Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Cheese Foxlee

Does anyone remember The RP that was started by Ryudo Lee, Way back in the day?

Is anyone interested in starting a new RP along those lines?  I think my RP skills have improved quiet a bit since then, and I'd like to let my old character, Winger, stretch his wings a bit.  Is anyone else interested?


I would be Interested but i don't remember The RP so could you give a little background on it?


I have no idea what that RP was, but I suppose I would like to join in the fun.

Cheese Foxlee

Well basically a bunch of anthos were in a tavern when a meteor crashed to the ground.  when  they went to investigate the crash it was reveled that what had fallen was a golden artifact that was part of an angel (a leg if I remember correctly).  If all the other peaces of the angel were not recovered before they fell into the wrong hands then it would spell certain doom for the world.

Ryudos' characters where
Rhyudo Lee: a White tiger that could transform into a dragon

Ryudo's brother: (I can't remember his name) A mage, that though an accident of magic switched the color of this stripes and fur.

Koji: Ryudo's son. a young cub that had a dragons eye for is right eye.

My characters (I will resist the urge to play multiple parts this time around.)

Winger: a Dragon Slaying black smith from a raise of bird-people. He is completely non magical, and often times you'd find him at odds with Ryudo and pretty much any other Dragon character.  He was angry and tortured, that's why I liked playing him so much! 
(I'll let you know more of his story later if this RP gets under way.)

Quill: another Bird person that is the complete opposite of Winger.  A fun loving, flirtatious Archer that r that I really only introdused to further along wingers story, and of course to get a little friendlier with the other players.

there was a  HUGE cast of characters that each had there own story and quirks, but I can't really  do them all credit.

The only way this RP could really work well if if there was at least two or three other players that remembered the story. 

I feel that it's also important to warn you that I was the worst player in the RP, so I'd be looking for one of the old players to act as a modorator for the RP.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Or you could find someone (me, say) who has a copy of the nice forums, and ask for the specific thread to be posted somewhere....
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Cheese Foxlee

That would be just awesome!  Care to join?  Care to modorate??



I would be more then happy to participate!  It has been a long time and this 'ol RP was fun, especially Koji, Griffon and Sasha :P
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Cheese Foxlee

Yes... if only the players of those two parts weren't M.I.A. We'd have ourselves a great RP.  I think we may have to start a new story line, or find a way to get missing players out of the way so we could continue where the last RP left off.


I already have my character all planned out. But before I finalize it, what are the limitations on what powers, inventory, and the like characters can and cannot have.

Cheese Foxlee

Limitations on power? Well basically, no Ubber powerfull characters. No one hit kills.

Inventory: what the heck? (Some times I just pulled Items from out f no where.)

All the rules where posted in the original RP, and If Llearch can provide them, they will be what we go by pretty much. If not, I guess I can let you if something's not cool.

topher chee

*Topher enters the room with a rather big smile on his face.  As he finds Cheese Foxlee, he approaches him with much respect.  As he comes withing arm length of Cheese, he bows and looks up.  He studies Cheese's rather contempt expression, examining every inch of his face.  After 10 seconds had passed he jumps onto Cheese giving him a great bear hug*
Topher Chee at your service.


A skunk woman strolls down a nearby street. She knows that she should be happy, free from the evil sorceress’s mental grasp, but she cannot. She had killed so many people when under the sorceress’s spell.

“I hate you, Slevrani. Even though you are dead, you still bring me nothing but me pain,” she thinks.

*OOC: My character profile.

Sylva Xynthea (Sil-va Sin-THAY-uh)
Species: Skunk being
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
Class: Necromancer
Age: 21
Appearance: Long, white, shiny hair. Pale pink, long-sleeved shirt. Blue jeans.
Inventory: Purse with a $21.97
Abilities: Being one of the few good necromancers, she has a great knowledge of healing spells and the like.

Cheese Foxlee

I was hoping that Llearch, would hook us up with the links to the original RP before we got started, but if we are going to start let's do it right.


1. Before you begin will Everyone please post you're character stats along with a Description of what they look like.

2.  No need to worry about power levels and D&D Damage scales. (I hate that stuff.)

3.  Be as detailed as possible When you post, because we will be going by a 24 posting period.  Which means that you post ONCE every 24 hours, to give everyone a chance to post.  Be sure to get everything out in one big burst.

4.  Be courteous, when you post. while I don't have a problem with cursing, some younger players might, so try to stay away form those infamous four letter words.

