Ryudo Lee's Legacy

Started by Cheese Foxlee, December 10, 2006, 10:35:55 PM

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Cheese Foxlee

Winger stepped aside for a moment. He knew that things would start to move much faster now that Ryudo had appeared, and he still had a couple loose ends he had to tie up before committing himself to a long term journey. he found Rei,standing alone.

"There you are." He whispered.  "I was beginning to think you'd disappeared again." Winger held his bag of gold in his hand and gripped it tight. "Tell me something...  Just how far can you move yourself when vanish?  If I can give you the location of my home can you take me there?"

Ryudo Lee

Ryudo let out an audible sigh as he sat down at a nearby table.  Another angel has fallen.  That's just perfect.
"Another angel.  That just makes my day.  Alright then, during our previous encounter, I was able to get some information out of Yuki.  I don't know how helpful it will be." He says as he starts to reminisce.

Everyone was taking a rest, except for Ryudo.  He had decided to walk around for a bit.  A walk in the night air would do him some good.  At least it would have, had a familiar, but sinister voice had not sounded off behind him.
"Tell Me something Ryudo, what good do you think you're doing?" The voice asked.
Ryudo didn't have to turn around to know that Yuki had made an appearance.
"Since the fact that we're dealing with the angel's parts has garnered Your attention, I would suspect that we're doing a lot of good." Ryudo said as he turned around to face Her. "And whatever is done that irritates You must be a good thing to do."
"You're a fool.  Don't you realize what you're getting yourself into?" She asked.
Ryudo shrugged.
"Whatever it is, it must be pissing You off, so it's gotta be worth it." He replied.
"You're just going to try and destroy it anyway.  I know how you are.  It's caused some damage and so you immediately think that it's My doing." She said.
"Isn't it?"  He asked.
"Why would I send an angel to do a job that a pit fiend would be better suited to?  No, this angel is something different, something that can be very worthwhile to you."  She retorted.
"Hah, and why should I believe You?"  He asked with a sharp laugh.
"Oh come on, you know Me Ryudo, would I ever steer you wrong?"  She asked, trying to sound innocent.
"You're the Queen Of All Lies."  He pointed out.
"Details."  She said, shrugging it off. "But even so, it's My job to point you in the right direction."
"It's Your job to point us in the right direction that benefits You." He shot back.
"Again, details." She said. "Look, don't destroy it.  That won't benefit anyone, not you, not Me, not God..."
"And why should I believe You?" He asked.
"Because, it would be a lot more fun if you were to, say, control it's core.  It could be a very valuable tool.  Think of it, unlimited power.  You could stop time, you could bring the dead back to life, you could even locate your precious Masurei." She said.
"You're trying to tempt me." He said, with an undertone of anger.
"It's My job." She replied.
"What happens if I do destroy it then?" He asked.
"The world comes to an end." She replied nonchalantly.
"Why should I believe You?" He asked.
"What makes you think you shouldn't?" She replied. "Don't destroy it Ryudo.  There are better ways to handle this situation.  There are powers greater than Me involved in this, and you don't want to destroy it.  That will be bad for all of us, and I'll stake My position on that.  Take control of it, use it to your own ends, that's your best bet." She said.
Ryudo was going to reply, but Yuki disappeared in a puff of red smoke.


Ryudo sat up and then leaned on the table.
"I don't know if She was lying or not about the world coming to an end if we destroy the angel, but I don't want to take the chance.  She seemed really intent on us taking control of the angel itself and using it as a tool." Ryudo said.  "Considering all of that, I wonder if there's a third choice?  Something She didn't want me to know about?"
Ryudo looked around for any insight the others might have.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Rei looks to Winger who just adressed her. "Um, I can go as far as i want but usually it is only a few feet away. The only way i could get you home if you showed me a map of were we are now and where your home is."


