Does anyone else really really enjoy the rain?

Started by God Tweeter, November 28, 2006, 07:11:23 AM

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God Tweeter

Everyone I know hates it when it rains, but its my favorite type of weather. O_o :kirby


Raine is my name  :B

There was a huge thunderstorm tonight where I am. Scary! But we usually have big thunderstorms here after such a hot day.


I love rain only, when I am inside my home, secure in the knowledge that I won't have to go out there, nursing a very large mug of hot cocoa.
Also, said rain must be accompanied by strong gusts of wind, much lightning & thunder, and plenty of hapless fools braving the elements for my entertainment.
Hailstones, rains of frogs / fish / fire , and second (or third) coming of christ are optional , but welcome, extras in said entertainment.  >:3
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Well, it's certainly welcome in the summer.  Then I don't have to spend hours watering everything and I actually have time for other things I need to do.  So at those times I like the rain.  But when I'm driving at night on a busy highway and my wipers are all smeary... I hate rain then.  I also hate rain when I'm riding my bicycle 10 miles from hoome in the middle of a the woods and it starts pouring when the temperature is only 42oF (about 5.6oC) which happened last week.  I was soaked and freezing by the time I got back.   :mowtongue

So it all depends on the circumstances.  Same thing with snow.  If I have no where to go and can make soome extra money shoveling, I love it (especially the extra money part... greed!).  If I'm at work and have to drive home in it next to all the lunatic Jersey drivers spinninig and sliding all over the road.. I hate it.  You would too if you saw how these people drive.   :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I don't mind rain if I don't have to go out- it annoys me when it gets on my glasses.  My favorite weather is overcast though.  I'm not a big fan of the sun.  Too bright.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Rain reminds me of the soccer/frisbee hybrid game I once played while in high school. It happened on a rainy day. Yay. I sound so boring.


I most certainly love it. I'm more likely to walk in the rain than hold an umbrella over my head.  It's just so comforting.  :)

Elader Arkon

There are very very few things I like better than a good shower and thunderstorm.

lucas marcone

i love rain! (and raine.....but thats a diffrent story :U).
i especially like it when i see people cramed under the shelter at school when its barely drizzeling, i walk out point and laugh :mwaha. after all its not like if you get wet you're going to melt :)

Roureem Egas

I tend to like the rain. It sounds pretty soothing when I'm laying in bed listening to it.

It gets to me a bit if I have to go outside since I tend to lose umbrellas, and half the time rain is accompanied by darn winds. Wind makes things cold. :<

Destina Faroda

I actually used to like the rain when I was younger, but now that I've gotten older, I've come to hate it for a variety of reasons.

1.  It gets your clothes wet, even if you have an umbrella and an overcoat.  At the very worst your shoes will get wet from the puddles.

2.  The rain and the humidity messes up your hair.

3.  The humidity makes it hard to breathe.

4.  Rain often comes with either snow (which is worse) or thunderstoms (which can be deadly).

5.  It puts you to sleep.  Now I like sleeping, but the forced tiredness that comes with a shower is saddening.

6.  Rain...actually stinks.  It has this odor that gets on my nerves.

Of all the forms of precipitation, rain is the most innocuous, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Sig coming...whenever...


I envy people who live in climates warm enough for rain to be pleasant. Maybe once in a year it is warm enough for the rain to be fun and enjoyable, while it just saps your soul the rest of the time.
Thunderstorms are another thing entirely, though! I adore storms, and am one day going to die horribly while running around in one. :)
/kicks the internet over


I have no problem with rain. It's rather nice but the problem is that it's almost always windy here. Rain plus wind is only nice if you can be inside under a blanket.

Quote from: Eibbor_N on November 28, 2006, 11:40:32 AM
Thunderstorms are another thing entirely, though!

The air feels sooo nice right before a good thunderstorm. :)
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I like the rain. Even if it soaks you, and even if Sweden is an awful place in the autumn, as I believe ITOS knows, it still sets a very nice mood. And personally, I'm much more for the feeling of it than the comfort. I actually kind of like discomfort and chill, if you mix it with tea and the warmth of a fire every so often.