5.  NO Spamming and no L33t speak PLEASE! (it's just annoying)

6.  Action can be posted in Asterisks like so  *He jumped*

7.  Thoughts/ Dreams are marked Like so

8.  Out of character can be posted in these things -->[ ]

that should do it for now.

[Topher, In this RP I will be playing the character Winger, not Cheese.]

Species: Avian
Gender: Male
Class: Blacksmith
Age:  30ish?
Appearance: Tall, slender, bird bird like creature with blue feathers and red feathers.

Picture http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/6839238/?qo=453&q=by%3Acheesefoxlee&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps

Inventory: Coin bag 300, Lots of Thowing knives, a finely crafted sword with a unique pattern.
Abilities: winger has the  ability of flight.  He extremely agile, and accurate with throwing knives.  He used no magic and sometimes has trouble trusting those that do, especially Dragons.

The story begins back at the the Inn that had been the sight of the first appearance of th the Angel artifact 2 years ago. Winger had returned, just to take in the smell of place where he had made so many new friends, and he had learned to trust again. He was just passing though, but he couldn't help but wonder if he would see any familiar faces.

*Wingers stepped up to the bar and laid his bag of coins on the counter, and took a seat. He looked down the  the long counter and remember the first night he had been there. He remembered Being served his drink, by the Inn keeper, Ryudo Lee, Who would take him on his greatest adventure.

[More to come tomarrow.]


Species: Panther
Gender: Female
Class: Wandering Nomad
Age:  24
Appearance: Tall, slender, Looks like she hasn't slept or eaten for days

Picture: Don't have one

Inventory: Two daggers, and a well crafted short sword. Her Clothes are very raged and torn up.
Abilities: She is extremely agile and flexible.  She uses no magic and but she can blink in and out of reality and move while doing so(this has gotten her in and out of trouble many a time).  She is trusting to anyone that will help her out.

[Hope this is good enough]

Rei is already sitting at the bar but since she doesn't have any money, so she just asks for water. Looking up then back down at the newcomer that just entered. As soon as he puts down his bag of coins she hears it and starts to eye the bag hungrily.

topher chee

Name: Topher Chee.
Species: Mountain lion/Kangaroo rat.
Race: Elemental (Fire).
Sex: Male.
Age: 15
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150
Fur Color: Creamy, light brown.
Head fur and Tail: Messy brown hair, black stripe.
Eye Color: Dark brown.
Martial status: Single...?
Occupation: Student / Apprentice bounty hunter
Personality: Clumsy, humorous, open.
Likes: Rain and reading, hanging out with friends, adventures, applesauce.
Dislikes: Crowded areas (claustrophobic).

The race I belong to is called Elemental. Here's info done in Demonology format since everyone is used to that around here.

General traits:
•   Magical powers related to element
•   Transformation form
•   Various markings based on bloodline
•   Average life span: 75 - 100 years.

•   20 pounds of Thallium, (used as multiple weapons.  He can shape it any which way h likes.  Most commonly uses a staff)
•   10 gold coins
•   Hammock (folded into a sack to carry other objects he finds interesting on his travels)
•   Compass
•   Maps of local regions
•   12 Doggy treats

General: The elemental race is made up of four, or perhaps more, different races that all share similar properties, though differ in their individual powers. Elementals are creatures that associate with an element of nature, the primary four being fire, earth, water and air. In normal form, they appear to be average beings, but some of the more eccentric elementals will blur the line between their normal and "tapped" form. Tapped is the term used for an elemental that is in his or her transformed state. The elemental becomes wholly like the element he or she is associated with, so a fire elemental will be made of pure fire or an air elemental will be a wispy tornado. Most elementals retain their normal body structure when transformed, but they may also change it to suit their needs. 

Each elemental shares a deep connection with the element of their bloodline and at the same time are negated by their opposite element. More experienced or aged elementals can pull from the surrounding environment to add to their own power while in transformed, and the greatest are able to take advantage of the pinnacle of their element.

Elemental societies are sparse, but where they do exist, they are always found near the element that makes up the community; for example a village of water elementals would live near a seaport or large lake. It is very rare for opposing types of elementals to live together due to indifference in the past, but some have managed to keep a peaceful bond going. It is because of this fact that some new elementals are emerging, causing both controversy and praise from the elemental community as a whole. For most, living among beings fits just fine, as most people rarely see elementals in their tapped form, and elementals hardly need to ever transform while living peacefully.