"The world to an end? Now, as interesting a prospect as that sounds to have ready and at one's willing..." The shadow sounded almost musing to Cogidubnus as it spoke. "Dangerous. But you would be surprised at your options, Ryudo..." the monster continued, and then made a chuckle that very nearly turned into a grim cackle. Then, it seemed to turn against the werewolf again, though he did not know how.
   "Another opponent added to the play then. Friends are sometimes boring, but enemies - never..."
   Cogidubnus could almost feel it, how the dark creature began plotting. It was... unnerving, to say the least.

topher chee

   Topher looks behind him at the large clock on the bar wall.  7:45 P.M.  He hasn't fed blue in over 3 days.  "Hey guys, I need to go take care of some stuff and I'll be back."
    Topher's words blurred as he sped to the doorstep, the tapped into a rather bright flame and whistled through the air.  He was approaching the first trees when he heard a snap to his left.  He looked and found that hs arch enemies were staring at him dead in the eye.
    "Mows..."Topher said under his breath.  He whisped a ball of fire in his right palm and threw it at the branch above the Mows.  Score!  The branches were enough to hold the Mows in place while he fed Blue.
    With a loud whistle the Heeler was in sight in a flash.  Lapping his tongue madly at Topher's face, the dog-like creature seemed to be glad to see his friend again.  Obvious signs of hunger roared in Blue's stomach as Topher reached for his pouch.  "Sorry bud, I had a mishap over at the bar.  Not that you would care." Topher chuckled.  He tossed a few treats to Blue and promised he'd be back by nightfall.  With a light pat on the head, Topher left the Heeler to his food and headed toward the Bar.  On the way he realized he left the mows trapped.  Hurriedly Topher flung the branch from the Mows and dashed toward the town, leaving nothing but faint flames in the air.

Ryudo Lee

Ryudo had taken notice of the time too.  And it had become apparant that neither he nor Koji had had the opportunity to bathe in quite some time.  There was also the slight nagging feeling that a check of the house was in order.  There shouldn't be any worry though.  The house was magically protected against burglary, and even then, all of the family valuables were stored in the vault.  Ryudo stood up from the table.
"Look guys, I'm going to take Koji home.  We've been away from home for quite some time and, well, it's time we get a change of clothes." Ryudo said as he picked at his shirt.
Koji spun around and held out his hands to be picked up.  Ryudo walked over and hefted Koji up onto his shoulder.
"We'll be back tomorrow morning.  We can talk more on this whole angel business then." Ryudo said, and then headed out the front door.
As they got away from the inn and headed into the forest where Lee Manor stood, Ryudo's mind whirled with all of the possible outcomes of this.  Could destroying the angel spell doom for the world?  And why is it so important to Yuki that someone control the angel?  There must be something else that can be done that won't destroy the world and at the same time, screw with Yuki's plan... whatever it is.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Cog sat back down and adjusted his shades. Ryudo Lee and his son. Makes sense, I suppose. I had thought they were away on a journey somewhere... Cog thought, growing somewhat accustomed to speaking to his shadow. This worried him somewhat, but things had not exactly been normal around here for some time. Hearing the shade's words concerning the Angel's core, he frowned and leaned back. Much as I may 'trust' you sir, I would wonder what plans you might have for such an artifact...a sword is only as good or evil as it's wielder, as they say... Cog said, trying to avoid looking behind him. Somehow, you don't strike me as the kind that would destroy the world. Such weapons are best used as threats, the cannon never fired...of course, that's not to say I don't think you'd abuse the power. Just in ways that would leave you a planet to rule. Cog stood again and walked over to the bar. He was nervous as hell with a vicious shadow inhabiting his own shadow, and needed something to take the edge off.
"Whiskey, if you would." He said, nodding to the bartender and placing a silver coin on the counter.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger looked around the room quickly.  The only map he had seen on his whole trip was with the studious girl he had met earlier. He wondered if she might be able to help. He scanned the crowd and when he spotted Mel he walked over to her and motioned for Rei to follow.

"Pardon me"  He said trying to sound as polite and high brow as possible. "But, I was wondering if you might be able to help me." Laughed to himself and continued in his normal tone.  My Friend and I need to borrow that fancy map of yours.  Do you mind, young lady?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel took the last sip of her tea and smiled at Winger and Rei. "The map? Not a problem at all sir." She pulled the square of picture jasper from her sleeve and activated the illusion. As soon as she had done so she began packing all her books and papers into a large backpack. When she was done she carefully slid the large telescope into a second case and hoisted both onto her back.

"Why don't you keep that toy. I have another one and I think you and your party are going to be needing a map." Without waiting for a reply the squirrel turned and left the inn.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Ryudo Lee

Ryudo and Koji made it home without incident and got themselves cleaned up and into fresh clothes.  Ryudo went ahead and put the new weapons they had gotten into the family vault.  Perhaps they would come in handy later.  For now, he retrieved Koji's sword so that the boy would have something to defend himself with, just in case.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Aisha deCabre

Aisha bade farewell to Ryudo and Koji as they left, though her mind was still filled with thoughts and possibilities from the previous conversation.  Oh yeah, Yuki...I remember her too.  She might be the first one to think about as behind this.  But who knows.  The pantheress yawned, remembering just how tired she was too.  Tomorrow would be a better day for dealing with such things, it was decided.