Aisha deCabre

It seems more than enough people here say that rain is okay, and I'm one of them.  I love rainy weather...this comes from the fact that I was born and raised in a desert.  :mowtongue  Every time it was cloudy I'd go walking outside for a chance to catch a drizzle every now and again.

Where I live now, it's very humid and rains quite a bit.  Most days are cloudy, and it's nice not to be able to be blinded by the sunlight.  Not to mention that the steady, heavy raindrops are like music to me, coupled with a thunderstorm it's awesome to sit on the front porch under the covering and just watch it (we watched a lightning storm instead of fireworks last July 4th...of course the idiot neighbors had to try shooting some off...right next the rain  :erk ).

Nature's power is just admirable, especially with the many ways of the water.

And here in western astrological terms I'm supposed to be a fire element...  :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Reese Tora

I love rainy weather.

Except when it drives the ants to invade the house and when it means my car has to warm up before I can see out my windshield.

Really, I like overcast weather more than rain, because it has all the plusses (cooler days, warmer nights) without the drawbacks.

Except I live in the LA area, and the air is best after a rain knocks the dust and smog down.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Rain is the pwnz0rz.  Lightning/thunder is an added bonus. :)


I live in the Netherlands, its like raining 50%+ of the time here. I usually don't mind rain when I'm not in a hurry, I find it calming especially after a bad day. A wet trouser and wet hair doesn't bother me so much.. basically since I have very short hair XD Like Damaris I like overcast the best since my skin is often practically white...  :<


It aids in the camouflouge of tactical advancment, decreases enemy moral, and it's damn cool. What's not to like?

Alan Garou

I enjoy rainy days. Everything is calm and softly lit, and the soothing atmosphere makes me feel very creative. It also helps me think outside the box. (Whatever "the box" is :confused)I do most of my good art on rainy days, and I'm always happy when I wake up to a grey sky.


I only like rain when it isn't POURING. D: *Bleh!* Too much water! I could -drown-! ...Or at least get very, very wet. :< Dakatas don't like wet.

Quote from: Alan Garou on November 28, 2006, 10:06:49 PM(Whatever "the box" is :confused)
Isn't Llearch the box? :P


I like being inside when it rains. The sound is always interesting no matter how hard it's coming down. A nighttime thunderstorm is all the entertainment I need, and my significant other and I make a habit of sitting in a car seeing and hearing a thunderstorm when we can.

Plus I happen to live in Oklahoma where the flora are mostly deadish, so rain is almost always seen as a blessing to some degree.

When I'm outside of any form of shelter, barring the proper temperature, rain is cold, wet, and uncomfortable. It makes me a sad robot.
Yap by Silver.


King Of Hearts

It depends on what kind of rain...

Living in the tropics there are times when we would have weeks of rainy days, quite annoying. But I denjoy a drizzle every now and again, it soothes the nerves and makes me feel sleepy.


 I love the rain, especially thunderstorms. Out here you can see storms building or sweeping past for miles, and the huge summer thunderstorms are incredible.

This area has been mostly drought-stricken for the past few years, and this year has been the worst. With any luck we'll get some decent rain come spring.

Oddly enough, I don't like getting wet, but once I am I'll wander around in storms completely soaked. Go figure.

Drake Manaweilder

I quite like rain. Whenever I sit outside and just watch and listen to it, it makes me feel.. well i guess "content" would be the best way to describe it. I also like thunderstorms, unless it causes the power to go out.

"Kay Dad, I'm goin' on the computer!"

King Of Hearts

Im ABOUT to hate the rain, around afternoon tommorow, a THIRD super typhoon is gonna hit me this year.

I just hope it doesnt take out the powerlines and leave me in the dark for 4 days like the last time.



I love thunderstorms, but not consistent rain that goes on for days. I feel cool because I've danced in a few thunderstorms...not for long and I ended up wet, but I did. My perfect weather would be a light rain in the morning a thunderstorm, and then the skies clearing up as the sun is setting. that's happened before and I wish I had a camera then.

Right now all I could have fun with is a little really, really cold weather.


I love it because not only is it relaxing and refreshing, but it keeps all the annoying pricks inside.