Who is your favorte Cv Boss

Started by ilpalazzo, October 02, 2005, 04:44:56 PM

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Screw the polls, that would take to long.

But the hydra in Super cv.


I don't really have a favorite...with CV, I always have expectations with bosses, so while I may not have favorites, I tend to have dis-apointments...


Fine what is your most disappointing boss?

Green Lantern

I always look forward to fighting Death and Dracula the most. In my opinion, the best Dracula battle was in Super Castlevania IV, while the best Death fight was in Castlevania.  I also like the Werewolf in Chronicles and in Rondo of Blood. Pazuzu in Harmony of Dissonance is cool and really fun to fight as well.

Maxim is certainly one of my favorite bosses. Fighting him on Hard Mode with no Spell Fusion and no armor, weapons, or items is one of the biggest tests I've undergone while playing a Castlevania game. What's more is that you have to fight Dracula's two different forms after that. The last one may not attack much, but if you are at full health and he hits you twice; you're gone. HoD has a lot of creative ways to test you.

Other bosses I like are:
Frankenstein & Igor (Castlevania)
Minotaur (Rondo of Blood, Harmony of Dissonance)
Shaft & Shaft's Ghost (Rondo of Blood)
Legion (Harmony of Dissonance)
Headhunter (Aria of Sorrow)
Medusa (Chronicles)
Graham Jones (Aria of Sorrow)


Yeah, the CV4 drac was really fun, and hard if you elect not to use the cross at all. he damn lightning attack usually claims me at least once before I can get the bastard.

The boss I hate the most is Slogra from CV4. Even after I get his pattern down, he has this way of just fucking me up the ass sometimes. I don't think I've ever beaten him in less than 5 lives before. He just takes perseverance.


I always prefered facing Death for the most part, but either than that I don't have a favorite.

The worst would be Beezlebub from SOTN. It's an annoying fight that takes to long to beat.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


Yeah, and without a cheap weapon (like the Crissaegrim) it's at times a bit difficult too.

Destina Faroda

Quote from: Darkmoon on October 06, 2005, 05:19:25 AMI don't think I've ever beaten him in less than 5 lives before. He just takes perseverance.

Call me stupid, but the last time I played that game, didn't you only get three lives before you ran out?
Sig coming...whenever...


But with Slogra, you can continue from right in front of him.

Destina Faroda

Why can't you do that with other bosses then?  That sucks!
Sig coming...whenever...


Because Slogra is found in the Tower of Fiends, which is one boss battle after another. I guess they assumed making you try and survive all three battles (let alone Drac right afterwards) was too tough.

Destina Faroda

Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Darkmoon on October 06, 2005, 04:14:35 PM
Yeah, and without a cheap weapon (like the Crissaegrim) it's at times a bit difficult too.

I beat beelzebub easily it was that bastard Galamoth tat gave me trouble.


Galamoth was a sinch. Even w/o the thunder circlet, I was able to do it with proper use of my mist power.

Xuzaf D


I satll vote for Balore. His intro is fantastic, and he's decent fun to fight too.


Quote from: ilpalazzo on October 02, 2005, 05:15:43 PM
Fine what is your most disappointing boss?
I'd say the Flying Armor boss in DoS...I just thought it was a dull way to start the game off...


Did the Zephyr battle in Dawn of Sorrow remind anyone else of certain MegaMan battles? Maybe it's just me.

Green Lantern

Disappointing boss fight? Umm... I'd say Richter from Symphony of the Night. He was aggressive, but I still thought the fight was too easy. I expected much more out of it, but it was still cool. Also, I didn't like many of the Super Castlevania IV bosses and mini-bosses. The Hydra just was not entertaining, Frankenstein was a letdown, and the Golem was just... I dunno'. That game had some cool bosses, but I think the majority of them either fought stupid, or were just stupid ideas (coin bat).

Xuzaf D

The biggest dissapointment? Probably the Ice Wizard in Chronicles. They removed the Mummies for this guy? The Elementals in LoI were also dissapointing, since they all fought the same.


Yeah, most of the bosses in LoI were dissapointing, although I did kinda enjoy Medusa and Joaquim.

Xuzaf D

uhg... I just bitched about the whole game at ICVDF. That pumpkin is only funny for five damn seconds- especially with that foot noise.


See, I never defeated Death, so getting to pumpkin never happened.


Well, I'm Joachim and I'm stuck on that stupid Succubus. I don't know y either. I guess I don't care really...so I stopped playing LoI
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?


That what happened with me and death.

Xuzaf D

Leon can potion whore.
Joachim can't block, so you need to find most of his power-ups before you fight succubus (who has to many quick attacks to just dodge).
That big demon underground was the only really good boss in the game.


Yeah, the fuckin forgotten one was fun, although it only took my two times to figure out how to beat him, which is kinda weak. I had the hardest issue with his hands.

Green Lantern

Dude, you beat the Forgotten One but you can't beat Death?


Yeah, Undead Parasite was cool. The idea of fighting against a whole room was pretty neat.


Yeah. he keeps giving me shit. Dunno why. The forgotten one had a pattern. He may have been strong, but patterns are something I can easily work with.


Little late. Little far behind. But what-ev. I'd probably say Drac from CoD and maybe, -maybe- Dullahan as well. Though he pissed me off trying to get that purple glitter crap. Blargh. Stupid shockwaves. But yeah, I found it oddly hard to kill Drac's second form in Trevor mode. Challenging at least. I cut him up like sushi with Hector. Sheesh.