With that, Aisha looked over the group, making note of who was here and who wasn't.  Sebastian wasn't, and he was still something of a mystery...and she figured Gareeku was around somewhere.  Her gaze was cast curiously to Cogidubnus, who during this time seemed a bit preoccupied.  And then her attention was to Winger for a moment as he asked Mel about the map.  Wise idea.  We might just need one.  Although I wonder if we really need to follow the path that we took before.

...Maybe it's just time to go to sleep... Aisha figured to herself and started towards the stairs, rubbing one of her eyes with the heel of her hand.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


“I think I should go now. I’ll be back later. Don’t know when, but hopefully soon. TELEPORT!” Leon says. He disappears in a puff of smoke.

“That was a short visit,” Sylva says.

“He’s a busy guy. But then, we kinda have the angel thing to figure out,” Pan responds.


Having seen that Cogidubnus appeared to be alright, Gareeku headed back downstairs, ordering himself another ale before Ryudo and his son walked in.
So this is the famous Ryudo...his son, too... the wolf thought to himself as he looked at the two of them ,giving them a nod of his head in greeting.

Turning back and drinking some of the ale he had ordered, Gareeku turned back to the others, only to find Ryudo and his son had left, as had the squirrel. Slightly disappointed he had not had a chance to say farewell, the wolf turned back to his ale and finished it. Noticing the time, the wolf realised he has not had any sleep the previous night, and upon this realisation a wave of tiredness came over him.

Glancing to the side, Gareeku saw Aisha head towards the stairs, obviously tired as well. Thinking back to what Sebastian had same to him upstairs earlier, the wolf could not help but blush to himself as thought of the girlfriend remark. Glancing at Aisha again, the wolf seemed to hesitate, before deciding to follow, saying goodnight to the others beforehand.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger looked over them map and showed it to Rei, pointing an island in the shape of a star fish with an extra arm. It was large enough to be shown on the map, but not large enough to have any specific data on it.  " there it is." He said with a note of pride in his voice.  "It would take at least a month to get there on a boat, and that's if the wind was always at our backs."


Rei looks at the map and starts to study it carefully then she looks up at the celling in thought. She takes another look at the map after a few moments then looks to Winger. "Alright I think we can get you there. I just have to warn you now that because of the fallen angel we might have a few problems."

Aisha deCabre

As the others still talked downstairs, Aisha kept an ear to their conversation as she headed up towards the rooms.  Already plotting our travels...nice to see that they are still good at being prepared, she smirked.  I wonder just how far off it will take us this time.

There was a wide yawn emitted from between her jaws, her eyes wandering the doors to find the room that was chosen.  She could hear Gareeku following her up the stairs, and a smile came to her face.  I know HE will enjoy this adventure too.  Glad I could have brought him along.  The conversation with Sebastian had suddenly crossed her mind, as well as the "girlfriend" remark, which made her face grow slightly warm again.  The memory also burned in her head of how he acted around her in his feral form...protective, rather than dangerous.  It was so strange...how was it that she could have gotten him out of it alone?

Finally, she chose a door and pushed it open, turning around to the wolf with a smile.  "Well, Gareeku, I hope you don't find this place too crazy already.  Knowing my friends, the quest is only going to get crazier," she smirked, rolling her eyes.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The shadow scoffed at Cogidubnus' words.
   "I am not out to rule anything or anyone but myself. People can be used, but they can never truly be ruled unless you do a certain one thing to them. A thing that I have given up on long since. Nor do I want to change the world. I am merely out to set one thing correct. And for that, I need that core."
   The shadow then seemed to settle, in a way, relaxing, if a shadow could actually do that. People were calming down, and they were preparing to make the next leg on this trip. That was a good thing.
   Clarissa came out of the bathroom, and stood off to one side of the group. Then, after seemingly having decided that this was nothing that she was part of, she flicked her ears and looked up. She turned, and went to the bar, sitting down on a stool beside Cogidubnus.
   "I'll have thesame," she said, and settled. She started humming as she drank a bit, slowly sipping the amber licquour. And then, she turned her eyes against Cog a bit.
   "You know, if you're so uncomfortable, why don't you just leave? I wouldn't hold it against you. I mean, what do you have to gather here anyway?" she asked, speaking in a quite low conversational tone.