History: Elementals have been around since the creation of nature, though it has only been relatively recent that elementals would walk among normal people. For the longest time, elementals were a xenophobic collective and only kept relations with other types of elementals, though these were mostly hostile. It is thought that elementals were originally created to keep watch over the balance of nature, each tribe assigned to a different element. Regardless of their origin, elementals have always had differing opinions on what is balanced and what is not. The crux of "balance" has been the reason behind many a conflict between elemental tribes throughout the years.

About a hundred years ago these tensions boiled over into the greatest clash between the four primary elemental tribes and many were killed because of it. In the end the damage was so much so that the newer generations began to move away from the deeply rooted cultural ties to their tribe either due to disgust in the pride of it all, or simply because their village elders had been killed and could not pass on the lore of the tribe.

Strengths: In normal form, an elemental is able to command a simple array of spells associated with their element, the choice to either develop these into dark or light is entirely up to the preference of the elemental. While in tapped form, the elemental is able to manipulate their brand of element almost completely. For example, an inexperienced or young elemental of earth would be able to lift up rocks and rubble from the surrounding area and hurl them at a target, while the most experienced of earth elemental would be able to raise pillars of earth from the ground to destroy buildings. Tapped elementals may also draw power from their element of birth to restore health or missing limbs.

Weaknesses: In normal form, an elemental is as powerful as your average being. While this varies on how savvy the elemental is with training and such, they do not have any inherent defense against the mundane or magical. Admitably an elementals tapped form allows them a variety of power; it can almost spell their downfall if they were ever to encounter their opposing element. For example, a fire elemental in tapped form would take massive physical and mental damage from being dunked into a river, and would eventually revert to their normal form in a comatose state, or worse. Minor interaction with opposing elements poses no danger, but it makes the elemental very irritable. Again, the example of a fire elemental walking in the rain would render his head a migraine.

Just in case you guys didnt know about this whole elemental deal


I'd like to get in on some of this fun.

[Name: Cogidubnus / Cog (COG-i-Duhb-nuhss)
   Appearance: Very nice gentleman's suit, somewhat loose and a bit too long in the back, all in black, lined in silver: the cufflinks and buttons are made of silver as well, and he wears a silver chain around his neck. Wears a hat and glasses, through which longish silver hair pushes through, also both black, and silver-rimmed.
   Species: Human...to all appearances.
   Alignment: Neutral Good
   Gender: Male
   Class: Weapon Master (Swordsman)
   Age: 240
   Inventory: Glasses, hat, a variety of various charms, and his sword, a black-hilted Katana in a black sheath, with silvered ornamentation.
   Abilities: As he has studied the martial arts for longer than most of his sensei lived, he has incredible speed and precision with the sword. As well, through his mastery of his body, he is able to directly use the energy flowing through him and manifest it in various ways.

       Cog sits down next Rei and motions to the barkeep. "Whiskey, if you have it." He sits back, and looks at Rei from the corner of his eye. He notices her eyeing a bag of coins, and smiles to himself.
      "You need a drink, madam?" He offers her a silver coin from his pocket.


Sylva continues walking down the street. She sees the bar and thinks, “I wonder if anybody in there knows anything about this area… this dimension.”

[Had to offer SOME sort of justification for her type of currency.]

She walks into the bar, showing her ID if necessary. She looks around a bit. “Funny how much this dimension looks like my own. I’ve been in this one for but an hour and already I feel a bit at home.”

Cheese Foxlee

Winger called to the bar keep and ordered glass of whiskey for himself. While he had the bartender's attention, the asked about his old friend, and was disappointed to find out that Ryudo had sold the in and that neither him, his brother, or his young son Koji had been seen or heard in nearly a year.  An uneasy feeling settled on Winger as he sipped his drink, but there was nothing that could be done for it.  He had come to sell his metal works and had done so.   He would leave for home tomarrow, and he couldn't wait to see his daughter.

"Thanks for the drink." He  said, laying 3 gold coins on the table for of bartender; and with a small groan, he got to his feet and went to see another clerk to see about making arrangements to stay in one of the rooms for the night.


She wasn't paying any attention to the gentleman that had seated next to her because at that moment when Winger stood up, she blinking out, then back in grabbing the bag of coins and whispering "Thank you", then out again and she was gone. A faint commotion could be heard from the street as she started to run away.

topher chee

Topher enters the bar and sits at the nearest stool.  He looks around and nods a little at Winger, he then raises his hand to the bar and asks for a pint of milk.


