Hold On a Second (About Pink)

Started by Manawolf, December 01, 2006, 06:53:10 PM

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Topher Chee asked a legitimate question, though maybe you didn't understand it entirely.  I believe he was asking about Pink in the fandom in general, not just this forum.  It's true, she's been having a rough time with the fandom, though most people flocked and pleaded for her to come back.  Last I remember was her giving up her "Pink" fursona.  Now she goes by the Platypus Monster, a fursona more true to herself.  Saw her a couple of times, though she's been quiet for the past couple of months.  Current status is unknown (whether she's even still in the fandom or what).

Amber Williams


Did I miss something or is this just out of the blue stupidity?


I... assume it's about this. Though it's a bit of a delayed reaction.


I feel it's a legitimate question, and Pink did change her Fursona.  I thought you saw it yourself Amber, though it was back on the old forum.

Amber Williams

It was also a question asked previously and I am quite sure there was a response last time(hence Damaris comment about last time)  Come to think of it...I think it was Topher who asked last time.   And the answer was he should seek out Pink himself rather than ask 3rd party information since that is how rumours get started in the first place.

And no. It's not a legitimate question for this forum. This forum is not Pink's personal information center, and the only information present was she joined and decided not to post. And that is Pink's call.  Pink has an email, she has a friends-only livejournal. If people want to get in touch with her, they should go to her directly.  And if she doesn't respond, then thems the breaks. 

Amber Williams

Final notes:

I think of Pink as a friend...which is why I don't feel qualified to speak on her behalf.  However I will say this.

One of the many factors which caused Pink to retreat from public circles on the net was because groups of people would simply spread misinformation and assume things amongst themselves rather than just asking her in person.   

If Topher is seriously wanting to know what is up with Pink, he would actively try to seek her out himself. The same goes for anyone.  Pink's reasons for doing what she does are her own, and unless she actively says she wants people to talk about them, I don't feel justified in letting discussions of the nature appear on the forum.


And seriously, even if it was a valid question, it was answered.  Not once, but twice!  There was no reason to post a second thread, and there was especially no reason to post this one.

May I emphasize what was told to you earlier, Manawolf- If you have a problem with something, PM A MOD.  Stop playing the "I know more than you" forum wannabe-admin game, because it's seriously getting old.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber