Politicing phone calls for a dead man

Started by thegayhare, November 06, 2006, 08:36:33 PM

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*has been laughing so hard he's now crying or is it the other way around*

hello all

on the eve before an election I knew political phone calls would happen but this.  Jeeze

I'm set in my vote I know what I'm going to do tomarrow and I'm deffinitly going to vote so get off my back

I've recived 3 calls tonight for my dad... and he died 5 months ago... I loved the last one

"Hello, is Micheal there?"
"...  He died 5 months ago."
"Oh... Sorry. Can I talk to Tim"
"Speaking" (and I'm a bit cranky sounding I guess)
"Err... well, nevermind sorry to bother you"
"Have a nice night"

I hate it I realy do... I think the next one to call asking for dad I'm goign to break down sobbing into the phone just to listen to them squirm.

Or maybe I'll save that for the next telemarketer...



Meh, we're still getting bills for my grandfather, who died last December.  Yes, the computer age has solved all the information problems..  :mowtongue
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



You think that's bad? 2 years ago, my grandma wanted to change her internet/phone provider. But they wouldn't let her since all the info was in my grandpa's name. So, unless they got his ok, nothing could be changed.
He died when I was 2. Luckily my dad has the same name as him, so he was legally able to change the info. >.>


I used to get a lot of telemarketers calling for my brother who died a few years ago.

But yeah, it's really difficult to convince some companies that they are dead. We had mixed results. One campany suspended my brother's account straight away. Another company just kept sending us form letters asking for information... even after we'd given it to them...


-.- I hate that... I'm pretty sure my grandma got phone calls from businesses wanting to talk to my great-grandpop who died a couple years ago.

We don't many calls from businesses/politicans (though we did get one from some Indian call centre trying to get a mobile contract on us).

We mostly get charity calls, but everyone in my town has been rather paranoid about that kind of thing for the past few months now. Some guy managed to scam money and equipment from a lot of people/businesses when he said he was from a charity trying to build a home for disabled kids. People started to get suspicious though, and when an investigative reporter went to locate the home, they found the home- it was on stilts, two stories high, and NO disabled ramps AT ALL. The guy had scammed all that stuff to build a home for himself.  L:


Quote from: FireKatKid on November 06, 2006, 08:56:16 PM
You think that's bad? 2 years ago, my grandma wanted to change her internet/phone provider. But they wouldn't let her since all the info was in my grandpa's name. So, unless they got his ok, nothing could be changed.
He died when I was 2. Luckily my dad has the same name as him, so he was legally able to change the info. >.>
I heard a VERY similar story to that at another corner of the internet... It was an approximated customer call (by the customer) complaining about a deceased person and not being able to cancel AOL because of it... or something...


That may have been me on the old forum. As it was aol that was the problem.


Nah, not you. It was a different site that had all sorts of things like that. Maybe you or someone else submitted it to a site then?


I don't suppose you sound younger than you are, Gayhare?


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on November 07, 2006, 04:37:56 PM
Nah, not you. It was a different site that had all sorts of things like that. Maybe you or someone else submitted it to a site then?

Well, I never submitted it anywhere. Doubt anyone else did, either. So I spose it must've been someone else.