Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Aisha deCabre

((Well for cryin' out loud, I don't think it's a good idea to put thoughts in quotes! XD  Fixed... ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


[I changed my mode of OOC commentary already. What more do ya want?]
[Sylver: You are a creature of habit, Joat; all the bad ones.]
[Too true.]


The bat looked almost shocked at being ignored, despite him being the one standing closest to the witch. When she turned into that shadowy form of hers, his large left hand went to his back and grabbed the crozius there, while his right clenched her shoulder with a force that would be clearly felt by any creature.
   "This is the privilige of warning" he said, and the crozius was a black blur in his hand. It spun down, and then stopped as if the huge metal thing had no momentum at all, or more probably from the sound, as if all that momentum was nothing to him, and placed itself at her throat. That's when you noticed. Although its head was shaped as it was, it was not a crozius. It was a huge black sword, broad and two-edged and as tall as a man. "There is no magic you can affect me with, and I hardly believe that you could best me in true combat. This is the privilige of knowledge." His hand now went to her throat, a heavy, iron-hard grip clenching it. "The third privilige is oblivion. Will you choose it, spawn of shadow?"
   Inside his right sleeve, he readied the real threat to her. Her magic was null to him, but he would probably not be able to hurt her when she was like this. So, as always he was keeping another option available.


Sylva chants a quick spell (Cure Light Wounds) and Pan is healed. Slevrani once again seems to be in pain, though not in as much pain as after the last healing spell was cast.

“Hold on a second. Hitting her hurts us, but healing ourselves hurts her!” Sylva says, “Guys, cast every heal spell you got!” She begins to chant another spell.

Slevrani, at that moment, knows how bad the situation is looking for her. I can’t cast a spell as a shadow and now they know the only way to hurt me. What’s worse, they have me cornered. But I cannot surrender. The god of darkness would be displeased. Wait a second… that’s it! she thinks.

She suddenly yells to the sky, “Malvado, God of darkness, hear me! Show these mortals your wrath!”

Nothing happens.

“Aw, crud…” Slevrani says.

[Sylver: And the anticlimax of the year award goes to…]
[Yeah, I know; but we can’t have Malvado coming in here, partially because gods would be a bit strong and partially because that particular god spends most of his time drunk.]

Sylva finishes chanting the spell (Cure Critical Wounds). Rei is now healed completely. Slevrani, on the other hand, is now writhing on the floor in agony.


"Hmmm, Malvado, a god of darkness.  Nothing of consequence here, dark powers do not aid the weak."  Carran paused  and regarded Slevrani, with a wry smile and a slightly sarcastic tone he regarded her agony, "young lady you appear to be in pain, here let me ease that."

The fox mage held his staff up and it flared with bright warm radiance casting away the darkness and bathing the tavern goers in its warm radiance, "Luminari I call upon thy renewing radiance, Light of Aman cast away the darkness and pain!  Lux lucis ignis!"

His staff glowed with bright white light, warm and soothing to those not cast from the radiant shores of the Summerlands.  At the peak of brightness he brought the mithril shod end of his staff to the ground with a sound similar to earlier, the light flashed to solar intensity, though it did not hurt the eyes nor harm creatures of good, "Healing Light!"   

"Just light the quest for the Angel, I do miss Ieyou and Myishi."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


[Pity. I was planning on her surviving this battle, but it turns out she’s gonna be destroyed. Ah, well; such is the way of RPing. I (or somebody else) will just have to think of something else.]
[‘not cast from the radiant shores of the Summerlands’… Whatever that means, does it include Sylva and Pan?]

topher chee

[sorry I'm late]

   Topher looks at the squirming body as it twitched here and there.  Topher looked at her face and caught a glimpse of her flaring eye.  He looked back at what he had turned from and realized she was staring at him dead in the eye.  He stumbled backward unable to resist her force upon him.  Topher felt as if he would never live again, and just at the moment he fell back and hit his head against the tavern floor.
    Topher blacked out and dreamed of the day he was abandoned. "It's for your own good," the silhouette of his mother explained, "you'll thank me when you are older."  And she left him at that, abandoned with his twin brother, Pidge, of what had seemed to be the doorstep of a Dojo. He and his brother began to sob as they watched their mother flee.  Why is she leaving us, why would she---
    At this point in time he felt a jolting pain in the back of his neck.  He sat up right and looked distinctly around the room.  What happened?  Where did everyone go?

