What do you guys all think?

Started by Aleolus, November 24, 2006, 06:22:12 PM

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OK, I haven't been drawing for very long, but I already know I suck at doing living creatures.  However, I've found I seem to have a talent for drawing weapons, it appears at least, so I give you my first two attempts.

These are the three swords of InuTaisho, InuYasha's father, from the anime InuYasha.  Tetsusaiga (passed to InuYasha, with the red aura), Tenseiga (Passed to Sessomaru, with the blue aura), and Sounga, (exclusivly found in IY movie 3, Swords of A Noble Ruler.  On the end, with the purple aura.

And here, we have Miroku's staff and Sango's Hiraikotsu, which incidentally means "Flying Bone"

Aisha deCabre

Pretty neat and nice colors...you've gotten the characters' weapons design right at least.    :mowtongue
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Now if only I could do the characters themselves.

Alan Garou

Good job, but go into more detail on the handles, and angle back the blade of the Tetsusaiga. Also, Tetsusaiga is wider at the base than that. Otherwise, wonderful job.


Xuzaf D

Reminds me of the junk I made in 5th grade.


I beg your pardon?  I will allow, they're not the best example of fanart in the world, but I am better than a fifth grader!

Xuzaf D

I'm just saying that that's what I get from it. It just reminds me of stuff I did back then... the crayola aura and the thick uneven lines just bring back those memories.

Roureem Egas

My only thought is that you need a straight-edge. It looks good otherwise.


Hmm... Hmm... Yes, a straight-edge would help. Trust me, I must be the only person in the world to use a T-square in art class ;)

And of course, if drawing fails you, you might find that you like 3D modelling.

Xuzaf D

How is a straight-edge going to help those dented curves?



My wife won't let me... she says I'll be too mean...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I think that it might be prudent to practice your perspective a bit more.  These seem to be rather imbalanced in the size of the blade v. the handle, and the build of the weapons themselves.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I can't help myself.

I know that this forum section is for helping people improve, but... seriously, if you're going to showcase "art" you drew in five minutes with crayons, then we shouldn't have to take the need to help you "improve" at all seriously.

Come back when you learn to draw, kid.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Hey D: At least give him some encouragement or suggestions, even if it's to pursue different artistic endeavours. I used to draw worse :aack


That's pretty damn harsh, Darkmoon. So what if he draws weapons instead of other things. If he wants to, let him. Don't be an asshole and start laying into him just because he draws what you apparently don't like. It's ignorant and hurtful.


I don't think he cares WHAT he's drawing... but rather, how he's drawing it... I mean come on.  Even I could probably draw better than that. The problem here is that it seems the artist doesn't have enough patience to take a reference, sketch it roughly, and then finish up, erasing any parts with mistakes... I just see stuff that reminds me of what I usually do, by habit - try to do everything in single strokes - which just doesn't work.


I know I told myself I likely wouldn't come here (I decided not to make the move from the old forum), but this post somewhat made me wish to.  Look, Darkmoon being harsh is one thing, however, it's far from the harshest I've seen (I lurk the /ic/ board on 4chan).  Just know this, no, it doesn't good...sorry, it does not.

Very large critique coming!

Tessaiga looks way too dinky. It has a gentle curve the whole way, and doesn't taper when reaching the tuft of fur, which you seem to have rendered as a little fluff thing.  It doesn't look like that, it looks more spiky, but not stiff, sorta like how anime hair is drawn.  Tenseiga's hilt is the only thing that has something kinda correct about it, the color.  As for it's shape, katanas have gentle curve, like always, but the blunt side doesn't taper to a point, the front does, and only close to the tip.  The way you've got it here, it looks rounded for one, and it also looks like it tapers to a point like a European blade, which wouldn't actually work in terms of blade geometry, I'd imagine.  As for So'Unga, it's a straight blade, with a large gem on the end, tipping outward.  However, the blade is wider than the handle, which wasn't a characteristic of the sword.  It's handle is drawn as a line it would seem, not a solid object.  This is true of all three swords, the handles are out of proportion with the blade.  Tessaiga and Tenseiga have handles that are too short, and by the by, have no detail to their handle wrap (Tenseiga doesn't seem to even have one) and So'Unga's blade is longer than it's handle by far, not of equal length (And by the way, it's gem is purple, not red).

Miroku's weapon also is too short compared to it's head, which is lopsided, and colorless (Not good traits by the way).  Sango's weapon doesn't have a 45 degree angle to it, it's a much more obtuse angle, and it isn't the same thickness all the way around (Thicker at the center than at the ends)

Sorry for possibly being harsh, but it had to be done.  Darkmoon was harsh, but not that far off.  If he's mean to you here on his forum, imagine the horrors of an art elitist, or total stranger, because they would not only be unkind, they'd be brutal.  As for the ones who gave him praise, I'm sure he appreciates it...but, no offense, don't keep it up.  I can understand not wanting to be harsh, but part of becoming a good artist is understanding what you do wrong, not accepting blind praise.  Continue that, and when he has skill to truly brag about, he'll be equipped with an ego and fragile artistic self-esteem along with it.


