I think I've been spending too much time at this computer...

Started by Destina Faroda, September 29, 2005, 10:19:42 PM

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Destina Faroda

Some of you may know that I'm slightly nearsighted.  I don't have to wear glasses for every day life, but if I were to drive or so something that would require lots of long distance viewing (like going to a sporting event) I have to wear them.

In any case, I was looking at a star without my glasses this evening.  As is my habit, I checked my vision by staring at it.  Out of one eye it looked a little blurry, but only a little.  Out of my weaker eye, though, that star looked weird as heck. It didn't look super blurry as I expected.  Instead it looked like a shiny light crowning a black circle.  It looked a lot like the modern Universal Pictures opening, where the earth is shown from space and the sun comes over the horizon.  A better description would be it looked like an eclipse with a corona, or in simpler terms a ring with a diamond on top.  When I put on my glasses the star looked fine, but when I took them off, I saw the optical illusion again.

It freaked me out, really.  Maybe I need to stop looking at a screen that is less than three feet in front of me.
Sig coming...whenever...


Dude, I get that all the time when I don't have my glasses on... Of course, if my vision gets much worse, I could technically be called legally blind. Bascially, if you can't see more than two inches in front of your face w/o glasses, then you're legally blind. I can do about 4 inches currently...

Xuzaf D

I hate it when people think that I can see a blurry movie screen better without my glasses. Where the hell does that realm of thought come from?

Anyway, it's rare I look at things without my glasses; I can see shapes fine but don't ask me to read anything more than a foot from my face.


when I played softball as a catcher, they kept trying to get me to flip off my mask whenever a pop fly was hit that I could try and catch.  After about three weeks of listening to them whine at me, I gave them a dirty look and said, "fine, I'll do it if you want me to be blind and miss the ball.  I wear GLASSES, people.  Those will go flying with the mask.  Leave me alone!"

My eyesight is only slightly better than Darkmoon's, which makes it fun.  Our kids are going to need glasses from the womb.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Omg...I'm blind as well. My cousin and I both got trapped in a parking lot at the swimming pool once because he broke his glasses and I couldn't find mine. We had to get to the car where the cell phone was to call someone and also try to not get hit by cars that were coming and leaving. It was scary, I had to be the eyes because my cousin is blinder than me. And my darn Uncle drove right in front of us making us scream bloody murder because he intentionally almost ran over us.

Oh, and I know how flying balls go....I'm afraid of baseballs, any sport that involves a dodge ball or something...ppl always throw it at my face. So I can't play sports that well at all usually. I freak out.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Damaris on September 30, 2005, 01:54:57 PM
My eyesight is only slightly better than Darkmoon's, which makes it fun. Our kids are going to need glasses from the womb.
Doubled traits are fun...
My cousins have psoriasis on both sides of the family. Our side of the family doesn't have as bad as my Aunt's side of the family, though.


I'm gonna feel bad for our kids... O_o

I could actually drive for the most part w/o glasses. I still have marginal depth perseption and color sense without them on. I just sometimes freak out when new colors com into play and I can't figure out what they are... Thus, I always drive with glasses :p


I'm the only person on the forums with Superb Eyes, weird thing is my parents wear glasses, My mom wears contacts, My dad reads with glasses my sister needs glasses and t seems that the two younguns ( my litle bro and sis) will be needig them to.

I think my eyes will die soon. So I should find some cool glasses.


I'll gouge one of them out for ya, if it'd make you feel more on par with the rest of us...

Destina Faroda

Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Darkmoon on October 01, 2005, 06:42:29 PM
I'll gouge one of them out for ya, if it'd make you feel more on par with the rest of us...

Okay. ^_^