Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Aisha deCabre

As she heard his reply, Aisha kept the smile on her face, watching the wolf as he smiled back.  So caught up in his company for that moment, she didn't even notice him coming closer until the last second...by then, she was taken by surprise by his kiss, the blush spreading on her face as she stood as if transfixed...but rather than saying anything, allowing it.

While Gareeku hesitated to pull away, she was hesitant to let him go.  Unconsciously, her hand came up to brush his cheek as she turned her head to look into his eyes again, her lips brushing against his...

Suddenly, she seemed to snap out of it and pulled back slowly.  "Um...well...I gotta...you know...the thing with the...bed...and...sleep, that's it..." she stammered before regaining her composure, still having not removed her hand from his cheek.

She let it slide away and turned towards her room.  "Have a good night, Gar," Aisha whispered, giving him another gentle smile, watching him before slowly closing the door.  Aisha leaned her back on it, slightly bewildered as she held the side of her face where the wolf kissed her.  I never thought...this would happen...  Sighing and closing her eyes with a light grin, Aisha stepped towards the bed and placed her accessories next to it, before collapsing on it and falling asleep...only after a few unsuccessful attempts at doing so.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


As Aisha gazed into his eyes he gazed into her, mesmerized by the crimson orbs that accompanied the rest of her soft face as he hand gently rose up to cover hers on his cheek, brushing his lips with hers...

As Aisha snapped out of it and spoke, so did the wolf, smiling slightly as he came back to his senses.
"Yeah...I know...um...better go and get..." the wolf stammered, smiling shyly and blushing as he pointed a thumb in the direction of another room, her hand still on his cheek as he was unable to turn his gaze away from her.

As Aisha slid her hand away from his cheek and slowly retreated into her room, Gareeku smiled softly once more at her.
"Goodnight Aisha..." he replied in a soft whisper as she closed the door. Blinking and look around, the wolf turned to the room opposite. Gently grabbing the doorhandle and turning it, Gareeku stared into space for a moment, a soft smile appearing on his face before snapping back to reality and opening the door.

Walking inside the small and cosy room, Gareeku closed the door, only for the clicking sound the door made once shut to snap him back to reality properly.
Why did I...how...? he thought to himself with slight wonder as he removed his clothes and sword, setting them down on the bedside table before getting into bed.

Laying his head on the pillow and pulling the duvet over him, the wolf sighed somewhat happily, his eyes closing as he tried to get to sleep. For a while he wouldn't be successful, however, as images of Aisha's smiling face flashed through his mind for a while. Finally drifting off into sleep, a soft smile made itself apparent on the wolf's face as he fell into slumber.


Cog watched Clarissa exit the tavern, and smiled glumly as the door closed. I shot him dead because, Because he was my foe, Just so: my foe of course he was; That's clear enough; although... Cog stood and brushed off his jacket. He had nothing more to do here, and everyone seemed to be getting ready to bed down. Or asleep already.
Cog put a few coins down on the table and informed the bartender that he would be bedding down for the evening. He was informed of the location of his room, and Cog nodded to the man. If you're planning on doing anything more here tonight, you should do it soon. Your 'host' is retiring. Cog thought. He walked up the stairs and to him room, hanging his hat on the rack and removing his glasses, and collapsing on the bed. He didn't bother to undress. Morning would be coming soon anyway.

topher chee

    Seeing as everyone was leaving the bar, Topher decided to pass out by the bar top.  He gulped down the last bit of his milk and slammed his head face-first onto the bar and began snoring loudly.


The next morning, the soft light of the sun's rays seeped through the window of Gareeku's room, revealing the sleeping wolf as he laid peacefully on the bed. Feeling the sun's warm rays touch his face, the wolf slowly but surely came to, opening his eyes slowly as he yawned slightly. Laying there for a minute or so, the wolf then sat up in bed as he stretched, rubbing his eyes before getting up and looking out the window to the street below.
"Another day, another journey..." he muttered to himself with a soft smile.

Slipping on his blue trousers (pants), the wolf remembered seeing a shower room down the hallway from the rooms and so, grabbing a towel that was put in the room for guests and putting over his bare shoulders, made his way to the room's front door and opened it.