*worships at Chapel's feet for the last paragraph*

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


To those of you who made comments about crayons and so forth, I did NOT color these in with crayons, the scanner I used to get them on my computer just made it LOOK like I did.  I colored them with colored pencils, which probably aren't much better, but were the best I had, and I wanted to make sure it was clear which was which.  And I notice no one's critiquing Sounga.  Is that because no one here knows much about it, or because you all think I did it adequatly?

Alan Garou

Quote from: Aleolus on November 26, 2006, 02:52:26 PM
To those of you who made comments about crayons and so forth, I did NOT color these in with crayons, the scanner I used to get them on my computer just made it LOOK like I did.  I colored them with colored pencils, which probably aren't much better, but were the best I had, and I wanted to make sure it was clear which was which.  And I notice no one's critiquing Sounga.  Is that because no one here knows much about it, or because you all think I did it adequatly?
Don't be discouraged. It's just that the master artists around here make it so nobody's art looks good when compared to theirs. Keep trying, and don't be afraid to do numerous drafts of a drawing before posting it. And, at the risk of infuriating the moderators, let me just say that Darkmoon should have listened to his wife, and that both were being much too hard on an artist who's still discovering their style.


Quote from: Aleolus on November 26, 2006, 02:52:26 PMAnd I notice no one's critiquing Sounga.  Is that because no one here knows much about it, or because you all think I did it adequatly?

Nope, reread what I had said, I go into a small bit of detail as to what I thought on So'Unga (And So'Unga only came out in the third movie, I myself don't consider it a part of canon)

Quote from: Chapel on November 26, 2006, 11:43:52 AM
... As for So'Unga, it's a straight blade, with a large gem on the end, tipping outward.  However, the blade is wider than the handle, which wasn't a characteristic of the sword.  It's handle is drawn as a line it would seem, not a solid object.  This is true of all three swords, the handles are out of proportion with the blade ... So'Unga's blade is longer than it's handle by far, not of equal length (And by the way, it's gem is purple, not red).


I'm sorry.  Exactly what part of my post was not constructive?

I have to agree with Chapel.  People saying "OMG, how cool and great!" and nothing else are not being helpful to artists.  Yes, that might be the best he can do right now- he obviously needs to practice.  Practice makes improvement in art, as does working with reference images.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


well, it's not great right now, but I'm sure with enough practice...
seriously, no matter what people say, don't get discouraged from trying to keep up doing art.
even if it looks like complete and utter shit, well...
it doesn't stop some people, and it shouldn't stop you.
for weapons out of an anime like those, I wouldn't try drawing them without a good reference, and take your time, don't rush through it.
and doodle. doodle a lot. it's the only reason I'm any good.

just a few years ago I was much worse than this, so...


More practical than some of the stuff I've seen recently.  No matter what, never try to draw a gunblade.  I don't care if an FF character had one, that gunblade was retarded enough itself.

topher chee

swell ideas, but you need more details


Quote from: Miaka on November 26, 2006, 06:16:12 PM
well, it's not great right now, but I'm sure with enough practice...
seriously, no matter what people say, don't get discouraged from trying to keep up doing art.
even if it looks like complete and utter shit, well...
it doesn't stop some people, and it shouldn't stop you.
for weapons out of an anime like those, I wouldn't try drawing them without a good reference, and take your time, don't rush through it.
and doodle. doodle a lot. it's the only reason I'm any good.

just a few years ago I was much worse than this, so...

There, now that's a constructive post.

Cripes, if I had encountered people like Darkmoon four years ago, I would have stopped all artistic pursuits, period. And I'm wondering if I should post any current art here myself.

Also, as a random thought, use short pencil strokes when drawing; never try to draw any long line or edge in one stroke.


Quote from: DigitalMan on November 26, 2006, 08:39:01 PM
Crapes, if I had encountered people like Darkmoon four years ago, I would have stopped all artistic pursuits, period.

No offense, but isn't that the sort of "separate boys from men" test that you're supposed to be able to endure?  I'm not telling him to quit, I wasn't that great when I started two years ago either, but I've come a good long way.  I'm not ready to sell, or do anything professionally, but it's a big leap.  I was arguing against blind praise, and how it can develop overinflated egos and a lack of substance to one's art.  Also, I've heard conflicting advice with the short line argument.  I personally would use short strokes as needed for guidelines, but still finish with one long, smooth line.


"People like Darkmoon" heh... DigitalMan secretly loves me, he just tries to hide it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...
