The worst taste in the world...

Started by Jim Halisstrad, November 18, 2006, 01:16:04 AM

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Jim Halisstrad

Comes from a burp that contains: Chinese food, Nyquil, and tooth paste and bile.



My dad smokes.  He had a fountain soda cup on the table next to his chair in the living room with a little bit of soda left in it.  I took a sip, but what I didn't know is that he had already put several cigarette butts in it.  Needless to say, that was the worst thing I have, and probably will ever taste.


Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on November 18, 2006, 01:16:04 AM
Comes from a burp that contains: Chinese food, Nyquil, and tooth paste and bile.


Wrong. Eat a bunch of pepperoni, drink some mountain dew. Ponder suicide with each belch.


Coca cola, with about double its solubility in salt. I took a small sip with my straw just because everyone was looking at it like it was possessed. Now I've tasted seawater, and I can tell you that this was far worse ....I found myself simply unable to swallow, and had to spit it out into my own already empty cup. Then gratefully took a drink of Dr. Pepper from somebody else's cup to get rid of roughly half the taste.

Probably not the worst taste in the world, but it's the first time I've put something in my mouth consisting entirely of food products that took away my control of my throat.
Yap by Silver.


Try super salty frys,flat rootbeer and wet ketchup


Meat room degreaser,

this stuff turns left over meat into sludge,


Eat Dinty Moore Beef stew, and drink a can of root beer.. Toxic freaking burps.. They'd kill anything!!


Okays seems like Wildy and Gay are neck and neck with this


beer and meat are you nuts? D:

worst taste ever? peanuts with sugar.... *trows up*




Jim Halisstrad

Quote from: Snazzy Hazzy on November 18, 2006, 01:21:16 AM
My dad smokes.  He had a fountain soda cup on the table next to his chair in the living room with a little bit of soda left in it.  I took a sip, but what I didn't know is that he had already put several cigarette butts in it.  Needless to say, that was the worst thing I have, and probably will ever taste.


One of my friends did the same thing.  Unfortunately the cup was mine. 


I dunno what the worst thing I've ever tasted was. :dface

...But I'm surprised my little brothers' "science experiments" (They like to fill empty pop bottles with different kinds of pop*, and mix it together...and put 'em in the fridge.) haven't killed me yet.

I've only had one, and it didn't taste like anything. :dface But it gave me a tummy-ache.

* - They like to use juice and gatorade and milk (*Barf*) too. D:

Alan Garou

Brush your teeth with minty Arm & HammerTM toothpaste, then drink a cup of grape juice. It tastes horrendous, and I've accidentally done this more than once.


Quote from: Dakata on November 18, 2006, 11:15:07 AM
I dunno what the worst thing I've ever tasted was. :dface

...But I'm surprised my little brothers' "science experiments" (They like to fill empty pop bottles with different kinds of pop*, and mix it together...and put 'em in the fridge.) haven't killed me yet.

I've only had one, and it didn't taste like anything. :dface But it gave me a tummy-ache.

* - They like to use juice and gatorade and milk (*Barf*) too. D:
What, you don't like suicide drinks? :3  Go to a mini-mart and fill your cup with every soda they have (except diet), it's yummy, but it makes you need to use the bathroom a lot.. :<

I still haven't thought of anything that beats the watered down soda + cigarette butts. :/

My brother once filled a cup with water and added some red food coloring to it, so it looked like cherry Kool-Ade.  He left it out on the table, and I saw it just sitting there, and though, "Alright, free Kool-Ade!"  It wasn't nasty, but expecting sweet cherry flavored Kool-Ade and getting water is a little akward.


Tomato juice/Ginger ale mix I made when I was bored, camping and it was raining (three terms that often go together) that someone (glares at sibling) had accidentally dropped one of my recently used fishing lures into before drinking. Punching him did NOT help me get over that, so methinks Wildy's strategy of forgiveness via violence needs some work.


 Raw frog. It was a wilderness survival course.

And this is coming from someone that would scam his friends by betting them that he could drink anything liquid they could fill a cup with in restaraunts before the meal without getting sick....and always won. Nothing I ever drank tasted worse than the frogs...


okay so you guys don't think meat room degreaser is bad enough (not only is it nasty but it's pain full as well)

how bout this...
Meat room drain traps.  These are full of at least a weeks worth, if not longer, of the reminants of beef, pork, and bone reminants that have been hosed off the walls and out of the saws.  It builds up in the traps, saturating in blood, mud, water, degreaser, and chemical sanitizer.  It smells like a sewer and tastes even worse.


Why did you taste it if it smelled like  asewer? :/


well it's the same reason I tasted meat room degreaser... it was an accident

I was cleaning the drains out some one distracted me.  See since cleaning the traps is a pain in the rear we only do it once a week or less if realy busy.  So there builds up a plug of the foul stuff  you break it up with the hose then empty the trap in the trash.  So was spraying to loose the about 2 inch thick plug  of old meat and detris when some one hit the buzzer, distracted I  wasn't watching where I was spraying.  The stream hit a cornor and blasted the detris of the trap into my face.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Having worked maintenance, including being required to break up the grease plug on the drain trap, so it can biodegrade...

I feel your pain. Ish.

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


old beans.....there are people that eats that with no problem can you believe it?


A mouthful of living spider. Seriously - waking up in the morning and finding that you're chewing on something that tastes like... eugh... and is still partly squirming in between your teeth... That is so disgusting it powers the nausea by three.

Oh, and morning mouth. For me, that tastes like shit. I brush my teeth regularly and frequently, but somehow my mouth still manages to sport one hell of an acidity value and bacterial culture. Tested my saliva on some pertri dishes of various strains of coli, cocchi and other bacteria in school. It ate everything.


Regular mouthwash. Ugh. Awful stuff. It does give you a nice "everything in your mouth is dead" feeling, though.


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 18, 2006, 11:56:47 AM
I still haven't thought of anything that beats the watered down soda + cigarette butts. :/

My dad chews tobacco. He has since before I was born probably. Well once when I was just a wee one, my dad had a spit cup sitting next to him. When  your a toddler and there is a normal looking cup  next to your dad you assume thats what he is drinking. And like little kids do they share their parent's drinks. Well needless to say I drank the spit cup by accident.

He said I turned so green and my mom could have killed him then and there! Now -that- beats soda + cigarette butts.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears




Quote from: Wildy on November 19, 2006, 02:42:25 PM
Quote from: HaZ×MaT on November 18, 2006, 11:56:47 AM
I still haven't thought of anything that beats the watered down soda + cigarette butts. :/

My dad chews tobacco. He has since before I was born probably. Well once when I was just a wee one, my dad had a spit cup sitting next to him. When  your a toddler and there is a normal looking cup  next to your dad you assume thats what he is drinking. And like little kids do they share their parent's drinks. Well needless to say I drank the spit cup by accident.

He said I turned so green and my mom could have killed him then and there! Now -that- beats soda + cigarette butts.

I had a cousin who ended up drinking a cigarette/tobacco spit combo.

As for myself the closest I ever came was when my dad use to chew tobacco I saw him chewing and thought he had a pack of gum. I use to chew Big League Chew bubblegum at the time so I didn't think about it not being gum, anyway I asked my dad for some and he gave me a string of it and I chewed it (or more like swallowed it) and then asked for more. So my dad gave me a lot more and when I put it in my mouth I discovered it wasn't gum.

Fortunately I was outside when this happened and I was able to just spit it out and run over to the water hose.