"You know, if you want to be rid of me, then all you have to do is help me nestle into the group. That wouldn't be too much of a bother, I believe," the shadow spoke as Cogidubnus ascended the stairs. It actually seemed to walk beside him now, oddly enough, his own shadow much darker and thicker than it should have been as it cast on the wall. It had the wrong shape as well, and as it walked it seemed to shrug and turn its head, something he did not.
   "In either case I'm not going to disturb your sleep by staying, since I'm sure you wouldn't like that. I'll be back in the morning." There was a shifting as Cog settled into the chair, and then the darkness seemed to detatch from him somehow, sliding out underneath the door.

Aisha deCabre

The next morning, Aisha had awoken peacefully, quite a while before Gareeku had...perhaps earlier than anyone else had, for that matter.  The sun's light was warm, and it slowly rose higher into the sky and looked down upon the inn with what seemed to be an attitude of hope.  The panther had hoped it was, too, upon getting up and staring out of the window at the forest beyond, where not a day or two ago there had been a trail of smoke.  I love waking up before a journey.  Too exciting to sleep in.

She left her things in the room upon looking out of her door into the quiet hallway, deciding to leave her still blood-drenched cape to be cleaned.  Aisha then cast her gaze thoughtfully to the empty space before her.  I guess while I'm early I should go down and order breakfast.  Maybe pay Gareeku back for that drink as promised, she smiled, and then looked around the corridor and to the guest showers.  But first, to get cleaned up.  Reeking of dirt and blood isn't exactly a good way to start, chica.  Grabbing a towel from the room, she made her way across to it, pausing to listen if anyone else was in there before finding it empty.

With her clothes nearby on the shelf, she hadn't spent more than a few minutes in there however, before she thought that her hearing had caught someone coming.  It was hard to tell through the sound of rushing water...Aisha just shrugged it off until she heard the door open.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Deciding that his clothes needed a clean, Gareeku removed them and set them on his bed, hoping that they would be cleaned. Opening his room door, Gareeku looked ahead and noticed the closed door of Aisha's room.
I should talk to her about last night...although what I'm going to say is another matter entirely... he thought to himself with a thoughtful expression on his face, before closing his room door and heading down the hallway, the towel wrapped around his waist. I'd better have a shower first, though...

Entering the bathroom, Gareeku removed his towel and set it on the rack by the side, too much in thought to notice that there was was another towel there. Looking back up as he stepped into the shower, the wolf was about to get quite the surprise...


Silently, someone snuck up the stairs and through the corridor, over to Cogidubnus' room. Very, very wary of the werewolf's heightened senses, they slowly opened and walked in through the door and placed a bag on the floor. They took out some things, all the while eyeing him through the corner of their eyes. Then, they tripped out, and headed to the other end of the hallway, very relieved that the man had not appeared to have noticed.
   This is just another foolish concession, twit! You'll be lucky to pull this off... they thought, as they muttered, and covered themselves. Well, at least I have someone in the light now...
   Gently, they reached with a somewhat dirt-stained hand toward the handle to open the door to the shower room...

Aisha deCabre

With one ear turned towards the door as she thought it opened, Aisha reached over with one hand to turn off the water, about to reach out for her towel with the other, when a shadow appeared on the other side of the curtains and parted them before she could say or do anything.

The sight before her made her freeze, wide-eyed, for a moment or two before she jumped back and grabbed the towel, throwing it hastily over herself.  "Gareeku!?" she exclaimed in a high-pitched sort of tone that her voice never really had, her claws outstretched and digging into the surface of the wall.  "What're you...?"

Looking at him, the dark fur on her face was darkened more by the blush that spread across it, even strong enough to make the inside of her ears turn red.  Realizing that she was staring, Aisha turned her head away.  He probably just didn't know I was in here...he wouldn't...she thought, her jaw clenched nervously as she just closed her eyes and started to go past him, the towel wrapped tightly around herself and reaching for the door.  Two awkward moments in one adventure...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


It wasn't until he had pulled the shower curtains back that he had seen the shower was occupied. Staring wide-eyed for a moment, the wolf gulped audibly.
"A...Aisha?!" he stammered, before taking a step back and, due to the slippery surface of the wet bathroom floor, slipped over and landed on his back. Quickly clambering back up onto his feet, Gareeku immediately covered himself with his towel. "A...Aisha!! I didn't mean...!"