"Or, perhaps, you do not need a drink?" Cog says to himself, laughing. "I suppose gold is brighter than silver, in this day anyway." He flips the silver coin around on his fingers, and places it back into his pocket, and takes a drink of his whiskey. He leans forward, and out of the corner of his eye, he catches the glint of metal. He looks over at the stranger with wings, and eyes the sword he's carrying.
  "Strange..." He whispers, and adjusts his fedora. He would have to keep an eye on that one.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger turned to see that his bag had gone missing and he rushed for the door and remarked, "I see that security at this place hasn't improved with the new ownership." remembering the chain of events that lead to join in the expedition two years earlier.  winger burst thought the door of the tavern, ad took to the skies; flapping his arms as hard as he could, and keeping a keen eye out for the thief.
He thought he spotted re for a secon but then  she vannished.  winger blinked hardly beleiving what he had witnessed. 

As he flapped on in search of his loot his gold he began to gorw hopless How could he catch something  that could vanish into thin air in the blink of an eye?  then he spooted her again a bit ferther down the road.  Now, wasting no time winger, desended up on her and flung a couple of knives in an attempt to impead her progress.  He set himself down infront of and drew his sword. "Don't go vanishing on me, witch." he spat. "I don't take kindly to people taking my hard earned gold.  That money is is ment to help me and my people back home.  Not to line your greedy pockets, and you'll had it over if you have a shread of sence in your head."

As he looked her over noticed her raged clothes; he sheathed his sword and  sighed "I'm sorry for my harsh words, but if all you were looking for was a hand out you could have asked." He took a small step forward and spoke softly. "What's your name?"


Sylva walks around the bar a bit. Though she does feel a bit at home, she also feels a bit out of place. She doesn’t know what this dimension was like. She has to know; and she knows what she will have to do next.

“Come on, Sylva. You can do this. Be brave. What’s the worst that could happen? Just go up and talk to someone. That’s all you need to do. You have nothing to lose.”

She walks up behind Cogidubnus. She thinks aloud, “Come on Sylva, you can do this. All you need to do is talk to him. That’s all.” She then looks quite embarassed when she realizes that she just spoke every word of that out loud.


At first she looks scared at the fact that he had found her then she bow down to him in the middle of public. "Sir, i am sorry,... Please don't kill me. Rei is my name."

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Aisha deCabre

((I've participated in this...of course my creativity in character is slightly different now...  :rolleyes Nonetheless, I'm in...I hope this'll be good enough.))

Name: Aisha deCabre
Species: Black jaguar (panther)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Trade: Bounty hunter/adventurer
Appearance: Basically the same as in the previous RP...
Accessories: A black belt around her waist that serves as the holding spot for her arsenal; the blade protected from magic by a dragonskin sheath, her trademark boomerang, and the whip which has since been enchanted with ice magic, and a bracer that holds light magic that can dispel dark energy and hold most demons at bay...plus the emerald tail ring that can detect a demon's presence.
Skills: No magic to speak of, but she is good with enchanted weaponry, especially with light-magic aligned items.  She is very fast and good with close combat, but better with ranged combat, and takes advantage of every opportunity.

The doors to the inn opened once again into the slightly dusty air of the rest of the town, something that hadn't also changed since her absence.  The figure in the doorway took its time coming in, her face hidden by a hood over her head connected to the red cape trailing down her back.  A clue to the creature's species was shown when her tail whipped forth, producing an emerald ring gleaming in the light.  It was slightly curled at the tip and black as the darkness of night.

After a few minutes, the figure stepped in further, the cape fluttering behind to show that she wore slightly loose and comfortable attire of dark night blue and a belt on her waist that carried within something gleaming and mettallic, a silvery blade with a certain shape to it.

"This would be the place," she called behind her in a feminine voice that also held behind each word a sense of fearlessness and skill, the type where one could just tell she has been through much in her life with the voice alone.  Her hands came up to remove the hood from her head, knowing that the tavern would be quite safe.  The face was that of a young female panther, crimson eyes facing forward towards the bar as she approached. 

Her head shook to straighten the strands of black hair framing her face, while the rest of her hair wrapped in a braid was held steady beneath the cape.  She smirked, several memories of a past epic adventure coming back to her.  "It hasn't changed much at all."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Name: Gareeku Manoko
Age: 23
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 200lbs
Build: Athletic
Appearence: His fur is all white, save for the tips of his ears and tail which are black. Gareeku also possesses deep blue eyes, accompanied by a visible x-shaped scar between them, along with hair that spike out backwards, save for the bangs of hair which cascade down his forehead, stopping just past his eyes. The clothes he wears consist of a blue sleeveless gi top with pants, accompanied by a brown hooded cloak, a pair of securely fastened sandals and a black martial arts belt tied round his waist.
Accessories: At his side is a sheathed Katana. The katana holds within it it's own source of magic, making it a deadly weapon, especially against those with a weakness for light magic.
Skills: Gareeku is very much skilled with most weaponry as well as hand to hand combat. His knowledge and skill with light magic is his main power, though he can also use other magic such as fire and ice. Gareeku can also weild a power known as soul energy. While very powerful, it is also draining, as it is drawn from the user's very being.

