Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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topher chee

   About 6 seconds after Topher had called for Blue, his Heeler, Blue popped into sight from a branch above, wagging his tail madly as his dear friend Topher began searching his pouch, in hope of finding a couple of snackers for the Heeler.
   After 10 minutes had passed, a rustle could be heard and the Heeler began to whine.  Topher nodded and the dog-like creature hopped off the branch onto anouth and dived after what seemed to be another mow.
   Topher decided to head back to the bar in search of job offers so he could make some more money to support him and his partner in crime, Blue.


"Necromancer. You don't see too many of those around." Cog said, leaning forward. "The Magic of Life and Death is a great corrupter, or so I've heard," He said. His shades slid forward on the bridge of his nose, and he eyed Sylva with one vibrant, yellow eye. "I'll again take your word that you are 'good', in both senses of the word." He fished around in his coat again, and pulled out a single twisted peice of silver.

"I'm not a traveling mercantelean - I carry only what I need myself. It so happens there are a few charms I've procured that I no longer need. Not a one for $20.00 though." He smirked, shaking his head. "And certainly nothing that costs $20.00 is a good investment either. Go cheap where you can, but not with your spells..." He shrugged.
"I have no staves, so if it's a staff you want, you'll have to make it yourself, if you can. All I could offer you that heals is this-" He said, proffering the twisted ornament, "It's called the Bloodless Sorrow. You can heal with it, in a fashion: it comes at the price of taking the wound yourself - with a catch. It transfers the wound to you, but in a completed state. You'll get a scar instead of a cut, savvy?"
  He lays it down on the table. "Since you don't have the money for anything like this...keep it." He says, sliding it down to Sylva. "The damn things always been more trouble than it's worth. But you're buying the next round of whiskey."

Cheese Foxlee

Winger Grinned reading  Aisha's eyes.  "Oh Quill? He's  Doing just fine. Still living life to it's fullest, Still looking for a special some one.  You should it! he's always willing to make  fool of himself, for a pretty face."  Winger chuckled as he took another sip. "I tried to get him to come with me to help sell my wares, but alas he had to decline.  Duty to the village and all that."

Winger leaned back and finish his drink, then he ordered a glass of water [he still can't hold his liquor too well].  "As for Whisper, I haven't herd from that Young sprite since I left this place last.  I can't really hold out hope to see her, of course. I suppose she blows here ever the Wind takes her, being an elemental and all." What about you Aisha? What blows you back this way after two long years?" winger asked folding his feathery fingers on top of the counter.

[I promise we'll get in to some real action soon!]


“Thank you. I should go look for a job soon so I can maybe buy a home or something.”

“Who knows? Maybe starting a life in this universe will be easier than I thought. The people are so friendly here.”

“Maybe I should go and meet some of the other people in here,” Sylva says. She then stands up and walks over to Aisha and Winger. “Um, hi. Sorry if I’m interrupting something. My name is Sylva; Sylva Xynthea. I’m kinda new to this dimension. What are your names?” Her tone is a bit shy, but not nearly as shy as the tone she greeted Cogidubnus with.

[Must… resist… urge to add another character too early in the story.]
[Sylver: He’s going through multi-character withdrawl.]


Rei is behind Winger looking around a little scared looking because she never liked big crowds but didn't want to leave his side because one she owned him and two he is the only one to show her a little compassion that she was aware of.


[You know what? I think one character is an okay concept, but it’s not for me. I will be introducing another character. I will not tell you who or when. I will even use the pronoun “it” when referring to the said character (until it comes into play) to avoid spoiling its gender.]
[Sylver: Score one for RP instinct.]

Aisha deCabre

Aisha smiled and set her drink aside for the moment, quite interested in hearing his response.  It was good to hear that they were doing well enough, and she just shook her head knowingly about Quill, and nodded understandably about Whisper.

Then, at his inquiry, she merely shrugged and rolled her eyes up in thought, wondering where to start.  "Oh, you know me...after this whole thing I've just been doing the usual...a few demon battles here, a bit of freelancing there, almost getting my tail chewed off by a stupid Were..." she snickered at the unintentional rhyme she had made.  "I just felt like coming back to this place because...well, I had some time to kill.  I thought I'd relive some memories...and bring an adventurer friend with me to show him where the story of the fallen angel started," she laid a hand on Gareeku's shoulder to regard him.

"Plus," she added with a smirk as she reached for her ale again, noticing a slight gleam on her tail ring, "there never seems to be a dull moment here.  So, you run this place now, I take it...."