Despite his stammering attempt at an explanation, however, Gareeku could only look on as Aisha briskly walked past him and out of the bathroom, sighing as he mentally kicked himself.
Way to go Gareeku, you frickin' idiot... he thought to himself with self anger.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger looked around a bit. He was confused by the vision he had just seen.

"Umm.... Yes, this is home."  winger said clearing his throat and taking in a deep breath. "You have a remarkable gift." He said marveling at the fact that for once he had gotten home early from one of his trips to the main land.

The walked into the center of the village. where there were there were avians of many different colors and sized going about there business.  Winger knew everyone of them by name, but he did have time to stop and chat.  As he lead Rei down the the rode, he was glad to see that nothing had changed since he left.

They came to a building that was just about the size of the inn, and winger knocked on the door. This will only take a few minutes. I swear."  Winger said to Rei When a young female bird with feathers that were a light shade of pink answered the door.

"Brother, Your early!" she exclamimed.  "Emily! come quick your father has returned" she called behind the door. , but before she had stopped shouting a second, Young female zoomed into the door and leapped into  Wingers arms holding him tight.

"DADDY!" She shrieked.  They hugged, and winger realized just how much he had missed home.

Winger tunned to Rei and made the formal introductions. "Rei, this his my daughter Emily, and my Sister-in-law, Morgan."

Morgan, nodded her head, and invited everyone in for tea, She whispered to Winger that he smelled like a hog as he passed though the doorway.


The door flew up, striking their hand, and then someone stormed out. The unknown figure yelped and toppled back, falling on their rear end with a hard smack into the floor.
   Then, they looked up, and saw the panthress.

   When she ran out of the bathroom, Aisha immediately bumped into someone. She caught a glimpse of white fur before that someone practically hopped and fell back, and then hit the floor.
   "Oooww..." the person whined a bit, and steadied itself with a palm to the floor. "What's going on...?!"

Aisha deCabre

Her eyes still closed, Aisha had heard Gareeku's stammering...but, it was too much an unstable situation to just stay.  But she didn't go far after opening the door before it seemed to hit a barrier.  She heard someone yelp, with the sound of a body hitting hardwood, before opening her eyes and looking down at another figure...in her rushed state she couldn't stay to tell who it was.

Psh, don't they have 'occupied' signs for guests to put on the doors...? She thought somewhat grumpily, starting to walk off while saying idly, "I'm really sorry, excuse me...there's someone else in there," she warned as a second thought before hurrying down the hall, entering her room and closing the door.

She put a hand to her forehead, her face still warm.  I hope Gareeku doesn't think I'm mad at him.  Mrf... she opened her eyes with a sigh and threw the towel aside, pulling her clothes and belt back on before looking over to the door, her still-slightly-red ears pinned against her skull.  ...Maybe I'll just go and order that breakfast and those drinks as I was intending...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The figure turned around at the storming, wet panthress, looking after her with big eyes.
   What the devil was that all about...? they thought as they rose to their feet, and turned again.
   They opened the door to the shower room, and stepped in, shaking their head and muttering.


Sighing sadly, Gareeku turned back to the railing.
"Great...I bet she'd mad at me now...damn it Gareeku! Why couldn't you pay attentio-" he began, before turning around at the sound of the door being opened again.
"Can I help you?" he asked the stranger visible in the doorway.


Sunlight fell across Cog's face, and the persistent falling of the rays on his eyelids caused him to awake. He still had a slight drowse about him, and his clothes were wrinkled, but he stretched and woke up quickly. He reached for his sword leaning against the bed when he stopped and looked around. Someone had been in here and gone, leaving little but a scent in the air. Or, that and a bag, he thought, and he slid the sword back in his belt and approached it, somewhat tenuously. Is this your work, sha- He thought, before remembering that Sebastian had left him last night. He shrugged and stared at the bag, wondering if he should open it. It could be rigged to explode. He thought, continuing to keep his distance. Not willing to just leave it there, however, he grabbed the leather strap on it and slung it over his shoulder. Perhaps the shade will know what is in it. He thought, before grabbing his hat and glasses and leaving his room, dodging Gareeku and...somebody in the hall, and moving back to the Tavern. He felt refreshed and ready to go. Perhaps today they would make some progress.


