
Started by Anara, October 09, 2006, 06:49:41 PM

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So school's ending in a few weeks (exams start on the 2nd of November ie. my b'day  'A') and then I have to think about Universities. I'm applying to Sydney and Melbourne down in Australia but I want to apply to some unis in America as well. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the unis over there so I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to which ones would be worth looking at. Right now I'm considering Adelphi, Cornell, Elon, Earlham, Rochester and U of Oregon. I know a lot of people on the forums are/will be/have gone to unis in the US so if anyone has any thoughts I'd be grateful  :)


Well, college-bound high school seniors in the US *such as myself* are all thinking about it at the same time you are. We just still have to be in school while doing it >>  The only real way to get a grasp of the colleges woudl be to look 'em up yourself and see of you like them.

Thats really all I've got >> And good luck with your search. I know a couple friends of mine got to a school, and turned out hating the one they chose <<

Roureem Egas

I'm not entirely sure I can recommend any to you, if only becuase I think that every college around here in California each says that they are ranked number one in the state, country, whatever. All I can say is that if you pick a college here, the CSUs sound like they have better environments than the UCs. :/


I'm too busy with other things, like Junior Year. New England's not a bad place at all for universities, though. Sadly, the good ones are all in Mass.


Quote from: BillBuckner on October 09, 2006, 08:01:35 PM
I'm too busy with other things, like Junior Year. New England's not a bad place at all for universities, though. Sadly, the good ones are all in Mass.

Not all of them, NEw HAmpshire has a few nices ones.

But yes, MA does have quite a few good colelges. Quite a few being a freakin lot. There are more colleges within an hours drive from here than I can count.

Lucky for me, considering I didn't want to go far for school >>


As for me, I don't want to go anywhere that isn't a reasonable drive away from a ski resort. Which means that I'm also looking (for fun) at colleges in Colorado and Utah.


What do you want to major in?  That would impact where you apply.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Engie or Math, but I shouldn't have to worry about it 'till Junior year's up.


I'm really unsure as to what to study, at this point I'd probably apply for a combined science/art degree ad do Physics and theatre (weird combination I know). In general, I'm looking for a fun college where I can get a good education. I was consider Mass at one point (I have family up there) but I'd probably be more likely to go somewhere in NY because I've spent time living there.


Quote from: Anara on October 10, 2006, 12:00:09 AM
I'm really unsure as to what to study, at this point I'd probably apply for a combined science/art degree ad do Physics and theatre (weird combination I know). In general, I'm looking for a fun college where I can get a good education. I was consider Mass at one point (I have family up there) but I'd probably be more likely to go somewhere in NY because I've spent time living there.

NY does have a number of good colleges as well, I was looking into some there before I decided I'd rather stay closer to home. Mass is possibly the best place for Art schools, but I wouldn't be sure. I'm not looking into art schools >> Miaka would bethe one to ask abotu that, and even then, not yet >> I dun think she's looking at colleges yet, at least :P


Apply for the University of Sydney if you can. You can do courses in manga and anime! XD


My uni sucks.


for a somewhat inexpensive art school, I would suggest Darkmoon's alma mater- University of Southern Indiana.  Much cheaper than living in New York ;)

He could tell you more about the program.  I went to a different school with a terrible art department.  Although the science was good.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Southern Indiana huh? I'll have to look into it.

RJ: I've already applied to sydney although I plan on taking a year off to travel before actually starting uni. Which uni do you go to?


Southern Cross University :/ They've got a couple different locations, but they're all pretty much in the northern NSW areas. There's not much in the way of a variety of classes and such to choose from, which has annoyed me greatly.

I mean, this is the first year we've even been able to choose a media class. And they weren't going to run any writing courses either until they got complaints. We've got a horrible budget, and bad online services.


The only schools I know of are on the west coast(for some reason all the schools I applied to other than CU were in the Oregon/Washington area. I have no idea how that worked out.)
If you equate 'fun' with 'different', then give the Evergreen State College a look. Evergreen has a fairly decent science program, or so I hear. Art and liturature-wise, not so much. But it's a fairly small school, so there's a lot of one on one with teachers, and a lot of independent learning. It's one of those schools where you can either be a good student and take a lot out of each class, or be a complete slacker and get nothing but can still graduate. Olyimpia's also a pretty neat little town. 
The University of Colorado is also a pretty darn decent school, but I'm bias because it's in my hometown, and I love Boulder to bits and pieces. However, it does have a reputation of being a 'party school'(I believe a few years ago there was five or so people that died of alchohol poisoning and several more alchohol related deaths. And riots. Oh the riots), so unless you're damn dedicated, it'd be pretty easy to get caught up in the party-scene.