Her ear swerved at the sudden interruption, but she turned to the other person with a friendly smile and a polite bow of her head.  "Sylva...well, greetin's...just call me Aisha."  She tilted her head with slight curiosity.  "New to this dimension, you say?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote from: Joat on December 18, 2006, 11:10:04 PM
“Thank you. I should go look for a job soon so I can maybe buy a home or something.”

“Who knows? Maybe starting a life in this universe will be easier than I thought. The people are so friendly here.”

“Maybe I should go and meet some of the other people in here,” Sylva says. She then stands up and walks over to Aisha and Winger. “Um, hi. Sorry if I’m interrupting something. My name is Sylva; Sylva Xynthea. I’m kinda new to this dimension. What are your names?” Her tone is a bit shy, but not nearly as shy as the tone she greeted Cogidubnus with.

[Must… resist… urge to add another character too early in the story.]
[Sylver: He’s going through multi-character withdrawl.]

[Aisha, you may wish to take this into account.]

Aisha deCabre

((Whoop, sorry...I sometimes scan-read and didn't think you were addressing Aisha in particular with one of them... (points up to previous post) Fixed.   :mowtongue ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger had to Laugh at Aisha's question. "Me Run this place?" He chuckled. "Nah, I'm just passin'  though. the new owners seem nice enough though"

Winger then leaned over to Rei, and looked her deep in the eye. "You look a bit tense. Have a drink, on me of course;  You can have my room for the night, then we'll see what we can do with ya tomorrow."

Winger smiled, as he turned to Great Sylva with a hearty hand shake. "Nice to meet you, Sylva. Please pull up a seat, cause the next round's on me."  Winger leaned back a bit  With his hand still extended.  "What do you mean, 'new to this dimension..."

Winger didn't get to finish his question, cause at that very moment a loud "BOOM" sounded from the outside.  what could it be?

[Here is where the fun begins, the next to poster gets to deside what the BOOM is,  mostly cause I  haven't though of anything and we need to get this party rolling.  So who's up to the challenge?!  I can't wait to see what happens next!]


[Give me a moment. I think I’m up to the challenge.]

topher chee

   Topher walks into the bar with a professional look on his face.  At first he had planned on announcing the fact that he is for hire for most duties if the pay is reasonable, but the bar seemed to have gotten a bit noisier from just 30 minutes ago.
   Instead he decides to go from table to table offering his service(s).  After returing to the bar top with no luck he orders yet another pint of milk and sulks in a corner.


Sylva hears the noise and immediately rushes toward the door to see what is the matter. When she is about two feet away from the door, she stops in her tracks and gazes in horror at what she sees.

She sees a young and beautiful woman in front of the bar, about six feet tall. She wears a black wizard robe. Her eyes are red and her hair is black. She is obviously making no attempt to hide her evil nature, which is apparent by her facial expression. The building behind her (and across the street from the bar) has a huge hole in the wall and is about to collapse.

Sylva takes two slow steps backward away from the door as she stutters, “S-S-Slevrani!?”

“Dear girl… Did you really think a pool of acid is enough to kill me? You should know better. Now, be a good mind-slave and kill for me, okay?” Slevrani says.

“No! No! I am not your slave anymore! I will not do as you say!” Sylva says. She flees deeper into the bar.

[You wanted fun? Well, here you have it. Cheese Foxlee, if this does not suit the type of plot you had in mind, I will edit this out and let somebody else choose what the loud boom was.]


As Slevrani enters, Rei blinks all over the place to start to confuse Slevrani. Rei strikes at her with her daggers but still trying to keep out of reach

topher chee

As the tall witch-like woman entered the room, Topher felt this could not be good.  Seeing as the woman had meant on possibly harming Sylva, he took out the ball of thallium he had in his pouch and immediately shaped it into a staff with his glowing hands as he ran toward the witch.  As he approached the confrontation he took a step in front of Sylva and turned to look at her,  "Names Chee, Topher Chee."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had chuckled at Winger, nodding at his answer to her question.  She reached for her ale and took another drink, with a light sigh.  Things seemed to be going peacefully enough...

But she dropped her drink on the table in surprise at the loud boom, spilling it all over the place.  Her tail ring was suddenly glowing like a beacon.

"Damn," she muttered as she spun around on the stool, her right hand diving to her weapons belt.  Drawing her bladed boomerang, the panther stood up straight and eyed the stranger, whom Sylva seemed to know.  "What's this, then, that disturbs the peace?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


[Rei is THROWING her daggers, correct?]


