takes down many wasps at a time.  It couldn.yt get any better for him.  They were actually supplying him energy to beat their butts.  Engulfing wasp by wasp Topher calls out to the others.  "Go now while you can, I'll take care of 'em!"  At that point the talking flame returns to burning the wasps to crisp.  Just as Topher was about to swat another wasp, the buzzing died out.  This was the end of their territory.  Topher returned to his normal being form and rejoices with the others.


Pan, when Topher said that, decided to hide nearby instead of running. That way, he could take the necessary actions to help Topher if the need arose. He would also be able to easily escape if descovered. Luckily, he now sees that such an action was unnecessary. “TELEPORT!” Pan yells. He appears next to Sylva in a puff of smoke.


Rei blinks a few more times then blinks right on top of Gareeku and landing on him. She has a few cuts but the things that really stands out is the three stingers that are stuck in her. Two in the back and one in the stomach. Rei holds up to Winger the daggers he threw. "These... are yours... I brought... them back... too... you..." Falls unconscious still on top of Gareeku and the daggers that were held out fall to the ground.


[Either Rei somehow dispelled the spell Sylva cast, or the stingers pop out of her skin, leaving wounds in Sylva’s body, instead.*]

Quote from: Joat on January 07, 2007, 01:05:13 AM
“Somebody cast a heat resistance spell on me. Trust me, it’ll protect everyone,” Sylva says. She then casts the Kamikaze spell on the rest of the group, making them glow yellow.

[The Kamikaze spell is a dangerous spell. It transfers all damage that the target(s) would normally take to the caster as long as the spell is active. The spell takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of both the targets and the caster. Thus, if either the target that is attacked or the caster is resistant to the attack, the caster and target take no damage. And no, I did not make up this spell on the fly. This is a spell I created a long time ago.]

[OOC EDIT: Dear previous me, stop using the old OOC style.]


Cog's shoes make a crunching sound as he walks over the detritus of the insects. "I heard the commotion, and I decided that perhaps it would best to stay and help. You all seemed to have it well in hand, however." He walks over towards the rest of the group, trying to be careful not to step on the scattered bodies of insects. "I assume, then, no one else is going to find the straggler? Perhaps, we should not split up at that."
He nods to Mrs. Fors. "A very impressive display, madam. I must confess, it does not get more direct that that." He smiles. "Of course, There is a time for every activity under the sky. Both discretion and directness have appropriate times."


"Thank you kindly," the wolf lady said in response to Cognidubnus' words, and examined him for a second. "Now, would you help me with this?" She turned her attention to the feline girl just landed on Gareeku, starting to carefully examine her wounds and moving her a bit. "I don't have so much experience that I would want to take care of these wounds without magic. You," she said to Gareeku, "can you please stop? I think that we need to lay her down if we want her healed."