Wow, Evergreen looks good! I like the idea of being able to work at my own pace. Then again, I have absolutely no ability to focus so I doubt I'd get much done... :B

So RJ, that's a no for SCU? :P


Quote from: insanekaosx on October 09, 2006, 07:06:09 PM
The only real way to get a grasp of the colleges woudl be to look 'em up yourself and see of you like them.
Thats really all I've got >> And good luck with your search. I know a couple friends of mine got to a school, and turned out hating the one they chose <<

Yup, been there.  On the surface of it, the Succubus-And-Incubus-Academy of the West of England in Bristol seemed to be a better choice than the others I visited, and it seemed okay until I did the year-in-industry.  It was very, very hard to go back to that place afterwards.  I didn't do very well in the finals.

This is almost certainly why I liked the Trapped-In-SAIA arc, because I can empathise with Dan.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Does anyone else have to pay to apply to a university, going through the university application at the moment and i'm keeping to the southern areas of the UK due to them being just better for my course


Quote from: mini-lion on October 10, 2006, 11:07:12 AM
Does anyone else have to pay to apply to a university, going through the university application at the moment and i'm keeping to the southern areas of the UK due to them being just better for my course

I didn't, but then it was about 11 years ago.  What course are you doing?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm tempted to recommend the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: mini-lion on October 10, 2006, 11:07:12 AM
Does anyone else have to pay to apply to a university, going through the university application at the moment and i'm keeping to the southern areas of the UK due to them being just better for my course

I thought everyone did o.o

Every college I've looked at has an application fee. Some waive it if you do the application online, however >>


Yeah, I remember having to pay application fees, too. I thought it was pretty standard.


Higher education is just their way of finding an excuse to steal ungodly amounts of money. 'strue.


A very high amount of money considering colelges are technically nonprofit... or I remember reading somewhere that they are...


Quote from: Anara on October 10, 2006, 03:08:04 AM
So RJ, that's a no for SCU? :P

You betcha >.< Unless you feel like hanging out with a dork like me. On the plus side though, we have a pretty awesome anime club.


Quote from: RJ on October 11, 2006, 01:03:29 AM
Quote from: Anara on October 10, 2006, 03:08:04 AM
So RJ, that's a no for SCU? :P

You betcha >.< Unless you feel like hanging out with a dork like me. On the plus side though, we have a pretty awesome anime club.

You can't be any bigger a dork than me :B
I have to admit I'm not a major anime fan althoug my japanese friend is starting to get me hooked  ~_^

As for costs, one of the reasons I've applied to universities in Aussie is the HECS scheme the government does. It makes everything much cheaper. I'll probably need to get a scholarship to attend uni in America because it's sooooooo expensive :<


 :U Cheap for you perhaps... not so cheap to someone like me. It's extremely hard to land a steady job in this town, not to mention a good place to stay (I'm lucky I stay with my parents, though the lack of a job has really been getting on their nerves). The way things are looking, I'm going to be paying AU$20000. If I don't pay it off, and get a job, then the second I start earning over $30000, then the government will take away any extra money I make until it's paid off. Haha... D:


QuoteWhat course are you doing?

computer science BS/c


Quote from: RJ on October 11, 2006, 08:15:58 AM
:U Cheap for you perhaps... not so cheap to someone like me. It's extremely hard to land a steady job in this town, not to mention a good place to stay (I'm lucky I stay with my parents, though the lack of a job has really been getting on their nerves). The way things are looking, I'm going to be paying AU$20000. If I don't pay it off, and get a job, then the second I start earning over $30000, then the government will take away any extra money I make until it's paid off. Haha... D:

Have you seen the costs of Uni in America? Some of the one's I've looked at have been over $35000! Not looking forwards to trying to pay my way through those ones...


Quote from: Anara on October 11, 2006, 05:34:09 PM
Quote from: RJ on October 11, 2006, 08:15:58 AM
:U Cheap for you perhaps... not so cheap to someone like me. It's extremely hard to land a steady job in this town, not to mention a good place to stay (I'm lucky I stay with my parents, though the lack of a job has really been getting on their nerves). The way things are looking, I'm going to be paying AU$20000. If I don't pay it off, and get a job, then the second I start earning over $30000, then the government will take away any extra money I make until it's paid off. Haha... D:

Have you seen the costs of Uni in America? Some of the one's I've looked at have been over $35000! Not looking forwards to trying to pay my way through those ones...

The lowest I've seen for a college is 25k, and thats without room and board and such, just tuition.

I'unno how much you need to give *info wise, you don't need to pay at all I dun think*, but has a decent amount of info on colleges in America. ITs mainly for signing up for the SATs and such, but thats besides the point.