[No she is blinking near then away and striking her up close]


Rei scores a direct hit to Slevrani’s left arm on her first strike. If the daggar has magical properties, Slevrani will recieve full damage. If the daggar has no magical properties, Rei will recieve the damage. Either way, a staff appears in Slevrani’s right hand, seemingly from nowhere.

“My name is Slevrani,” she says to Aisha.

Meanwhile, a muffled voice within Sylva’s purse yells, “Let me out of here! Let me fight her!”

The voice sounds familiar to Sylva. She quickly unzips her purse zipper.

[Remember that second character I told you about?]


Standing to the side of the street outside, the bat-priest had made no notion of having become even the slightest worried of what had just happened. He had simply looked up at the black-clad woman, dropped his bag and walked up to her, placing an iron hand on her shoulder. His face bore a very serious frown as he spoke.
   "Let's just be very calm here now, and all shall turn out well enough. I promise" he said, and his words carried with them both a calm that was to be expected of any accomplished adventurer under the circumstances, and also a lower, more dangerous tone. "I do not want to have to injure anyone, so stand down peacefully".

[This will be fun, if the woman is indeed an evil magician.]


Gareeku had just finished his ale when the woman with evil intent appeared. Ducking with Aisha, the wolf looked back up as he observed the newcomer. No doubt she possessed an evil heart; he could feel the darkness radiating off of her. Watching the others attack, Gareeku snarled angrily.
"Idiots! They attack one whose powers are unknown to them." He snarled, holding a paw on Aisha's shoulder to try and calm her a little. While on the outside he seemed angry, on the inside the wolf was trying to think of a possible plan of action.

Standing up, Gareeku walked towards the witch, coming to a stop a couple of metres away from her, his blade drawn as he looked into her eyes with a calm yet stern look. In his hands, the katana's blade was glowing a soft blue colour, whisps of magic seeping off of the metal as it hovered by Gareeku's side.

"What is your business here? This is a tavern full of powerful creatures and adventurers. I suggest you leave this place as once." The wolf said sternly, his voice a calm yet strong tone, clear and precise in his meanings. Waiting for the woman's response, Gareeku stood perfectly still. However, should she choose to go on the offensive, he would be ready.

topher chee

    As Gareeku began to question the witch, Topher's fists began to glow and he clutched his staff more firmly.  His teeth began to grit as he looked from the witch to the people that were at his side.  He was unsure whether why the witch had been there and if it had been Sylva herself who was the evil figure, he too began to question the witch.
    "Yes, why are you here.  We might not have any business coming between you two; but I think it's safe to say we don't want anyone to get hurt."


At the mention of a tavern full of powerful creatures and adventurers, Carran thought it best to stand and add to that presence.  What ever this intruder was, it had definite power and operated in cliche... always a bad sign.

Walking with his rowan staff, the fox spoke directly to Slevrani as he approached, "you must be powerful indeed to exercise your power so boldly against a person in this tavern.  As the wolf has said, it is known for being a gathering place of adventurers and powerful creatures of good."

He paused to strike the ground with his staff which resounded sharply like a metal spike being driven into stone and gestures towards Sylva, "as long as she stays here, she is under the protection of all at this place..."

Carran's eyes glowed and the sapphire orb atop his staff burned with blue fire, "... and many of these fine souls are likely stronger then I and we all appear to be arrayed against you."

[yay!  I live for melodrama]
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Rei gets struck back at her own hit. (because the dagger isn't magical) She blinks behind the bar. She starts to cower behind the bar waiting for it to be over.


[Should I wait or post now? On one hand, it has only been eight hours; on the other hand, many people have already responded.]

Aisha deCabre

((I think you might be able to...you don't have to wait the full 24 hours, just go a "day" based on your best judgment...me for example, I post at scattered times, but it's always one post between each sleep cycle.  :3 ))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


[I suppose I can post twice in the same day once in a while.]

Sylva begins to chant a spell.

“He he he! Gimme your best shot, all of you! It’ll be wonderful to see your pain,” Slevrani thinks. She then turns pitch black; her clothing, skin color, everything. She looks like more of a shadow, really.

A rat jumps out of Sylva’s purse. He is about three inches long and has bluish silver fur. He says to Slevrani, “Stop in the name of the law! I am Officer Pan Swift of the Adther Police Department and… aw, screw it. I’m just wasting time talking to you. You obviously aren’t gonna surrender.”