[If this is to controlling of what happens I can change it.  Let me know.  And now I hope everyone else can understand]


Quote from: Joat on December 21, 2006, 10:53:15 PM
['not cast from the radiant shores of the Summerlands'... Whatever that means, does it include Sylva and Pan?]

[It's just a colloquiel way of saying those of darkness or evil.]
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: topher chee on December 21, 2006, 10:56:09 PM
[sorry I'm late]

   Topher looks at the squirming body as it twitched here in there.  Her yells frightened him and he dared to look at her in the eyes.  As soon as he did so, a bright flash seemed to take hold of the room and Topher collapsed to the floor.
   Evidently she had taken something from within Topher and left him moaning on the tavern floor as she grew stronger.  The others watched as she rose to her feet and she let out a terrifying laugh.

[You’re going to want to tell me in PM what she just did, ‘cause I have no idea.]

topher chee

[I'll just emphasize the last reply so everyone understands.]

[There, its updated]


[I still hardly understand. It may just be me. It’s late and I have aspergers syndrome (and I thought I was doing well at working around that), which are apparently a powerful combination. Anyway, if this involves magic on her part, it won’t work.]

Quote from: Joat on December 21, 2006, 06:35:41 PM
Slevrani, at that moment, knows how bad the situation is looking for her. I can’t cast a spell as a shadow and now they know the only way to hurt me. What’s worse, they have me cornered. But I cannot surrender. The god of darkness would be displeased. Wait a second… that’s it! she thinks.

topher chee

[no he's just startled by her, she does not recover because of his "energy" i took that part out]

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: topher chee on December 21, 2006, 10:56:09 PM
    At this point in time he felt a jolting pain in the back of his neck.  He sat up right and looked distinctly around the room.  What happened?  Where did everyone go?

((Just one more question regarding your post, sorry... ^^;  But, does this mean that YOUR character was transported someplace, or everyone else's, or is it just something in your head? ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee

[I was actually gonna let you guys decide.  Whether the quarrel has come and gone, or it could just be part of a dream, or he could be transported]


With one final scream, Slevrani crumbles to dust.

“I… can hardly believe it. We actually defeated her,” Sylva says in awe.

“Ding dong, the witch is dead,” Pan says, “Anyway, what’s with that guy?”

“I have no idea what happened. Maybe it was one of Slevrani’s tricks. That’s probably it.”

[It isn’t.]

topher chee

[dun dun DUN!  the suspense is rising :mowdizzy]

Aisha deCabre

((Oookay...well, I guess from what I see that everyone is still in the tavern...Specifity in your posts is your friend, remember now. :3 ))

Aisha's stance relaxed, and her boomerang lowered to her side as she watched Sebastian's sudden reappearance with an incredulous look.  It seems he was the first to directly challenge the shadowy creature.  What's more, the warriors ready and waiting in the room didn't have to do much.  With the idea of everyone using as much healing and light spells as they can, the panther shielded her eyes as the effect was blinding...that and it came from her own inability to use magic herself.

When everything cleared, the panther blinked and looked again, seeing that things were calm.  She replaced her weapon and raised an eyebrow.  "Okay then...what on Furrae was that, and how did it get here?"

Suddenly, something caught the edge of Aisha's eye.  It was her tail ring...the enchanted item, designed for pinpointing any kind of dark magic nearby, was still brightly lit and humming in a low tone.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


As the others cast their spells, Gareeku calmly seathed his glowing sword, observing the others destroy the stranger.
"Pity...all talk and no show..." the wolf muttered. Hearing Aisha's comment, Gareeku frowned.
"I'm not sure myself, but I fully intend to find out." Gareeku replied, before turning to Pan, a look of calm yet sterness about him.
"You...who was that?" He asked, his deep blue eyes fixed on the officer as he folded his arms. He was in no mood to play about. "I want to know. Now."


Rei looks up again and upon seeing that she had died. She starts to hug Joat for healing her. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"


[Sylva Xynthea. That is the character’s name.]

“You helped, too. Without you, it would’ve taken me longer to figure out how to defeat her,” Sylva says to Rei. I think I might actually be cut out for adventuring. At least I know I won’t let it go to my head.