Cog eyes widened beneath his glasses, and he swigged half of his glass down to calm himself. He looked at her and narrowed one eye beneath his shades. Surely she doesn't... Cog shuddered for a moment, took a deep breath, and calming himself, grinned genially at her and tipped his hat.
"Good lady, whatever gives you the impression that I am uncomfortable? I haven't had this much excitement in some time, certainly, but nothing a good night's sleep won't fix." He said, taking another sip of his drink. "I'm as calm as calm can be." He said, trying to concentrate on the flavor of the whiskey in his mouth. "As far as what I have to gather, well...there are many different paths, and many walk them. Let us say I'm trying to cross paths with one of them. Besides. I may not have anything to gain here, but neither do I have anything to gain elsewhere." He said, making a large, sweeping gesture. "The road is long, but there is time yet to walk it." He said, turning towards the door and leaning against the bar. "I enjoy the company here, and that's good enough for me." He looked at Clarissa. "I was under the impression you wanted to get back to your house, however. Do you plan on staying here?" He said, placing his empty glass behind him.


The wolfess smiled gently at Cogidubnus' reply and even chuckled a bit. She sipped her drink, and then looked at him over the glass with lurid eyes, then set it down on the counter very gently and precisely.
   "No, I have no plans on staying at all," she said, and for a moment there was a gleam in her eyes. "I don't think I'll even remember this when I go back home, which is fortunate. You never know what frightened people can think." She smiled at that too, her look odd in some way.
   Then, she glanced over at the bartender just a second, at the other end of the bar, and then back at Cog with a much less sinister expression. She put a hand on his shoulder.
   "Listen, I want you to know that I am in no way threatening you here. This isn't a hostage situation. I just want to find that heart. There's nothing that should get in the way here, right?"
   Her eyes fixed Cog's, their lusterous emerald taking all of him in, as if she was somehow trying to discern everything about him with that one look. He felt like he was stripped down, measured, weighed and questioned until she knew every detail she wanted to know about him. And yet, there was concern in her eyes too.


Seeing that Aisha had noticed him, Gareeku smiled at her, laughing softly as her comment.
"Oh I don't think there's any danger of that. Not from my experiences anyway. I look forward to the quest." the wolf replied with a smile.

Looking around, Gareeku then glanced back at the pantheress and chuckled sheepishly slightly.
"Well...I, um...I'd better leave you to it..." he said, the sheepishness evidence in his voice, made even more apparent as he nervously scratched the back of his head, before beginning to turn to leave.

Aisha deCabre

Having pretty much expected that response from him about the quest, Aisha laughed slightly.  "Good.  Add this adventure to the list of stories to tell," she smirked while leaning against the door.

Noticing his mannerisms, Aisha's head tilted a little bit.  As far as she had known the wolf, it wasn't much like him to look so unnerved and sheepish.  Her eyes had some concern in them, the reason for his behavior not so apparent to her as of yet.

As Gareeku started to turn away, she reached out and gently grasped his wrist.  "Hey, I didn't say 'good night' yet..." she chuckled softly and blinked up at him, with a shy smile of her own crossing her face.  "Are you okay, amigo?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Cheese Foxlee

Winger laughed and put his wing on Rei's shoulder.  "I'm not worried. Let's go."


Rei Noded and with that they were off. When they blink Winger sees a large world before him. Were they were was right in the middle of a battle raging on. What looks like dark powers fighting powers of the light. One side lead by a fallen angel and the other lend by an different angel. Just as it had come it felt the sight of winger and they were at his home. A little outside of town but not a long distance. Rei blinked her eyes. "This is where you live?" She starts to look around.


Turning to leave, Gareeku then looked down at his wrist, finding Aisha's hand wrapped gently around it. Looking back at her, into her eyes...those crimson eyes...like a warm fire...beautiful...

Snapping himself out of it, the wolf heard Aisha's question and smiled softly at her.
"I'm fine..." he replied warmly, looking upon her shy smile with a warm one of his own. "Aisha...what Stygian said earlier...I..."