"Hjalp!" the figure exclaimed, and backed up. It looked back at the wolf with big eyes of some indefinite color, somwhere in between green, gray and blue, much more surprised than afraid. It was obviously feline, with near-white blond fur with black ringlet markings. It covered itself with a somewhat large red towel, and it... was hard to describe really. A bit shorter than himself, with that tall-cheekboned face, covered slightly by shoulderlength white-blond hair, that muzzle and that somewhat muscular yet indefinite body, he really couldn't tell what it was. It just seemed impossible to apply a gender to the cat.
   "I... I'm sorry!" it exclaimed in a voice that revealed just as little as its appearance, and then darted out into the hallway, tail almost getting stuck in the door behind it.
   It smacked right into the back of Cogidubnus.


Cog was waiting for the shadow to make contact with him again, when something slammed into his back. Already in a heightened state of alertness, instinct and training kicked in. He instantly grabbed for his sword, and spinning alternatively on the balls and heels of his feet, turned and nearly struck at the stranger behind him. His sword quivered mere centimeters from a very terrified, very nonthreatening  face. Cog blanched and resheathed the sword quickly, and bowed to the obviously frightened person.
   "My deepest apologies..." Cog said, suddenly realizing he couldn't tell it's gender. "...my friend," He offered a handshake, "You startled me, and I have been on edge for some time. Cogidubnus Mithlome." He shifted the strap on his shoulder, and readjusted the weight of the bag he carried.


Watching the stranger's nervous mannerisms, Gareeku smiled.
"Hey, it's ok! There's no need to be-" he began, but before he could say anything more, the stranger had disappeared again.
Hmm. Odd. he thought to himself, but sighing once more as he put his towel on the rack and got into the shower.

Around 15 minutes later, the wolf emerged from the bathroom, his wet fur sticking to his athletically built body and the towel wrapped around him as he walked back down the hallway to his room. Stopping at his door, Gareeku glanced at the door opposite with a glum expression.
I hope she's ok... Gareeku thought to himself as he walked back into his room.

Drying himself off properly and slipping on his outfit, Gareeku then left his room again as he fastened his katana back onto the side of his waist.
I should apologise to her... the wolf thought to himself as he glanced at the door opposite again, before heading downstairs to get some breakfast. ...I'd better leave her alone for now though...


The stranger seemed a bit taken aback, because he, or she, eyed Cog over and seemed to hesitate for a moment, just standing there. Then, the cat's eyes fixed on the bag, and its look, if still somewhat off, became firm and a bit sour.
   "What are you doing with my bag...?" it said, and stepped back some, its eyes glimmering slightly as it lowered its face some and looked at him threateningly. It pulled the towel tighter around it, and flicked its tail irritatedly.


Cog quirked an eyebrow at the...person and wondered what it was talking about. He followed it's gaze to the brown bag he was carrying.
"This is yours? I found it in my room this morning..." He said, and somewhat understanding, quickly leaned close to the cat and took a deep smell. The scent was the same as the one on the bag. "You were the one in my room earlier." He said, understanding. He lifted the bag off his shoulder and offered it to the stranger, grinning. "Few can say that they've not only snuck up on me once, but twice. You are to be congratulated." He held the bag out for a moment, and his grin disappeared as darker thought occurred to him. He asked a question as he held the bag out. "Tell me, did Manoko seem alright?" He said.


The figure opened its mouth, and then closed it. Its face shifted into a grin, and it chuckled a bit.
   "Hehe... I guess. As clueless as ever. Not like some..." it murred, and then its hand flew out with clearly unnatural speed, snatching the bag away in the blink of an eye and turning to the side. "Well, I told myself that it would be a bit pointless. But you're not going to snitch me on this one, puppy. I won't let you," it said with a bit of pretended arrogance, leaning its head back and smiling a bit while regarding Cogidubnus from under half-closed eyelids.
   "Don't know whether you have some charm or something to tell in either case. But let me make one thing clear," it continued, its demeanour suddenly turning very serious just then. "If you ever pull a sword on me like that again, there will be a proportionate warning." It glared at him a bit, slowly stepping back to walk into the room he had come out of.