“You got it in one, ‘Officer Pan’.” Slevrani uses the term mockingly. “Say, weren’t you and Leon the leaders of the mission to destroy Sylva?”

That stung Pan… a lot. “I know that. I just… never stopped to consider that there might be something else behind her sudden change. I made a mistake. But then, so have you! You, Slevrani, have made the mistake of getting me angry!”

Sylva’s finishes chanting the spell (Cure Heavy Wounds). Rei is healed; not fully, but very much. Slevrani suddenly seems to be in great pain.

Taking advantage of her moment of pain, Pan jumps into the air. “BULLET!” Suddenly, in midair, Pan flies toward Slevrani at tremendous speed as a living projectile. He hits Slevrani in the stomach. Slevrani smiles, unharmed, as Pan drops to the ground in great pain. It seems that he recieved the damage from his own attack. Slevrani, on the other hand, no longer seems to be in pain.

[Pan’s profile.

Pan Swift
Species: Rat
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Class: Rogue
Occupation: Police officer
Age: 14
Appearance: 3 inches long. Bluish silver fur.
Inventory: Nothing
Abilities: Able to switch between quadropedal and bipedal. He is also surprisingly sturdy.

Cheese Foxlee

[I'm late! I'm late fore a very important date! No time to say hello, good bye! I'm lat!e I'm late! I'm late!]

Winger ducked down by Rei to see if she was alright, and seeing that she was injured by what seemed to be her own attack he decided that a direct assalt would not be the best course of action.  " Damn! and just as I was starting to relax a bit too.

As winger got to his feet, he withdrew three knives and fired then at the dark witch, not trying to hit her directly, but rather trying to pin her down.  "Come on, your not so tough!" Winger hinger shouted as he continued to fire knife after knife at Slevrani, hoping that one of the other magical creatures might take the opportunity to land a crippling blow.

"How dare you Attack this place! I'll have your head!"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha relaxed just slightly as she watched Gareeku and a few others try to talk to the dark entity that had just burst in, hopefully without instigating any fighting.  She stayed back and simply observed, noting what kinds of things would affect the creature and what wouldn't.

But when it didn't look like she was about to give up, Aisha's eyes narrowed and her boomerang raised over her head.  "Now can I hurt it?" the pantheress asked incredulously, walking down to help join and protect those in the bar without weapons or skills, casting a quick glance to Rei as she cowered behind the bar.  "Try to keep low, kid, things will get a little...crazy in here."

She had to smirk as Winger came up with his own declaration.  Like old times...

"If you want a fight, how about taking it outside?" Aisha growled as she stepped forth.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote from: Joat on December 21, 2006, 12:21:55 AM
[I suppose I can post twice in the same day once in a while.]

Sylva begins to chant a spell.

“He he he! Gimme your best shot, all of you! It’ll be wonderful to see your pain,” Slevrani thinks. She then turns pitch black; her clothing, skin color, everything. She looks like more of a shadow, really.

A rat jumps out of Sylva’s purse. He is about three inches long and has bluish silver fur. He says to Slevrani, “Stop in the name of the law! I am Officer Pan Swift of the Adther Police Department and… aw, screw it. I’m just wasting time talking to you. You obviously aren’t gonna surrender.”

“You got it in one, ‘Officer Pan’.” Slevrani uses the term mockingly. “Say, weren’t you and Leon the leaders of the mission to destroy Sylva?”

That stung Pan… a lot. “I know that. I just… never stopped to consider that there might be something else behind her sudden change. I made a mistake. But then, so have you! You, Slevrani, have made the mistake of getting me angry!”

Sylva’s finishes chanting the spell (Cure Heavy Wounds). Rei is healed; not fully, but very much. Slevrani suddenly seems to be in great pain.

Taking advantage of her moment of pain, Pan jumps into the air. “BULLET!” Suddenly, in midair, Pan flies toward Slevrani at tremendous speed as a living projectile. He hits Slevrani in the stomach. Slevrani smiles, unharmed, as Pan drops to the ground in great pain. It seems that he recieved the damage from his own attack. Slevrani, on the other hand, no longer seems to be in pain.

[Pan’s profile.

Pan Swift
Species: Rat
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Class: Rogue
Occupation: Police officer
Age: 14
Appearance: 3 inches long. Bluish silver fur.
Inventory: Nothing
Abilities: Able to switch between quadropedal and bipedal. He is also surprisingly sturdy.

[Unless IC Aisha is a mind reader, you may wish to change that last post.]