"This would be the place..."

After Aisha had spoken these words, another masculine-looking figure appeared at the doorway, his face covered in shadow from the hood covering his head. His clothes and cloak billowed softly in the wind from outside. Under the hood, a pair of deep blue eyes could be seen, scanning the room as the figure stayed silent, before finally speaking.

"Cosy." The stranger commented, before stepping inside and closing the door behind him. Removing the hood from his head, the figure revealed himself to be a young-looking white-furred wolf. Hearing the panther's comment, the wolf turned to her, sporting a smirk of his own.
"Heh, gotta love trips down memory lane, eh?" He said somewhat teasingly, before dusting his clothes off slightly.


The stranger had been standing back, smoking under the cover of a roof to the side of the street. However, when the crowd was upset and the ragtag girl came running by, soon followed by the swooping avian, his attention turned towards them. He sensed something else too, drawing closer. Then, there was a flash of steel, and he immediately walked forth, making his way through the crowd.

   "Is something wrong here?" a voice said from behind Winger. It was deep but melodious and carried a slight but peculiar, sharp accent, like a combination of British and German to those who could recognize it. Its owner then made himself present.
   He appeared to be some sort of bat, but contrary to what one would think was rather large, at some six feet tall. He actually looked sort of lanky, with his broad shoulders and long arms, but at the same time he seemed muscled and hard enough to weigh a good bit, somwhere on the lower end over two hundred pounds. He wore almost all-black clothes, with just a few details of silver and green, consisting of some sort of vest with a short-sleeved shirt under it, and black wrappings covering all of his arms. His pants were made of the same smooth but tough fabric as his vest, and ended over a pair of big, rough-soled yet even and nicely blackened boot-like shoes. Over his left arm he held a long, fur-lined black coat and a big black bag, and on his back was a big crozius of some kind, tall as a man and made wholly from black metal and in a finely crafted celtic kind of style. Most odd of all, perhaps, was his white collar and cross-and-scales-type of black pendant hanging from his necklace, marking him as some manner of priest, and the fact that his eyes were wrapped tight with a black scarf or handkerchief. He must have been blind, for his head tilted slightly off when he spoke, and placed a large, iron hand on Rei's shoulder.
   "If any inequities have been committed..." he said, a friendly smile on his hard-edged face that was sadly made wicked by his sharp muzzle and fangs.

Name: Sebastian "Stygian" König
Species: Bat (well, apparrently so)
Age: Who knows? He looks in his late twenties.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: >200lbs. Hard to tell...
Appearance: Well, I just did it, but... Stygian could be described as what happens when you crossbreed a bat with a blonde, shiny bishounen, and then some heavy-duty construction machinery. He's athletically built, and somewhat handsome, with well-shaped features and neatly cropped blonde hair that unites with his backfur in a kind of mane. But he has a bit long arms, and while he looks slimmed down, as if one had practically stripped nearly all fat from his body, he is not slim at all. Rather, he looks made up from hard, sinewy muscle. He's got really big hands and feet, quite big fangs, and a short, pointy tail.
Accessories: Not much, except his clothes, a bag with other clothes, a bit of money and assorted trinkets, his watch, and a pair of rather nasty-looking high-caliber pistols that he has hidden inside his coat.
Skills: It has yet to reveal itself just exactly what skills and abilities he possesses. What is known though, is that he is a master swordsman and a ferocious close-quarter combatant, possessed of tremendous strength and speed, and also skilled in infiltration and assassination. He has no knowledge of magic or magical power whatsoever, yet somehow he has managed time and again to stand up to magical opponents as if their advantage meant nothing to him. And those observant have often noticed that there appears to be much more to him than meets the eye, even taking his other strange traits into account...


Cog smiles as he drinks, and turns around. He looks at her, and pauses for a moment, then motions to a seat beside himself.

"Better introductions have been made, but I'm not one to complain." Cog laughs. "Sit down and have a drink: I gather, that there is something you wish to speak about." Cog takes another drink of his whiskey, and whispers under his breath
"Like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies, And all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes...", He grins to himself.