“Slevrani was an evil sorceress who wanted to take over the world. She took over Sylva’s mind to have her attack the town, starting with her friends and family. Luckily, Slevrani didn’t get far with that plan before I managed to knock her into a pool of acid. I personally think she was crazy. She kept babbling on about how she would rule the world with some ‘Maonis Jewel’ thing her god told her about,” Pan says to Gareeku.

Sylva’s expression quickly goes from happiness to alarm. “What did you just say?”

“That she was an evil, powerful, insane…”

“No, I mean at the end.”

“That she kept talking about her grand scheme to rule the world with a ‘Maonis Jewel’ or whatever.”

“And if her Malvado told her of it, that means it must really exist.”

“So? What is it?”

topher chee

[he doesnt know he's been taken to a different area with a replica of the tavern]
Topher sits up and wonders where everyone is.  He walks to the side of the bar and looks outside the window, he saw the streets of the town, or so he thought.  He walked up to the bar and peered over.  As he did so he saw something from the corner of his eye scurry by.  Intrigued, he walked towards what he had seen.  He heard the scooting of paws and a distinct murmur and a "Shh".  Topher began to be concerned with his well being and his hands began to glow.  He walked towards the area in which he heard the whispers and footsteps and became enraged when he saw someone aiming a tranquilizing dart at him.  In a burst of fury he sprung flames from his fingertips at the figure.  The predator now lay on the floor with a door open behind him. He saw many others iside the now open room and they began to rush towards him.  He sprang backwards and bolted for the door.  It was locked.  Insted he turned to his tapped form, and attempted o penetrate the glass.  This was no ordinary glass, infact, he wasnt sure if it was glass at all.

Cheese Foxlee

With the witch dead Winger relaxed but began to feel uneasy.  "What the heck was that about?" he asked  to no one in particular. He went back to the bar, finished his drink, and went out side.

It had been two years since the angel ad fallen, When Ryudo led the group thought the Wood's and the desert and count less other hostile environments to track down the pieces of the angel.  Winger dreaded the Idea that he may have to once again, go on a quest to save the world.He knew he was getting ahead of himself.  What had just happened was nothing more than a little bar fight, and no reason to think that he might have to go on a another crusade.

As winger watched the stars the dark thoughts at the back of his mind faded away. He laughed at the idea of having to journey again for the angel.  "Imagine that, Running around all over the place, just like old times." Winger mused to himself.  Little did he know that soon he would have to do it all over again, because as he watched the night sky he saw a bright flame shoot across the sky followed by a yet another big BOOM.  He rushed in side and shouted " The sky has fallen!" We must investigate!"

[Sorry for the delay, but I'm kind of on vacation. posts may be few and far beween for the next couple of weeks.]


When the shadowy woman was wiped out by the spell, the bat-priest had made a grunt and stepped back, shielding himself with his sword. For a second, the light cast over him seemed to discomfort him, and his shadow grew larger, more looming and... threatening, somehow. The effect only lasted for a moment though, and the next, the woman was crumbling to ash before him, and he himself was standing with his sword once again back behind him and rubbing his right hand.
   "That, sir", he said to Carran, "seemed much an act of malice! But I will not be the one to judge. It is not my place anymore, and what is done is done." He still shot a bit of a sour look against the mage though. But then his face eased, and he turned around a bit, seemingly taking the place in to see if all was still again. When he was satisfied, he made a short nod, and then walked off to the side into the shadows, straightening his garb. Then, when he was out of sight in the alley round the side of the inn, he held up his hand.
   It looked a bit like a whisper of smoke, or some little dark wisp, where it danced in his hand, yet it was not. No smoke could have taken on those particular shades of blackness, or snaked in that way which seemed so beautiful to him, little hints of a humanoid shape and a face caught in fear forming in it, barely visible as it moved.
   A voice came to the piece of shadow, all that was left of the woman he now knew was called Slevrani. But it was no voice as one imagines a voice, or one anyone would be comfortable hearing. It was deep and snaking, growling, hissing. It sounded as one might imagine corrosion might sound, like acid burning and the peeling of flesh.
   Do you wish to live?