Gotcha, Cog thought as the feline walked away. He had suspected that the Shade had placed the bag in his room, and the feline's subsequent speech to him had all but spelled it out...but something else had clenched it. He tapped it on the shoulder before he walked to far and whispered in his ear. "How did you know Gareeku's last name... good sir?" he said, before turning and walking back to the main floor. He called out behind him. "I shall endeavor to keep my blade from your throat in the future. As we have discussed, however, that is largely up to you..." he said, descending the stairs.


Something... changed. There was a sound, like water moving through sand, and then... Cogidubnus saw blackness almost pool up beneath him, binding into his shadow, and then flowing up at his legs, snapping around and trapping his feet.
   "I have done nothing right now to warrant that response. I knew what your suspicion was, and I placed a bit of trust in you..." the voice behind him said, hissing a bit as it closed. "So even though this may be meaningless, I will still not have that insult!" It seethed with anger as it darkened. And even though it moved, there were no steps coming from behind the wolf.


Walking up to the bar, Gareeku was about to order his breakfast, along with a drink, when he heard somebody descending the stairs. Looking up to the side, the wolf smiled at Cogidubnus and nodded his head in greeting.

It was then, however, that he heard another voice. It was very faint, but he could definitely hear it.
"Is everything ok?" the wolf asked as he walked over to the bottom of the stairs, a look of concern on his face as he spoke. Looking down at Cogi's feet, Gareeku could see some form of darkness wrapping around Cogi's feet. ...Stygian...

"Whatever is going on, I suggest you stop it. This is no place to be making enemies. A humble inn such as this does not need aggressiveness." Gareeku stated flatly, a look of upmost seriousness on the wolf's face as he spoke.

topher chee

As the sun peeked through the blinds of the bar, Topher awaked to a drenched face in drool.  Bleh, I always do that, he thought.  The young elemental wiped the left side of his face and swung his hand at the floor, hoping to throw most of the drool off.  With a quick wipe of his bracer and a smile at the waitress, Topher stood up at once and slightly stretched.  Maybe there's something out there for me to do today, he hoped.  Soon he'd have to find some form of a job to bring in some more money.


Shit, Cog thought, looking at Gareeku. "Well, now you've done it." he said to the shadows beneath him. "All that sneaking around. For what now?" He said, and took a deep breath.
   Perhaps he had been a bit sharp with the shade, although certainly not enough to warrant attacking him. "Calm yourself, sir. I apologize if my words were sharp, but I have not, nor have had, any intention of harming you. You would remember you drugged me, and I have done nothing about it?" Cog said, reasoning with the shade. "You are attacking me because of my tone?" he said, staring at the shadow at his feet. "If so, then truly the others would be justified in attacking you." He tried to bow the the shadows, but found that doing so would be rather difficult, as the shadows had his legs. He settled for merely talking. "I do apologize if I have said something uncouth. I usually pride myself on my tact. But good sir, truly, I meant no offense to you."
   Cog waited for the shadows response. He was glad for Gareeku's presence, but it was little comfort to him that his companions would revenge him in the case of his death.


Rei closely followed Winger to winger's home. Since she was on edge because of all of the avians here the shriek of Emil and the zooming toward them, Had made her blink to the nearest tree. After they hugged, she came back down. "Sorry about that never was good at meeting new people... and places." She was still trembling a little as Winger introduce them to her. "It is very nice to meet you both." After the introductions, she followed them into their home quietly.


The shadows didn't recede at first. Rather, Cog could see and feel slightly barbed tendrils reaching up, and there was something dangerously sharp and most unshadowlikely hard at his neck, pressing at a point that he as a swordsmaster knew all too well.
   "Perfectly right. I can't sneak out. But I can still get away easily," the beast behind him said, "make not the mistake to doubt that!" It snarled a bit. "I have also been known to do the worst things for honor's sake. And when I perceive a threat, I don't hesitate, unlike some others..." Its tone was as sharp as the blade at his neck. "I am not your hostage, remember that!" it said, with a final tone. If it was going to strike, then that was it.
   But, with an almost metallic swishing, the shadows pulled back, quick as the eye. Cog barely had time to turn before the door closed softly behind him, and there was no one in view there anymore.