New CV Game: Portrait of Ruin

Started by Netami, July 22, 2006, 06:53:52 AM

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Posted from Evil Avatar ( has a new video of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for the Nintendo DS, the latest installment in Konami's long-running Castlevania series. In addition to offering the 2D Castleroid-style gameplay the series is known for, the game allows you to make use of two different characters (and switch freely between them) and execute massive combo attacks. The game will also have online multiplayer over Nintendo WiFi (either a cooperative or versus mode, the final decision on the matter has not been made yet). Portrait of Ruin is expected to be released some time later this year.


Yes! Castlevania is actually one of my favorite series, if not my number one. Co-op mode would make this totally worth buying, even if it weren't part of the awesome franchise. It seems like they've moved away from their musical titles and have taken up an artistic one... Interesting. I always thought the mirrors and paintings on the walls gave more to the ambiance than the idea of the storyline being driven by the mood of the title.

Oh, and please have Legion. For it's fans are many.

EDIT: Here's a better gameplay video. Just look at the portrait warping... And the sexy backgrounds!


Here's another tidbit from a news post. Guess what's a feature? Co-op!

"Cooperative games will be played on special stages which, although the translation wasn't entirely clear, we're assuming refers to levels different to those found in the single-player game, and the monsters contained therein will vary according to whether the game is online or local because of technical limitations. Also supported locally and online will be a shop mode, where you can buy, sell, and trade items with other players."


Nimrods Son

that's all kalter kaffee, I'm sorry to say. It's months ago that Iga himself (bows), who did SOTN, explained that he has produced SOTN, and has decided to have NO, repeat: NO Co-op mode in Portrait except for ONE unlockable single stage assault. And the item-trading thing, of course, but hopefully, the game will have less items than the last games with tons of useless shields, armors and weak swords.
That's really sad, but I swear to you that there will never be a proper coop-mode as long as Iga has done SOTN (i.e., is hyped for having done SOTN) in Cv. Iga's not the enemy, but surely, Konami has come to a point where they have to decide if they want to keep Cv as successful a franchise as it has been so far...


You don't say... Hmm, I wonder if they'll actually have co-op and surprise us with it...  D:


Yeah, don't rule out CO-OP just cuz IGA says so. DOn't rule out something that... just makes SO much sense to include.

If IGA would give us this thing, he would earn major points by me (so long as it's executed well), and I generally am not fond of the guy. CO-OP would just be awesome. It could truly be the start of something so much more.

So far, POR is shaping up very nicely.