Aisha deCabre

Aisha raised an eyebrow, listening to Pan's explanation.  What do these creatures hope to gain with such power?  The panther had always wondered that.  Her head shook almost pityingly as she started to sit down again.

It was at that moment that she heard the loud explosion from far away outside.  The ground seemed to shake beneath everyone's feet, the flash out the window blinding to many observers.  The panther found it a familiar feeling...the impact caused a crunching sound in the earth that you could feel a little more than hear...the earth elementals and any other living thing in its way emitted vibes and cries of death and pain.  What made it strange was that this was no meteor.

Aisha toppled off her feet, caught unaware by it.  As she grasped the edge of the bar to keep from falling on the floor, she then saw Winger rushing back in with his declaration.

"Deja-vu..." the panther said, her eyes wide, thinking suddenly of the whole angel incident.  "...You don't suppose...?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Listening to the explanation of who the sorceress was, Gareeku nodded his head in acknowledgment as he took in the information.
"I see..." the wolf commented, "...I have run into quite a few of those types before..."

It was then that the distant explosion was felt. The shockwave of the impact was so much that the wolf nearly fell over, holding onto a nearby table to support himself before standing back up on his feet.
"What the hell?!" Gareeku growled, before seeing Winger enter and make his declaration. Raising an eyebrow at his words, Gareeku dusted himself off slightly.
"I very much doubt that." the wolf replied in a calm voice. "But I would like to know exactly what you mean. From the explosion, I take something has fallen to the ground from the heavens."
Gareeku had heard the story of the previous "crusade" Aisha and Winger had been through, and also knew that it had started off with a situation similar to this.
"Well now...correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this would feel quit familiar, no?" the wolf said, looking at Winger and Aisha as he spoke.


"That does not bode well, one would hope it is not a situation similar to the previous... the Quest for the Angel."  The fox scratched his chin, "I wonder how far that landed?"

Carran stepped outside the tavern and gazed in the direction of the impact, "I would venture a guess of several miles."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Pan looks at where Carran is looking. “Hold on. I’ll go check it out and come right back to tell you what it is. You guys wait here. TELEPORT!”

“But Pan, I…” Sylva begins.

Without waiting for a response (or listening to the ones he gets), Pan disappears in a puff of smoke.

“So hasty. I hope nothing happens to him,” Sylva thinks aloud.

Pan appears next to Topher in a puff of smoke. “Darn it! Looks like I didn’t even leave the room,” Pan says. He then looks around and sees that there is nobody in there, save Topher, himself, and the other entities, one with a tranquilizer gun.

Pan looks at the one with the tranquilizer gun and says, “I am Pan Swift of the Adther Police Department. I order you not to tranquilize him or harm him in any way!” He points at Topher.

Meanwhile, Slevrani responds (in whatever way she can), “I smell a catch.”


Rei thinking that this Pan thing was being rude. Rei blinks but instead of blinking in the room or outside she traces Pan and blinks right next to it as soon as he gets there. Then turns on a dime to pan. "That was rude of you to leave her like that in the middle of a sentence." Then turns to looks at her surroundings and finding that she wasn't alone with Pan in the room she jumps a little. "Hello, what is your name?"

Cheese Foxlee

Winger pulled Aisha and Carran aside quickly as he could get his to them. He Looked for Rei also, but not finding her he was just glad that he had remebered to put his gold away before someone else could get their hands on it.  "Obiously," he breathed. " this is too strance to be a coincidence.  We need to investigate what exaxtly fell out of the sky. I only prey that it wasn't the angel of something worse." Winger paused and looked around to see if he could spot Rei at all. "I'm going, and I was hoping I might have your company.  It shouldn't take that long to find where the thing crashed."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had stared out of the window in thought, listening to Carran's comments and those of everyone else.  Slight murmurs of worry were spreading out across the tavern and coming in with the air from the outside, all heads turning to where the thing had fallen from the heavens, and where now there was a trail of dust covering a high radius.

When Winger called them forth, the panther complied.  This was starting to pique her curiosity...if another angel had fallen, what was the reason?  It was like the past was starting to repeat itself again.  The heroes of the old quest were even starting on it.

The panther nodded, a smile of acceptance on her face.  "Of course you have my help, old friend.  If this turns out like the last time, it'll be a fun venture."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.