The Fandom Thread

Started by RJ, November 01, 2006, 07:37:40 AM

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*needs to get her mind off stuff*

So, anyway, what fandoms do you guys follow? Not just stuff you like to check up on, but stuff you really follow? (Meaning pretty much anything you could write a 2000+ word essay on)

Guess I gotta say these are my top ones:

1. Naruto
2. Fanfiction (I guess you could call fanfiction a fandom unto its own)


The only fandom I can really claim is for the Elder Scrolls games.  I would say DMFA too, but I don't follow it to the letter. *waits for the pitchforks and torches*   :U


In terms of fanboism:

1) Babylon 5
2) Battlestar Galactica (new series)
3) Operation Barbarossa (Hitler's invasion of Russia)
4) Babylon 5
5) The Teen Titans Animated Series
7) Babylon 5
8) R.O.D. the TV
9) Warhammer 40,000
10) Babylon 5




What pattern?


Given that I've been reading DMFA pretty religiously since the twink arc, I'd say that.

not so much anymore, but Yu Yu Hakusho

A couple other anime's, but I'm not really obsessed with any.


Formula 1's been a second religion since 2004. Kimi FTW!


I don't think I follow any. I write stories that include pokemon (wouldn't include the Anime characters if you paid me for it, though), and given the rules of just about any world I could write a story set in it. But is that following a fandom?

And I could talk at lengths about most of the books I've read and enjoyed. But I wouldn't call that following a fandom either.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Zoids! Most definitely Zoids. *shows off fancy imported model collection*

And I suppose DMFA, and... I dunno. I'd say CSI, but I don't catch it often enough. There are a lot of shows I can't catch nearly as often as I'd like to :cry


I don't really have one any more.

I used to be into Games Workshop stuff but they've long moved on, so I don't know any of the new fluff.


Quick and incomplete list:
1) Digimon (first three seasons)
3) Ghost in the Shell (including Stand Alone Complex)
4) Bleach (not actively following the filler arc right now)
5) Naruto (praying that the filler arcs end one day)

Plus a couple of books and book series, but I wouldn't really call them my fandoms.


*blink* What's with your siggy Sid- are you going to participate in NaNoMo?

Alan Garou

Well, I guess that my top ten (besides DMFA) would be:

1. Inuyasha
2. Ghost in the Shell
3. Bionicle (A Lego story about elemental heroes)
4. Ozy and Millie
5. Sonic the Hedgehog
6. X-Files
7. Spider-Man
8. Las Lindas
9. Jurassic Park
10. The Sims 2


Quote from: RJ on November 01, 2006, 09:06:25 AM
*blink* What's with your siggy Sid- are you going to participate in NaNoMo?
I'm insane like that, yes. :3
I guess I'll make the thread about it... let's say... within the next 8 hours, hopefully.

llearch n'n'daCorna


I could probably manage to write 2000+ words about jsut about anything, really. The result of early upbringing, and the taste of my siblings for running "You have one minute, and one minute only, to speak without hesitation, repetition, or deviation, on the subject of the inside of a ping pong ball starting now."

You get good at speaking slowly and coherent, and also at making shit up :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Roureem Egas

Hmm. I know I really like a bunch of stuff, but am I really a fanboy? I'm certain I'd never be able to write 2000+ words if it was some sort of essay thing.

Oh well. My list. :P

2. Trickster Online
3. xxxholic
4. .hack (well mostly, as I have no inclination to read most of the novels)
5. Most anything dealing with cards
6. Most anything that has a wide range of monsters (with descriptions! And pictures! :>)

That must be it for now.


Be it western style, manga, b/w, colored, offline, online, anthropomorphic, or etc.

That and cartoons and animé. :3
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


1.Furry (well duh XP)
3. Fighting games
4. Anime (though i haven't watched any in a while :dface)
5. Manga


I could write a huge list... 2000 words is nothing for me. ;)

1.  Bleach
2.  Inuyasha
3.  DBZ (actually tough, since nothing happens for several episodes before every fight)
4.  Naruto (also getting tired of the enormous filler in the anime)
5.  All the Miazaki films.
6.  Animation in general (since I have my own fledgling company)
7.  Botanical biochemistry!  (amazing the things you can extract from common plants)  >:3

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

James StarRunner

In no particular order:
DMFA (kinda a given since I'm here)
Harry Potter
Final Fantasy
Quest for Glory
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Secret of Mana
Anime and Manga in general
And many more...

Jack McSlay

DMFA seems redundant but other than that...

- Jaspion
- Berserk
- Classic Doom series
- Transformers
- Robotech
- Killer Instinct (c'mon rare, give us KI3  :zombiekun2)
- Perfect Dark
- Super Mario
- Zelda
- Red vs. Blue
- Dinosaurs
- Mecha
- Furry
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- DMFA (and lots of other furry stuff)

- Halo (and Red vs. Blue :D What's your zombie plan, dinner?)