Cog froze and sat quite still. After a moment passed, a low chuckle passed from his lips. He asked the bartender for another, and stared into Clarissa's emerald eyes. "And all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes...the sheen of seas, reflected light, and 'neath the surface darkling lies..."
"You're him, aren't you?" he said, somewhat sadly. As he waited for his drink, he stared at her, and his expression changed from one of sadness to one of sour anger. "No. There should be nothing that will get in your way, shadow." He turned back to the bar and quickly drank his fresh drink down. Two was usually his limit, and he could already feel the whiskey affecting him.
"When I spoke earlier, shade, I accused you of using others as cannon fodder. I wasn't speaking of Silverani." He said, staying quite still. He looked at Sebastian's green eyes. "So, yes, get your damn heart. I won't stand in the way." He contemplated standing, but realized that the shadow was still 'attached' to him. "I care far more about what you do to obtain it. Savvy?" He twisted the charm on his neck about his finger. "For example, if she dies like your last puppet, it might be hard to overlook."


Clarissa started back a bit, and actually looked surprised. She gazed at him, a sort of still wondering in her eyes now.
   "I always keep my word, once I've actually given it. She will come to no harm," she said, quite honestly. He noticed her accent had changed, turned to a familiar and melodiously toned british-german. Her eyes didn't veer from his the least. "But I'm a bit surprised at that being your greatest concern. I say..." The grip on Cog's arm clenched a bit, and she smiled. "You do care. That's to your credit. Just don't let it cloud your judgement, 'kay puppy?"
   As quickly as she had sat down, the wolfess downed her drink and got up. Then she stood, looked around a bit confusedly, and then went past the adventurers. Her speech was back to regular again when she said farewell.
   "Listen, thanks for everything. I'm gonna head off now. I think I have to lay down and think a while after this..."
   Then, she smiled and waved at them, and headed up the stairs.
   She found Gareeku and Aisha standing, looking somewhat awkward, and seemed to hesitate for a moment before she walked up to them.
   "Hey... Just wanted to say goodbye."


Before anything more could be said, Gareeku turned to see Clarissa standing next to them.
Damn it... the wolf thought to himself as the moment was interrupted. Turning to her, Gareeku smiled.
"You take care of yourself, ok?" He said as put a hand on your shoulder.


There was a glimmer in the wolfess' eyes, and she grinned up at Gareeku.
   "She won't remember a thing. Wish it could be that convenient for me..." she said, her tone changed just a bit. Then she turned her eyes to the feline, and smiled more gently.
   "Take care, okay? I'll be watching. And you two don't mind what I said earlier, if that's what's smelling. I've been... unsettled lately, so I'm a bit confused sometimes." Then, of all things, she hugged Aisha tight before she could protest, and then Gareeku in turn, even going so far as to kiss him on the cheek. She then turned quickly with a wag of her tail, waved at them, and then hurried down the stairs and out of the inn.
   On her way back home, she walked as if through a daze, and then arrived at her own place somewhat tired and heavy-headed. She went in, laid down on the sofa, and slept it all off, leaving the strange and illogical memories to her dreams.

Aisha deCabre

As Aisha watched Gareeku turn back to face her, she tried to read his expression, for he still looked a little unnerved, or at least, out of his concentration.  She looked back into his eyes, the gentle azure orbs in his handsome features, and was somewhat transfixed herself.  But at his reply to her question, she blinked and mentally shook herself back into realty, her face going warm.  "Stygian...what about...oh, that..." she began to stammer, which was quite unusual for her.  "What about it...?"

But her voice seemed to go off into incoherent silence as Clarissa suddenly appeared, surprising the pantheress somewhat.  She let go of Gareeku's arm, feeling just slightly awkward, and smiled back at the wolfess in reply to her words.  "Oh, you're leaving?  Well, you be careful, it's been quite a day..."

Aisha was slightly taken by surprise however as her tone seemed to change, and her ears flattened just slightly.  But despite what was said, Aisha returned the hug.  "Yeah...you too," she said in a neutral reply before watching her leave.  With a thoughtful hum, she turned back to Gareeku, laying a hand on his shoulder.  "...I guess we should just get some sleep..." she said, the shy smile appearing on her face again.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Noticing Clarissa's voice chance, Gareeku raised an eyebrow as he listened to what she said.
Stygian...I should have known... the wolf thought to himself, saying nothing more and waving goodbye to the wolfess.

Turning back to Aisha, Gareeku smiled at her in the same shy manner as she had to him.
"Yeah, you're right..." he replied softly. It was then that the wolf leant forward and kissed her cheek, before hesitating to pull his head somewhat for a few moments.