- Planetside

- Salva Veritate

Aaand... that's all at the moment. :<
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Aisha deCabre


1.  Too many animes to count here...INCLUDING Pokemon
2.  Ecco the Dolphin
3.  Morrowind and Oblivion (Maybe the other Elder Scrolls once I play them...)
4.  Kingdom Hearts
5.  DMFA (and perhaps anthros in general...)
6.  Neopets.   :rolleyes

Know what I've noticed?  Saying these exact words about a good-sized fandom: "I'm never getting into that stuff..." is your first one-way ticket to actually getting into it and being addicted.  My three examples are anime shows, Pokemon (the games firsthand), and Neopets.  I swear jinxing is real...  :U
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


1. Transformers
2. Sonic the hedgehog
3. Starfox
5. Pretty much any "Super Sentai", even if it is the American Adaptations (aka Power rangers)
6. Megaman Battle Network
7. Star wars
8. Star trek
10. certain arts...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Personally, fandoms ruin things for me.  Often times, when I tell people I dislike "so and so" anime, it's not really true. I just hate the FANS. Granted, I know there are some really awesome people in each fandom. I know quite a bit. But at the same time, all the drama and the loud, obnoxious fan boys and girls greatly over shadow them.
I love One Piece.
Adore it.
Which is why I stay away from anything community related. Fan pages, fanfiction, etc. On the few LJ communities I'm on, I never post. Because I know once I become an active member in that fandom, it's just going to go downhill. Call me cynical, but eh. It's happened before with many of my other favorite things.
I guess the only real 'fandom' I'm active in is the 'furry' one. And that's more of a love/hate relationship, to be honest. Thankfully, it's big enough that I can just...fade into the background. XD
That and the B'z fandom, such as it is. X3

Jack McSlay

Quote from: Zina on November 01, 2006, 02:37:10 PMPersonally, fandoms ruin things for me.  Often times, when I tell people I dislike "so and so" anime, it's not really true. I just hate the FANS. Granted, I know there are some really awesome people in each fandom. I know quite a bit. But at the same time, all the drama and the loud, obnoxious fan boys and girls greatly over shadow them.
I love One Piece.
Adore it.
Which is why I stay away from anything community related. Fan pages, fanfiction, etc. On the few LJ communities I'm on, I never post. Because I know once I become an active member in that fandom, it's just going to go downhill. Call me cynical, but eh. It's happened before with many of my other favorite things.
I guess the only real 'fandom' I'm active in is the 'furry' one. And that's more of a love/hate relationship, to be honest. Thankfully, it's big enough that I can just...fade into the background. XD
That and the B'z fandom, such as it is. X3
certainly so... I really hate what some "fans" do... which is why nowadays when I check someone's art anywhere, usually the first thing I do when I realize all the person does is fanart is hitting the back button. some people just seem to love screwing up the characters, like, there seems to be a law that wherever there is a girl char with an athletic build the will be fanboys drawing her with big boobs. drawing porn is not a good way to show appreciation on something either (unless the given subject is already porn-based, of course).

I also tend to despise Doujinshi and Fanfictions (granted I mentioned I like RvB, but in that case the story doesn't actually have much to do with Halo itself, so I don't think it actually counts as a fan show, a far-off alternate story at best). it's nice to see once in a while a side-story which adds up to the timeline, but what often happens is that the writes totally rapes the characters to their own liking.
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


I know what you mean about the fans, Zina. Naruto sure has its share of fanbrats too...  (If I see one more person squeeing over Itachi, aka. Mr 2D Plot Device, I'm going lob muffins at them).

And the doujinshi! Don't people have anything better to do than draw yaoi? Though I get disgusted enough at some of the fanfiction I see...

Oh! And Zina... have you seen this?:

Hehe, one of my favourite One Piece fanarts :D


Quote from: RJ on November 01, 2006, 07:17:19 PM
Don't people have anything better to do than draw yaoi?

Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, RJ! :rolleyes

But I agree with you and Zina; the problem with fandoms being FANS. Just look at the Harry Potter fandom :cry And worse still, it seems to have infected JK herself. Pah.

Which is why I stick to Sci-Fi now (except Star Trek- I HATE Star Trek). Fewer nutcases, and on some boards, I can actually have a decent, sane conversation.


Quote from: RJ on November 01, 2006, 07:17:19 PM
And the doujinshi! Don't people have anything better to do than draw yaoi? Though I get disgusted enough at some of the fanfiction I see...

My thoughts exactly.  And for the record...Naruto/Sasuke yaoi is the plague of the internets.  'A'


I doubt I could manage more than 2000 words on any one thing. But fandoms I consider myself part of? DMFA, of course. It's complicated enough to be interesting, and fun. The only other thing... hm. Inhuman, maybe, because I read about everything I can track down that has to do with it (and read the forums, even though I'm JUST NOT MAN ENOUGH to join D:). I've not actually contributed to that one even the tiniest amount, so I don't know if it counts.
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Seraline on November 01, 2006, 11:14:45 PM
Quote from: RJ on November 01, 2006, 07:17:19 PM
And the doujinshi! Don't people have anything better to do than draw yaoi? Though I get disgusted enough at some of the fanfiction I see...

My thoughts exactly.  And for the record...Naruto/Sasuke yaoi is the plague of the internets.  'A'

Well... doujinshi's sell surprisingly well in Japan. They have stores JUST FOR doujinshi's. And yaoi, of course, is the main seller. Especially among 14 year old girls. X3 So I can see why people would do those. Plus, it's a good way to get your name out there. Quite a few manga artists got their start in DJ circles.
I dunno. I guess I have to give it up for DJ artists. It's quality artwork, and sometimes quality writing, and a lot of them do go through the effort to keep the characters in-character. And hey, it's fun, so why not make some money in the process?
Ah, to be in Japan, where drawing comics for a living is considered a real job and worth while goal.